The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (14 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Umm, there’s not much to tell. I turn
21 in about a couple of months.”

“What day?”

“Umm, July
Don’t interrupt,” I say, smiling. “I’m a senior in college and
graduating soon. This is my last term, and I’m counting the days. I
plan on moving out, starting my life. That’s pretty much

“Really? Tell me about dancing,” he

“Dancing? Well, I love to dance. I
have always wanted to be a dancer, but if you’re a Lamil, you
either go into the family business or something the family approves
of. Dancing is not on the list of approvals,” I say, getting a
little teary-eyed. I can’t share my emotions with this guy. Cess,
pull it together, way too deep for a first date.


“Don’t what?”

“Don’t ever be ashamed to tell me your
feelings, they are always important,” Draken says, getting my
attention. The heat between us is flaming. This is going to be a
long dinner.




Her name is very fitting. She has some
nerve giving me orders. I have never had a Giver like this.
Princess, yes, I like it. In fact, I will make it a point to say
her name often, reminding her. Dancing is her passion, and when she
talks about it there’s a spark, but when she mentions her life
after college, I only feel sadness. Princess is very special.
Dinner is going to get hot.

“Draken, tell me about you. I think
I’ve shared more information than you.”

“Oh, everything I would share, you can
Google,” I say, looking into those eyes. There is something about

“Ah, come on, that’s not fair. If you
don’t say anything, I’m done talking.”

“That’s fine,” I say. I love food.
Human food is just like ours, sort of, we just have some different
ways of cooking. The silence is going to kill me out in public, all
I can hear is everyone’s heartbeat, feel their heat and sense their
wants. I need her to talk.

“Okay, fine, I’ll talk. I come from a
large family. We are very close, and nice,” I say, stopping my

“And-” Damn, I just want to take those
sexy legs and grab them right here, on this table, and make her
scream. That sexy mouth is very tempting. I will wait until

“And, there is nothing else about me,
what is your favorite color?” I need these questions to fall in her
direction, I want to know more about her, she doesn’t need that
much information on me.

“What? It’s, umm, purple.”


“Yes, and yours?” She is becoming more
tempting by the minute.

“Purple, do you want to know why?”
What the hell am I doing?

“Yes, please.” Oh, I want this girl
bad. You will say please, Princess.

“It’s my color, it gives me strength,
it shows who I am most of all, which is very important in my family
and my land.”

“Where are you from, you don’t have an
accent. You always say “my land”. What country are you

“This is your land, and I’m from a
different place, and in my land, I do have an accent and different
language.” She bites on her bottom lip again. I can’t wait until
she’s my Giver, she will be singing a new language.

“So, you have secrets, Draken
Draglen.” She smiles, and it deserves an award. Yes, she could
break a heart.

“Using my full name I see, well, some
things I just can’t tell you, without your life being compromised,”
I say. I’m waiting for the fear to set in, but nothing comes, just
more curiosity. Fuck!

“If you know my father, which I know
you do, I don’t scare easily, I usually scare other

“Princess, hurry and eat. I’m done,
and would like my dessert,” I say. She’s very

“What is my dessert?”

“Me. I think you’re done. Come, let’s
go take a late swim in the pool.” I rise, hoping she does as she
told without any questions. I notice the twist in her hips, she’s
stirring in the chair, ahhh, my heat is all over her. I’ll have to
take care of her soon. She stands, and that dress does wonders for
her body, and those legs are going to be my downfall.

“Okay, since you asked so

“I told you, I’m nice,” I laugh, for
the first time in a while, it’s natural. I like that

“You should laugh more often,” she
says, reaching for her purse.


“It’s the first time you’ve seemed
real and relaxed, and… I think it’s sexy.” The heat is growing very
fast, the pool might be later if she keeps this up. I’ve never had
someone compliment me without wanting something, in my homeland or
this land.

“Come on, Princess, I have plans for
you tonight,” I say, linking arms with her as we head out. She
whispers, “You know we didn’t pay the bill, right?”

“Yes I did,” I chuckle.

“When?” She stops, looking confused
and sexy as hell. I guess I’ll tell her.

“When I bought it, three years ago,” I
say, walking out. My car is waiting, and we get in.

“You own it? You could have just told
me, Draken, it’s no big deal. You know I don’t want anything from
you, I have my own inheritance,” she snarls. I like her

“Princess, please save your energy,
you’ll need it.”

“So, you’re really not going to call
me Cess?”

“No, your name is Princess, and that
is what I shall address you as, my zell.”

“What is zell?” Why did I just call
her that, fuck, I’m not supposed to speak Magen in front of

“Nothing bad, turn the radio on, I
like music.”

“Okay,” she says, smiling. It’s a
smooth ride to my house.




Get in the water,
Princess.” How can she be shy about getting nude into the water? I
have her entire body in my head already.

“Your brothers are here, besides, they
were already giving me a look.”

“Who gave you a look?” My voice drops,
until it’s almost a whisper.

“Draken, they all are looking at me
like I’m a slut.” Princess says, pouting. “I just know it, and we
never have discussed why 6 months, why me? I’m scared to get naked
in the pool with your brothers here,” I see she needs incentive. I
climb out of the water, totally nude. Walking really slowly, I want
her to see me. I’m not ashamed of my body. I get extremely close,
taking her purse and setting it on the outdoor table. I grab her
wrist and start licking her entire hand as if it were ice cream.
When her eyes widen, I take her by surprise and give her a hard,
forceful kiss. She moans, just as I’m placing my tongue deep in her
mouth. I get that dress off quickly, and now I see she didn’t have
on a bra.

“Look at you, so beautiful,” I say,
holding her away slightly.

“Draken, you snake. You got me naked,

“Snake, no my dear, beast is a better
name for me,” I say, pitching her into the water in her thong and
heels. I’ll buy her another pair of heels.

“DRAAAKEN!” she screams, but she is
in, and I dive right in after her. She comes up looking beautiful,
hair slicked back and no longer pulled up. I grab her from

“Yes, Princess?”

“You are so sneaky, I’m in this water
naked now,” she laughs, and I know she is as excited as I am to
have sex with her in this pool. She is still wearing clothing,
though. I dive under the water and snatch off that thong. “Ahhhh,
I’m going to kill you, Draken!”

“Yes you are,” I say, before I can
think. Princess is very dangerous to me. I want to tell her
everything. I love to see her laugh, and she makes me feel great.
Yes, she will be my downfall.

“What kind of statement is that,
Draken? You know I’m not a killer. It’s just a figure of speech,
you know. Well, maybe not in your land, but in mine, it’s said
sometimes for fun, not for real.”

“Come, let me have a kiss,” I say,
moving in close. I circle her, feeling her anticipation.

“Yes, you can have a kiss.”

“Back up against the wall,” I say,
controlling my beast. He wants out.

“Why do your eyes turn dark purple
sometimes?” she asks, panting. Yes, she is feeling the heat. I
don’t answer her. I push her up against the wall of the pool, dive
under and begin to kiss the lips between those sexy legs. She never
expected this. She tugs at my hair, causing me to give her a little
bite. I’ll stop when I’m ready. I hear her begging.

“Yes, ohh yes, it feels so, ohh . . .
please, your brothers . . . ohhh, ahhhhhh!” I finally come up, once
I’ve had my fill. She is panting something unbelievable. The look
on her face is priceless, and I want to see more of it.

“Stay the night?”

“Draken, you take my breath away. You
have me naked in your pool while your brothers are so close, and
then you just, ohh you just…”

I kiss her gently.

“Please,” I ask, and my heat expands
outward. I can’t pull it back. Fuck!

“Draken, this water is getting really
warm, what kind of pool is this?” Princess says, looking at the
water. Please, water don’t boil. I don’t have time to

“Let’s get out of the water and go to
my room, okay?”

“Okay,” I help her out of the water,
keeping her face forward as I walk her to a door that leads to my

“Draken, my clothes,”

“Don’t worry, Princess, I’m going back
to get them now. You just stay here and I will be right back,” I
say, licking her lips. I slip on a pair of pants, and quickly go
back to the pool. I notice Layern and Showken are standing there,
arms crossed. I see our pool now looks like a freaking hot spring.

“Yeah, fuck is the right thought,”
Layern says, frowning. I’m losing control, why did Princess have to
come down the street?

“Draken, this is going way too far,”
Showken says, arms folded across his chest. “I’m with you no matter
what, brother, but if you are going to be with her, risking our
secret, you need to make a decision. Brother, you are, well I have
never seen you like this with anyone, not even Ravla, and she has
been around for over a hundred years.” He looks serious.

“I know it looks bad when our pool has
heated to a very high degree, but I have it under control,” I say,
picking up Princess’ clothes in record time. “Wait, what are you
asking?” I growl. They can’t be asking me to give her

“You pulling her into our world,”
Layern says, narrowing his eyes. “And I felt her noticing the pool
getting warm, Draken. You need to decide if she is going to be a
true Giver, as you say, then tell her, claim her, and be done with
this.” I’m nose to nose with him in no time.

“You, know I can’t claim her as a true
Giver, she’s human and has a life here. That would result in her
leaving her land. You let me handle this and you cool the pool.
NOW!” I growl. I see Showken moving closer.

“Do you think, could you feel,”
Showken says, titling his head like a predator. “What I’m trying to
say is I’ve been reading the Aumdo. I found that if a Dragon who is
heir to the throne has not taken a wella or wife, he may choose
her. Do you see what I’m getting at?”

Covering my eyes with my hand, I try
to get a handle on what Showken has read. I hold out my hand for
the book and it immediately appears. Another perk of being a
Dragon: if I want it, I will have it. Opening the section on having
a wella, I read past all the tradition and come to the part to
which Showken is referring. I glance up, noticing my brothers’
looks of confusion. Layern instantly pushes on my thoughts. What is
it about her that makes me want her so badly? I continue reading,
going farther into the Aumdo. The Aumdo is like our rule-book, it
has been around forever. If it’s in the rule-book, it can be

“I’m going back to my Giver, she is
waiting for me,” I say, rising and sending the book back to its
place. Grabbing Princess’ clothes, I head back to my room. I will
not discuss this now. I come in to find her sleeping under the
sheets, tossing and turning, looking very beautiful. She is hot, I
must fill her need. I climb in, wrapping my arm around her waist. I
pull her very close and begin kissing her back, my heat for her
begins to rise. Hmm, she tastes so good.

“Princess, turn and lie on your back,
I will ease the burning,” I whisper in her ear. She turns towards
me and starts kissing me, pulling at my hair, holding me tightly
and moaning. Between every kiss she says, “Mmm, yes, I need you,” I
realize it’s been too long. I slide on top of her, holding myself
up to see her body. It’s more than I can handle, my control is
being lost; I need to be inside her. I take her legs with both
hands, holding them in the air, and see her sex all hot and wet for
me. I make eye contact, and we stare for a second, then I dip down
and suck her clitoris, giving her an instant climax.

“DRAAAAKEN!” she yells. I continue to
suck her folds, dipping my tongue in and out of her, making sure to
get every drop of her sweet cream, it’s mine. “Oh, please,” she
begs, panting.

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