The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (8 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Hello, Cess,” Draken says, moving
closer to me. I can’t move. He looks so sexy walking towards me.
Everything south is wet. I feel like a fool. I can’t keep my eyes
off him as he approaches me. He stands a foot away, just looking at
me, gliding his purple eyes over my body. My breasts instantly
harden when we make eye contact. We stare at each other without

“I was invited,” I say, finding my

“Oh, well I like entertainment also,
Cess, besides, remember, you owe me something,” Draken says, coming
closer. I feel the need to kiss him, like in my dream. I want

“I, I, umm, don’t owe you,” I say,
feeling really hot now. I should go.

“You owe me, Cess, and I want a dance.
I hear from my brothers you can dance. Now I want a private viewing
of your… skills,” he says, not stopping the eye contact.

“Draken, I’m sorry for coming to your
home, I will leave now,” I say, trying to get past him, but
instantly I feel his hands on my waist, holding me in

“You will dance with my brothers, and
not dance with me? Why? I’m not as handsome as they are?” he asks,
looking into my eyes, searching. I see the other brothers are not
leaving this time. It’s as if they are waiting for the answer to a
question, more than just a dance.

“I thought you didn’t want me at your
house, now you want a dance?” I say, frowning a little.

“You have such bravery about you,
Cess. Yes, I want you to dance for me, and then I will dance for
you; if you don’t like it, then you may leave,” Draken says, with a
small smile. Yikes, I could climax with that look he just gave me.
Please don’t let me go back on my promise.

“So, what’s it going to be?” Showken
says. I turn and see all eyes are on me. What are they waiting

“Fine, I’ll do one dance,” I say.
Draken turns me around to face me, placing a very slow, tender kiss
on my lips. Shit! I’m in freaking trouble.

“Cess, you taste really good,” Draken
says, and my dream comes rushing back to me. He couldn’t know,
could he? He goes and takes a seat near Gemi, and all of these men
are staring at me like I’m a prize. I smile, hoping the drums will
start, that will keep me focused. I need to hurry, before I end up
in Draken’s bed. That kiss he just gave me has lit a fire in my
body that is getting hotter. How will I stay out of this man’s bed?
The tempo of the music they are playing begins to slow, and so does
my body. I feel so special being here, as if it’s an honor to dance
for them. Taking a chance, I open my eyes, and see that Draken is
in full eye contact with me. That dream keeps coming into my mind,
his lips on mine. I remember a heat in my lower belly, and that
feeling of great pleasure. His eyes are so beautiful, and I feel
the blush coming. He must notice too, because I get the most
perfect smile. I don’t know if fighting this attraction is a good
thing. Can Draken really be nice? His smile says that being with
him could be nice, better than nice, fantastic. I can’t dance any
more, his eyes are so intense, running over my body very slowly. He
uncrosses his legs, standing up, moving slowly, coming towards me,
my mouth is open. I want him so bad, I start fidgeting, what is he
going to do? I try to exit before he reaches me.

“Oh, I . . . need to, umm, go. Yeah, I
need to go,” I say, not moving from the spot.

“Really? I think you should stay,”
Draken says, reaching me. He stands so close, not touching, but
wow, this heat I feel, and it’s not because it’s a hot night. This
heat that I can’t explain is getting hotter in my belly. He looks
me straight in the eyes, not moving. I can’t look away. What is he
doing to me? My body is reacting to him in a way I’ve never
experienced. I have never wanted someone this bad. I don’t even
know this guy. His chest is rising very slowly as he takes slow
breaths in and out. I see his mouth move, but no words come out.
What did he say?

“Umm, did you say something?” I ask,
feeling like a horny mess.

“Yes, I was asking you to come
inside,” he says, smiling at me. Is he making fun of me? I never
like that. He holds his hands near my face, not touching, but he is
outlining it. He finally touches my hair, and that small touch
makes a low moan escape my lips. “Mmm,” it comes out again. I want
his touch, it’s almost a longing, as if I have had it before and
miss it. He takes a step closer, and our faces are so close I feel
his breath on my lips. He speaks right into my mouth.

“Can I kiss you? Please,” Draken says,
searching my eyes for a yes.

“Oh, okay,” is all I can

“Close your eyes, Cess. Just feel,” he
says. Without thinking I do it. I feel soft lips on mine and I
think he is going to start kissing me, but he licks my lips very
slowly, as if he is tasting me. I open my mouth just a little, and
he assaults it. We are kissing, and I find the strength to reach
and place my hands on his shoulders. I feel very warm hands meet my
lower back, making a shiver go through my body. I can’t get enough,
and I feel him squeeze very tight around me. I feel like I’ve
fallen into the rabbit hole, never to return. I want to feel his
beautiful long hair, and I run my hands through it. My body is
submitting to him with no hesitation. He pulls back and my eyes
open. “You are going to get me into trouble, Cess. Are you going to
join me in my house?” he asks.

“Umm, Draken,” I say, blushing. “This
is moving really fast. I mean you were just telling me to stay off
your property, and now, umm, now you want me?

“Why do you need an explanation? Can
you just go with what you feel at this moment? I wanted you when I
first met you, Cess. Do you want me?” he asks, rubbing my back very
slowly. This is making it hard to make a good decision. He must
feel my hesitation. “You worried about our not knowing each other,
I tell you what, I will make sure we get to know each other, just
say yes and come in so I can feel you.”

“Whoa, you are so straightforward,” I
say, looking around for his brothers. They have all left. I wonder
when that happened. I didn’t see that happen. I can’t sleep with
him, it doesn’t matter how bad I want him. I’m not a

“Yes, I am to the point. I know what I
want, and right now I would like you.” He stares at me, waiting for
me to answer.

“I, I, Draken,” I say.

“Mmm, say it again,” he says, licking
his lips.

“Say what?” I ask, distracted by his

“My name, say it again, I like the
sound of it leaving that sweet mouth,” he says, eyeing me
intensely. I’m not sure if I can do this.

“Oh, Draken,” I say, seeing his hand
is out for me. If I take his hand, my gut is telling me things will
never be the same. I don’t know this man, but it feels so right
being with him. I am about to place my hand in his, when I decide
against it, pulling back. He cocks his head, looking at me like I
should not have done that.

“Cess, hesitation is not something you
should do. Follow your first mind. I just want to talk

“I don’t know about this, Draken. I
mean my last relationship was really hard on me, and I just can’t
put myself out to be hurt like that again,” I say,

“Hmmm, I won’t hurt you. Now can we go
have a drink, and eat some dinner? I’m sure my brothers are eager
to have you at the table,” he says, taking my hand. Oh wow, I feel
a heat go through me like a current. He just looks at me, searching
again. I walk with him into his house, and it’s beautiful. I mean
the décor, for men, is spectacular. The paintings look amazing.
I’ve never seen such beautiful paintings before. They should be in
a museum. I stop at one painting with a guy standing on a cliff.
His face is not painted, but a purple dragon stands next to him as
the sun is setting. They look close. Wow! I stop to get a closer

“Who painted this?” I say, wanting to
touch, but not wanting to damage it.

“Someone I know painted this picture.
Come, dinner is waiting,” he says, and we finally make it to a
dining room. It is all white. I mean, everything is white. I will
not eat, I’m not sure why the room is white, it’s really weird for
men to have an all white room. I see his brothers smiling at me.
Why are they so happy I’m here, this is weird. I turn to look at
Draken, whose face is unreadable, but he is staring at

“We have never eaten with a lady
before, Cess, at this table. We are honored you joined us. Please
sit,” Draken says, pulling a chair out next to the head

“Okay, thank you. I am very happy to
be here with you all. Thank you for inviting me,” I say,

“I hope you like to eat, Cess, Showken
and my brothers have prepared a feast for you,” Draken says,
smiling. Oh, there it goes again, the need to kiss him. I need a

“You guys don’t have a cook?” I

“We are very private, Cess, and when
we are here, we live very independently. At home, it’s a different
story,” Showken says, winking at me.

“Oh.” That is the only response I
have. The table is decked out with roast lamb, some beef dish, and
lots of fish of different sorts, with tons of veggies. They really
can eat - this looks like it could feed about a hundred people.
They all look very fit, so they must work out, to eat this

“What would you like to eat first,
Cess,” Gemi says, looking very handsome and sexy. Yikes, I should
not be around so many men alone. I feel uncomfortable. I hope none
of them are killers. That very moment, they all began to chuckle
and shake their heads.

“I’m not real hungry, I’ll take some
lamb and veggies, please,” I say, smiling.

“Save room for dessert,” Draken says,
handing me a plate that has been fixed very quickly by Layern. I
guess he knew what I would want. I blush under Draken’s comment,
feeling so embarrassed.

“Cess, you are truly beautiful,”
Showken says, smiling.

“Showken, stop making Cess blush,”
Gemi says.

“Yes, let’s eat,” Draken says,
commanding. The room falls silent. They all eat cautiously, not
spilling a drop. I’m eating very cautiously in this all-white room,
I’ve been in white rooms before, but this room is different, I
can’t put my finger on it, but it’s too white, if there is such a
thing. Who would have a dining room all white? I watch them all as
they finish their plates, going back for seconds and thirds. Wow!
They can put away some food. I can’t eat that much, so I eat half
my overloaded plate, finally pushing it away.

“Cess, you want dessert?” Showken
says, and all the rest are staring at me. My, oh my, these are some
very sexy men.

“Umm, no, I’m full.”

“Great, Cess and I need to speak,”
Draken says, and with a nod to me, the brothers rise, leaving the
room. Now I’m alone with him again. I turn and see him looking at
me. Then he speaks.

“Cess, I would like you to be . . .
would you date me?” Draken says. He speaks so calmly, yet his eyes
are dancing, searching, full of hope.

“I, umm this is really, umm, why?” I
ask. I need to know what he wants with me. I’m not the type he will
need. My mouth is smart, I don’t take orders, and I’m

“I like you, Cess.” Draken says,
reaching to rub my hand. “For you spoke up to me which is rare, you
are interesting to say the least, and to be honest, your body and
smell make me want to explore your body, giving you a great deal of
pleasure. Now before you reject, I’m here only for six months, so
commitment is not a concern. I know you have a life you want. I
just would like you to be mine while I’m in town. I know this
sounds crazy to you, but to me, Cess, it sounds like a great
adventure for you and me,” Draken says, reaching to rub my hand. I
feel that heat again. His touch is amazing.

“Well, let’s be honest then,” I say.
“You say you want to date me for six months, with sex and no
commitments. Why in the hell would I do that?” I ask, getting a
little pissed.

“Cess, you want me like I want you,”
Draken says, stretching back in his chair. “We are two adults,
although I am a little older, you’re still an adult. I don’t like
fighting about what I know will happen. I think you should give me
a chance to show you how good it can be. Will you let me?” I do
want this man, but this is really something out of my league. My
dad says all the time: “Cess, in the business world, men can ask
for anything.” Draken just asked me to be a sex buddy for six
months. I made a promise, and here I am about to break it. It’s
only for six months.

“Cess, I can see your confusion. Will
you spend the night?” Draken says, tilting his head. Holy shit! He
just basically asked me to sleep with him. This is our first
conversation really, the first time he just walked me off the
property. This is not happening. It must be a dream. “Cess?” he
calls. I’m shocked right now, but mostly hot. It’s been a while
since I’ve been with a man. I should do what Suzy says and have
some fun. I mean, I don’t want commitments right now in my life,
maybe he could be my way to get over Travis.

“I’ll stay, tonight, not guaranteeing
anything. The six month commitment is too much to decide right now,
but to be honest, I would love to have a one-night stand,” I say,
squaring my shoulders. He is not the only one who can say how he
feels. Draken smiles.

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