The Dragon Healer (6 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'arc

BOOK: The Dragon Healer
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“This is Silla,” Brodie continued. “She is special to me, Geoff, so be polite and I might even see if she’s willing to bed you.”

“What?” Silla’s eyes widened, and Brodie knew he had some fast talking to do.

“Remember when I said marriage in the Lair involved two knights and one woman?” He waited for her to nod, even as he rubbed her clit with slow, deliberate action. “I want you to be my wife, Silla. Mine and Geoff’s. Forever. For always. To have and to hold and fuck together and apart.” He felt a rush of fluid coat his hands, and he knew the idea appealed. “Think about it, Silla. Two cocks to give you pleasure, two men to cherish you for all your days, two warriors and their dragon partners to protect you always, and two hearts to share your love.”

“Are you serious?” Silla’s words were breathed in a whisper so low he hardly heard it. But the renewed thrum of her body under his gave him hope.

“As serious as I have ever been in my life. Knights often know right away when they meet the woman who is meant to share their lives. It is a blessing of our kind. I knew earlier this evening that I had met my match. Geoff’s too, though you don’t know him yet. I would bet everything I hold dear that once you get to know him a little, he will feel about you the way I already do.”

“What way is that?” Her breath caught as he increased the pressure of his fingers inside her channel. He lowered his head to kiss her nipple, drawing it to a peak that made her gasp before he answered.

“I believe I will love you, Silla.” He phrased his declaration carefully, guessing from the description of her past that she was cynical about love, and had no belief in love at first sight. “Now please let me fuck you again before I explode, then we can sit down with Geoff and you can get to know him a little.” He didn’t wait for her reply, turning to Geoff and jerking his head toward the chair near the bed. “Sit down and be quiet. This won’t take but a moment.”

“You want him to watch?” she asked in a shocked whisper as Brodie settled between her legs once more.

He wasn’t about to chance her leaving if he let her up even for a second. She needed to come again and again until she was used to his touch and addicted to the pleasure he could give her. This was also a test of sorts. Dragons were notorious exhibitionists. When the dragons took to the sky in their mating flights, they didn’t always check to see that their human counterparts were in a private place first. Lair life was lusty, and unmated knights often ended up being voyeurs to some extent. It was accepted as a matter of necessity when living with dragons.

Would Silla be open to the experience? And would she be able to share herself with Geoff as she had done with Brodie? This was the first step to finding out.

Brodie removed his fingers and slid his cock into her without much fuss. He was sure to spread her legs wide so Geoff could see as much as possible. He played with Silla’s generous breasts as he pumped within her, mindful of the audience, which excited the inner exhibitionist all knights seemed to carry.

He noted the direction of her gaze. Several times she looked over at Geoff, blushing to the roots of her hair but excited all the same. For it was at those times when she met Geoff’s very interested gaze that her body gave forth its nectar around his cock, lubricating his way. Oh yes, she was interested. She was responding very well to this little unplanned test.

Brodie slowed his pace, wanting to push her closer to her limits. He pulled her thighs over his and leaned back, cupping her breasts in his hands.

“Our Silla has lovely round tits, doesn’t she, Geoff?”

“What in the hells are you doing?”
Geoff asked in the privacy of their minds. It was a gift of their partnering with dragons that they could communicate silently with each other as well.
“You’re going to scare her off. If she really is the one for us, we have to be careful how we handle her.”

“Oh, she is our mate, Geoff. I have little doubt of that. She can hear Phelan.”

Geoff’s tone held hope.
“She can bespeak dragons?”

“Truly, brother. She can. She is our mate. It is time we taught her what that means.”

Geoff stood and came over to the bedside. They were in the middle of the huge mattress, so there was room for the other knight to sit.

Geoff reached out and plucked at the nipple standing upright on the closest breast. Brodie still cupped her, but Geoff tugged at her nipple, working together as they would for the rest of their lives—if Silla agreed.

“Very fine indeed,” Geoff agreed. “But does she follow orders?”

“And you said I was pushing things? You really want to try your discipline games on her now?”
Brodie complained to his fighting partner, who he knew occasionally liked a bit of kink from his bed sport.

“Why not? If she is the one for us, she will be excited by the idea, don’t you think?”

“If this goes badly, I will never forgive you.”

Geoff seemed to rethink his plan and bent to retrieve some of Silla’s bandages. She’d left her satchel open wide so she could easily access things and Geoff was taking full advantage.

“Does milady allow you to command her pleasure?” Geoff asked aloud. “Does she trust you enough to let me tie her to the bedpost?”

Silla’s body jumped under him and Brodie tried to read her expression. He bent, placing his lips next to her ear.

“Geoff is friskier than I, I’m afraid. He likes to play games, but he will not harm you in any way, my love. Nor will I. I promise you on my life. My word as a knight. Do you trust me? I will guide you and protect you, but you must trust me or we will not go any further.”

“What are you planning to do to me?” The question came out frightened, but Brodie could hear the small quiver of arousal in her tone as well. And the way her sweet cunny clenched repeatedly around his cock told him she was excited rather than truly scared.

He kissed her cheek, nibbling on her earlobe. “I plan to love you and bring you the greatest pleasure you’ve ever known. Again and again. But only if you trust me. I will not let you come to harm. What say you?” He had to have her answer before he let this go any further. She was too important to him—to all of them.

“I consent, but if I ask you to stop, you must promise me that you will.”

“I vow it.” He kissed her again, loving the way she clenched around him. “Now, raise your arms. We are going to tie you up.”

Geoff took the arm closest to him and quickly looped a bit of the soft bandage around her wrist, tying the other end to the headboard. Brodie did the same on the other side. He had to leave the warm heat of her pussy to do it, but they had time now. She wasn’t going to bolt. At least not until she called a halt and they untied her. He had time to entice her, to explore her, to ravish her slowly.

Time to introduce Geoff into the play, in small increments. As much as she could handle, or would allow. The sooner the three of them got used to each other, the sooner they could cement the bonds to join their little family and the dragons could mate. Silla would be the link that held them all together. If they did this right. And if she agreed to be their wife.

A lot was riding on the next few hours.

Chapter Six

Silla didn’t know why she wasn’t running for the hills. A strange man was tying her naked to a giant bed, and she was letting him! What had changed about her sanity in the past hour that she would allow such a thing?

But the little devil of lust that had finally been awakened in her body was driving her to comply with anything Brodie and his fighting partner asked. She’d heard about the threesomes in the Lairs around the country and always wondered how that might work. Here was her golden opportunity to find out. And most shocking of all, Brodie even said he wanted her to be their wife.

She still couldn’t quite believe that part. She had been a wife and never thought she would ever contemplate such a thing again, but she had never dreamed a knight—make that
knights—would want her for their mate. She didn’t know what to think about that. But she definitely wanted to know more of the pleasure that Brodie had introduced her to.

She couldn’t deny that Geoff’s gaze fired her senses. Perhaps she had hidden exhibitionist tendencies after all. She never would have believed it, but when Geoff had stared at her pussy while Brodie had been inside her, the intent expression on his face had made her breathless. And when they’d both touched her breast at the same time, she’d felt greedy for more.

Brodie alone had been incredible, but the forbidden allure of having two men touch her at the same time was fast becoming irresistible. Could she actually be contemplating allowing the newcomer to not only touch her, but to take her as well? Something she wouldn’t even have considered only an hour ago was easily becoming the most tantalizing thought imaginable.

How would it work? What would it feel like? Would she survive such a thing and would they still want her after they’d gotten a taste of her?

All questions she would soon know the answer to, if she let this continue.

When her hands were secure, they shocked her by moving to her feet. One on each side. Spreading her legs and tying her ankles to the rail at the bottom of the wide bed. There was quite a bit of give in the long bandages they’d used to tie her, so she could move a little. She could bend her elbows and, more importantly, her knees. She imagined all sorts of scenarios that required bent knees and just the carnal thoughts in her mind made her temperature rise higher.

When she was spread-eagled before them, Brodie sat naked on one side of her, Geoff fully clothed on the other.

Geoff held her gaze as he began to remove his leather jerkin. Lace by lace, she watched him untie the leather that protected him while in flight with his dragon partner.

Geoff had blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was a perfect foil to Brodie’s brown-haired, brown-eyed handsomeness. Geoff was more rugged-looking, while Brodie was prettier, but both were built on the massive side, with bulging muscles and the scars of the warrior life. Geoff shrugged out of his leather jerkin and yanked the cloth tunic he wore under it over his head.

She was a little breathless as she got her first look at his well-formed chest and arms. He had fewer scars than Brodie, but that was probably because, as Brodie had told her, he was younger. Of course, they both looked about the same age—slightly younger than her, even though they were older in years and mileage, if their scars were anything to go by.

Geoff held her gaze as his fingers trailed down the skin of her abdomen and back up again to tease lightly around her breast, drawing circles. He then transferred his attention to what his hand was doing, observing her body as if he were looking at a sculpture or a piece of fine art. He played with her nipple until it stood upright, as if begging for his touch.

“When you are tied up for our pleasure, you will address us as Sir. Is that clear?”

His words took her by surprise, and she hesitated. Geoff pinched her nipple, making her squeak, though it didn’t hurt so much as shock her.

“I said, is that clear?” he repeated, waiting for an answer, his fingers rolling her nipple, soothing and exciting all at once.

“Yes,” she gasped.

He pinched her again. Harder this time.

“Yes, what?”

It took her a moment to focus as he returned to rolling her pointed nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

“Yes, Sir?”

He let go and moved his hand back. “Very good. Kiss it better, Brodie. She seems to like your mouth on her tits.”

Brodie moved into her line of vision and smiled at her before sucking her breast into his warm mouth. He used his tongue on her, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her throat.

“Ah, yes, she does like you, Brodie.” Geoff’s voice claimed her attention, as did the hand that started a path from her navel down to the apex of her spread thighs. Geoff’s light touch circled around her clit, sliding through the fluid that came forth at his touch, and she saw the smile on his face, though he didn’t meet her gaze. He was staring intently downward and she realized he was studying her crotch.

Her face flamed. Nobody had ever given her such an intent inspection in that area. It wasn’t seemly. Yet, it aroused her a great deal. More than she would have ever credited.

Geoff moved downward while Brodie still applied himself to her breasts, and she felt Geoff’s hands gently bending her knees and separating her thighs as far as they would go. He had full access now and he wasn’t long in using it. Both of his hands went to her pussy, spreading the lips apart while his face drew close enough that she could feel the waft of his warm breath over her most sensitive skin.

He kept her spread while one finger teased her clit and then, without warning, he let go and one long finger plunged into her channel, sliding right up into her core. Hard, fast and unexpected. Combined with the way Brodie was licking and sucking on her breasts, she felt sensation wash over her in a wave of completion. A small completion, now that she knew what Brodie could bring her if he really tried, but completion nonetheless.

Geoff withdrew his finger and patted her curls.

“Good girl,” he said softly, his face coming back into view.

He still wore his leather pants, and the sight of him kneeling near her head brought her back to full arousal. To have two such handsome men focused solely on her body—on her pleasure—was a truly amazing thing.

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