The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance (48 page)

BOOK: The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance
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When he walked back to the kitchen the omelets were done and Emma was looking at the paperwork.


“You’re friend is something else,” she said still going through the papers. “I’m Emily Tanner and your Rafael Tanner. So I guess we’re married.”


“Well I did a lot more than propose on the big screen at Wrigley Field, I shot you for love.” He waited until she put down the papers and then pulled her into his arms. Looking down into her smiling face he knew his friend was absolutely right. They were going to be fine.





It had been 6 months since she’d been shot by her lover so they could start a life anew and she was the happiest she’d ever been. They’d moved to central Ohio in a small town called Treeville and the people were welcoming and friendly. It took a little while for Rafe to get used to it because while Emma (short for Emily) had never met a stranger, her husband Rafe had never met a friend. They had to work on that but it worked for them.


They had a large house and they worked together at the carpenter’s shop Rafe started. There was a lot of time for them to talk about their ideas and desires for each other and their future. Emma was even learning a bit more about wood working.


The phone rang but it wasn’t the one in the shop or their cell phones it was a phone that Rafe had tucked away in a desk drawer. Emma had always wondered what it was for but since it didn’t concern her then she didn’t bother with it.


“Do you want to get that?” Rafe asked while he had his hands full sanding down a dresser top.


“Sure.” She brought it over and he told her to put it on speaker.


“Hey there Lucky.” The booming voice said from the phone.


“I’m a lucky guy but I no longer go by that name.” Rafe was smiling fondly so she knew that this was a call he wanted to get.


“It’s been a few months and I just wanted to check on you. Everyone has been asking and I wanted to know as well.”


“Me and Emma are settled in real well and I’m using my hands to  make a little honest money.” Rafe told the caller.


“Honest money is usually little, my friend.”


The men laughed together about what must have been long standing joke because Emma didn’t think it was that humorous.


“I’m glad you’re well and I’m glad your woman is too. I just wanted to give you the latest run down here in case you’ve had anything plaguing your mind about how you left this place.”


“Aaron, I’d like to know anything  you want to tell me. Emma is here and you are on speaker phone.” Rafe told who she now knew was the president of his club.


“That’s not a problem. I was hoping she’d be there as I have a few nuggets of information for her as well.”


“Well then great,” Emma spoke up for the first time since he’d been told she was in the room.


“First off the leader of the Reapers, Joe Burgundy, has been killed in some kind of take over. The house went to pieces after the quote unquote death of Emma and the two men who were promised Emma were upset that they didn’t get anything so Joe offered up a few of the other ladies of the house. That didn’t go over well with the club and they’ve been fighting within themselves so hard they haven’t really had time to fuss with us. No women were taken and I think all of them have found somewhere else to stay.”


“That’s a good thing right?” Emma said happy that her friends were able to be free of that place. Her death had given a lot of people life so she was happy for that part of it.


“Also the spy you caught and put down in the basement decided to do his own lights out and cut himself with one of the bottles in the cellar. He didn’t do a good enough job of it and we sent him to the ER when we finally cut him loose.” Aaron was having so much fun with his stories it was easy to get sucked up into them.


“It sounds like all is well there and all is well here.” Rafe put down his sanding equipment and took the phone from Emma.


“I don’t want you to feel like what went on is something you should feel any guilt about. This will be my last call to you. I hope both of you have wonderful lives together. If you need anything I’m just a call away.”


“Thanks Aaron,” Rafe said as he hung up the phone. He stood staring at it for a long while so Emma came up behind him and hugged him around the waist.


“It feels like a whole other life we had back there. Sometimes when we don’t get calls it feels like we’ve been living like this forever instead of just a couple of months.” Rafe said and Emma found she wanted to look at his face when he was talking.


She move to the front of him and lay her head on his chest while he put down the phone.


“I’m tired of pretending that this is our life,” Rafe said walking her backward toward the wall.


Emma was so caught up in the soft sexy tone of his voice and his heartbeat under her ear she almost missed what he was saying. She picked her head up off his chest. “What?”


“I said I’m tired of pretending that this is our life.”


“I know what you said I just don’t know what that means. Are you tired of being with me or tired of being in this rural area.” Emma knew she was sputtering because she was at a point in her life where she was the happiest and it would break her heart to know that Rafe didn’t want what she was enjoying so much.


“It means that I want to renew our vows and have the honeymoon we never took.” Rafe continued to walk her backward but veered off going towards the tall table.


She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was almost like the words didn’t make sense. Was he saying he was done? His body was acting like he was just getting started and she couldn’t make front or back of what he was saying.


“I should have done this better.” He stopped when she could feel the table behind her. “Mrs. Tanner?”


“Yes Mr. Tanner?” She could see he was in a weird mood. Serious and playful but there was a hint of something else she couldn’t decipher. Something she’d never seen from him before, but since he was keeping this light she would too.


“Would you do be the great honor of renewing our vows and marrying me again?” Rafe looked so sincere that she knew he wasn’t joking.


“I thought we were already married.” She tried to get the waver out of her voice but this was something that she’d wanted but didn’t think she was going to get it. When Fat J had given them papers that said they were married she’d thought that’s all she’d ever have and she was alright with that, but deep down she wanted more.


“We are but that was for convenience, but it wasn’t real. I didn’t ask you and you didn't say yes. We did that because that was what we needed to do to survive. It’s more than that for me and with what we’ve been through and what we are now able to do I want you as my partner for good.”


“I will absolutely be your partner. In bed… in life… in everything, forever.” She hoped it sounded like a sacred vow to him because they were as good as married now. Emma liked the look she saw in Rafe’s eyes when he heard her answer. That must mean he was as happy as she was.


“Good answer,” Rafe said as he picked her up and plopped her on the table spreading her legs wide before stepping between them. She’d learned that Rafe loved to fuck her with her panties on so she made sure she had the hottest underwear he’d ever seen. Not that he looked at them all that much he was quick to pull them to the side. Of course today would be the day he wanted to play and he petted her pussy through her panties.


“These are pretty. Are they new?” Rafe admired her silky peach panties while he rubbed his thumb up and down her slit.


“Yes. Are you enjoying getting them all wet?” she asked sassily. It was rare that she got into sex talk with him because she was usually so caught up in the moment and she loved to hear his voice she just concentrated on what he was saying. She knew she moaned and panted but she didn’t say much, but that was going to change today.


“The question is are you enjoying me getting them all wet? I love to play with your pussy because I know I’ll be in there soon.” He rubbed her a little more firmly than he had been doing and then pulled her panties to the side.


Rafe had such a way with words that he could get them both worked up with almost nothing more than what he could put together with the 26 letters available. He was pushing harder on her entrance and rubbing upwards to her hard clit.


“Rafe?” She thought today was a nice day to give him a little taste of what he always gave to her but Rafe just turned her on so fast and hard it was difficult to remember what she was attempting to do.


“You know I love it when you say my name. Do you want to get where you want to go slowly or do you want to go fast.” Rafe said teasing her because she knew that he was going to get her there however he wanted and he knew she loved it when he switched it up.


“You can choose.” She lifted up her shirt and pulled down her bra to tease him with her hard nipples. The slight growl that she loved so much was audible and she knew how much he liked her tits. If he wanted to tease she could too.


“It looks like you’ve chosen fast. You know how much I love your tits. You must want them tasted if you’re showing them to me.” Rafe bent down to take her nipple in his mouth as his thick cock found her the opening he’d just gotten ready. “I love fucking this pussy, baby,” he said between nibbles to her nipple.


She loved when he started off talking like this because she knew what followed. This was how he sounded when he didn’t play he just went to work. She’d turned him on and she was silently high fiving herself. His movements were deep and firm and it was all she could do not to tell him to do it faster and harder. Backing up from her he looked down at her with his eyes slightly hooded.


“Even though you’re not saying much I know that your body likes to be taken hard sometimes. This is one of those times.” He went a little faster and then he moaned like he was getting ready to come.


“Feels good to you, huh?” She couldn’t think of the wittiest retorts but they must have been working because his breathing was harsher and he’d sped up.


He loved when she talked back to him. She rarely did it, but she wanted to see him come for her at least once. Taking charge in the bedroom was something she’d always wanted to explore but she’d never had found the right time to get it into a conversation.


“Mmm… yeah.” Rafe rocked in and out in while watching her fondle and squeeze her breasts.


“Do you want some?” Emma got bold watching him greedily eye her breasts. “Suck me.”


He leaned over and sucked the other one into his mouth moaning and pumping in unison. She wanted to tease him and watch him come apart for her but the words of her mouth and the way he could play her body was just too much and she climaxed.


When she opened her eyes he was looking at her with a grin on his face.


“What?” she panted.


“I enjoy when you play with me. I know you want me to come apart for you but guess what?”




“I come apart for you each,” he pumped harder, “and every time.” Rafe’s hips were like pistons going in and out and she found herself getting ready to come again. She held on to him and they came together with her screaming and him grunting… and no one was around to hear it. Perfection.


When the contractions had settled and the sweat had cooled so Rafe rolled of her and got her back on her feet. As they got themselves back together they stared at each other. Both of them grinning from ear to ear like they’d something they shouldn’t have. He gave her a peck on the mouth and moved back to where he was sitting.


“So where do you want to go on our honeymoon?” Rafe asked her as he went back to his bench to finish his project.


“Where ever you are is fine with me,” she told him as she watched him settle in to his work.


“Now that’s the kind of answer I like.”


She looked around their shop and wondered how she got so lucky and figured that it just must have been fate.



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