The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (6 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Thanks, Beautiful, now I’m off to
have fun with Kelly,” Showken says, leaning in, and giving me a
kiss, and then he whispers “Your ex is boiling mad, but that will
teach him about breaking ladies’ hearts.” He walks away. I take a
deep breath, trying to process all of this. I have just been asked
to date Draken, and to make sure my body is at his disposal. WOW! I
hear some crazy things, but this is number one. He is the finest
man I’ve ever seen. How did Showken know my girlfriends’ names?
Maybe they were introduced earlier, and Jamie seems to know all
about them. Draken is all man. No, I will not set myself up for
heartache, besides, why would I enter a six-month sexual
relationship. I want long term, marriage, and maybe a couple of
kids. I don’t want to just have a roll in the hay. Call me
old-fashioned, I want it all. I decide to eat something, and head
for the buffet.

I feel a bump. “Hey, sis, I see you
getting your groove on the dance floor. Everyone is talking about
Cess, and the three guys you were dancing with, even Travis,” D
says, grabbing a handful of cocktail shrimp.

“D, I really don’t want to talk about
it,” I say, sighing heavily. “I’m going to head home. I just want
to sleep,” I close my eyes and see him standing in the door with
that jet-black hair, and those light purple eyes, he has a presence
that speaks volumes. His brothers do too, but Draken is in control.
I mean, he made sure I was off the property, and when Showken tried
to speak up, he was quieted. I still don’t get that, why would they
obey him if they run the business together?

“Hey sis, you just got here.” D says,
smiling and hugging me. “Don’t let the neighbors, Travis or anyone
else run you off. You’re a Lamil and the first-born girl. Besides,
your twin is here, anybody giving you a problem I can handle them.
I didn’t stop my martial arts training like you.”

I stay for a little while longer,
deciding to sneak away later. I drive home, take a hot shower, and
climb into bed thinking of Draken. Maybe I need to experience this
to put in my Bio for later in life. I do know Draken has a pull on
me, and I would love to be under his body, or even on top. “Draken,
you really make a girl warm.” I turn over, and fall asleep




Fuuuuck! Why did they go to that
party? They know what they are doing. Going to the party, and
sending me vivid images of Cess in that dress, showing off those
legs. Damn! Ravla is still here, and that should be my focus, yet
that damn girl is still in my head. I have never wanted a human so
badly in my life. Humans always make me disgusted with their
superior attitude. Ha! If they only knew! Taking Cess as a Giver
could cost her her life. I vowed, the last time I killed a human
trying to be with one, that I would never do that again, it’s too
painful to talk about. Being with Cess for long periods of time,
I’m just not sure. Besides, being with me would mean so much more
than she could ever understand. My brothers were very kind about
showing me her facial expressions, when it came to me. She doesn’t
know her face was red when Showken and Gemi danced with her. She is
very nice to look at. The way her hips were grinding it was like a
slow stir, very tender, and sexy. I could grind her too. These
conflicting feelings are not what I expect out of my entire 427
years. Yet, this female human has me wanting her. That beautiful
brown hair needs to be fisted in my hand. Travis needs to be taught
a lesson. Showken and Layern will be dealt with later for their
proposition of Cess being with me. She finds me disgusting, and
shows no interest in me at all. I see she left the party early. I
wonder why.

“Ravla, you are truly amazing; I so
enjoy when you please me. Thank you for coming, but I must get
started on my work. If I need you again, I will send a message. The
portal is ready,” I say, opening the bathroom door with my mind.
The portal is open; she just needs to walk through, so I can go see
Cess while she sleeps, and maybe visit her in her

“Yes, of course, Draken. I look
forward to your next request. I will always be your Giver if you
want me,” Ravla says, bowing. As she reaches the portal, she turns
and smiles. I hope she can be my Giver always, but Cess is who I
want as a Giver right now. The problem is that I can’t tell her
what all that means, or she will think I’m some crazy guy. I love
our tradition, and it’s very much an honor to be chosen as a

“Take care, Ravla. Remember, no other
touch than mine, or you know what happens.”

“Yes, Draken.” She walks through the
portal, and it closes immediately behind her. Ravla is no fool, I’m
sure she can sense my need for another. She knows the rules though,
I can have more than one Giver. After having a shower I lie across
my bed, wiping away Ravla. Closing my eyes, I enter Cess’ room very
slowly. Another benefit of being a Dragon shifter is being able to
enter any place without being seen. I want to see her and smell her
scent again. I’m not sure if she is Giver material, but if I want
her, then she will be mine. If only she were not human; that is the
problem when and if I take her to Cortamagen, and it’s a very
dangerous problem. Her room says “girl” all around. I see she has
books, music, and dance pictures everywhere. She’s not a neatness
fanatic. Hmmm, I see she is dedicated to her studies. When I glance
at her bed, she looks peaceful, and sexy as hell. She stirs in her
sleep, and I know I have to see what she is dreaming about, this
may help me to decide if she’s worth pursuing. A person’s dreams
can say a lot about her, showing how she will behave day to day.
Humans have this need to dismiss dreams, but in my world, a dream
is the truth of what one may want to happen. I enter her dream, and
see her dancing on stage, interesting. I watch as her dream
progresses into a place on the beach, where she is crying. I wonder
why? I should make my presence known. I walk up the beach, and
notice her mingled shock and pleasure. I need to know why she’s
crying; it’s a dream to her, and she will never know I was really

“Why are you crying, Cess?” I ask. She
turns, and her face is all flushed. Wow, she is

“I’m not sure,” she says, blinking at
me. I sit next to her, and place my arms around her, comforting
her. I feel myself getting solid like a rock. Damn! It’s a dream,
no harm in playing. Her body is too perfect. I start with her neck,
kissing and sucking very gently. She turns, placing her lips on
mine, and I start to suck her upper lip, moving quickly for her
tongue. She tastes extremely good. I could feast on her all day and
night. When I hear the word “Yes” moaned, I know I am good to go. I
remove her top and bottom, laying her down. Her breasts are perfect
for my hand. Her nipples are a dark brown; I must taste them. I
squeeze, and she gives me the answer I want. Her cry for more is
all I need. I place my mouth around her left breast, sucking and
pulling, making sure she can feel my heat. Cess’ response to me is
really good, a Giver she will be.

“Please?” she asks. I chuckle, because
I feel her humping my leg. I will have this girl, but not in a

“Please what?” I ask. I want her to
say it. She needs to admit her want, and her desire for me. I want
her as a Giver. I need to know everything she wants.

“Please, can you make me come,” she
demands, with her mouth open, and eyes closed. Who is this girl?
Those words coming from her mouth are sexy. She will be my
downfall, but I will give her a release. “Draken, I want

“I know, now you’re going to get real
hot baby, but don’t worry, you will come,” I say, placing my hands
on her lower belly. I release a heat through my hand, she screams
out in satisfaction. I know I will need to hear that more often.
“Yes, scream for me,” I say, moving my head down to taste her sex.
She is delicious. If I had known human women tasted so good, I
would have taken a human Giver. I let my tongue clean her thighs,
and her sweet arousal, making sure every drop is gone. She
continues to squirm, making me want her more. Maybe she will be
what I need. Now I’ve had a taste, and seen she wants me too, I
will make her a Giver. I stand up, placing a kiss on her soft lips,
and leave the dream. Before I leave her room, I decide to leave her
a gift. I place my hand on a piece of paper on her desk, leaving my
mark. “Cess, I’ll come for you soon,” I say, leaving her room.
Opening my eyes, I smell my hands, inhaling deeply. Oh yes, I want
to taste more. Placing my fingers in my mouth, I suck all that I
can get of Cess. I will take a shower, and then I will decide when
I should take her. Cess out of the dream will not like my rules,
Cess in the dream is amazing. I will figure this out. I will start
on work, though. My needs will have to wait, business is always
first. Heading for the shower I hear my brothers, and smell their
company. They had better make sure nothing weird happens, or they
will have me to deal with. Showering, I feel my brother’s

“What?” I ask.

“Did you see Cess? I sent as much as
possible. She wants you, and I think having her as a Giver will
help you understand the humans better,” Showken says,

“Whom did you bring home?” I

“Oh, that’s one of Cess’ friends,
Kelly. I will have fun with her tonight,” Showken says, rubbing his
hands together.

“Just make sure you don’t kill her or
let her fall for you, and please disguise your face, so she thinks
she’s with someone else. Make sure to spread the message,” I say,
still washing.

“I’m sure they can hear, and Layern
didn’t bring anyone,” Showken says, cocking his head, letting me
know he is still having a problem. “Hey, umm brother, when I came
in the house I smelled Ravla and Cess. Why is that?”

“Get the fuck out,

“Okay, tell me the details later, but
you’re going to make Cess your Giver, aren’t you?”


“Okay, I have a date waiting,” Showken
says, backing out, his hands held up in surrender.

“Remember, work starts tomorrow, so
get what you can tonight. Have them gone before I rise in the
morning,” I say, knowing he can hear me as well as the

Climbing out of the shower, I grab a
towel, drying my hair, and going to air-dry on my bed. I quickly
remember I have not spoken with Timothy, our manager. I need to
call him. I reach for my phone to make the call. He knows to answer
when I call, day or night.

“Hello, Mr. Draglen, what can I do for
you?” Timothy says, nervously. He has been with the company for 10
years, never questioning our age or any of the things he has

“I will be at the office tomorrow
morning, please have everyone’s files on my desk.”

“Yes sir, I will make sure they’re
there waiting for you,” Timothy says. I can hear his breathing
becoming faster.

“I’m not pleased with the numbers from
the last six months. I think some people will be leaving, Timothy.
I hope you’re not one, since I think you work really hard, but we
are losing money in our investments, and that means we should
invest in other places. Someone dropped the ball, and someone will

“I understand, Mr.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hang up
before he can say goodbye. I don’t plan on firing Timothy, but
frightening him is always a joy. I don’t ever want him comfortable.
When humans get comfortable, they become lazy, and if that
happened, he could say things about me and my brothers that could
be damaging. I would have to kill Timothy, so frightening him
works; I will always do it. Sleep is what I need now, and what I
will have. I close my eyes, remembering Cess and the sweetness of
the lovely gift she gave me, letting out all that sweet juice for
me, what a great drink to have. I will handle business, and then I
will see if she is willing to be a Giver.




When we walk into our office the next
morning, my brothers and I are acknowledged with smiles all around.
I have no time for this. Of course, I notice all these human women
smiling and blushing, and I can even smell them getting wet. My
brothers and I do have an effect on women. The question is, would
they feel the same if they saw our other aspect? We walk to my
office. Timothy is waiting for me with stacks of files. I look out
of the window. Turning, I see the three stacks on the desk. “Which
stack relates to finances?” I ask, darkly.

“Umm, it’s the last stack, umm Mr.

“How many are there?” I ask, knowing
the answer already. There are 85 people in total who work in
finance department.

“It’s 85 people, sir,” Timothy says,
taking out a handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Timothy is an
average guy, who, if he didn’t suspect we were more than human,
would not be this loyal. I’m sure he stays because of the pay, and
the threat of not knowing who I truly am.

“Fire the first 50 files in this
pile,” I say, looking at him. With no hesitation he moves, counts
50 and places them on a chair.

“I will not deal with incompetence,
Timothy; you go handle those files now, and have them off the
property in one hour,” I say. I don’t have to say I’m done, he
knows me well enough just to go do it. I like Timothy as a manager.
I would never get rid of him, and if he were in my land I would
give him the title of Leka, this would make him pretty high in my
land. His loyalty would be rewarded, but this is not my land, and
the only thing I can ensure is his job and safety. He’s watched, so
nothing happens to him. I don’t want him being in car accidents, or
anything that could interrupt his work.

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