The Do Over (37 page)

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Authors: A. L. Zaun

BOOK: The Do Over
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With two minutes to go, I slumped back in my chair and sucked down half of my diet soda in one sip. I pulled out my body splash and spritzed myself. While cooling down, I closed my eyes and did a few yoga-breathing exercises. I glanced up, and sure enough, I saw Macy strutting her way over. I fanned myself with the menu.
I made it.

" Macy flipped her hair back as she sat down. "What the hell's wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?" I drank the rest of my diet soda. I smiled at Françoise and raised my empty glass to him. "It's hot."

"Are you like in menopause or something? Having a hot flash? The weather's kind of nice." She started looking through the menu.

Perusing the menu but ordering the same exact thing every single time was part of our ritual.

"Oh, please. It's a sauna out here. It has to be at least a hundred degrees. And my hormones are fine," I huffed. "I started the pill last week. You know what that means?"

"Girl, check your hormones. Talk to your doctor. That pill is screwing with your thermostat. It's eighty degrees." Then, she leaned toward me, placing her elbows on the table. "Are you going to tell me anything juicy? Please? I'm dying here in this dead zone."

"You're still on probation."

I couldn't tell her anything personal about Liam, and there was no way on earth I would talk to her about Rick. Not only did she hate his guts, but I also knew that she would break the code of silence to protect me from harming myself. She wouldn't understand.

I had to deal with this myself, and I felt confident I could handle it. It wasn't that bad. If Rick were really dangerous, he would've already made his move. What he'd said was true. He was no threat. The worst thing that could happen would be Liam getting pissed off because I didn't tell him sooner. But, really, Rick and I hadn't done anything wrong, and I wasn't taking my Rick-crap out on Liam anymore. It was win-win for all involved. All of this was reconciled in my head in a matter of seconds.

"Throw me a freaking bone. I've been so good. I promise I won't say a thing. Please. Test me," Macy pleaded.

"Nope." I craned my neck, looking down the road. "Where's Candace? She's late."

Macy grabbed the iced tea Françoise had brought her. "This guy's amazing. He actually remembered what I ordered last week. Too bad we're not coming back while Candace is gone."

"What do you mean? We're going keep coming. It's a tradition," I insisted.

"Dani, I see you all the time, so I don't need to keep waking up early just to drag my ass over here. I could be in bed with Chris right now." She juggled her hands up and down as she said, "You. Chris. You. Chris." She laughed. "I know the whole chicks-before-dicks thing, but seriously, he's got a fabulous dick. Remember, I'm addicted to it. By the way, how's Liam's dick?"

"We're going to keep coming," I snapped and then sipped my fresh diet soda. "No pun intended. And Liam's dick is a-dick-tive. Now that I'm on the pill, we can be even more spontaneous."

"Don't tell me he's a bore in bed," Macy deadpanned. "That man is too gorgeous to have a limp dick. After that near CPR orgasm, I'd be so disappointed if he didn't know how to use it."

"Macy, if this is your way of fishing for information, you're shit out of luck." I raised my eyebrow before polishing off my second diet soda and signaling Francoise for a refill. "Liam is a keeper. When Candace arrives, I'll let you know how the inquisition went, and then I might share another little development involving him."

"You need to slow down with that soda." She matched my raised eyebrow. "You're drinking that poison like it's water. Your kidneys must really hate you. I know I do right now since you're being such a tease."

"Now, this is what I love to see," Candace said as she dropped her purse on the table and pulled out her chair. She straightened up her table setting as Françoise made his way over with her water and bowl of lemon. "My two besties are getting along like the sisters they are. I can go to Jacksonville in peace now. I need details, and hand me the menu."

Françoise brought over our orders and refilled our beverages before we even put our menus down. He made sure that our time together was seamlessly perfect.

Surprisingly, the temperature was dramatically dropping. I looked up and noticed that the palms were swaying against the bright blue sky pebbled with white clouds. The reprieve and comfort I'd sought was found as we dined on the sidewalk of Lincoln Road. It was a pleasant Saturday morning at Van Dyke's with my friends. Yes, life was good, and everything was falling into place perfectly.


I limped into the lobby with my leg fucking hurting like hell.
"Good morning, Walter."

"Good morning, Mr. Marin. Are you okay?"

I nodded. If I did anything more, I was going to explode with every single vulgar expletive I'd held in while Daniela had tortured me with that damn stretch. The only thing that had gotten me through that punishment was the fact that my leg had brushed up against her tit while her hands had been holding on to me for dear life.
She'd looked hot on top of me. I could picture her riding my dick while my hands reached up to squeeze her tits.

"Ms. Stuart is expecting you by the pool. Take the east elevator up to the fourth floor, and follow the hallway to the end. You'll see the entrance for the pool deck," Walter informed me.

I'd never ventured past the lobby. This could be Madison's olive branch. We'd barely spoken yesterday. Except for the obligatory good-morning greeting, we had run in complete silence. I was still fucking pissed off at her. I didn't know why what she had done bothered me.
Why the hell do I care who she fucks?
Maybe I was jealous that she was getting laid while I was jerking off. She didn't have to rub it in my face.

This morning, I'd started run with a sprint. When I'd felt the sharp pain in the back of my leg, barely able to put my weight on it, I'd automatically called Madison. If I had called my mom, she would've sent the paramedics. In a good and unexpected turn of events, Daniela had shown up and nursed me back to health. I owed her my life. Madison, was just a fucking bitch.

I'd called Madison because I was a glutton for punishment.

"Maddy, I'm dying. I need your help," I said in pain and suffering.

She sighed heavily. "What did you do now?"

"I pulled my fucking hamstring. Show some compassion." I winced. "I dragged myself to the fountain. I'm lying here and can't move. I need you to rescue me."

"Rick, for crying out loud. This is a golden opportunity. Be a man and suck it up, work it to your advantage. Then, come see me."

So, here I was, riding the elevator to go see her. Like a motherfucking-son-of-a-bitch idiot, I was following her orders. She better not have some asshole with her. As far as I was concerned, I'd graduated from the Madison Stuart School of Castrating Rick with an A+.

I pushed open the door that led out to the pool. The sun was bright, and the deck overlooked the bay. Lounge chairs surrounded the pool, and there she was, the lone sunbather in her tiny bikini. With each debilitating step I took, I hated her more.

I stood in front of her. Blocking her exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays, I thought she should be grateful that there would be one less fucking wrinkle she'd have to deal with. To the right of her, there was a bucket with ice, a couple of water bottles, and Advil on a small table.

"Good morning, Madison." My words were laced with venom.

"Good morning, Rick. Take this," she said, pointing to the table. She didn't even bother to open her eyes. "Then, get in the pool."

I did as I was told because I had become her fucking lapdog. I sat down slowly on the lounge chair next to her, stifling the grunt of pain that begged to escape. As I took off my shoes and socks, she glanced over at me.

I wiggled my eyebrows. "You want to watch me take off my clothes?"

She rolled her eyes and closed them again. "Leave your shorts on. This isn't a private pool."

Even though I hated her, I had to admit that she had the hottest little body. Her bikini left little to the imagination.

I took off my shirt and turned to glance at her as I stepped into the crystal blue cold-as-shit water. Madison came over and sat on the side of the pool, dipping her feet.

I waded over to her. "I'm pissed off at you, and I know this is going to make me the biggest asshole ever, but I hate you half the time."

"Yeah, I know," she said flatly, staring past me. "The feeling's mutual. You need to let it go and focus on what's important. Only two things matter right now—your leg and how it went with Daniela."

I stood between her legs and placed my hands on them. She cocked her head to the side and smiled softly.

"I hurt my leg because I didn't warm up. Daniela nursed me. I didn't even have to ask her to do anything. It's in her nature to take care of me. It's only a matter of time. She has to get over her fixation that she's in love with that idiot. She's enamored with him, but what we had was intense and deep."

Madison's smile faded as she looked away. "The Advil should help your leg. I'll ice it for you when you get out of the pool." She glanced back toward me, showing no emotions. "I'm glad that Daniela is falling into place. Soon, you'll have everything you wanted."

She started to get up, but I held her down.

"Maddy, why do you hate me?"

I ran my fingers up and down her thighs, drawing designs. It was the most natural thing to do. Her legs were soft and toned with a sun-kissed tan. She shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

I tilted her face toward me. "You're my best friend. When I was dying, you were the first person I thought of even though I hated your guts and blamed you for my injury."

She laughed. "So, it's all my fault? Oh, Rick." She tossed her head back, shaking it.

When her neck elongated, I wondered how many mouths had licked, nipped, and bitten down on it.
. I wondered what it tasted like. Her hair waved from side to side, begging to be pulled and tugged.

"I hate your inability to stay focused, and these tantrums have to go. You don't trust me even though everything I've done for you has worked. I haven't cut off your dick. I've given it a second chance. And the thanks I get? An ungrateful, entitled, spoiled asshole. When are you going to get it through that gorgeous thick head of yours that I'm Team Rick?" She reached over, tousling my hair.

My eyes followed the path my hands were making up her thighs. When they came to rest on her waist, I looked up, and I fucking smiled. It wasn't a big smile or anything like that. It just felt good to touch a woman's body. It was even better because I was touching her. I wanted to keep moving my hands until I pulled down the tiny triangle over her tit. I wanted to feel her nipple get hard between my fingers.
. My dick was hard. I had to stop because my hands slowly moved up her back and my fingers were starting to toy with the dangling string holding her top on.

She shifted her eyes to the side before settling them on mine. She gave me a bashful look as her lips parted into a playful pout. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought she looked innocent. This was a joke, of course, because I knew under my hands was a vixen, siren, and man-eating whore. But, for a brief moment, I saw her, and I couldn't stay mad anymore.

"Maddy, I don't want to fight with you." I didn't want her to know that she'd gotten to me. I straightened my shoulders and cleared my head of the images of Maddy's body under mine. I got serious. "So, let's agree that you aren't going to piss me off again."

"You're impossible." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Let's go, so I can ice down your leg." She got up, shaking her ass as she walked to her lounge chair.

As I got out of the pool and walked over, I caught her checking me out.
Yes, Maddy wants me in the worst way.

"You need to make this up to me. I have limited access to Daniela, and I spent this last time in pain and suffering."

As I was lying face down, she put the ice on my leg.

, that's cold."

"I owe you nothing. The balance on the account is the other way around," she said.

"You do, and you'll do what I ask you to do." As I turned my face to the side, I yelped when Madison put pressure on my hamstring.
She's a damn sadist.
"I need you, babe. I want you to help me push Daniela over the edge."

"Rick, you're an asshole. I won't do anything I don't want to do. Daniela was a little Florence Nightingale, coming to your rescue and taking care of you. It was poetic and perfect. You should thank me and maybe even build a shrine in my honor. Let's say that I am crazy enough to buy into your bullshit. It wouldn't work. I don't run in Daniela's circles. I don't even do that girlfriend thing. It's for weak women who can't stand on their own two feet as they rely on the camaraderie of others to get through life."

"Damn, you're bitter. Maybe you would benefit from meeting her. She might warm up the ice in your veins."

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