The Dragon Healer (7 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'arc

BOOK: The Dragon Healer
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“Have you sucked Brodie’s cock yet?” he asked unexpectedly.

“No…Sir.” She remembered his rules just in time.

“No? I thought for certain he would have stuck it down your throat already.” The crude expression added something naughty, in a good way, to the proceedings, oddly enough.

Brodie moved away from her breasts and sat at her side, reaching up to hold the fingers of one hand, as if reassuring her.

“We haven’t had a lot of time together, Geoff.” Brodie’s voice sounded like a warning, and she knew he was looking out for her comfort.

“No matter. It is easily rectified.” Geoff lowered his face so his lips rested next to Silla’s ear and he spoke in a low voice, his breath puffing against the shell of her ear with every word. “I know you do not know me yet, but if we are meant to be a family, we will learn each other in time. The question is, will you let me fuck you tonight? I allow you to decide, Lady Silla. Will you suck Brodie’s cock while I learn the heat of your core? Or will you suck me while Brodie reclaims what he has known once already? Or will I stand aside and allow Brodie to bring you to completion? Simply tell me what you desire and this you shall have.”

Goddess, what temptation! Silla didn’t know where these desires were coming from and didn’t care to question. The touch of these two men had driven her to a place of desperation, a place of yearning, a place of need. She wanted it all. And even if it was just for tonight, she wanted them both. Let the morning take care of itself. Tonight she wanted the dream. The fantasy. The ecstasy.

Geoff waited, his face very close to hers. He lifted slightly, his gaze meeting and holding hers.

“What is it to be, milady?”

For the first time, she saw the vulnerability in his eyes. She understood a little bit more about this strange knight and knew she could deny him nothing in this moment. Tomorrow might be another story, but for now, she was his. His and Brodie’s.

“The first thing, Sir,” she found the nerve to answer in the barest whisper. She saw the fire leap in his eyes as her words found their mark.

Geoff lowered his lips to hers in their first kiss. A gentle kiss of reverence. A tender salute that turned molten as his tongue met and dueled with hers. She didn’t know how long it lasted, but when he lifted his head, the room was spinning. She was dizzy with desire and drunk on him.

“You will never regret this, my dear. I vow it.”

Geoff moved up to kneel at her side, his fingers working on the fly of his leather pants. He pulled them down, freeing an impressive erection, holding her gaze all the while. She wanted to lick him, to learn his taste, but he moved away, down to where her thighs were still spread wide apart.

She was surprised when his hands sought the ties that held her ankles, freeing her. Brodie freed her wrists as well and together they coaxed her to turn over onto her hands and knees.

The new position brought her head in alignment with Brodie’s straining cock and suddenly, she wanted to learn its texture and taste against her tongue. She didn’t give him warning, simply licking her way up his cock while he was distracted watching Geoff prepare her.

Geoff’s hands spread her thighs and his fingers speared into her, drawing out her moisture while she sucked Brodie’s cock deep into her mouth. He tasted salty and divine, while Geoff kept her off balance with the thrust of his fingers. They left and were soon replaced by his cock.

He slid in slowly, the curve of his long hardness making the feel of him somewhat different from Brodie. He pushed in and she realized his rhythm against her backside drove her deeper onto Brodie in front.

She liked it. The rhythm he set up pleased them all and before long they were grunting, groaning and straining against each other in an ever-increasing pace. When Geoff slapped her ass, she squeaked in surprise. It felt oddly good as she clenched on him, and he did it again, eliciting the same response. She couldn’t take much of such treatment. It was too exciting. Too different and foreign to anything she’d experienced before.

She came in a rush and would have screamed if not for the cock in her mouth. Brodie came a moment later, pulling out of her mouth to shoot his come over her hanging breasts. She rose up slightly and pressed her breasts against him, prolonging the moment for them both. Geoff was still pumping within her when Brodie drew away, collapsing against the headboard, watching them.

Geoff’s arms snaked around her and cupped her breasts, sliding in the come left there by Brodie, rubbing repeatedly over her nipples in a way that made her want to scream. Her climax extended, becoming two and then three orgasms while he continued to pound into her from behind.

When he tensed and squeezed her nipples hardest of all, she exploded one last time and felt the warmth of his come inside her, sliding, slipping and dripping as he continued to pulse in and out of her core. She did scream then, an incoherent sound of the most amazing pleasure she’d ever known. Made all the more alluring by the heated brown gaze of Brodie, watching them.

Dammit. Maybe she really was an exhibitionist after all.

Chapter Seven

They fucked all night long, singly and in triad, and finally found sleep a few hours before dawn. Silla woke as the first beams of light came in through the window, knowing she had to see to her patient. She slid out of the bed as quietly as possible. The knights had taken up positions on either side of her and did not stir as she dressed and slipped out into the early morning light.

She found two dragons where there had been only one the night before. They lay very close, their necks entwined. She paused to watch them for a moment. They looked so happy…

She saw now, in the morning light, that Phelan was a metallic bronze in color, while the female who lay close to him was so deep a blue, she was almost purple. Their colors were complementary and the shine of their scales was something she had not expected. Instead of leathery, they looked almost like polished metal. Yet they were supple and able to bend in ways she had not expected of creatures so large.

“Good morrow, Lady Silla,”
came the rumbly voice she’d heard last night inside her mind. Phelan was speaking to her, and she finally noticed his eyes blinking open.

“Good morrow, Sir Phelan. How do you feel today?” she asked aloud, not sure how to—or even if she could—reply the same way.

“I am well and happy. My mate is here and our knights report that we may soon be together again.”
The other dragon stirred and opened her eyes. They unwound their long necks and both giant heads rose a few feet in the air to stare down at her.

As they moved, she noted the almost iridescent sheen of their scales as the light played off them. The dragon, who had been impressive in the lantern lit night, was almost overwhelming in the light of day. She wondered how magnificent he would appear when the sun’s rays grew stronger and kissed his living armor.

“May I approach? Sir Brodie and I prepared more burnjelly last night that will make you more comfortable this morning, I believe.” She held the bowls in her hands aloft for the dragon to see.

“Thank you for your care of my mate,”
came another voice in her mind. This one was somehow softer, though no less immense. It was the female dragon, speaking directly to her for the first time.
“I am Qwila.”

“I am Silla,” she replied, cracking an involuntary smile when she realized their names rhymed. She saw the dragons chuckle as tendrils of cinnamon-scented smoke rose into the early morning air.

“It was my honor,” she went on. “I am a journeyman healer of the High Temple of Our Lady of Light. Though I have never treated a dragon before, I am sworn to provide care to all of Her creatures, human and otherwise.”

“We know of your Order,”
Phelan answered.
“Osric is a part of our extended family through Brodie. Osric would have made an excellent knight, if not for his penchant to heal things rather than demolish them.”

Again came the little spirals of smoke that indicated dragonish amusement. Silla found herself smiling as well. Phelan had summed up Osric’s nature perfectly. A gentler man she had never met. It would be impossible for him to wield a sword, even in defense of innocents. He was a pacifist through and through.

“Your skills will be an excellent addition to our new Lair. We have no healer yet and would be hard pressed to find one of your skill willing to live and work with our kind,”
Qwila added.
“Believe it or not, many people are afraid of us.”
Her tone indicated wry humor that Silla appreciated. Dragons really weren’t scary at all, once you were able to speak to them a bit.

But Qwila was talking as if Silla’s joining their little group was already set in stone. Silla still had doubts.

“May I?” she reminded the dragons, proffering the burnjelly bowls again.

“Yes, please,”
Phelan answered in her mind. He moved his wing slightly, so she could get as close as possible to the worst of his wounds. Qwila helped, using her own wing to prop his up and take some of the weight off the joint that had been damaged.

Phelan lowered his head to the ground, resting it on his forearms and closing his eyes. Qwila’s head rose over Silla’s, watching intently as she examined the wound.

“This has done better than I expected,” Silla reported as she inspected the deep red gash that had begun to heal at record pace. “If it is not too painful for you, I will apply the burnjelly directly. It should make you feel much more comfortable as soon as it begins to absorb.”

“Thank you, healer. I will let you know if I cannot bear the agony.”
Phelan’s voice held a teasing note, and she realized she was treating him as she would her human patients. Undoubtedly the dragon’s tolerances were quite different indeed.

“Forgive me, Sir Phelan. I see I have much to learn about your kind.” She saw the amused smoke rising from his nostrils a few yards away and was amazed again at his sense of humor.

“Not to worry,”
Qwila’s voice rumbled through her mind.
“You will have many decades to perfect your knowledge of how to treat our kind once you formally join your life to our knights, and by their connection, to us.”

Silla’s hands paused, then continued in their work. Phelan’s wound required all the burnjelly they’d prepared and probably could have taken more, but she’d have to raid more of her plants in order to get it.

“I’m still not sure about all of this.” She decided to be candid with the dragons, since they seemed to be under the impression she really was going to marry their knights. “I dare not believe it’s real.”

“It is as real as I am.”
Qwila’s head lowered so she could look into Silla’s eyes. The dragon seemed completely serious.
“You are the woman the Mother of All has chosen for our knights. For our family. You can hear us!”
She seemed particularly impressed by that fact.
“Do you know how rare that is?”

“Um…no. Is it?” Silla felt unsure.

“Rarer than diamonds, my dear doubter,”
Phelan piped in, his head still reclining on his forelegs and his eyes still closed.
“We know you are the one. Our knights know it. It is only for you to understand and agree.”

“You make it sound so simple.” Finished with her work on his wound, she stepped back so she could see both of the dragons at once while they continued their conversation.

simple. Search your heart,”
Qwila advised.
“You know that deep down, you are already joined to them both. It is only for you to accept the connection and allow it to open wider so that it will never be closed. Through your bond to our knights, you will connect with us as well and our magic will sustain you for many, many years.”

“It seems incredible,” Silla whispered, dropping her gaze. She felt at sea, lost to all the change that had come to her life in such a short time.

“It’s real,” Brodie’s voice came to her from behind as he moved in and tugged her back against him. His arms held her, making her feel safe in the sea of confusion that had surrounded her in the past hours since arriving in Bayberry Heath.

He kissed her temple, his arms around her waist. “I feel more in my heart for you, Silla, than I ever have for any other woman. Knights know their mate almost immediately. You are mine. And Geoff’s. The fact that you can talk to these two only confirms it.” Humor laced his tone as he referred to the dragons. “If you give us a chance, we will convince you that you truly belong with us for all time. As you know, we can be very persuasive.” He turned her in his arms and the joy she found in his expression was enchanting.

Geoff walked up as Brodie let her go, and saying nothing, he took her into his arms, rocking her gently from side to side as he hugged her. Enfolding her in his tallness, his power, his strength. Far from being overwhelmed, she found she loved the sensation.

Almost as much as she loved him? Could she really love him—and Brodie—in so short an acquaintance?

Geoff’s hug changed as he drew back and lowered his face to match his lips to hers in a sweet, gentle, unexpected kiss. When he drew back, she saw an unaccountable brightness in his eyes, as if he was almost overcome with emotion.

“I pushed you far last night. I did not believe love at first sight was real, even though many tales speak of such things between knights and their mates. Forgive me? I am convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are the missing piece to our family. With you—and only you, dear Silla—can we all be happy. Will you do that for us? Will you make us the happiest of men, and allow our dragon partners to be together once more?”

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