The Do Over (41 page)

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Authors: A. L. Zaun

BOOK: The Do Over
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Dani and I had both taken some time off from work this week. The plan was to surprise my mom for Christmas. She had been begging me to visit her for months. Dani had already met her through an online video chat, but they were both excited to meet in person. I shook my head, thinking of some of their conversations. I never knew my mom was a reader. Everything would have worked out perfectly if she and my stepdad hadn't decided to break with tradition and plan a romantic getaway so our trip was postponed for a later date.

Secretly, I was relieved. I wanted to have Dani to myself for a few days, so everything had worked out perfectly. We were going to spend Christmas Eve, or
, with her family, and then she would be all mine.

Unlike Thanksgiving, there was no interrogation. Her mother was momentarily satisfied with my devotion to her daughter, and her father treated me like the son he didn't have. We shared beers and roasted the pig as we told stories of times past. Her dad loved hearing about my rescue stories. Dani, on the other hand, cringed and unsuccessfully tried to change the subject. The rest of her family welcomed me with open arms, especially her grandmother. She apparently needed another picture for her Facebook friends.

The festivities were coming to an end, and it was almost midnight by the time we left. The roads were quiet as we made our way home. Home was my place. Dani had started staying there more often. She'd said she needed to feel close to me while I was on duty. She'd admitted that my place brought her comfort, and she didn't worry as much when she was there. I loved walking in, smelling her sweet perfume, and seeing her girlie things all over the place. Most of all, I adored finding her curled up under my covers. I'd slip in behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. What I hated was stressing her out.

I loved being a firefighter. It was who I was. Every shift offered an adventure. It was an opportunity to do something great and beat the challenge ahead of me. There was nothing more satisfying than saving someone's life, making a difference, and beating death at his merciless game. Some days, we would lose, and those would be hard times. Other days, we would sit and play cards, watch sports, or work out. They were my family, and that was my house.

After Natalie had died, work had become my coping mechanism. It had become my norm. I'd worked a lot. I'd needed to be around what made me feel alive.

It wasn't fair to Dani though. She didn't deserve to sleep alone. She'd wear my T-shirt and hug my pillow to feel close to me. Those things were fucking sexy, but I preferred her in my arms, feeling safe and at ease.

I'd talked to Captain about making some schedule changes. Starting Friday, I'd be back to working a twenty-four hour shift with seventy-two hours off. I understood the need for downtime, but there was no way I could go cold turkey for seventy-two hours. So, just to wean myself off of the intense work schedule I had become used to, I'd be heading up some drills at the academy. I'd also do some boring administrative shit, like fire inspections, a couple of days a week for a few hours.

If it meant giving Dani a little more peace of mind, I was willing to compromise. I'd do anything for her.

As usual, our hands were laced together, but tonight, Dani was hugging my arm as well. She'd been a bit clingy throughout the day. I wouldn't have minded it, but I knew her better. Plus, my arm had fallen asleep and felt numb. Something was weighing on her my mind. She'd talk when she was ready. It took everything in me to give her the space she needed to
her stuff. After all, it was Christmas. The last thing I wanted to do was fight with her. Right now, the plan was to reassure her as much as possible.

I leaned over and kissed the top of head. "You're quiet tonight."

"I don't know what's wrong with me." She sighed. "I must've caught the bah humbug."

I laughed as I pulled into the parking spot. I swiveled toward her, releasing myself from her vice grip. I tipped up her chin. "Bah humbug? Oh, my little Scrooge. How could the woman who had me go to twenty lots to look for the perfect tree, decorated our living room to look like Santa's Enchanted Forest, and snuck around to try to find her presents have the bah humbug?"

"You're wrong. It was only three lots, and I haven't been peeking." She crossed her arms. She tried to hold back her smile, but her eyes twinkled, giving her away.

I shook my head and laughed. I knew she'd been peeking. I kept my drawers pretty neat, but when everything was perfect, I knew there were little fingers searching around.

As, I opened the front door and flipped the switch to turn on the Christmas tree lights, I was momentarily blinded. It was something like Chevy Chase's
Christmas Vacation.
Okay, I exaggerated. The tree was beautiful, and Dani had done an amazing job with decorating it and making it perfect. I breathed in deeply, taking in the refreshing scent. Our living room smelled like pine. Yes, this was
home, and I loved thinking of it like that. When the time was right, we'd make it official.

For now, I was letting her take the lead. I knew where we were headed. I'd always known, but Dani needed to do things in her own timing. When she was ready, I knew she would dive right in with no regrets and no looking back. Until then, she would just dip her toes in the water, contemplating every single obstacle—which was usually her fears and insecurities—standing between her and what she wanted.

I tossed the keys on the counter. Laying my phone down, I saw the time. When I turned around, Dani wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my chest.

Pulling her in tighter, I whispered in her ear, "Merry Christmas, baby."

She looked up at me with her eyes sparkling, and I could feel her heart racing. Her face brightened. There it was, the smile that had stolen my heart and kept it captive.

"Merry Christmas," she said softly. "This is my favorite place in the world."

"The living room is your favorite place? And here I thought we could travel to exotic places," I teased, stroking her hair.

"Well, actually, I do love this room with all its dude decor. Give me another month, and I'll have it chickified." She squeezed me. "Seriously, being with you is my favorite place. Anywhere. It doesn't matter. Nothing else matters. Don't take that as a discouragement to travel to exotic places. I'm up for that also as long as I'm with you."

She had me wrapped around her little finger. I looked at her with adoration. "That's because this right here, wherever we are, is
." I swayed with her in my arms, rocking to the melody in my heart. "I think you need to look up." I pointed. "It seems a little bah-humbug elf strategically placed mistletoe right above your head."

She looked up, crinkling the cutest bunny nose. "The nerve of that little elf. I think you paid her off. This must be the only way you can get a kiss."

I could tell my playful girl felt safe. She ran her hands up my chest, wrapping them around my neck, as she pulled my mouth down over hers. Her tongue toyed with my lower lip. I brought my hands to her face, gently stroking her cheeks with my thumbs. Her lips parted, and I slipped my tongue in her mouth and kissed her with everything I had in me to give. She met me stroke for stroke. The heat between us was combustible, and the passion was intense. I needed to start shedding some of my clothes fast. As sappy as it sounded, the love between us was powerful.

When I pulled back from her, my lips missed her. My dick was aching for her, and I wanted to make love to her. I was out of breath as my heart pounded in my chest. She owned me.

"Best Christmas present ever," I panted.

"Wow, you're cheap," she said, trying to catch her breath. "I should return the gifts I bought you." She giggled as she weaved her fingers inside my shirt.

At this rate, we would never exchange our gifts. I was about twenty seconds away from throwing her on the couch and having my way with her.

"Cheap? Not even close. That kiss was priceless. The passion, the heart, the woman. I'd give my life for you." Now, I was about fifteen seconds away from putting her up on the counter. It was the closest surface.

Then she looked at me with those big brown eyes that said, "Fuck me." They might have been saying, "I love you, please make mad passionate love to me." All I knew was that my dick was on high alert. The alarms were sounding, and I needed her.

I kissed her like a man starved for his next meal. My hands were in her hair while hers were in my shirt. All my blood went south.

She pulled back and led me to the Christmas tree. "This way, Romeo."

I had no problem making love to her on the floor in front of the tree. I pictured her naked with the tiny lights reflecting off of her body. I'd lick every spot that flickered.

She grabbed the remote and quickly turned on Christmas
music. It was nice but unnecessary. I was already in the mood. I wrapped my arm around her waist and dragged her back into me. She fell into my chest, giggling, as she tossed her head to the side.

I was like one of those vampires, zeroing in on my source of life. I licked, sucked, and nipped her neck. She whimpered, and her body trembled. My pants were about to tear apart like the Incredible Hulk.

She turned around, hooking her hand on my neck.

I cradled her in my arms. "I love you, baby." I leaned my forehead against hers. "We're going to open gifts later, right?"

She drove me insane. It wasn't the way Mr. Hurst had explained it in sixth-grade health class. Well, it was, but it was more than that. My dick and heart would collide, and my desire for her would become more than just a physical ache and throb. When I would look into her eyes, she'd reach in and grab hold of me. I would crave her lips like someone would need a tall glass of water in the desert. But the most out-of-this-world amazing moment would be when I was inside of her. We literally would become one. I didn't know that I wasn't a whole person until I was with her.

She placed a feather-light kiss on my lips. "Nope. Opening gifts now."

My brain failed to compute. My hands reached down and played with the hem of her dress as I caressed her thigh. My lips grazed her jaw while her trembling hands held my face.

Breathing heavily, she said, "Liam, look at me." Her eyes were wild. "Presents now."

Holding her in a tight embrace, I kissed the top of her head. I wanted to kiss other parts of her body, mainly between her legs, but I loved my girl more than I loved my dick. My dick was taking one for the team. I closed my eyes and slowed my own breathing. I willed myself to think of other things.
ESPN. Her eyes on fire. NFL playoffs. Her panting. SportsCenter. I love her more than my dick.

"Okay, we'll do gifts now, but I don't guarantee your safety after gifts."

"Who said I wanted to be safe?" Her eyes danced playfully. "Danger's my middle name," she sassed. "But first, I do want to give you my gifts, so sit down."

As the music played softly in the background, the glimmer from the Christmas lights almost made her look angelic. Pulling her hair to one side, Dani kneeled by the tree and picked up a large box.

"I don't think I've ever seen you look so beautiful before."

"More beautiful than I was in CPR class?" she asked, coyly.

I smiled, nodding. She was breathtaking. Her eyes caught my gaze.

"Love ya," she said as a sweet smile touched her eyes.

In that instant, I fell in love with her all over again.



As morning came, I slipped out of bed, leaving Dani fast asleep. The living room floor was covered in wrapping paper. We hadn't had time to clean up. I had been busy enjoying my favorite gift of all—loving her. The courtside Heat versus Lakers tickets were a close second, but nothing compared to the feeling of being one with her. When I found what I was looking for, I slipped back into bed.

Whatever had been on her mind yesterday had vanished after we had gotten home. While she slept peacefully, I bent my elbow, resting my head on my hand, as I watched her back rise up and down slowly. I gently pulled her hair off of her face and stared. Today, I wasn't just being a sap. I wanted to see her reaction when she saw it.

After patiently waiting a good twenty minutes, I felt justified in waking her up. I nuzzled my face against her neck. "Good morning, baby." I kissed her softly, my tongue traveling along her chin.

Her body leaned back into my chest. "Five more minutes," she whispered.

She snooze-buttoned me!
I threw my head back in disbelief. I wouldn't accept defeat. It was Christmas morning, and she still had one gift she hadn't opened. As I nibbled on her ear, I brought my hand around her waist. My fingers traced designs on her belly and then moved up between her tits. She squirmed under my touch, rubbing up against me.

"Merry Christmas, Sleeping Beauty. Time to wake up," I whispered into her ear.

"Good morning," she mumbled, stretching.

As her eyes fluttered opened, she focused on the gold ribbon on top of the red box. She rubbed her eyes, and a wide grin spread across her face. Grabbing it, she rolled over, and I looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

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