The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (16 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Draken, that . . . you . . . trying
to make me fall in love?” I smile.

“Would that be bad?” He raises an
eyebrow. What? He can’t be serious.

“You are amazing, Draken, you’re
spoiling me. You know when this is over, I may not want another man
unless he is like you,” I say, not thinking.

“You are mine, Princess, if another
tries to touch you I may lose my cool.”

“I like you, Draken, more than I
should, this is way too comfortable,” I say, ducking my head into
his chest. It’s extremely hot. I mean, the heat is radiating off
him. Is he sick? “You’re really hot, you think you’re getting

“First, I never get sick, and second,
I always get very hot when I’m happy. Now, would you like a

“Draken, I have to go home,” I look at
his clock on the table. Damn, it’s after midnight already. “Draken,
my dad is not going to like me staying the night with you. I have
to go home. I’m sorry.”

“You have to let me bathe you, then
you go home, not before, okay?” he says. He has the most
captivating light purple eyes I’ve ever seen.

“I’m going to have to learn to say no
to you. Okay, but a very quick bath, Draken, I don’t want my
parents to know what we’ve been doing.” I kiss his chin, moving up
his body to find his lips. Shit, I’m sore.

“I’ll start the water, don’t move,” he
says, walking to the bathroom.

“I can’t, don’t worry. I have to get
my legs cooperating,” I laugh. My dream starts coming back to me.
In my dream, Draken says, the dragon is him. Why would he say that?
He comes back, standing next to the bed.


“You ready for a bath?”

“Yes, Draken . . . you are such a
gentleman.” I go to slide out of bed, and he has me in his arms,
carrying me.

“Well, thank you, Princess. I had
better make sure you are always carried to bathe.”

He leans in, kissing me gently. Draken
is stealing my heart, and I’m not sure it will be safe with him. I
smile, and let him carry me to my bath. I still can’t shake that




Princess is pulling at me. She stroked
my beast, and I love her touch. I want more of it. Carrying her to
the bath seems only right, when I have made sure she can’t walk
after sex. I really enjoy her body. She gets dressed, and I walk
her home. She’s coming in after 2:00 am, but she’s coming home.
That is not what I want. I give her an approval kiss, sensing her
brother near at the door, and walk back to my car. If my Princess
thinks the night is over, she is wrong.




I walk to the fridge for food.
Princess is draining. I’m eating all sorts of food, steak, chicken,
chips, cookies, soda, fruit and veggies, anything I can get my
hands on. When Hawken comes in, I don’t have time for

“What?” I say, not looking up from the

“Brother, why are you so cold with

“Not tonight, Hawken, another day,” I

“Tonight, right now.”

“Hawken, I’m warning you, leave me
alone,” I growl.

“I don’t hate you.”

“I know, Hawken, I’m hungry, I need to
eat, long night ahead,” I say, remembering my plans for

“About that.” I raise my head and
glare at him. For his sake, I hope he doesn’t piss me off. It’s too
late to be burning brothers who are dragons. “Listen, you have a
bride being prepared for you, and you have fallen for a human, I
don’t mind, it’s you, I just wonder how our land will accept her,
if you bring a human into our land to be with you on the throne. I
don’t think that will fly. A war could break out, brother, just
think of us all. That is all I will say about her.”

“I know,” I say, “there is a bride
waiting for me back home. Right now, I have a Giver, she may not
know she is a Giver, but she is. I will worry about things later. I
will protect the land, our family and the throne, so, brother,
thank you for your concern. I will always make the right

“Thanks brother, and if you do choose
to be with her, I will fight for you. I may fight you, but I’m your
brother. If any other, then they deal with me.”

“Dorli Hawken.”

“Dorli Draken.” This is our way of
apologizing. I finish the last of the food, wash my hands and make
my way to Princess’ room using my powers.

I must use my powers to get into her
bed. Closing my eyes, I appear in her bedroom. Princess looks so
peaceful, but I want more of her. I climb into her Victorian-style
bed. Wrapping my arms around her, I plant soft kisses on her face
until she opens her eyes.

“Mmmm, is this a dream?” she says,
turning her body into me. She is only wearing a t-shirt.

“No,” I say. “I’m really here in your
room. If you won’t stay the night with me, well here I am.” I kiss
her neck.

“Draken, this house is huge and our
rooms are not that close, but I tend to scream with you and . . .
it’s my parents’ house.”

“Ahh, you are worried in case someone
hears you begging for more, or screaming my name,” I say, parting
her legs and placing my hand in between her thighs, cupping her

“Both, to be honest. How did you get
in? Security is on. My brother D was waiting up for me, asking
twenty questions about you,” Princess says, moving her body with my
hand. Yes, Princess, enjoy my touch.

“I’ll talk with your brother, he
should be worried about you. What brother wouldn’t be worried about
his twin? Besides, I need to get to know those you love,” I say,
feeling her come close. She is panting now, leaning in she starts
the kiss, owning my mouth. I love her aggression.

“Princess, let me get you out of this
shirt, no clothes from now on. I may stop in at night, and clothes
should not cover this body when we are alone, okay?” I say, pulling
the shirt over her head. I can’t resist, her nipples are hard and
ready. I take them in my mouth and she cries out, asking for more.
I shield her room, not wanting interruptions.

“Draken, please,”

“Please what?”

“You know, I need you,” I continue my
assault on her firm breasts, licking and biting softly, making her
beg for more. I want her so used to my touch that she does, without
me asking.

“Okay Princess, lie on your back and
lift your legs. I want them on my shoulders.” She does it without
hesitation. Her beautiful legs in the air, waiting for me, are a
wonderful sight. I climb out, get undressed and get back in. I wrap
her legs around my waist, leaning in, and when her tongue meets
mine, I begin softly kissing her mouth. I take the kiss deep,
giving her a small amount of heat. I will be slow tonight, I want
to see and feel her body, my body. She is mine. Princess has me so
confused about my feelings for her. I should not be sneaking into
her room, yet here I am, craving her body. The thought that this
will end in six months saddens me. I’ve never been in love and I’m
427, sooner or later a dragon stops hoping. I have known since I
could fly that a bride was going to be prepared for me. I thought I
could defer that and fall in love. It never happened, but here I am
with Princess. She awakens feelings in me that should not be. I can
never fall for a human, and never plan on it. I will get these
emotions under control and place her in a proper role, as a Giver.
Right now, I will continue to enjoy her soft moans for me. Princess
will be my Giver, nothing more.






It’s the day before my last final. I
can’t believe I’m truly getting ready to be done with college. I’ve
worked really hard and now I’m going to be done with school. Draken
and I have been dating now for 2 ½ months. I had to make him say
the word officially “dating”. He did not want to say it, but I put
my foot down and let him know I was not doing the “friends with
benefits” thing. If he wants to have sex, then I need a title. I’m
getting ready to go meet some of my classmates on campus. I need to
study away from the house, or else Draken will come by, or I’ll be
at his house, and studying will not get done. I’m so happy D and
Draken have found something in common, hiking. D loves the outdoors
and so does Draken. I grab my purse and go to the door, where the
Maserati is waiting for me. I jump in with a grin, and start
driving to go study. When my cell phone starts ringing, I roll my
eyes. I should have known. The joy of living so close to


“Where are you going?” Draken says, in
that voice that I’ve come to adore.

“Uhh, remember, last final tomorrow.
I’m going to study,” I say, smiling.

“Why? You can study here. I promise to
let you get your studying done, then we can have a

“No, you know that will not work.
Besides, stop with that voice you’re giving me, you know what that
does to me. I’ll be back in a few hours and-”

“A few hours, Princess, that’s too
long, I . . . You should have said it would be that long. I would
have gone with you,” he says. Draken is extremely jealous. He
doesn’t want anybody touching me, and wants to know my whereabouts
all the time. I thought it would pass, but the more time I spend
with him, the more possessive he becomes. I should be scared, but
I’m not, I think I love him. I won’t tell him that, since he
already told me six months in the beginning. I won’t think about
that, it makes me cry that he will leave soon, time has flown

“Draken, don’t make this a big deal. I
will be back soon, besides, I want to see you, too.”

“Okay, Princess, I have some business
I need to take care of, so I will be waiting for you when you pull
up. Yes, if you drive by my house and don’t stop, I’ll ask
something of you, Princess.”

“Really? I like when you ask something
from me. I’m always benefiting,” I say, laughing loudly.

“Hurry back, and remember, I don’t
like guys touching you. Please, don’t let anything happen that will
upset me.”

“Draken, no, I’m not going there with
you. I’ll talk with you later.” I hang up. I’m sure I just pissed
him off. Oh well, this ‘no one can touch you without my permission’
sounds crazy. I pull up to the school and park, stopping in the
café to get an iced mocha. I find my study buddies in Carney

“Hello everyone,” I say,
assessing who is in the room. There are only five of us. The others
are such slackers, Kyle, Rachel, Scott, and Linda are good
students. Kyle is a sweetheart and is going to make some woman
happy one day. Right now, he is all about his career and excelling.
Rachel is a brat, but she is very smart, and has never received
lower than a B in school her entire life. She still hates Mr.
Garland, her 9
grade gym teacher. Linda is very much a nerd. She
is not up-to-date on anything but education, which is fine, I just
hope one day she sees how pretty she is. Linda could have any man
she wants, she’s that beautiful, that is why I keep her away from
Draken, he could see past the crazy clothes. Then there is Scott,
he is such a pretty boy in all ways. He is very popular and has
always wanted to date me, but I’ve never seen us being together.
What most people don’t know is that Scott is not just a pretty
face, he is actually very smart, and will be able to do anything he
chooses in life, not to mention he’s a Nolan, and they are known
for many things, including their wealth.

“Hey, Cess, I didn’t think you were
going to make it,” Rachel says.

“I’m here, so what are we going over
first? Theories, I’m sure the final will be some sort of essay,” I
say, sitting around the table with the others. I pull out my books
and papers, as Scott starts his compliments.

“Cess, you sure smell good, as usual,”
Scott says, with a huge smile on his face. He is such a flirt, if
Draken was here he would go crazy.

“Thank you, Scott, for noticing how I
smell, but I’m here to study.”

“Me, too. So, Cess, can I see your
thoughts on capital punishment?” Kyle asks. I hand him my notes,
while Linda and Rachel exchange theirs. “I think we will be tested
on everything we have learned in Mrs. Garcia’s class this term. We
have four hours tomorrow for the final, so I’ve been preparing
for-” Scott brushes my hair out of my face as I lean down, and a
sharp pain hits me out of nowhere. I can’t think about that right
now. I must address Scott.

“Scott, would you please keep your
hands to yourself. I know you are handsome and you are not used to
no, but I’m dating someone, and that little thing you just did was
too comfortable. We are not that close,” I say, giving him a raised
brow to let him know I’m serious.

“Oh, Cess, don’t be so uptight, your
hair fell in your face. I was merely trying to help you,” Scott
says, giving me that winning smile, and I couldn’t help but smile
back. Scott is such a flirt, maybe it’s Draken who’s making me all
conscious about a man touching me.

“Okay Scott, just don’t let it happen
again,” I shove him, in a playful manner. That is when I hear a
growl. What is that noise? There were no signs about construction
on campus.

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