The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)
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They all stepped inside the inn. The warmth was not the only thing to hit them, as the smell of smoke and stale ale was difficult to miss. A rather chubby looking woman showed them to a table quite near the large fireplace, as Stanton rubbed his hands together looking forward to a drink, only to be told by his wife to think again.


A rather bedraggled looking woman shuffled her way over, carrying a tray. Upon it were bowls, each covered with a piecrust, and the larger of the two women took the bowls off one at a time and placed them before each guest. Stanton was actually quicker than Mikel in picking up his spoon and breaking through the outer layer. Inside the bowls was a kind of thick meat and vegetable mixture, and although it was not the greatest tasting thing, it was sufficient enough to keep the group quiet while they ate.


In Bosaria, Gorius sat upon his throne. Before him stood the first person of real use that he could make use of. A man in his late twenties had just summoned a strange looking flying creature. "It is called an Eken, your Highness. It flies totally under my command, and I can control it from hundreds of miles away," the man said a little nervously, not sure he had impressed his king. On the contrary of course, the king was in awe at the magic before him.


Gorius slowly stood and stepped toward the strange beast fluttering in his throne room. Larger than an eagle, yet it had no feathers. Its skin was more like that of a reptile, more scale like, he thought. It had large talons that looked like they could do severe damage, yet no beak. Instead, it had a small set of snapping jaws, with what looked like very sharp teeth. "Might you be able to send this beast to scout for me?" he asked the man. Subserviently the man nodded, "Yes your Highness. Just tell me where you want it to go, as long as I know a direction to send it...yes...I can," he ended realising he was saying more than he needed.


Gorius gestured for the man to follow, and the two left the throne room and entered a study room off to one side. Upon the large table was a map, held in place by small brass weights. "I need you to find a boy, but all I know is he is somewhere south. Probably in this region," he added pointing to a large area of south Kothia. The man looked worried. How was he supposed to find just one boy in such a large area? Unless the lad walked around with a beacon on his head, the task seemed almost impossible. "The boy has bright red hair...he travels in a small group...go find him for me."


At least the man had something to go on. A boy with red hair in Kothia was second best to a lad walking around with a beacon upon his head. With an area to search and an idea of a target, the man closed his eyes. The Eken fluttered a few times, and after opening one of the windows to the study, it flew off. Gorius watched it go, darting through the air much quicker than he ever thought it would.


After dismissing the man, to join the other magicians in his new army, he sat down. After pouring himself a larger than normal glass of red wine, he leaned back, satisfied of the progress he was making. His raiding parties would soon be hitting the border areas of Kothia, and now he had means by which to find this youngster whose powers he sought. He still had to decide, on what to do about the news that a member of the Kothian royal family was travelling with a magician, perhaps even magical himself.


He closed his eyes, sipping from his glass, imagining the turmoil he could put the Kothian monarchy in. He knew that he just needed to play it right. He needed the news to come out at the right time. If all worked well, Kothia could well turn upon itself, and ultimately make his job much easier.



Chapter 10.






As the group once more made camp for another night of cold restless sleep, Mikel looked out into the blackness beyond. The rabbit he had purchased hung limply in his left hand, disappointedly, he turned around to re-join the others, deciding he would try again later. As they had ridden that afternoon, he had started to read the small book given to him by Maxim. To any normal person it was just an old tome about wild animals; to a person with magic it was much more.


He had noticed at the end of each chapter that the author had written notes. To anybody else, they would appear to be just scribbling, yet Maxim had told him they were much more, and Mikel was beginning to think this to be true. The more he stared and mumbled the words written at the bottom of the page, the more sense they appeared to make. If he was not mistaken the first was some kind of spell to make a link with an animal. However, the author had warned that such a link, if carried out incorrectly could have adverse effects.


The link could not be carried out on just any creature. Apparently, the animal in question had to want to make the link; a kind of mutual respect, the author had called it. Forcing a link on an animal that did not want to, could cause both magician and creature unwanted side effects. Although, as Mikel had turned the page, the author had neglected to mention what they might be, and instead started on a new chapter.


The second book Maxim had purchased he intended to give to Zack. Again, it looked old and tatty, but it was what was written within that mattered. It was at first glance, just a storybook about a magician, who could transport himself from one place to another. If you read the words in a much deeper context however, it was giving instructions on how a person with such abilities might achieve to better them. Not wanting to leave the others out, he gave Melia and Danton each a bracelet he had purchased. They were nothing more than a strip of leather with a few coloured beads on, but they were received gratefully nonetheless.


Maxim had one other gift to give, and again, it was for Zack. This was made similar to the bracelets given to Melia and Danton, but was a necklace. Instead of beads, the long thin leather strip had a single polished stone, which the maker had drilled, to allow the leather strip to go through. "For your friendship Zack," Maxim said as he passed him the gift. Zack smiled, "Thank you Max, I shall treasure it always," he said putting it around his neck.


Zack was going to wait until they got to Pitford before he gave his gift to Maxim. "Come with me," he told the red haired youngster as they headed back towards the horses. After retrieving the package from his saddlebags, he handed it over. Maxim had never received a present before, and felt almost overwhelmed by the occasion. With hands almost trembling, he unwrapped the brown paper. Even in the dark of night, he could make out the contents. Aside a few pieces of parchment were a writing book, a pot of ink and a small box. Inside that box was a pen. "I'm afraid it's about as fancy as I could find, it still looks okay though," Zack said.

"I think it is perfect," Maxim said holding the slim engraved pen up so he could see it better.

"Thank you," Maxim said leaning forward and giving Zack a hug. Zack said nothing, and was just pleased his new friend was happy. "Come on let's go back to the others," Maxim said eventually.


After another night of camp stew, served with some of the bread bought earlier by Danton, they once more settled for the night. Again, they took turns to keep a watchful eye on their supplies, and more importantly their horses. Mikel had again offered to do the final watch before dawn.


He had already walked around the perimeter of their small camp several times; there were no ruins to sleep amongst this time. The fire was in the centre, and he decided to get more wood, ready for Aileen to make breakfast in a few hours. He had barely collected a couple of pieces when he heard a rustling through the bushes. His heart pounded, as he thought the wolf from yesterday had come back to see him. He quickly dropped the few pieces he was carrying, and jogged nearer to where the noise had come from.


He saw a pair of yellow eyes staring back at him, "Hello," he said nervously stepping nearer. He heard a low growling, and he realised perhaps this was not the best idea he had ever had. He decided instead to step back, only to see a wolf emerge from the bushes, only it was not the same one as he had hoped to see. This one was grey and not quite so large, although by the looks of its fangs, just as fearsome.


Mikel stepped back, and using his magic he made a few sticks fly toward the advancing wolf. They all hit, but only appeared to have the effect of infuriating the creature further. The beast before him crouched ready to pounce. His heart pounded, Maxim was not here to save him this time. As they wolf leapt a large dark shape emerged from his left, crashing into the attacking creature.


Mikel stumbled back, "It's you," he gasped recognising the black haired beast from yesterday. The two wolves snarled at each other, growling, circling as they faced off. After a few moments, the smaller grey wolf tried to lunge forward, but the larger dire wolf snapped its large powerful jaws biting into the flesh. The smaller wolf yelped, before scurrying off into the bushes, disappearing out of sight.


Mikel took a deep breath, as the dark haired dire wolf turned to face him. "Hello," he said waving a hand rather pathetically. The creature walked slowly over to him, and nuzzled his hand in greeting. "Am I glad to see you boy," he said scratching the wolf behind the ears. He then Remembered the rabbit he had purchased the previous day, "Ooh wait here," he told the creature before running off. He returned just a few moments later to see the wolf still stood where he had left it. "Here...I bought this for you," he said proffering the dead rabbit. The wolf cast his big yellow eyes up, as if staring at him. It then opened its large jaws taking the gift, before turning away. "Bye," Mikel said watching the creature walk slowly back into the bushes.


He spent the last hour or so of his watch, sitting on a fallen log. As the world around him started lighting up, he got up and moved towards the fire in the centre of camp, rubbing his hands together near the flame, he shivered with cold. He was eagerly awaiting Maxim to get up, so he could tell him that the wolf had returned. Not only that, but the creature had also saved him from a mauling by another wolf.


Whilst he waited, he could not help but watch Melia sleeping. Wrapped as tightly in her blanket as anybody possible could, he watched the mist of her breath exhale each time she breathed. When she stirred, he suddenly looked away, and quickly started placing more wood to burn on the fire.


Within the hour, everybody was awake and having breakfast, and once more, this consisted of porridge. There was also a mug of sweetened tea as well, which Mikel held with both hands wrapped around absorbing the heat. He looked over to Maxim, and when the young red head looked back, he cast him a smile. Such a strange young lad he thought, yet somehow, amazing, was the only word he could think of.


Once packed away, it was left for Danton to douse the fire. Stanton had told them, if the gods were willing, they might even make the castle of Pitford that very afternoon. That remark had everyone in high spirits, although the thought of meeting other magicians, also came with a touch of nervousness. This small group had bonded well together, and Mikel wondered whether they would all go their separate ways once they arrived. Maxim would obviously be treated as a special case, but did that mean that when they got to Pitford, he would not see the youngster anymore? He thought that would be a pity, as he had only just got to like him.


Mikel kept looking into the tree line as they rode, hoping by chance to see the wolf that had saved him. He hoped the creature was still following them, somewhere out of sight. When they got to Pitford, he would see if he could find something else for him to eat. He did not have a lot of money to buy meat, so maybe would have to come up with a way of capturing rabbits. Did they even have shops in Pitford? He thought. If truth were told, he had no idea what to expect from the place. All he knew was that it was apparently a safe haven, and place of learning for magicians.


He had earlier told Maxim about the wolf, and the youngster seemed genuinely happy for him. When he had asked about using magic to link with the creature, Maxim had not really given him a straight answer. "You will know when," was all he had said. Mikel grinned at the thought, of him now taking advice off a lad nearly four years younger than he was. Yet, that lad somehow seemed so learned, for one so young.


Mikel had thought perhaps that if he were to make a link with an animal he should choose his horse. Treader as he had called him, appeared to be okay and they got on well, yet something niggled in the back of his mind not to. As he trotted along, he continued reading the book Maxim had given him, it was difficult to make out which pieces were just referring to general points, and which to magical ones, although the scribbles by the author helped; if only he or she could have written a little more clearly.


Mikel had never thought his magical abilities would stretch to animals. He had always assumed that moving small objects with his mind would be his limitation, yet the more he read on the subject, the more interested he became. Perhaps, he thought, that they might have hundreds of books at Pitford. If it was indeed a place where magicians were taught, then surely that was a must. He thought further; tutors, they must have those as well. Although, when he had been to school as a young boy, he had hated every minute of it, yet the thought of being taught magical skills however, seemed quite enticing.


Stanton had suggested they not bother stopping again, after their mid-morning break. It would hardly be worth it he had told them, as Pitford would be just around the next corner he had said. Mikel was wondering just how many 'next corners' that there were going to be. It was definitely after noon, and there was still no sign of the place.

"You think he actually knows where he's going," Melia said trotting her horse up beside him.

He smiled at her, thinking this had been the first time for a while she had taken the effort to talk to him first. Trying not to spoil it, and to show her he was not a complete idiot all the time, he thought about his words first before speaking them. "I am sure he does, although I'm beginning to think he only knows the scenic route," he added, hoping it sounded okay.

Melia chuckled, "I think you're right. I'm not even certain this can be called a road," she said waving down at the grass-covered track they were travelling along.

"More a field than a road, I'd say," he replied retaining the smile.


Eventually they all looked up as Stanton pointed off in the distance. "There it is," he shouted. "Pitford Castle or at least what's left of it," he added. Even from a distance, it was clear to see the outer walls were in a state of disrepair. "It's not all bad," Danton told them. "We just don't have the man power to repair it all. There are some area's better than others. Besides which there are reasons for it looking like this."


As they all neared, he told them that due to the nature of the occupants, there was even a small garrison of soldiers kept here. In the castle grounds, which spanned some considerable area, were rows of homes. These were not for the magicians, but for the people who worked there. All the magicians, both pupils and tutors all resided in the central keep. The youngsters usually shared two or three to a room, although the older pupils were allowed their own rooms. "It's not a bad place really," Danton concluded, deciding it better for them to discover for themselves when they got there.


There was an air of uncertainty amongst the younger members of the group, as they continued the narrow track leading up to the outer wall of the castle grounds. What had once been the town of Pitford still lay mostly in ruins. Having been all but destroyed in the last war, it had been completely abandoned until given to the magicians by the king. A few of the buildings were now little more than stone footings left in the ground, with long grasses growing within.


Danton had explained that only the castle and keep were actually made use of at the current time. Although, sometime in the future, as their numbers grew, perhaps one day, the lands around would also be needed. Some of it was currently being put to use, as pasture and arable lands, to help supply the necessary food for those living there.


As they approached the outer wall, Mikel enquired as to how such a barrier was overcome during the war. "Magic, my friend," Danton told him. "Stone walls may be a good barrier against an army of normal means, but for a powerful magician, it is little more than an inconvenience." They did notice that despite the outer wall being damaged, it still had guards positioned around it.


Two of those guards stepped across the track leading to the gatehouse, and Stanton had little option but to pull his wagon to a halt. "Bloody fool," he grumbled, "I'll damn well run you down next time."

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