Read The Dragon's Gem Online

Authors: Donna Flynn

The Dragon's Gem (15 page)

BOOK: The Dragon's Gem
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“Thank you, Max.”

“It is the least I can do.”

“Given my mate’s bad behavior, it is more than you should do, but I know with you on our side we will find our son.”

I hoped she was right because so far a
ll we knew for sure was that a Wyvern had been in the wreckage area. Everything else was a mystery.

We said our goodbyes and headed
off for home. Once there, my father went to his office to make some calls. I grabbed my lab kit and headed for the junkyard where Soran’s car was being stored. Lionel, the old dragon that ran the place, greeted me upon our arrival and allowed me access to the vehicle.

“Don’t know what good it will do you
, those Blues went over it thoroughly, but you’re welcome to look too,” the old dragon said, a puff of smoke blowing from his nose.

“I’ll be just a minute,”
I assured him.

“Take your
time, I have nowhere else to be,” Lionel said, sounding bored.

I opened the passeng
er side door and pulled a vial from my bag, swabbing dried blood from the seat with a cotton swab and placing it back in the vial before doing the same to the blood on the driver’s seat. With the vials sealed, I backed out of the car, catching a faint whiff of a scent that was familiar, but that for the life of me I couldn’t place.

“Can’t believe those W
yverns got into our town undetected,” Lionel said behind me. “I thought that’s why each dragon group volunteered to take turns guarding this place, so things like this wouldn’t happen.”

“Renault didn’t say anything about the guard so I assume they didn’t see anything,” I told him as I tu
cked the vials into my lab bag.

“Those damned red dragons are lazy, they were probably sitting on their asses when the
Wyvern came into town and caused this mess.”

I sighed, realizing that
now I would have to go to the Red dragon compound to speak with Melinda’s dad, which meant there was a good chance I would run into her. I needed answers, though, and since his dragons were on watch that night, I had to go through him to get them. “I’m going to go now, Lionel. Thanks for letting me see the car.”

“No problem
, young Pendragon, but you watch your back. Those younger Blues blame you for this, I wouldn’t trust them.”

nodded and walked to my car, got in, and called to check on Aurora who, according to the housekeeper I had hired for her, was in the gardens with her father. My next call was to my father, who agreed it might be best to double-check with Lars, the leader of the Reds, to see who was on watch that night. He warned me though to be careful, reminding me that the Reds were sly and cunning, as if I had not already learned that from my short time dating Melinda.

Looking back
, I wondered what I saw in Melinda’s greedy, selfish demeanor. I realized though, that not that long ago I too had been completely self-centered and I hadn’t really cared about her personality as much as I did the fact I was dating the hottest girl at school. At least that was until Aurora came , with her pristine white skin, shocking green eyes, and those silken waves of chestnut hair that begged me to run my fingers through it. She had made me see what an ass I was, how shallow I had truly become, and now, I wanted nothing more than to be worthy of her beauty and graciousness. Just being near her made me a better person and I was ashamed of how badly I reacted when she first came to town.

A loud screech brought me from my thoughts and I looked through my windshield to where a massive Red dragon stood before the gate that led to
Lars’s property. Secluded by the ancient trees of a national forest and the private fenced-in driveway over a hundred feet long that was riddled with cameras so they could see who was coming, he didn’t feel the need to hide what he was. I recognized him as Hershel, Lars’s heir since he had no male offspring, who I also knew had a secret crush on Melinda. I swore. The fact he had chosen dragon form to greet me meant he was still holding a grudge over the fact I had dated Melinda. Before I could speak to him, though, a loud command to stand down sounded from the nearby intercom and he backed away from the gate. The heavy metal gate opened allowing me entrance and I drove past him warily, just waiting for his giant clawed arm to reach out and slam into my car. I breathed a sigh of relief when the gate closed behind me, leaving the angry Red dragon on the other side.

drove up the long winding driveway towards the massive mansion that was the center of the Red’s compound and parked just outside the entrance in case I needed to get away quickly. Before I could get out of the car, Melinda appeared at the front door wearing a smile and a tight black dress that hugged every curve of her perfect body.

“Draco, what brings you here?” s
he asked as I walked up the stone staircase to stand before her.

“I need to talk to your father,” I said
, trying not to pull away when she leaned forward and brushed her ruby red lips across my cheek, pressing her body against mine.

“He’s not here, but if you want to wait I am sure we can find some way t
o entertain our selves until he gets home,” she whispered huskily, running her fingers down my chest.

“I’ll just come back,” I said, taking a step back.

“Suit yourself,” she pouted. I turned to walk away and she called out, “By the way, how is Aurora, I heard she went out with Soran last night.” I turned to look at her and she smiled. “Such a pity that now he is missing. It certainly doesn’t put you in a good light.”

I was in front of her before she could blink. It took all I had to resist reaching out to strangle her. “I had nothing to do with Soran’s disappearance.”

“I didn’t say you did, but others are talking,” she explained smugly. “It seems that your little blind mate might have gotten you into more trouble than she’s worth.”

“You know what
, Melinda, other than your hot body I am not really sure what I ever really saw in you,” I sneered. “You are vindictive, rude, and completely clueless about what it means to love someone other than yourself.”

“But that is exactly why
we worked so well together,” she purred, wrapping her arms around my neck, pressing her body against mine, brushing her lips over the lobe of my ear. “Neither one of us give a crap about anyone but ourselves,” she murmured. “Or at least that’s how it was before that little bitch showed up and changed you.”

I removed
her arms from around my neck and took a step back. “Aurora is sweet, kind, and has more compassion than anyone I have ever met. Just by being near her, I feel like a better person. She didn’t change me, I have chosen to change, and I know I might never be as good as she is, but I certainly want to try.”

Melinda’s beautiful
face rapidly turned ugly as her hate and jealousy for Aurora came through. “She’s blind and useless. What kind of a mate could she be to one as powerful as you?”

I shook my head.
“You would never understand, Melinda, because all you care about is position and power, and I pity you.” I turned and walked back to my car feeling the heat of her angry breath burning through my shirt.

“You’ll be sorr
y you chose her over me, Draco,” she screamed after me.

I opened my car door and got inside
, not bothering to look back. I knew her well enough to understand she would be stomping her feet and breathing fire as she always did when she didn’t get her way. As I turned the key in the ignition, I saw Hershel running for the stairs and the female he coveted for his own. Despite what the giant Neanderthal thought, I wished him well in his endeavors to make Melinda his, someone needed to bring her to heel. Putting all thoughts of the pair behind me, I headed back towards home and made it there in record time. Instead of walking into my house to consult with my father, though, I strode across the lawn to the guesthouse, eager to see Aurora one more time before it grew too late.

Chapter Nine



I had spent the last hours of the day before bedtime in the garden savoring the quiet as I read a book, one of many in Braille that Max had thoughtfully included in the library for me before our arrival. One great thing about being blind was that I didn’t need light to read by and I had become engrossed by the popular love story about a vampire and his tortured mate, until Draco’s scent over took the area. I placed the book down and listened to his footsteps on the cobblestone walkway until they stopped before me. “Draco,” I murmured as I stood, mistakenly grabbing the arbor and getting my hand tangled in the rose bush that clung to it. My cheeks flamed with embarrassment as I struggled to untangle my hand. A sharp thorn tore into my flesh and I cried out in dismay.

“Let me,” Draco
said stilling my hand with his own. I felt his fingers work to untangle the bushes until finally I was free. He let out a soft curse and I realized he must have pricked his fingers helping me get my and unstuck.

“Are you alright?” I asked worriedly.

“Fine, it’s just a pinprick. You have a few yourself. Do you want to go inside and clean them?”

“They don’t feel too bad
; I’m sure they will be fine,” I told him, unwilling to go in on the off chance he might leave. “What brings you here so late at night?”

“I had to
see you before you went to bed,” he said pulling me into his arms. I frowned as the scent of jasmine and sulfur filled my nose. “I needed another kiss to get me through the long, lonely night.”

I saw red instantly as I placed the scent
, and slammed the heel of my hand into his chest pushing him away. “Why don’t you go back to Melinda, then?”

“How did you know I was with Melinda?” he asked
, sounding astonished.

I crossed my arms over my chest
, hurt that he didn’t even bother to deny it. “I’m blind, but my sense of smell is very strong,” I told him sharply.

, I was with Melinda but not why you think.” He tried to pull me back into his arms, but I pushed him away again. “I went to see her father to find out who was guarding the area the night Soran disappeared.” He took my hand in his own and squeezed it. “The last thing I wanted was to see Melinda.”

It sounded good
, but common sense told me just seeing her wouldn’t leave so much of her scent behind on his clothing, only close contact would do that. “Uh-huh,” I said, still doubtful.

“Seriously,” he said
, pulling me closer to him. “She hugged me but I didn’t hug her or welcome that attention.” His lips brushed over mine and he wrapped his arms around me. “Now do you believe me or do I have to beg your forgiveness?”

“A littl
e begging wouldn’t hurt,” I muttered, but didn’t pull away.

“I swear that from the moment we met all other woman became non-existent for me
,” he murmured against my ear.

He sounded so sincere that I melted immediately
. “I’ll believe you,” I said with a smile.

“That’s good to hear,” he said before kissing me again. I melted against him as the kiss deepened, but far too
soon he pulled away, his hands trembling as he helped me sit on the bench. “So, you could really tell I was with Melinda just by her scent?”

My cheeks grew heated and I knew I must have been blushing furiously. “Everyone has their own scent and I have learned to use those scents to identify them. Melinda’s is very distinctive. She smells like jasmine
, which might not be remarkable by itself, but it is mixed with a slightly smoky essence that is all hers.”

“Are you saying if you have scented someone before you would recognize it again?” he asked. I nodded. “That’s incredible. I never
even realized that we all had our own scent.”

“You can see? You don’t have to rely on your scent so it’s not as strong as my sense of smell.”

“But what if they are wearing perfume or cologne?” he asked.

I laughed. “Even then I can distinguish their scent
. It’s always there under the surface. It can’t be hidden.”

“You said that Melinda had a very specific smell, like jasmine and smoke.” I nodded. “Funny when I was checking out Soran’s car earlier I could swear I smelled
a floral perfume.”

“I was in the car with Soran last,” I reminded him.

He pulled me into his arms and chuckled. “Your scent I would recognize immediately. This was not you, but it was definitely feminine. I’m not good with flowery scents. It could have been any flower, but it did smell really familiar.”

I felt him tense and knew he had come to some conclusion I did
at the same moment, but he didn’t say it, so I said it for him. “Do you think Melinda might have been with Soran that night?”

He sighed. “I don’t know, maybe, or it could have been any number of other girls he knows.”

“You said the scent was familiar,” I reminded him.

“There are a lot of girls at school
. It could be any one of them.”

“If it’s familiar it would have to be someone you are close to a regular basis,” I said agitatedly. I was taken aback by the jealousy that coursed through me at the thought of him being so close to another female.
It was an emotion I was unfamiliar with, didn’t understand, and it was overwhelming.

Draco gripped my hand
tightly in his and lifted my chin with his free hand forcing me to look at him. For once, I could see him clearly. My breathing stilled and my heart pounded in my chest as I took in his startling good looks despite the angry look he was giving me. His eyes were the most unusual shade of brown, with golden flecks and his short blond hair was like gold in the light of the moon. The planes of his oval face were firm and his full sensual lips were so incredibly enticing I found myself wanting to kiss them, but then he spoke interrupting my thoughts.

isten to me good, Aurora. I won’t say this again. You are my fated mate, my gem, and no other will ever matter to me. I may have dated a lot of females in the past and I can’t change that, but that’s where it stays, in the past.” He brushed his lips over mine. “You are my future, the only female I will ever want and need from here on out.” He brushed my lips again with his own. “Only you,” he murmured.

Instead of
replying, I let my fingers trace his face, memorizing each dip and valley for when I wouldn’t be able to see it again.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I can see you,” I said as my finger traced his lips.

I know, you told me when I touch you can see blurry images.” He kissed the tip of my finger and smiled. It was a devastating smile and I felt my body quiver in response.

“No, Draco, I can see you. I can really
, truly see what you look like.” My eyes misted with tears and he pulled me into his arms.

“How?” he asked

I looked down at our joined hands and saw that the
blood from our wounds was mixed over one particularly deep gash in my hand. He too stared down in wonder. “Our blood,” I whispered, amazed that just such a small amount of his DNA could have brought my sight back to me.

“It’s not possible,” he murmured staring at our joined hands in bewilderment.

“It’s the only answer,” I told him. “The blood is the only factor that is different from when you touched me before.”

“Let me try something.” He pressed his wounded finger over one of my own wounds and released a drop of blood over it. Immediately my own wound sucked the blood inside and he released me taking a step back. “What do you see now?” he asked.

I looked around, seeing the garden that was just coming to life with the upcoming spring and then turned back to , assessing him with my hungry gaze, finding very quickly that everything about him was pleasing. From his gorgeous face to his rock-hard body, he was simply perfection. “You are beautiful,” I whispered in awe.

“Will you go to the lab with me tomorrow and let me run some tests?” he asked
excitedly. “I don’t want to give you false hope, but maybe we can cure your blindness if my blood is the answer.” I shook my head, unable to comprehend what it would mean to see when the only world I had ever known was darkness. “Aurora, I know this is scary for you, but don’t you want to know for sure?”

“I can’t,” I told him
, taking a step back. “I have spent my whole life following my father from lab to lab hoping for a cure only to be disappointed again and again. I can’t take another disappointment.”

“Can you see me now?” he asked. I met his gaze and nodded. “I’m not touching you, the only thing of mine on you is my blood
, and you can see me. This won’t be like all the other times, baby,” he said, stepping towards me and pulling me into his arms once again. “I think you know that, and I think you’re afraid of what a seeing life would mean.”

“You don’t understand,” I told him
, tears rolling my cheek. “I don’t know if I can make it in a seeing word after a lifetime of being blind.”

“You can do anything,” he said
, brushing my lips with his own. “Besides, you won’t be alone. I will be by your side every step of the way.”

“Promise,” I asked

“I promise,” he answered
, hugging me close.

I wiped my eyes and squeezed his hand. “Okay, I’ll go to the lab with you.”

“I would also like to take you by Soran’s car and see if you recognize the scent there. If you don’t mind.”

“Your will is my command,” I teased.

“Well in that case I really want to kiss you.” He pressed his lips to mine, slowly torturing me with his masterful mouth, until the loud sound of someone clearing their throat broke us apart.

“Sorry,” Max said from the garden path.

I stared at him, seeing him for the first time and couldn’t help the gasp that came from my lips. He was smoking hot, with the same hair color as his son’s and the physical features of an Adonis.

“Do you guys all look so yummy?” I murmured to Draco
, who chuckled in response.

“I just wanted to know what you found out from
Lars,” Max said, looking at me oddly.

Draco must have noted his father’s look too because he spoke quick
ly, pulling the attention off me. “Not much. Lars wasn’t home and Melinda…” he ran his hand through his hair. “Well, you know she can be.”

Max nodded. “I will talk to
Lars myself. What did you find out from Soran’s car?”

“I’m going to take another look tomorrow.”

“So you found something?” Max questioned.

Draco tightened his grip on my hand. “I’m not sure yet, I’ll know more tomorrow.”

“Alright,” Max said looking back to me. “Is everything okay, Aurora?”

I lowered my eyes and nodded.

“She’s tired, all of this must be hard for her to deal with,” Draco said for me. ‘I’ll just get her settled, say goodnight, and then I’ll meet you in the library so we can talk.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist and escorted me past his father
, who watched us warily but said nothing. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for him to call us out for hiding something from him, but my fears went unanswered and soon I was at the front door of the guesthouse savoring a goodnight kiss from Draco.

The door handle turned
, signaling the housekeeper’s arrival to help me inside, and he smiled, brushing his lips across my forehead. “Goodnight, and don’t worry about my father, I won’t say anything about this until we know for sure.”

, Draco, I wouldn’t want my father to get his hopes up. We can tell him when we are sure.”

“Right now I’m
sure of one thing, and that is how I feel about you,” he said softly. “I never thought I would want one female for my own, but you have made me see what a fool I was for ever believing that.” He brushed his knuckles along my cheek and I leaned into his caress, unable to stop myself from wanting more of his touch. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight,” I murmured as the door opened and the nurse took my hand and led me inside.

“Night,” he said before the door closed behind me and cut us off.

, Aurora, did you have a nice talk with Draco?” my father said.

I turned in his direction and f
ought back tears at seeing him clearly for the first time in my life. He was tall and thin with chestnut hair that looked ruffled, a sign he had been running his hands though it, and I couldn’t help smiling. “It was nice, Dad.”

He took my hands and kissed my cheek. “Draco seems to be
quite taken with you,” he said, looking concerned.

ad, I don’t want to talk about Draco with you. It’s too weird,” I murmured, feeling my cheeks grow warm with embarrassment.

“It’s a little sudden though
, isn’t it?” he asked. “I mean we haven’t been here more than a month, should you be tying yourself down to one guy so soon?”

BOOK: The Dragon's Gem
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