The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)
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Chapter 7.






After what was not the most comfortable night's sleep he had ever had, Mikel was first to wake. He thought it only fair that if he was awake then the others should be too. After stretching and yawning rather loudly, he stood, and after nudging Danton with his toe, he thought it would be funny to kick Maxim a little harder than was probably necessary. The youngster cursed, which ultimately had the effect of waking Zack and Melia. "Why did you kick me?" Maxim asked rubbing his eyes. "Because I was trying to make you feel at home. Isn't that how you normally get woken when you're in the gutter," he chuckled.


Melia sighed, "You really are an idiot," she said just confirming to herself, what she had been thinking the night before. Zack just gave him a dirty look, before asking Maxim if he was okay. "Yes I am fine, thanks," he replied trying to stifle a yawn. Danton sat up, mumbling about his back being stiff, "Yes thank you Mikel for kindly waking us all," he added sardonically.


Mikel just shrugged, not sure what was the matter with these people, "Look," he said, "It's nearly sun up...and if I am not mistaken I can smell bacon cooking downstairs." Danton just sighed, "Fine, come on you lot we need to get started anyway. Just listen up before we go down."


Satisfied he had everybody's attention, he spoke clearly, but quietly. Firstly, he reminded them, of the importance to keep a low profile, "We do not want to draw any attention to us when we enter Fordham. I will take Maxim through and over the bridge unseen." He checked they were all listening and understood the importance of what he said. He added, that keeping both himself and Maxim invisible, for the necessary length of time to get through the town and out over the bridge, would be very draining. "Make sure you get yourselves through without delay," he added looking more Mikel's direction.


Once he was certain all the others were aware of the plans, he suggested they make their way downstairs. He opened the door, unsurprising to see Mikel jump to the front and scarper down the stairs, Melia however was allowed to go ahead of Zack and Maxim. She cast the former a big smile, as he gestured for her to go before him. He was only a couple of years younger than her, she thought as she moved at more normal pace than Mikel. After tidying the room just a little, Danton was the last out, and closed the bedroom door behind him. He thought Mikel was right, as he too could smell the aroma of bacon cooking from the main room below. As he started down the stairs he stopped suddenly, why were there raised voices?


In the kitchen part of the main room, Linus and Karl were stood nervously holding crossbows. Mikel stood with his hands slightly aloft, and Melia, Zack and Maxim did likewise as they walked into their view. "Come on keep them hands were we can see them," Linus snapped. The elderly couple, Aileen and Stanton were clearly as shocked as their young guests were. "What are you two doing?" the woman asked disgusted at their treatment.


"This lot are magicians. Wanted by the authorities...especially that one," Karl said pointing at Maxim. He explained that when they had seen to the horses last night, they had discovered a book on magic in amongst their kit. It was then Linus happened to mention that when he had been to town yesterday afternoon, rumours were going around. "I went back last night to check on the description of those they were looking for," Linus said, explaining why he had not been there whilst they had eaten last night.


"Guess what. Apparently, they are looking for a man and four kids. One of which has flame red hair...Reports say they attacked a group of soldiers and killed 'em," the man added. Zack did not want Maxim to lose control again, "Stay calm," he whispered to his friend. "I thought you had more common sense than listen to silly stories," Aileen said trying to defend her guests.

"So what do you plan to do with us?" Melia asked.

Karl grinned, "Absolutely nothing girly."

"I've already been into town this morning; Soldiers should be here to get you any minute," Linus added.


Realising they were still one member of the group short, Karl was clearly panicking. "Where is the older guy?" he asked.

"Probably still sleeping," Zack said. "He is a terribly lazy man," he added.

Linus waved his crossbow, "Stanton go wake him up and bring him here."

The old man stood firm, "I am having nothing to do with this despicable debacle," he spat.

"Don't be a fool old man. That one alone is worth twenty gold pieces in reward for his capture," he pointed once more to Maxim.

"What am I worth?" Mikel asked, only to be kicked by Melia for doing so.


Clearly getting agitated, Karl kept peering through the small window, "Where are those bloody soldiers?" He mumbled under his breath. Linus was clearly the thinking man of the two, "Aileen, go get the fellow asleep...Now!" he shouted.

The old lady however was being just as stubborn as her husband was, "I will coward," she spat. "You would hand these children's lives in for a few gold pieces? You disgust me...and to think how long you have worked and lived with us...," she added shaking her head.


Zack was becoming increasingly worried about Maxim, if he started losing control again, the two would likely panic and start firing those crossbows. Standing as close as he could, he placed one of the hands he was holding aloft on Maxim's shoulder, "We will be fine. Stay calm," he whispered again.

"You...What are you whispering to him?" Linus shouted.

"Probably telling him he loves him," Mikel said, interrupting, thinking he was being funny.

Melia gave another sly kick his direction as a result.


"I see them!" Karl finally exclaimed, before returning his gaze from the window to the room. "Another ten minutes and you shall be in chains and we shall be rich," he gloated.

Danton was actually stood nearer to Karl and Linus than they would ever have thought. Invisible to the naked eye, he was trying to fathom out a way of disarming both simultaneously. Only to do so he would have to become visible again. Whilst out of sight he could not touch nor be touched.


With the thought that they had only a matter of minutes before soldiers arrived, he had little option but to act. He prepared a clenched fist at the side of Karl's head, as he was the one looking more likely to shoot. Linus' attention appeared to be on the stairs, probably still waiting for him to make an appearance. He swung his arm back, and then launched his punch, making sure he reappeared at the very last moment. He felt his fist smack straight into the side of Karl's face knocking the bigger man straight over. As soon as he could, he barged the other way into Linus, knocking him off balance.


As the man stumbled, Stanton stepped forward, picking up one of the pans from the stove, he smacked it over the back of Linus' head, knocking him down to the floor. "Quick help me with this one," Danton asked trying to stop Karl from getting back to his feet. Mikel, the obvious choice being the biggest and strongest of them stepped back. Zack however shook his head and jumped feet first at the man, knocking him back down again.


Aileen was clearly shaken, "Quick you must all go before the soldiers arrive," she said looking out of the window.

"What about you?" Danton asked binding Karl's wrists together with a piece of cord, as Stanton was busy doing the same to semi-conscious Linus.

"Don't be worrying about us," the old man said looking over. "Now go...," he added.


Aileen showed them all through the back door, so as the soldiers marching down the road would not see them leave. "There is a disused old barn a few miles downstream. Wait there and Stanton will bring you your horses," she said, pointing the direction they should go.


They had no time to thank her or say goodbye, as Danton looked back to see the old lady moving as fast as she could back into the house. They all crouched low as they moved away, using the cover of a wall to keep them out of sight. Once satisfied they had gone far enough, Danton whispered for them to stop, before he slowly peered over the stone wall they were crouched behind. They had gone several hundred yards across an entire pasture field, and he could see the soldiers walking up to the house. They split, as a dozen or more ran around the back. Some had their swords out, whilst others were armed with crossbows, "Should we not go back and help them," Maxim asked, speaking for the first time during the whole ordeal.


Danton shook his head, "As much as I would like to...I am afraid not. I just hope they can talk themselves out of it."

"How are we going to cross the river now?" Mikel asked, "This is your fault Maxim, everything was fine until you turned up...," he hissed.

It was Melia who felt the need to slap Mikel, doing so right across his face.

"Ouch...what the bloody hell was that for?" he asked all innocently.

She snarled at him, "This is not Maxim's fault, we are in this together. If you don't like it, then go crawl back to whatever dung pile you came out of," she snapped.


Danton hissed, trying to get them to keep the noise down. "Arguing amongst ourselves is not going to do any good, now come on," he said gesturing for them to keep moving away from the house. With it being winter and them having no cloaks, they all very quickly started feeling the cold. Mikel, was naturally first to grumble, but everyone just ignored him. At least the freezing weather meant the fields they crossed were firm underfoot, and not knee deep in mud as they could have been.


They found the old barn, just as Aileen had told them they would. One of the doors was hanging off its hinges and there was a huge hole in the roof in one corner, but this was where they had to wait. They did find an old canvas tarpaulin shoved against the wall, and despite it being a bit grubby and very smelly, Danton suggested they use it to wrap around themselves.


Mikel was clearly not happy about it, but did so without complaining too much. Zack huddled up close to Maxim, and Melia did likewise to Zack, and there they sat and waited. "How long do we leave it?" Zack eventually asked after realising Stanton might not be coming. "If Stanton and Aileen get arrested for harbouring us, then..." he did not need to finish the sentence for everyone to know what he was getting at.


Danton told them they would have to wait until night anyway. If Stanton failed to show before then, then he would sneak back and bring what horses and supplies he could. "You could go back now Danton," Maxim said, "Keep yourself invisible, see what's going on. Give us a signal if it's clear, and we can run back to get all our stuff," he added. Danton nodded, "Okay but let us give it another half hour or so, to at least let the soldiers move on."

"Oh I see," Mikel said, "When Maxim suggests it, it's a good idea. When I say anything I'm being stupid."

"That is because you are stupid," Melia said sticking her tongue out at him.


They sat a while longer, "I really do not know how anybody can survive in these conditions," Zack said breaking the silence. "How ever did you manage Maxim?" he asked. The young ginger haired lad just shrugged, as if to say it was no big deal. In truth of course, he knew only too well, how hard his life had been. "I just feel so cold," Melia said, huddling as close as she could to Zack, who put his arm around her. She suddenly felt much warmer, and even a little tingly; the young royal really was far more handsome than she had realised.


Eventually Danton stood, "Right I'll sneak back and check to see what has happened. If everything is clear, I'll give a signal." After enquiring what that signal might be, he showed them his light orb he could magic. He told them to give him twenty minutes, and for one of them to leave the barn to check the farmhouse in the distance. "I will create the light at one of the windows facing this direction, it should be bright enough for you to see even in daylight."


Danton trotted off out of the barn and out of sight. Now the others had to wait once more, with the four youngsters huddled together, and the dirty canvas tarpaulin wrapped around them. All were cold, and realising he had missed breakfast after all, Mikel felt hungry as well. In an effort to keep his mind off it, he suggested to Melia other ways in which they could keep warm, "I would rather freeze Mikel," she said with the look of horror on her face. As strange as it seemed, if he had suggested such a thing only a few days ago, she may have even considered them, but luckily, for her, she had learned what type of person Mikel really was. She turned her eyes to the younger man with his arm around her. Now, she thought, if Zack suggested such a thing. She shook the foolish notion from her mind, who was she kidding, Zack would never suggest such a thing, that was one of the attractions about him.


Danton crept as close as he could, staying out of sight, and when he thought he dare go no further, he vanished from sight. He walked casually up to the rear entrance of the house, there were no soldiers to be seen, so he decided to walk around the front. Once more, there were no signs of any soldiers, although he could tell a good number of people had paced around here, by the footprints in the softer mud.

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