The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance (46 page)

BOOK: The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance
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Fenceway Park was lit by a huge full moon and Emma was amazed at how much light was given off by such a little thing. As it was she hadn’t been able to rest or eat because she was so nervous about how everything was going to go.


She had ridden over in a car that was not usually used because she refused to ride with any of them. She didn’t want to be that close to these fuckers and no one wanted to ride with an unwilling partner. One wrong move and they’d both be kissing the asphalt. Joe had grumbled all the way but she gave not a single shit about him wanting to look cool driving up to the spot that may be her last. All Emma could think was that if this was going to be her last night Joe wasn’t going to be the last man in between her legs.


It seemed like everyone was set up and they were just waiting for Rafe to get here. They were all standing next to their motorcycles and they looked like they were ready to do business. This didn’t seem like an innocent talk like they’d told her.


“Get out of the car, Emma.” It was clear from his tone that Joe was pissed off, but she couldn’t give a rat’s ass what he was worried about. Her life was on the line. This one meeting on this one night could change the way her life went forever and all time.


She got out and wondered what the plan was. Emma knew her part was to act like she didn’t know Rafe and she hoped she could pull it off, because she missed him and couldn’t wait to see him again, but this was the part of a lifetime and she couldn’t afford to blow it.


Rafe pulled up alone and Emma hoped she didn’t throw up. It hadn’t occurred to her that he’d arrive alone. What the hell was he thinking? She watched the man get off his bike and secure it before taking off his helmet and getting ready to walk over. She couldn’t help the dread that filled her body.


The sound in the distance sounded like a swarm of bees at first but the noise grew louder and louder as what looked like the whole group of Mountain Tribesmen roared onto the field. It was a spectacular site to see so many people coming to see what was going on. She did her best to watch the whole situation but she was riveted for a minute by Rafe’s face. He’d expected to meet these men alone and was as shocked as the Reapers seemed to be by the amount of people present in his defense.


All the Reapers got off their bikes and walked to meet Rafe and his crew and everyone looked hostile.


“Well here I am. What do you want?” Rafe’s strong clear voice could be heard as if he had a microphone.


“I want to know why you came to help Emma. It was her phone I texted you on so don’t tell me you don’t know her.” Joe was trying very hard to make his voice as loud as Rafe’s but Emma couldn’t really concentrate on that as she didn’t know how Rafe was going to answer the question.


“We were in the same foster home at different times we’ve talked briefly a few times, but I’ve talked to several of your club girls. What’s the fuss about?”


“You know what the damn fuss is about. I want you to admit you and Emma killed Mark. Then I want a life for his,” Joe said loudly to the crowd.


“You have been causing all this commotion because you want to know what happened to Mark? Why don’t you ask her?” Rafe nodded towards her and she didn’t have to pretend to be shocked because that was what she truly felt. It looked as though Rafe was going to pin this on her and she didn’t know that pain came in this form. Her heart hurt… physically hurt from his words and accusations. She looked around and Fat J was standing on her right side looking at her with disgust.


She could barely catch her breath but everyone was looking at her like she was supposed to say something.


“It’s true that I wasn’t the fondest of Mark but I didn’t send anyone to kill him.” Emma’s voice wasn’t as strong as either of the voices that had been uttered before hers and she shook with fear.


“It sounds like while you were looking for me, the person you needed to find was right under your nose.”


In the distance police sirens could be heard and Joe grabbed her arm.


“If you want a life for your friend Mark’s I’ll give you one.” Rafe’s words were loud and sharp. She turned around and he had a gun pointed at her. She didn’t know what plan this was but it sucked big time. There wasn’t time to say anything before she was shot. She didn’t even know what he’d hit but her last thought before she went down was that she didn’t think he’d do something like that to her.





The noise of the gun was deafening, but the look of betrayal on Emma’s face was one he didn’t think he’d ever forget. The police sirens were getting louder and the crowd was dispersing. He was supposed to get on his bike and go to Fat J’s house but it was killing him to leave Emma on the ground like that.


The stern look from Fat made him turn and leave. This was a fucked up plan but it better work. He’d done his part the rest was up to Fat J.


When he’d got to his bike Aaron was waiting for him and he could tell he wasn’t going to stop until he had his say. The man looked pissed and the rest of the crew would barely look at him. The police were going to be there within seconds but they wouldn’t be able to catch most of them. Rafe got on his bike and roared off into the night feeling like he could get sick at any moment so he took off his helmet to get some air.


When they were about 20 minutes away from the planned mind fuck that Fat J had created he was steered off the road into a truck stop by a few of his members. He parked and turned to see Aaron coming his way. Bracing himself for whatever came he knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. Aaron swung at him with one of those beefy hands and connected with a sweet spot. They didn’t call him Blood Thirst for nothing. Rafe stood there willing to take whatever was coming his way.


He’d done a lot to the crew… leaving them stranded and not knowing what was going on and then with them having to deal with the after math of what he’d done with Emma and Mark. They’d been fighting for him during the last few weeks when he was nowhere to be found that in and of itself was enough to beat him up over.


“Why did you do that, Rafe? I was under the impression you wanted to be with her not kill her in the middle of a field.” Aaron sounded winded and Rafe knew it was from the rage that was building inside him not the physical exertion he’d expelled from the punch. .


“It was part of the plan but hopefully the second part will work out and this will be a story you can tell around the camp fire.”


“Is Emma dead?”


“God, I hope not.” Rafe wanted to get to Emma but knew he’d have to clear this up. “You need to tell everyone that you banished me from the club. That way the Reapers have no beef with us.”


“I thought you’d sold the soul to the devil with that piece of work. You have my number Rafe. I want to know how this turns out.” Aaron pulled him into a quick hug because they both knew Rafe couldn’t come back and this would probably be the last time he’d get the hug that usually issued with a few hard taps to the back. “Get out of here and keep yourself safe.”


Everyone stood by and watched him go but there was a sadness to the head nods and he realized what he’d just given up. He wasn’t upset about it but this family that had been created by a bunch of misfits was all going to be a thing of the past.


“You will always be considered my brothers and I wish you all nothing but the best.” The men just stared at him and waved but he knew they were all trying to get the last few weeks and the thing that happened tonight. They would always have bond, but now his bond was elsewhere as well. He hoped.


Rafe jumped on his bike he tore off down the road to get to the destination Fat J had left in the package and said a silent prayer for everyone involved in this shitty mess.





Dizzy and nauseated. That’s the only thing that came to mind when Emma woke up slowly. Was she dead? Where was she? Wherever she was smelled fresh and clean and the sheets were soft and cool. It was difficult to open her eyes even though her mind felt clear.


What was the last thing she remembered? It all came back to her in a rush… the clear night sky and the man she was beginning to love pointing a gun at her. He’d pulled the trigger so maybe she really was dead. She gasped and opened her eyes like she was drowning and needed air. The light was on but her eye sight was fuzzy. Turning her head to the left she saw someone sitting in a chair and she attempted to focus on that person. It was Rafe and he was looking at her as if he was worried. He should be worried since he shot her.


“What da fuq was dat about.” Emma couldn’t get her mouth to work right, did he shoot her in the head? What was going on?


He moved closer and sat on the bed. “Shhh… Don’t try to talk. It’s going to take a little while for the tranquilizer to wear off.”


“You shod me.” It felt good to lay in his arms but she needed to get some answers. Unfortunately her mind was faster at getting itself together because her body and speech was definitely lagging. He pulled her up a bit and offered her a sip of water, but she drank down the whole thing. She was so thirsty.


“It was part of the plan that Fat J put together. This way everyone thinks you’re dead and the Tribesmen have banned me from the club so hopefully every thing can go back to normal with the feud just being tense and not deadly.” Rafe took off his shoes and got in the bed with her. “Did you want some more to drink? We are going to have to stay here for at least a day or two before we head out.”


She shook her head no, but she still wanted more answers. “Where are we?” That sounded a little better but not much.


“We are at Fat J’s secret spot. I don’t think this place is even on the map but I know how to get to the main road and he has us stocked with enough supplies and food rations to last at least a month.” He looked down at her and she knew she wasn’t up for much more conversation but she wanted to know the whole story of how this all came to be. “Do you have more questions?”


She nodded and he laughed. “Hell I would too, but sleep now and when you’re feeling back to normal I’ll give  you whatever answers you need.”


She lay back down and was comfortable with Rafe’s arms around her. She wanted to giggle when his hand crossed her body and lightly fastened around her breast. Now she knew she wasn’t dreaming, but if she was that’d be fine with her.





It had taken 30 hours for her to feel like herself again and she couldn’t wait to find out what had happened after she’d been knocked out but now she was awake and watching him sleep. She felt like she’d been waiting for him forever but this wait shouldn’t have been difficult but it was so hard. About as hard as his cock. She figured she’d missed enough of having him at her disposal for the last few weeks and settled between his thighs to see if he wanted to wake up and play or if she could just lick and suck on him as much as her heart desired.


It was a good thing he slept naked because it made this much easier. He must have gotten up a few times in the span of time she’d been asleep. She vaguely remembered him feeding her some soup and knew it must have happened because she wasn’t starving.


She got him to spread his thighs apart a little at a time and rejoiced that he was a heavy sleeper… at least he was today. Licking on his balls and blowing softly on the spot she licked made the soft sack of skin and the object inside draw up briefly before it came back down. This was heaven. She could do whatever she wanted for as long as she wanted and there were no limits except the ones they put on each other. She used the flat of her tongue to lick from the base of his cock to it’s tip and the hitch in Rafe’s breathing gave her a thrill of joy. Should she be having this much fun? Yup, she definitely deserved it.


Reaching the top she watched his face to see if she could tell when he woke up and if he liked the way she woke him up. He wasn’t stirring much so she decided to turn up the heat by slipping the tip into her mouth and lightly sucking on it until he moved his hips just a little bit. She let it out with a pop as she broke the suction. Bringing her hand into play she rested her forearms on his thighs and then cupped his balls with one hand and stroked his length with the other.


His brow furrowed a bit and his hips pumped a few times, but he still didn’t open his eyes. She couldn’t be sure but she thought he was playing possum. Who could be asleep through all of this? She attempted to check her theory by taking as much of his hard thick cock into the back of  her throat while she slipped a pinky into the tight sphincter of his ass. 


“Whoa,” he said as he sat up quickly. She tried not to laugh at the look on his face, but even with the bed head was stunning.


“Good morning, Rafael,” she said with smile and waited for him to get his bearings.


“I take it you were have a good time, because I was having the best dream until it was ruined when someone tried to enter my exit.” He was still squinting at her and even in that he was incredibly attractive.


“I just wondered if you were playing possum. It started with me wanting to play with you for as long as I wanted but then I wanted you to wake up. I wondered if you would like a little nudge or not. Judging by the one eyebrow cocked up I’d say not.”


“That would be correct but since you’re up and want to play I’ll definitely oblige you.” Rafe reached down and pulled her up from between his legs and then rolled on top of her while he nuzzled her neck.


She’d missed this… the playfulness, the fun and Rafe’s incredible large, sexy body. He was everything she’d imagined he’d be and she felt like she’d just won the lottery.


“Let me go brush my teeth and I’ll be right with you.” He tried to move away from her but she held on to him.


“If you don’t mind where my mouth has been I can take yours.” She pulled him down because she missed the feel of his lips on hers but it escalated quickly. He was grabby and eager and she loved every second of it.


He kissed down her body stopping to kiss and lick each of her nipples. “Do you know how much I thought of these tits while I was all alone trying to ride out this shit storm we started?”


She wanted to talk about all that had happened but she really wanted to feel him inside her. To make her really believe she wasn’t dead and they were really going to give being together a try. He’d given up a lot for her and she’d make sure he knew how much she appreciated it.


“Spread your legs for me, baby. I want to see what I’m eating,” he murmured and she just lay back and spread her legs while enjoying the sound of his voice. She loved the slight growl he seemed to get when he was in close proximity to her pussy.


He usually surprised her because he was never consistent with what he did and she loved that. Rafe could come at her fast and quick tugging her clit into his mouth or he could lick around the outer lips of her honey box until he drove her completely out of her mind. It wasn’t going to be that kind of day though she could tell by the way he held her vaginal lips apart and licked her from her opening to her clit and back. It was slow but he wasn’t teasing and for that she was so grateful.


She didn’t want to grab on to his hair. Her plan was to touch it just to encourage him to be where she wanted to go, but that isn’t what ended up happening. Emma found herself holding on to his head with both of her hands and bucking against his mouth like a rodeo queen. It felt so good and she missed it so much her legs spread wider and wider until she was practically in a split. He was shaking his head no and causing a sensation that she’d never felt until this very moment.


The build up was tightening like a spring winding her tighter and tighter until she released. The spectacular waves of her orgasms just kept coming and she didn’t know if they were ever going to stop. She was just catching her breath when she was filled with Rafe and the hardness she’d teased with her mouth just a short time ago and she had the feeling that she was home. He just felt right sliding into her pussy the way he did.


“This isn’t going to be long, baby I’m almost there.”


Emma enjoyed watching her man taking such pleasure in dipping his wick within her body and she encouraged him by squeezing his ass and making him pump harder into her. It must have taken a lot to hold back and let her come first, because he was sweating like he’d worked out on an extremely hard circuit.


“Pump me hard Rafe. Give me all you have. Fill me up.”


He opened his eyes and looked down at her right before the deep frown in his forehead and his mouth opened just a bit. She knew he was close so she leaned up and sucked his nipple into her mouth. She could feel his cock pulse inside her and see his stomach contract with every spurt of his seed he pumped into her. When he was done he smiled and rolled so they were laying side by side.


“You know we need to talk.” She’d tried to wait until they took care of their immediate needs but it was time to pay the piper.

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