The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) (13 page)

Read The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1) Online

Authors: Solease Barner

Tags: #dragon, #paranormal chick lit, #paranormal adventure romance, #fantasy adult erotica, #romance sex, #fantasy about shapeshifting, #paranormal adult erotica, #fantasy about a prince

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
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“Where were you? I’ve been calling
your cell phone all night,” Suzy says, “I wanted to tell you that
Kelly hooked up with one of your neighbors last weekend at the
party, and she says he rocked her world.” I hear what she’s saying,
but I can’t believe it. I rise from the bed, hoping it’s not

“Who?” I snap. If Draken has had me
and one of my good friends, I’m done.

“I think she said it was the one with
blond hair. All I know is, she said it was the best she’s ever had,
but now he won’t answer her calls and she is freaking out. Have you
seen him with anybody new?”

“Oh, umm, no, I haven’t seen

“Well, umm, D called Kelly last night,
asking about you. Then I got to thinking, that only happens when
you’re not at home, so spill. Who were you with last night, and why
didn’t I know?”

“Umm, D was looking for me? Well, I
umm, stayed with Draken.” I say, lowering my voice.


“I spent the night with Draken.” I

“AHHH, you and Kelly are getting some
from those fine men. Oh, tell me everything, don’t leave anything


“Don’t you Suzy me,” she says,
laughing. “This was the guy you said walked you off the property,
now you’re sleeping in his bed? I thought you said he was an ass?
No, Cess, I want to know. Kelly seems not to remember what all her
guy did, but I know you will tell your besty.”

“Suzy, I didn’t mean for it to happen.
I was invited over for a party and-”

“Wait, it was a party and you didn’t
call me or anyone else? What kind of party was it?”

“The ‘let’s hook Cess and my brother
up’ kind of party. I was the only one invited. I know, before you
say it, I’m a slut. Who sleeps with a man that she doesn’t know?
I’ll probably get treated like Kelly, too.”

“You will not get treated like Kelly,
everyone knows she’s a hoe. The blond haired one probably is not
calling her back because she did some real freaky stuff. He knew
what she was, but you, they had a party just for you? Get out! How
is Draken? I bet he is awesome! Dang, you should have called me,
that’s why you weren’t answering for me, you were busy!”

“I swear my phone never rang. Draken
is amazing, he is so gentle with me, which I needed since he is
huge, like an anaconda. I mean, it hurt like hell at first, but
then he was sweet and slow, pleased me beyond what I could
imagine,” I say.

“Wow, Cess, you sound really into this
guy, and he was that good to make you go back on your promise. You
stayed all night, too. When did you get home?”

“I just got in not too long ago. Oh,
he ran me a bath and carried me to it. I was that sore, but he put
a family tradition remedy or something in the water, and took all
that away. I have a date with him tonight.”

“Ahhh! I’m so happy for you. You are
dating again, and with a big time CEO of a billion dollar company.
Go Cess! So, do you think you will be spending another

“God, I hope so.”

“Oh, wow.”

“It’s just, ever since I came home,
I’ve been extremely horny, and it’s odd. Like, I need him or
something to fill this need. I can’t explain it, but my body is
craving him,” I say, frowning. I’ve never felt this way before.
Travis and I had plenty of sex, and it never felt like

“Shit, Cess, that sounds so freaking
hot. I love having sex with Luke, but never has my body ached or
craved for him. Cess, what if he is like your soul mate or
something? This is great.”

“I’m not sure what it is, I just know
that if I’m left alone with him tonight, I just don’t want him to
think I’m a slut, or easy.”

“Cess, I’m sure he knows that.
Besides, the only guy you truly have been with is Travis, Jeremy
doesn’t count, you were only 15 years old, and you never did it
with him again,” Suzy says, laughing.

“That’s because Jeremy was such a
prick. You’re right, Travis is my only real sexual experience, but
Suzy, I felt like a virgin with Draken. I mean, his hands were
everywhere, I couldn’t think at all. He is unreal in bed, I mean I
don’t have that much experience, but he didn’t want to stop at all.
He was even trying again this morning. Get this, the entire time I
was sweating so bad, he never broke a sweat at all.”

“I want sex like that.”

“Well, I’m going to try to get some
studying and school work done before my date tonight.”

“Okay, but please tell me what
happened when you get home, tonight or tomorrow.” Suzy says,

“Ha ha, goodbye, Suzy,” I hang up the
phone, slipping on a pair of shorts and a top, and go to the desk.
I sit at the desk, turning on my laptop, and going straight to my
paper on Juvenile Delinquency. I will work until it’s time to get
ready for Draken. I will go crazy if I think about last night. I
get into school mode and start typing.




It’s 7:00 p.m. before I know it.
Saving my work, I push away from my desk and go to the shower. The
heat is still there, and now that I’m done typing, it’s getting
really hot. Maybe it’s because I’m going to see Draken. What am I
going to wear? I mean, he’s already seen me naked. He didn’t say
where dinner is going to be. I hope it’s at a restaurant and not
with his brothers, I like his brothers, except for a couple, but
dinner out on a date sounds great. Besides, I may think more
clearly when we are in public. Standing in front of my closet
looking at dresses is exciting; I haven’t been on a date in a long
time. I’m trying to decide between showing my legs and showing my
back, maybe both will work better than choosing one. Oh, this heat
is getting unbearable. I know the air is on, but it won’t hurt to
check the gage in my room. I slide out my peach dress, smiling,
knowing Draken is not going to be able to keep his eyes off me. I
hope my dad and D don’t scare him off. They can both be a little
over-protective sometimes. I wonder why Draken has had this change
of heart with me; I guess I should ask that question. Even though
we have already been intimate, knowing this will help me process
this thing we have. I mean, his brothers approached me before he
did, which is really strange. Why would they do that? Draken is
huge in the world of money and business, which goes hand in hand
with the way I’ve been raised. He’s single, handsome, well-built,
is an unreal lover, and has an animal side to him as well. I
haven’t seen this side, yet I know it’s there. His low growls when
he kissed me were so sexy, I want to hear those growls again. Just
thinking of it makes me hot all over again. This man has me in a
trance, and I need to figure him out. He wants six months, I’ll
give him a month and see how we are together. It might work, I’ve
always been really mature, and I don’t know his age, I’m guessing
around twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. Although he has this
wise look on his face, he may be very mature like me, too. Oh, I
got a date tonight!

After I finally sit down at my vanity
to do my makeup, I hear the doorbell ring. Draken, I hope you can
deal with my father, he’s all alpha, and the interrogations about
me will begin soon. I take my time doing my eyes, pulling my hair
up in a soft bun, making sure some hair is falling out of the bun
in the front and back. I hear the door. Then my mother walks

“Oh, Princess, you look fabulous. I
just met the young man taking you out. He is very handsome and a
charmer. I did want to know, did you know he is 29 years old?
Before you get upset, I think he is perfect, but guys his age,
baby, are looking to settle down, start a family. I just want you
to know what you are dealing with,” my mother says.

“I did not ask his age, mother, but 29
years old is fine with me. I’m not going to be settling down and
having babies any time soon. Thanks for being such a good mom. It’s
just a date, no harm in having fun, right? Besides, I’m sure dad is
down there telling him what he wants for me, and how he is not it,”
I say, remembering when he met Travis.

“Actually, dear, he is having a drink
with him and laughing. In fact, I believe your father sees this as
a chance to expand the Lamil family wealth. Do you even know how
much his family is worth?” she asks, with a beautiful

“No, Mom, and I really don’t care. We
already have money, so him having money is just a plus.”

“Princess, yes, we have money, but
it’s been rumored the Draglen brothers, specifically Draken, are
like a treasure cave, the amount is endless. He owns a few islands,
darling, so if you did want a long-lasting relationship with him,
you have my blessing. Princess, you deserve nothing less than a man
like Draken.”

“Well, it’s just a date, okay, let me
go to dinner.”

“Okay, that sounds good. One other
thing, you’re still using your pills, right?”

“Yes, Mom, please don’t make me more

“Princess, that is a man downstairs,
not a boy, he will want sex, and no babies unless you have his

“Can I finish my last touches on my
face in private?”

“Of course, I’ll let him know you’re
coming right down.”





We have a very quiet table for two at
Elements. It’s a very upscale restaurant. I’ve been here numerous
times, but love to go whenever I can. There is silence between us.
I really don’t know what to say. My body has been blazing since he
touched my hand, when I walked in to see him and my father laughing
and shaking hands. My father even told me to have a good time, and
winked at me. Draken has made an impression on my father and
mother, but D’s opinion is what I really want. My brother and I are
twins, and we have a strong bond. Draken pulls me from my

“So, Princess, I find it strange you
don’t go by your name,” he says, sipping wine. My father and mother
just had to speak about me using my unusual name.

“I, uh, really don’t like it. My
parents forgot that I wouldn’t stay a baby when they named me, so I
go by Cess,” I say, feeling uncomfortable. Why did they have to say
my name, they could have just said “my daughter”.

“Well, I like Princess, and I will
call you by your birth name, not a made-up one. I think it says
something that they would give you a name of high esteem. You
should be proud of your name, Princess,” he says, smiling at me.
I’m squirming in my seat looking into those purple eyes. I mean my
God, he is so handsome, sexy and has me hot from his stare. But I
will not consent to being called Princess. I must correct

“Draken,” I say, “Though I appreciate
your opinion on how I should be proud of my name, I would prefer
you to call me Cess. That is the name I told you, and it’s my name,
and if I want to use my nickname then you should respect my wishes
and call me Cess. Not some ridiculous name my parents have given
me.” I find my voice is higher in tone when I get to the last
sentence. He is staring at me, rubbing his chin. I love a perfectly
trimmed goatee. He is rubbing his chin slowly and staring at me. No
smile, just a stare. I hope he’s not mad. Then he abruptly breaks
the stare, and the waiter is at our table.

“May I order for you, Princess,” he
says, and I notice his eyes are now a darker purple. Shit, he must
be pissed.

“Yes, please, Draken. And it’s Cess.”
I’m going to stand my ground. I will not be bullied, I’m a Lamil,
and I value what Grandfather says, “Always stand your ground.” I
stare back at him, and he gives me a smile that says I’m in
trouble. Shit. He looks at the guy taking the order.

“To start,” Draken says,
“we both will have
steamed clams, tomato
and beer soup
the watercress salad. For dinner, umm, the pan roasted duck
looks good. We won’t need dessert. That will be all.” He hands the
waiter our menu. Why no dessert, I like dessert. His eyes are
piercing my soul. I can’t break the stare. My body is heating up
and I just want to be under him right now. I can’t believe he still
called me Princess after I asked him not to, now no dessert. I look
at him and he’s smirking at me. The menace is smirking at

“Not cool, at all,” I snap. “I may
have wanted dessert.” I raise a brow at him.

“Princess, not in public.”

“Not in public, what?”

“Hmm, I want you too,

“Stop calling me that, Draken!” I say,
through my teeth.

“We’re going to have so much fun
tonight. I know our first time was unexpected, but tonight,
Princess, you will know what is coming. You look so beautiful,
those brown eyes will be my downfall, yet I can’t wait for dessert,
until then, let’s get to know each other over dinner.” He speaks
just above a whisper and his pissed, commanding voice is enough for
me to table this argument.

“Fine, why don’t you tell me about

“Nah, you first, Princess. What kind
of man do you think I am?” he says, as our first course arrives. I
take this moment to dig in. I think you are a man who is making me
go back on my promise.

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