The Double Rose (18 page)

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Authors: Lynne Erickson Valle

BOOK: The Double Rose
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Chapter 21


Connecting the Dots


Independence, Missouri

Saturday, 8 September


Marie poured a cup of boysenberry yogurt over her bowl of granola, then watched the azure hues of the sunrise as she ate breakfast and contemplated her relationship with Josh.
Why does he love me so unconditionally? That kind of love can't be real.

“How can you look so serious this early in the morning?”

Marie looked up and saw Sophie walking toward her with a bowl of cereal.

“I couldn't sleep–too much on my mind. What are you do up?”

Sophie laughed. “One of my daughters pulls into the driveway at the crack of dawn, and you want to know why I am up. Seriously?” Sophie winked but was not able to impact Marie's sober expression. “Now, why don't you tell me what this is all about.”

“Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.” Marie took a deep breath. “What is wrong with me? Why can't I make a decision about Josh–trust him, love him–like how he appears to love me?”

Sophie joined Marie on the settee near the window. “Have you given any thought to what I said about transposing your feelings?”

“It has dominated my thoughts since that night at Anne's studio. In fact, last night Josh and I went to see the Kansas City Ballet at the Kauffman Center. The dancers were spectacular, but all I could think about was why I could not reciprocate his love even though his arm over my shoulders felt so right.”

“Hmm.” Sophie snuggled next to Marie and together they allowed the majestic sunrise to mesmerize them.

What was the message behind Marie's double rose dreams? Was Josh the man destined to be her husband? When he was near her, life was exuberant. Were these feelings a sign that he was the one? But could she trust her instincts to guide her?

Josh had been present in her life since the day she was born. As a child, Marie considered Josh to be an extraordinary annoyance. But if the truth were told, she never truly knew him because she did not want to know him. How could he love her after all the years she had rejected him?

Brushing Josh aside was one of the major mistakes of her life. How far should she take the opportunity to rectify it?

Am I crazy for considering his marriage proposal?

Is it possible she could have come to know the genuine Josh in a short period of time? The man she once thought was not worth her time now appeared to be too good to be true.

, the double rose dreams are a message from God in Spirit language, which is symbolic.”

“I realize that. The two roses represent two individuals, and the single stem means they share one life. But who was the man and why was the double rose tattooed on his arm?”

“The tattoo was meant to be symbolic, but you were looking for a literal tattoo on a flesh and blood man. Because of your experiences over the last few months your beliefs have shifted and now you are prepared to hear the message: His arm symbolized his strength. God joined the meaning of the double rose with the man's strength to tell you to wait for the man whose love for you is etched in his flesh in the same manner that God engraves His love on our hearts. It is a living love that binds you to each other.”

“So, what you are saying is I need to discern if such a love binds Josh and me?”

“Yes, my darling. As soon as you release all your fears then you will know.”

Chapter 22


Happily Ever After


Independence, Missouri

Saturday, 15 September


It had been a long morning for Marie. Helping her mother manage the rental company, caterers, and florist drained her mental energy. Her mind was spread thin, trying to juggle thoughts of wedding details and their impact on her personal life.
Eliza is getting married today. In a matter of months, Geneviéve will be divorced. And Anne is engaged
. But nothing trumped the reality that she and Josh Ryan were officially a couple.

To add to the mix, Marie was losing her roommates. What will I do in that massive studio all alone?

Assuming the role of contemplative centurion, Marie stood at the window of her mother’s bedroom keeping a lookout for the rest of the wedding party to arrive. Marie’s elbow brushed against her first rendition of
The Double Rose
near the drapes.

“My darling, what is the matter? Today is a happy day, and you look so beautiful!”

Marie turned to greet her mother. “Hi, Maman, I did not hear you come in. I'm going to miss Eliza very much, and Anne, too, when she gets married. I am genuinely happy for them, but . . . it has been a lot of fun living together. Change is hard.”

Sophie laughed. “Chérie, it is not as if either of them is moving halfway around the world. Neither of them will be living far from you. I don't think your relationship with your sisters will change much. Sisters have a soul bond. You girls will have to be more creative about spending time together, that is all. And one thing none of you is lacking is creativity, so I am certain you will all adapt.

“Remember that marriage is adding someone you love to your life, not taking away the people and things you love. Please, Marie, remember that.”

“It is odd how dramatically everything has changed in a matter of mere months.”

They watched the long, white limousine pull into the driveway with the rest of the females in their clan. “It is time, Marie, it is time.”

The sisters and nieces had arrived. Anne played the part of maid-of-honor. Marie, Geneviéve, and Juliette were the bridesmaids. Emily and the twins, adorned in lavender and lace, shone as flower girls.

Sophie’s bedroom swiftly transformed into the bride’s dressing room, where all the ladies dressed for the special day.

Eliza’s radiant face spoke volumes on love as every bride’s should. She was finally getting her happily-ever-after wedding. Her pristine white dress sparkled with crystals. Hand-sewn pearl and purple beads added to the embellishment. On her head, she wore the treasure Sophie had brought back from Paris. She held in her arms a bouquet of white roses with small bursts of purple statice and a long satin ribbon.

The historic church was dressed for the occasion, too. Round tables and chairs were arranged on either side of the old gathering room with a wide aisle down the center. Seven bridal arches, adorned with fresh flowers matching the wedding bouquet, had been erected to form a special lane for the bride’s journey. At the front of the church, below a magnificent stained-glass depiction of a descending dove, stood a table hosting the bridal unity candles. A five-piece harp ensemble had their golden instruments acclimated, tuned, and positioned east of the podium.

Sophie asked Marie to check on the preparedness of the groom’s party. She stayed inconspicuously in the back by motioning to Josh until he spied her.

Huddled in the corner of the foyer leading to the family’s living quarters and out of sight of any spectators, he greeted her with a kiss as strong as he was. “You take my breath away. You are so beautiful.”

“Thank you. You are very sweet. By the way, I hear today is your birthday.”

He whispered, “Is that what you hear?” as he wrapped his arms adoringly around her waist.

“Yes. I have a gift for you. I thought we could take a few minutes to celebrate after the reception.”

Still whispering, his head tilted down to meet hers bent backward. “All I want for my birthday is to hear you confess that you love me.”

. So how does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?”


Offended, her hands immediately reacted by hitting her hips. “Excuse me?”

“I thought that I would have been married by now.”

“Hmm. Will you please ask Mike if he is ready to begin? Oh, and you might want to wipe my lipstick off your lips and your cheek.” She winked.

Josh pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his lips. “I don't understand why you wear that stuff anyway. The color of your lips is far more beautiful than any lipstick ever could be.”

She had finally become comfortable accepting Josh’s lavish compliments because he had convinced her to believe that they were true.

The big moment arrived, and the heavenly tones from the harps covered the room with a blanket of love. The bridal procession began. Classic black tuxedos had transformed cowboys into knights. The maids were enchanting in royal purple gowns. The notes for Canon in D resonated from the ladies’ harps. The assembly rose to their feet. The bride appeared, beautiful, graceful, and noble as she walked over freshly strewn white rose petals.

Marie watched Eliza’s face. She could not recall seeing her look more beautiful or happy.

Marie contemplated Eliza's past, recalling how she had reacted to her harsh injustice by becoming an unselfish person, overflowing with love—unconditionally and with a limitless capacity.
No one deserved this more than she did.

Christophe had performed wedding ceremonies before, including for another daughter, yet he choked up as he officiated and had to regain his composure. After an eloquent speech about the sacred bonds of marriage, he announced that Mike and Eliza had written their own vows.

The bridal couple turned and faced each other. Mike cupped his hands over Eliza’s as they professed their vows before witnesses and angels.

“Eliza, the day I met you was the day I began to know myself. You complete me. I love you from the depth of my soul. I am honored that you have accepted me to be your husband. I respect your wisdom, intelligence, virtue, and conviction. I admire your numerous talents and desire to serve others. You are the most beautiful woman in the world.

“Because of your love, I have learned to appreciate life in a richer way than I ever could have dreamed possible.

“I promise that I will spend the rest of my life, and even into eternity, loving you. I promise that I will protect you, provide for you, and do everything in my power to support you in your music and every other pursuit of your heart. I promise to be faithful, truthful, and dedicated to you.”

His words moved Marie to tears almost as much as they did Eliza. Sophie sat in a place of honor, quietly drying her own tears with a linen handkerchief.

Marie felt certain that everyone who loved Eliza rejoiced with her, for she had found her Prince Charming—one far better than any silly fairytale had ever promised.

“Mike, I love you with every breath that I take. I pledge my love to you forever. I am honored by your love for me. I respect you for your strength, intelligence, courage, and convictions. I promise always to support your work and dreams and every pursuit of your heart. I promise to be faithful, truthful, and dedicated to you.”

After Christophe had pronounced them husband and wife, Mike did not wait for the customary invitation to kiss his bride. He went right to it! The whole assembly laughed and cheered as the young lovers shared their first kiss as a married couple.

The rental company had set up a large, portable dance floor and several large white tents with more tables and chairs on the back lawn. A small stage had also been erected for a live band.

The music was beautiful and the dancing festive. Before they knew it, the cake had been cut, and the day was almost entirely spent.

The time for the bride to throw her bouquet arrived. All the unmarried women and girls made their way to the center of the dance floor under the beautiful night’s sky. Except for Marie.

* * *

Josh gave Sophie a silent message with his eyes, pleading with her to intervene.

* * *

“Marie, why aren’t you going up with the other girls?”

“Maman, you know I don’t care for silly rituals. Do you actually believe that the female to catch the bouquet will be the next bride? It is all so silly. Let the ones who care have the fun.”

“Oh, chérie, it is your sister’s wedding. Do it for her.”

Anne and Geneviéve appeared out of nowhere like phantoms, then attempted to drag Marie onto the dance floor.

Marie vigorously protested. “What are you doing?”

“You need to lighten up,” said Geneviéve in an uncharacteristically serious tone.

“Geez, okay! I'm going.”

She felt like a prisoner-of-war with a sister on either side guiding her to the front of the dance floor. Marie turned her head backward in response to the hushed tones. “What is everyone whispering about?”

“Everyone is excited about the bouquet toss, that is all,” assured Anne.


Amazingly, Eliza tossed her bouquet right into Marie’s arms. The crowning of an Olympic champion could not have aroused a more hearty response from the wedding guests. Marie resisted the impulse to laugh out of respect for Eliza, who was obviously overjoyed that she had been the one to catch her bouquet.

I guess I didn't realize how important this bouquet toss was to everyone else. I might as well be a good sport and go along with it

Eventually the groom’s turn came to toss the garter, and all the eligible bachelors gathered for their chance. Marie was stunned when Josh became the champion of the garter. But only for a split second. It did not take her long to figure out that the ritual had been rigged.

An usher escorted Marie to a chair in the center of the dance floor as a frantic battle ensued in her mind.
I cannot believe he rigged the bouquet and garter toss! How did Josh get Mike and Eliza to conspire in his little scheme? I mean, this is embarrassing! What on earth could be his motive for doing such an obnoxious thing? Maybe he does not respect me as much as I thought?

Two hundred pairs of eyes, including Marie’s, intently watched as Josh walked toward her. He was the picture of masculine determination and strength, and in his tuxedo he was the very definition of handsome.

Marie’s peculiar conversation with herself continued as Josh’s eyes fixed on hers.
No! I refuse to judge him. He must have some reason, however ridiculous, as to why it is so important to him to put that stupid garter on me in front of all my relatives and friends. He risked his life for me. He has proven himself to me time and again. He loves me, I know he does

Josh knelt on one knee before Marie. The harvest moon beamed above them. His rough hands gently cradled hers as a seashell would a priceless pearl. The warm night air was refreshingly sweet as the wedding party and guests gazed in blissful silence.

Marie watched as Josh reached into his pocket for the bridal garter. Instead, he pulled out an engagement ring fit for a goddess, featuring a Ceylon sapphire surrounded by diamonds.

Marie was genuinely surprised. Their conspiracy had been successful.

“Marie, for most of my life I dreamed of this day, of kneeling before you and holding your hands. I have always known that you are the only woman I could ever love. You are my queen. Your beauty lights my life. When I look at you, I see a woman of intelligence, creativity, compassion, strength, and passionate desire. Your character is the only thing I know that outshines the beauty of your face. You are perfect in my eyes. With all that I am as a man, I love you. I promise that I will be true to you, protect you, and honor you with all the strength I possess. Please marry me?”

Suddenly Marie felt the way Eliza looked. Radiant. Her fears vanished. The dam holding back her love for Josh burst open and flooded through her soul as tears generously wet her cheeks. “Yes. I will marry you. I love you, too.”

* * *

Her words gave life to his hope for wholeness.

* * *

From his other pocket, Josh pulled Grandfather Misai's and Grandmother Marie’s necklaces. He placed the polished, double rose cross around Marie’s neck, then handed her the lion-claw necklace to place on him.

He rose to his feet, then, taking her hands in his, he raised her up from the chair. Their love bloomed before their family and friends as he kissed her on the lips under the light of the full moon.

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