The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (7 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Yes sir, I will make sure it’s done
within the hour,” he says, leaving.

“Oh, make sure to alert Cindy that I’m
back and need her in my office.”

“Yes, sir.” He is gone. I turn my
attention to the numbers of Out of World Enterprises. Our company
is slipping in gross by 2.3%, and that’s unacceptable. My father
says anything over 2 % and you can be in danger. There are always
companies coming up. We must stay ahead to ensure our place. I
smell her coming before she knocks.

“Come in,” I say. Cindy walks in,
carrying a glass of wine from our cellar and smiling hugely. She
has a crush on me, and never tries to hide it. She is always wet
when she’s around me. It’s very distracting to smell arousal all
day long, so I usually send her to Showken or Gemi.

“Hello Mr. Draglen, it’s so good to
have you back in town. The company is never the same when you’re
not here. I’m at your disposal!” Cindy says, smiling. I really
thought she would lose interest, yet every time I have come to town
for the last four years, she has still wanted me to take her to
bed. It’s never going to happen. Cindy is an attractive woman. She
is medium height with short blonde hair, and has an okay body. I
just don’t like women chasing me. I’m naturally a predator and I
like prey, not another predator, and she is hunting me. Other
reasons are, I don’t do humans, and for two, she has an addictive
personality. No one should be addicted to me. I’m not your average
guy. I take a sip of the wine, looking at her.

“Cindy, listen, first please stop
giving me the, “I want to screw you” eye, and second, I need a
report on how to get numbers up in the next three months. Do you
think you can handle all of what I just said?” I say, hoping she
gets it. I don’t want to fire Cindy, but I will have her walked out
of my building if she continues her flirting.

“Yes, I totally understand, Mr.
Draglen. I will get right on that report. I look forward to having
you around also, sir; it’s always a pleasure to be in such good

“Cindy, one day you will be escorted
out for harassing the boss.” I say, glaring. It does nothing but
make her more intrigued with me. I really need to have her
evaluated for mental problems. I think sometimes she could be aware
of the danger with me and like it.

“I will get you the report ASAP, sir.”
Cindy says, leaving, as she now understands my tolerance for her
today is extremely low. This is going to be a long 6 months. Maybe
Cess will help, being a Giver.




Whoa! What the hell kind of dream was
that? All of that talking with Showken about being with Draken has
got to me. I can’t believe my dream. I need a shower. What the hell
is that sticky feeling between my legs? As I’m opening my legs to
feel, I smell him all over me. Ohh, how much did I drink last
night? I’m pretty sure I didn’t bring Draken to my house, yet his
scent is everywhere on me. I really need a shower now. Walking to
my shower, I notice a piece of paper on my desk. It looks like a
picture; staring in amazement, I see a picture of beautiful purple
wings. They are so detailed and look so real. I sniff the paper for
some reason I can’t explain, and smell him on the paper. Holy
shit!! This dream is getting creepier. I head to the shower, and
get in as soon as the water heats up. I stand there forever, trying
to figure out why I smell like Draken, and better yet, why I can
remember that smell so well. I try to think of an explanation, only
to come up empty. Showken is trying to set me up with him. Draken
made it pretty clear that he didn’t want me to come onto his
property. I should never have agreed to come over this weekend.
This is why I said no men for a while. I’m not even with Draken,
and my thoughts are all about him. I’m going to cancel for this
weekend. I’m just going to continue to study. Draken may be sexy
and handsome, and have a great body, but he also is a very mean man
that I want nothing to do with. I will control my hormones,
although they are craving a man’s touch. Draken, no way will I seek
him out. I finish my shower, getting dressed, and stride to the
kitchen. I hear my parents, they’re home from a business

“Hello, Mom, Dad. How was the trip?” I
say, grabbing a seat at the counter. Vikki, our cook, is making
breakfast. I like to cook, but when my parents are home, Vikki is
the cook if they’re eating.

“Hello, Princess!” my Dad says, coming
to give me a kiss on the cheek. My father’s name is Don Lee Lamil,
after his great grandfather. I really hate when they use my real
name. I mean, really, who names their daughter Princess? I’m the
only girl among the grandchildren on my father’s side of the
family. That still doesn’t matter; I never go by the name Princess,
except around my parents.

“Where is your brother?” my mother
asks. She is truly an awesome mom to have. She is so lovely to be
around. I hope one day to be as graceful as she is. My mother’s
name is Jaclyn. I love her name; it’s very fitting for her. My mom
is a beauty right out of a movie.

“I don’t know; he might still be
asleep. We both went to Donna Marie’s house last night. She had a
few friends over,” I say, as my breakfast is placed in front of me.
Yum, French toast and fruit!

“Did you and Duke have a good time?”
my dad asks, just as D comes rolling in from a night of partying.
Yes, my parents named us both names we hate. I always tell D,
though, his name is better than mine, there are many men named
Duke, but look at me, my name is Princess. That is what you call
your daughter, not name her. I’m thankful that they didn’t name me
what my grandfather wanted, because D and I are twins. He thought
my name should be Duchess, to match Duke.

“Hey mom, hey dad. Vicki, can you just
get me some juice, no food for me this morning,” D says, squinting.
Clearly, my brother was out having a good time. I had a good time
too, even better in my dream. No, I’m not going to think about

“Duke, I’m glad to see you. No need to
ask how much fun you had last night,” my dad says,

“I’m going to take my juice back to my
room. I need sleep. Glad to see you, Mom and Dad. Oh, Cess, you
were the talk of the party, dancing with those guys,” D says,
chuckling as he walks away. He did that on purpose. My father
doesn’t want me dancing, speaking, or talking with a man he doesn’t
know. I hate being the girl sometimes.

“What guys were you dancing with?” my
dad says, looking right at me with those grey eyes. Damn it! I just
eat, and try to ignore the question. My father’s affairs in the
business world are widespread, and his way of getting information
is by any means he can.

“Oh, Don, leave her alone, you know
Princess is very smart. You can’t allow Duke to do whatever, and
try to restrain her,” my mom says, patting my arm as if she can
stop my father’s interrogations. Never.

“Princess, what guys?” he asks

“I’m glad you are dating again,” Mom
says gleefully. “That Travis boy broke your heart, and I always
thought you were too good for him anyway. I think you should date
Marlon. He comes from a fabulous family, and he’s very handsome,
your kids will be adorable.” She is so into making sure I get
married to a “well-to do” guy, and making sure he looks good, so
her grandchildren will look fabulous. I love her, but sometimes she
can be shallow. Wait, she only wants the best for me. I shouldn’t
be mean, she’s not doing twenty questions with me. My mom, when I
turned 16 yrs old, took me to the doctor and placed me on the pill,
saying “Don’t tell your dad, but I don’t want you making any
mistakes by getting pregnant.” I have been off the pill since I
broke up with Travis. I’m not having sex for a while, although
Draken. Why is he always in my thoughts?

“I said, what guys?” He

“We have new neighbors in the Haltons’
old house. Donna Marie invited them to her party to be nice. I just
danced with them, Daddy, to be nice. I’m focused on my schooling.
You have nothing to worry about,” I say, trying to stop the
questions. It must work, because my father’s face softens as he
comes around the counter, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“I just don’t want people taking
advantage of you. Princess, you were born into a wealthy family,
and many times guys will get close to you to get to me. I have to
protect you. You understand, right?”

“Yes, Dad, of course,” I say,
finishing my breakfast as fast as possible. I need to ease my
father’s mind. “You don’t need to worry about these guys. I was
told they are the owners of Out of World Enterprises.”

“What! Those guys are in town? The
Draglen brothers are very successful men, honey. See, I told you
our daughter is smart. Good pick,” Mom says, nodding at

“I’m not dating any one of them. I
just want to finish school and start my career,” I say, pushing
away from the counter. It’s time to go, and I really owe D for this
talk. Thanks, twin brother. This is going to be a long week, with
my brother on at me about these guys. My father must have thought
they were okay, because after our conversation he goes right to his
laptop and starts working. I don’t care who this guy is, I want
nothing to do with Draken, I think. My dreams say




Friday comes quickly. I’m so happy
it’s the weekend and I’m caught up on school work. I’m staying in
and enjoying the pool. I just want to relax. I go to the family
room and turn the television on. I never watch T.V., but there’s a
show on about dancing that caught my interest. I watch it, and end
up falling asleep until I hear Gloria.

“Ms. Cess, you have a visitor at the
door. He says his name is Show, umm Show . . . ”

“Showken?” I ask.

“Yes, that’s it. Shall I escort him
in?” Gloria asks.

“Yes, that’s fine,” I say, rubbing my
hands over my hair. Why is he here? I’m not going over to his
place. I glance at the clock and its 8:30 p.m., no way.

“Ms. Cess, Showken,” Gloria announces.
I turn, and he is smiling at me.

“Hello Cess, I’m here to collect you
for the party,” Showken says, looking around the room.

“I’m not going to your home. Look,
you’re a nice guy, you and your brothers, but Draken does not want
me at the house, and I never go where I’m not wanted,” I say,
motioning for him to take a seat. I notice that he walks and sits
very gracefully.

“My brother wants… never mind that, he
is not home, Cess, and believe me, the last thing he will do is
walk you off the property if you’re there when he arrives,” Showken
says, looking at me curiously.

“I don’t think that is happening, I
mean who all is coming to the party?” I ask, not planning to go,
but I just would like to know the list of invites.

“Oh it’s really small, Cess. Come,
let’s go, you don’t even need to change, you are dressed just
right,” he says, rising from the chair with his hand

“I didn’t agree, Showken.”

“Pleeeeeease,” he begs, pouting.
Yikes, he is fabulous and convincing. I guess I will go for just a
little while. I smile, and rise, shaking my head. Why couldn’t I
say no to him?

“Okay, I’ll go, but only for one

“That’s enough time,” he says, and it
sounds like there is a meaning behind that. He places his hand in
mine, and we walk down the street to his house. I should not be
going. We reach the house and he leads me down the side, towards
the back. I’ve never been in this home before, from the outside it
looks amazing.

“Showken, I didn’t see any cars. Where
is everybody?” I ask, still holding his hand. What is going on?
This can’t be a party. I hear music, but where are the

“Everyone is here, Cess, trust,” he
says, as we finally make it to the back yard. There is music
playing, and food laid out as if a ton of people are coming. Yet I
only see Gemi and Layern. That only makes four.

“I’m going home, I don’t know what
game you’re playing, but I’m not that type of girl.”

“Wait, I know what you are, and my
brothers and I would like to show you we are fun. Last time we
invited you, Draken asked you to leave, we are deeply sorry, that’s
all, Cess. We would never disrespect you. Never,” he says, in a
serious tone that makes me believe him.

“Okay, you don’t have to go to all
this trouble for me,” I say, looking around, they have these
beautiful colored drums around a circle.

“Yes, we do,” Gemi says, coming up to
me with a drink. I find myself blushing; this is way too much
attention going on.

“Cess, we love to dance, like you, we
are hoping you will dance, and we will play for you,” Showken says.
Layern is around the area with the drums. He has placed one in
front of him as Gemi walks over to do the same.

“This is one way we say sorry, Cess,
don’t take this from us,” Showken says, pulling me towards the
center of these drums. I feel excited. I hear the drums as they
begin to play, and my body just begins to move on its

“I do like to dance,” I say, sipping
my drink.

“That’s the spirit Cess, feel the
music.” Layern says, smiling at me. I begin to dance, and forget
they are even there. I can’t believe they did all this for me. I
feel the beat and let my body go, turning and twisting my body in
all ways. I’ve been dancing for just a few minutes when the wind
blows and I smell him, instantly stopping my dance.

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