The Damaged One (6 page)

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Authors: Mimi Harper

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: The Damaged One
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Augustus poured the last of the wine into Toby’s glass.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“Not my style,” he said. “I prefer my dates to be able to consent to whatever might come next.”

Toby blushed. “I suppose you’re referring to the goodnight kiss.”

“Is that what you call it?” Augustus cocked an eyebrow. “That kiss the other night seemed a little more like a greeting than a goodnight.”

Toby’s blush deepened, but she smiled. “You think you’re charming, don’t you?”

“I think I have enough experience to be able to tell the difference between chastity and desire.”

She lifted her glass and studied the fluid as it sparkled in the dim light of the restaurant. “You didn’t even know my name, then.”

“Now I do.”

“But you hardly know anything about me.”

“What do I need to know?”

Her eyes flashed to his and, for a brief moment, he thought there was something she wanted to say. She seemed to struggle with herself as she watched him, seemed to be evaluating him and how he might react to whatever she needed to say. But then she stopped, her eyes falling to the top of the table as a weight seemed to descend on her shoulders, causing them to sag slightly.

He wanted to reach over and grab her jaw, force her to look up so that he could force her to say whatever it was that had been on the tip of her tongue. But then she surprised him by looking up unbidden, her eyes swimming with unshed tears.

“I’m not the person you think I am.”

For a second, he thought she was talking about Jackie, about her role in Jackie’s death. It was like a rock had slammed into his chest. He sat back, his eyes never leaving hers. So many things began chasing themselves through his mind, half
-formed thoughts, questions, things he couldn’t even grab on to long enough to figure out what purpose they hoped to serve. Only one thought became solid, moved to his lips and fell onto the table between them.

“Then who are you?”

“I’m the kind of girl who fails at everything she was ever passionate about.” She reached up and rubbed at her cheek, her eyes falling to the table again. “I’m the girl who is scared to death to want anything, especially the way it felt when you…”

She stopped, the blush back on her cheeks as she quickly stood. “I think I should go,” she said.

Augustus could only watch as she turned and ran out of the restaurant. He picked up his glass, studied it for a minute, and then put it down.
Let her go,
he thought, let her go and do whatever it is she wants. He didn’t need this, didn’t need her to find out who the dealer was. He could figure it out on his own. He could go back to Denton, he could talk to—

And then he realized he really didn’t want to do it that way.

“Oh, hell,” he whispered to himself as he quickly stood, dropping a few bills on the table as he followed her path through the crowded restaurant.

He caught up to her halfway through the parking lot. He grabbed her arm and turned her around, trying to ignore the ache the sight of tears on her cheeks forced through his chest.


He wiped the tears from one cheek, then the other, as he pulled her close to his chest. Then he kissed her, unable to ignore his body’s quick response to the taste of wine on her lips, to the mixture of salt and moisture that was the hastily receding memory of her tears.
Tension flowed from her body as she responded to him, opening so that he could fill her with his need to taste more.

After a moment, he pulled back, the movement taking the willpower of a god. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered.

She nodded in mute agreement.

Chapter Fourteen



They couldn’t have gotten to her place
faster if he could have picked up the car and flown it across the city. His hotel was actually closer to the restaurant, but, despite his urgency, he didn’t want to take her there. He needed to do this in her place, in her world. He needed to make this about a means to an end. It couldn’t be personal.

Toby let them into the warehouse and began to walk around, fussing over a mess that didn’t exist. Augustus watched
from where he was leaning against the door, almost amused at her compulsive need to present him with a brushed-up facade. But it got boring pretty quickly.

ugustus crossed the room and took hold of her arm, turning her around to face him. “I didn’t come here to watch you clean,” he said.

“I know. I just

He cut her off as he, almost violently, claimed her lips. She grunted as he pulled her forward, roughly forcing her body against his. She was so beautiful, so soft in all the right places, so full of secrets that he wanted to discover. Despite the things she had done, the things she knew, he wanted this in a way that was new and almost desperate. It might have frightened him if he had stopped to think about. So he didn’t. He just rushed in, intent of conquering. He would worry about the consequences later.

Augustus buried his fingers in her hair, pulling her head around to give him the best angle to explore her mouth. There was so much to taste, to feel. Every time he found a new spot to search, another made itself known. The touch of her hands on his back, her fingers wrapping themselves in his shirt to pull him closer, only made his focus that more intent. That primal side of him that always came to the forefront in moments like this screamed for release, begged to feel her naked body writhing against his, her voice raised in screams as he drove her over the edge of pleasure.

She was so tiny, Augustus practically had to bend double to kiss her. So he lifted her, wrapping his arms around her little waist as he turned, searching for a place to set her. He needed to brace her against something, needed resistance to build friction.
The counter seemed to call out to him, taking them back to where they had left off just a few days before.

Toby automatically spread her legs as he set her down, welcoming him into the curves of her thighs. He slid his hands up the outside of those beautiful thighs, slipping them under the rough material of her skirt in search of that treasure only a woman can offer. His fingers tripped over the edges of her panties even as they sank underneath, reveling in the feel of bare skin. Her ass was so tight, the muscle flexing as he pushed his hands deeper underneath the weight of her body, welcoming his touch with little movements meant to give him more access.

Her throat was like melted ice cream, the taste of her perfume and the lotion she had rubbed into her skin just hours before mixing into a heady sensation that made his tongue tingle. He slid his tongue from her chin to the base of her throat and back again, enjoying the sounds of pleasure that slipped from her lips even as she dug her fingers into his hair and guided him to her many erogenous zones. The spot behind her ear seemed to be especially sensitive, eliciting a soft moan each time his breath blew against it.

“I want you,” he whispered into her ear even as his fingers tangled in the waistband of her panties and began tugging them down. “I want to make you cum.”

Toby’s body stiffened against his for a brief second, her hips pressing down into the counter to trap her panties against her body. At the same time, her hands, the fingers still tangled in his hair, pulled his face to hers. Almost shyly she peppered his chin with teeny kisses, moving from his chin to his throat, to the small Adam’s apple bobbing with his every breath. Augustus grunted, standing still to allow her to explore. He closed his eyes, the sensation of her touch sending him a little closer to that cliff toward which they were both headed.

He tugged at her panties again. This time she didn’t fight him. She released her hold on him, allowed him to step back as she lifted her leg and watched him pull the material slowly over the curve of her thigh, the angle of her knee, the sharp jut of her ankle. He never moved his eyes from her face, never let his attention move from her need. It was the only way he could keep control.

Augustus slid his hands up her thighs again, burying them under the material of her skirt so intently that he pushed her skirt high up on her hips. Her hands fell to her lap, covering the peek of pubic hair that revealed itself there. He couldn’t help but smile, amused by her sudden chastity. “I’m going to see it eventually,” he whispered as he moved in for another taste of that sensitive little spot behind her ear.

“Augustus,” she whispered, her voice more moan than anything else.

“Say it again,” he grunted.

“Augustus,” she cried as he wrapped his hands around her hips and jerked her forward, forcing his erection hard against her.

Hmm, her smell was driving him crazy. He buried his face against her neck, nibbling at her skin as he drew in deep breaths of her scent. That primal side was coming out again, pushing him, driving his desire to a breaking point. He reached between their bodies and began to tug at the zipper that was the only thing keeping him from taking exactly what he wanted.

“Augustus,” she said a third time. There was urgency in her voice that he didn’t, at first, understand. But then her hands were on his wrists, pulling them from satisfaction.

He pulled back and looked at her. Naked desire was written all over her face. But there was fear and hesitation there, as well. His cock ached, it was straining so hard against the material of his slacks that he thought it might burst through at any moment. He couldn’t stop now, couldn’t keep his tenuous hold on his control much longer. And yet…the fear spoke to something deeper than his need to thrust himself inside her.

He cupped her face in his hand, pulling her closer to him. He slid his lips over hers. “I want you,” he whispered again. “And I know you want me.”

“I do,” she whispered, her words making his cock even harder, if that was possible.

“Then what’s wrong?”

She shook her head, a personification of confusion if he had ever seen one. And then an idea pierced the fog of arousal, making him step back just slightly.

“You’re not a virgin.”

She blushed, but she shook her head. That brought a wave of relief. Augustus had never been with a virgin and this was not a situation where he wanted to break that pattern. He was willing to hurt her, but not like that. He had some scruples.

“Then what?”

“It’s just,” she tipped her head down, her eyes falling to the front of his slacks. “It’s been a long time.”

Augustus dropped his hands to the top of the counter, pressing himself against her for a long second, resting his head on the top of hers. Then he scooped her up, almost as though she were a child, and carried her to that oh, so inviting bed in the corner.

They lay side by side, fully dressed. Augustus stared into her eyes for a minute, wishing he didn’t want her as badly as he did. He should just walk out of here. He didn’t deserve the trust that was suddenly radiating from her amazing eyes. But he did want her. He wanted to touch her, he wanted to feel the silkiness of her skin, the curves that were hidden from the rest of the world but would be revealed to him. He wanted to taste every nuance, every crevice, every orifice. He wanted to know if her cunt would be as much like a jar of honey as her mouth had been.

Their lips met again. But he didn’t thrust, didn’t even try to urge her lips apart. He didn’t want to push her up that cliff faster than she was willing to go. So he kissed her, like a teenager stealing his first taste of sexuality, as he slid his hand over the curve of her jaw.
Toby turned into him, laying a tentative hand over his pounding heart, her fingers shaking almost to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

He slid his fingers gently into her hair, combing through it almost like a friend, enjoying the feel of her silky tresses as they fell like a waterfall over his fingers.
She sighed, her tongue making the bold move of pressing against his lips, urging him to take a little more. He followed her lead, opening to her as she had done to him earlier. Again, her touch was tentative, but she became bolder as he welcomed her inside with a tiny tug, a sucking motion that allowed him to taste everything she had to give.

He slid his hand down her neck, over the bones that appeared and disappeared with the movement of her arms. He could feel her ribs under layers of clothing, could feel the thickness of her hipbone when his hand followed the contours of her side. And that ass, so full and tone, so begging for a man’s touch. But he made himself stop there. For now.

Her hand began to explore, too. His body screamed out for her touch and she seemed to know that, seemed to know that caressing his pecs, his biceps, was only teasing the animal inside of him. Control was something he had always prided himself on. No one needed to know what went on inside his head, no one needed to see the emotions that drove him. But this woman…she was pushing him to a place he had never gone. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold on.

He pulled away from her kiss even as she leaned forward, trying to keep that connection. He pushed her down, exposing her throat. He felt the catch in her breathing when he buried his teeth in the tender skin just above her shoulder, felt her gulp when he ran his tongue over the edge of that skin in his mouth.
He released her and she moaned as he moved to her other shoulder, drew a tiny piece of skin into his mouth there. And then he moved to that hollow between her collar bones, sliding his tongue under the collar of her sweater, the straining buttons of her blouse.

His hand, still
lying idly on her hip moved upward, coming to rest on a single breast. It was so full, so much more than most of the women he had been with. Toby’s curves were anything but boyish, her breasts so much more than a handful. And he could feel her nipple straining against the layers of her clothing, aching to touch and be touched, just like his cock. He pulled back so he could see her eyes, and again saw that trust there. He could have ripped off her clothes and ravished her at that moment and he was sure she wouldn’t have tried to stop him. The moment of resistance had passed.

But now…it was like a game he couldn’t stop playing.

He captured her lips again, entering her to explore all the places that were slowly becoming so familiar. She rose up, pressing her tongue as deep into his mouth as he had his, her need growing in intensity every second they touched. He squeezed her breast before releasing it, sliding his hand around her ribs to pull her even closer against him. She sighed when he broke their kiss once more to taste the curve of her jaw, the delicate lobe of her ear. Her hand caught in the front of his shirt, tugging at the buttons that kept her from touching his heated skin. He pulled back, half sitting so he could remove the obstacle for her. She bit her lip as she watched, before she sat up and pulled off the sweater hiding her own secrets. He watched, his cock pounding with every heartbeat. But when she reached for the buttons of her blouse, he pulled her hands away.

“Not yet,” he said as he pushed her back down against the mattress.

“It’s okay—” she began to say, but whatever was supposed to follow was lost when he returned to her side, his mouth immediately seeking hers.

He rolled into her, pressing his cock hard against her hip so there would be no mistaking his intentions. Her hands immediately came around him, her fingers warm against the hot flesh of his back. She slid her hands over the tight muscles of his shoulders, the angles and bumps of muscles and tendons and scar tissue along his spine.
As his hand slid down her hip and began searching for the top of her thigh, she became bold and pushed a few fingers under the waistband of his slacks.

Augustus couldn’t catch his breath as he felt her fingers explore the top of his ass, moving slowly around to his hips. He broke their kiss and buried his face between the soft mounds of her breasts. The buttons of her blouse were so strained against her heaving chest that they easily popped free as his chin pressed against them. Without effort, he discovered that he had exposed the lacy edges of her black bra and the deep valley between those beautiful breasts.

He reached back and grabbed her hands, pulling them above her head and trapping them there. With his free hand, he tugged at her blouse until the rest of the buttons came free. He ran one finger, then another, over the exposed skin above a bra cup. She sighed, giving voice to the tension that was threatening to explode inside of him. He followed the finger with his tongue, eager to taste, but wanting to prolong her misery just as she had his.

His hand fell to her thigh even as his tongue continued to fight for a tiny taste of one of those luscious nipples. She knew what he wanted, knew what his fingers were hunting for. She bent her knee, moved her hip to the side. But, again, he knew she wanted it as much as he, so he waited. Instead, he caressed the inside of her thigh, ran h
is fingers along the soft, moist crease where her thigh met her cunt. And then he swirled his fingers in hair, allowing his fingers to scrape against the very top of her thick, outer lips, but never really touching them.

Toby grunted, strained against his body as she tried to roll her hips. But he had her trapped, his leg resting on top of hers, his body pressed hard across her chest. He bit a nipple through the material of her bra as his fingers grazed back to her thigh, back to that moist crease. He moved from her breasts, burying his face in her neck as he grabbed her ass and pulled her body into his. She quickly wrapped her leg around his waist, pulling her hip up to meet his cock in perfect alignment. He pressed hard against her, his cock straining so painfully against her body that for a minute he thought he might
have lost that thin thread he still had on his control.

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