Authors: Lynne Erickson Valle
15 September, three years later
The time was 6:30 a.m. Marie's water had burst at precisely midnight the previous evening.
The gentle rain made a soothing sound as it beat against the window. It was the perfect distraction as Marie paced the distance of the birthing room, trying to redirect her mental focus from the pain coursing across her abdomen.
Sophie placed a dozen small towels in a basin of hot water. Tabatha, the midwife, wrung them out and handed them to her as needed during Marie's contractions. With light pressure, Sophie placed a towel against Marie's contracted abdomen while Josh guided her in deep breaths: inhaling, exhaling, inhaling . . .
Several more hours passed as Marie gazed on and off into the handsome face of the man she loved; the person whose opinion mattered the most to her. She contemplated the evolution of their relationship–
Five years ago, the suggestion that one day Josh Ryan would be my husband and we would create a child together would have provoked me to strenuous objection, Marie confessed to herself. Expanding my perspective has brought me more blessings than I dreamed possible.
Marie realized that one of the main purposes of life was to mature, transform, and to broaden her perspective and knowledge as much as possible. Although the journey had been painful, the prize of true love had been worth the travail.
“Awe!” Marie groaned when another contraction began.
“You are fully dilated,” Tabatha said and helped Marie into the birthing bed.
Josh stood by Marie's right side and Sophie by her left side. Marie tightly clenched each of their hand as she pushed. The midwife caught the baby and, in one sweeping movement, placed the newborn into Marie's anxious arms.
“A girl,” Marie gently whispered.
Josh bent over the side of the birthing bed and kissed his wife.
Together Marie and Josh counted ten tiny toes, then fingers. She was perfect, all eight pounds, two ounces. She was alert, with her father's crystal blue eyes, reeking curiosity and a head full of her mother's auburn hair.
Sophie placed a heated blanket over Marie and the newborn.
Josh caressed the back of his beautiful daughter's soft hair as Marie nursed her.
“What is the child's name?” Tabatha asked as she waited for the birth of the placenta.
“Sarah Marie Ryan,” Marie announced. The physical pain she had been in only minutes earlier was forgotten. In its place, she felt the exuberance of joy.
Sarah is a daughter of destiny; heir to her parent's legacy. And through this future matriarch, a long, rich heritage will live on.
Discussion Questions
1: The Bible is the Word of God, but Reverend Jones manipulated Scripture so he could dominate others instead of projecting God's love and grace on to them. What is a real life situation where a religious belief was used to justify controlling or punishing others?
2: Marie Rousseau and her daughters had encounters with angels. Do you believe that angels visit people in today's world? What do you think angels look like?
3: Sophie Fitzroy was the voice of Wisdom (Holy Spirit), always present to guide her six daughters. Do you know a real life mother who has a similar relationship with her children?
4: Because Josh Ryan had accidentally injured her as a little girl, Marie Fitzroy was subconsciously wounded and, therefore, misunderstood many of the interactions she had with Josh during their youth. Is it possible that your past injuries have clouded your perception of a situation?
5: Josh Ryan unconditionally loved Marie Fitzroy with all his heart. Even her repeated rejection and the misunderstandings between them did not diminish his love for her. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be loved so completely? Can you imagine what it would feel like to love another so completely, unconditionally?
6: Marie Fitzroy's older sister's dysfunctional marriage had a severely negative effect on her, creating within her a fear of marriage. Is there anything from the sphere of people in your life that projected fear into your mind?
7: Anne Fitzroy and Aaron Ryan got engaged only two months after they had started dating because they realized they had been slowly falling in love for many years. Do you think two people can be in love without realizing it? Do you think that a long-time friendship between a man and woman can evolve into real love?
8: While in France, Marie Fitzroy desperately searched for Grandmother Marie's book in all the wrong places. It was not until she exhausted all her own preconceived ideas that she was led to the place of her destiny. Are you following the promptings of your natural mind or the Voice of the Spirit?
9: It was not until Marie Fitzroy released her fear of embracing Josh's attention that she was able to feel the love he projected onto her and to realize that she loved him too. Her fear had been a barrier between her mind and her heart. Do you have any fear that may be causing barriers between you and a full life? Can you release your fear; let it go?
10: Both Josh Ryan and Marie Fitzroy believed that God had predestined, or prepared, a spouse for them. Do you believe it is important to have a spiritual confirmation about choosing a spouse? Do you know any person who believes that God brought them and their spouse together?
11: Grandmother Marie fell in love with a man from a different culture than her own. Other than the one you were born into, what culture do you find beautiful? How can you share your Christian beliefs in a culturally relevant way with people from that culture?
The Double Rose
begins with the story of Marie Fitzroy's ancestors and the heritage she received from them, and it ends with the birth of her descendant, to whom she will leave a rich legacy. What is the most beautiful aspect of the heritage you have received from your ancestors? What have you passed on to your descendants?
The Double Rose
was a labor of love and was completed with the support of many loving people.
My gratitude is first offered to my Creator, through whom all inspiration flows. I give Creator thanks every day for the diverse gifts of creativity that shower over the earth. I am grateful for the venue that storytelling provides to express these gifts.
To my husband, Gary, and our eight children—Christopher, Ryan, Joshua, Elizabeth, Laura Anne, Kristin, Jared, and Sarah—I offer special thanks for their loving support, encouragement, and talented contributions. Among whom I especially would like to thanks two of my sons for using their talents to give life to my dream. One for painting the double rose, creating my book cover and all of the digital images for
The Double Rose
. And to Joshua, for spending countless hours editing with me and crafting the book layout, formatting and managing all the details for the print edition.
To my stepfather, Peter Flaherty and his wife, Debbie, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sponsorship. When I was unsure how God would save my writing ministry, your generosity made it possible for the various forms of my writing to go forward. You have been my angels.
Thanks to my dear friend Phaedra Moll, who was the first to read
The Double Rose
. Her feedback was priceless.
Special thanks to Barbara Watts for believing in me and sponsoring this project. You have been a guiding light.
Thanks to Lisa Norato, author of
Prize of My Heart
, for your friendship and so generously sharing your seasoned wisdom and professional experience with me.
And last, but not least, to all the talented ladies whose professional services polished my manuscript: Noël Higgins with Queen of English; Jan Carol (Abney); and Karen Crowell with Serendipity Digital Media KC. I especially would like to thank Karen for
the writing workshops and coaching she offers her clients.
Lynne Erickson Valle is a second-generation American, born in 1960 on the West Coast of the United States and raised on the East Coast. Today she resides in the heart of America with her husband of over 30 years. They are the parents of four sons and four daughters.
Ms. Valle is a professional member of The Heart of America Christian Writers' Network (HACWN), storyteller, lyricist, author, inspirational writer and spiritual activist. Her 200+ articles can be read on SUSIE Magazine, King Cat Christian Music and She was a finalist in the 2012 America Inspired Contest.
Ms. Valle served the Church for decades as a children's Sunday School teacher, youth leader, Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader, and the director of a local women's ministry. In 2008, she started a program called “I am loved – THE CONCERT” in which she organized benefit concerts. Since then, she has been the Event Director for concerts benefiting: a 3-year old cancer victim; a local food pantry; Haiti earthquake relief for The Global Orphan Project; and a 5-year-old Leukemia victim.
Visit her websites at:
Books By Lynne Erickson Valle
Adult Fiction (Chick Lit):
The Double Rose – This book is a contemporary inspirational romance novel that tells the tale of love's triumphant victory in the lives of two predestined lovers.
Young Adult Fiction (Chick Lit):
The Pink Masks – This book is about the relationships and adventures of a 16-year old musician named Sara Montgomery and her secret identity as the leader of a girl band called The Pink Masks. Five teen girls perform pop music wearing pink Renaissance masks to avoid getting in trouble with the dean of The Hawthorne Music Academy, a private school where classical music rules.