The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)
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Gorius also learned two other useful pieces of information from the link, before resuming his attention to the map on his desk. The boy was clearly moving south. Moreover, he was not alone, and if reports were true, he was travelling with a member of the royal family. This news was almost too good to be true. He just needed to think of the best way to act upon it, to insure maximum impact.


He ran his finger over the map, in which the reported incidents had taken place. The only way he would get to one of the southern towns before any Kothian would be to use somebody with the skill of teleportation. This was something he currently did not have. Under normal circumstances, those with that power would only be able to transport themselves, and then only a matter of several hundred yards. He had however acquired an artefact that would enable a powerful magician, to transport several people over enormous distances.


This artefact looked a little like an old doorframe. It had been his lifelong friend and ally Davan who had discovered it. Unfortunately, despite knowing what it was and what it was capable of doing, they could not use it; for now, he would have to send people the normal way. The small group of men he was sending were supposedly the best available. They travelled fast and light, although with no way of telling them exactly where the target maybe, they would have to find out themselves when they crossed the border. The only feasible way he could come up with taking the boy alive should they manage to find him, was by drugging him. Surely if his target was unconscious then he would be unable to be a threat. Once they got the boy back, he could then use his own abilities to control his mind.


There were a lot of ifs and buts and maybes in his plans, but Gorius was pleased with the way things had gone so far. The next few days would be busy ones. With another influx of magicians expected and events in Kothia working to his advantage, his plans were progressing. Moreover, he had still to decide on what action to take, about the rumours a member of the Kothian royal family was aiding a magician. He smiled thinking of the scandal and uproar that would likely take place. He just needed to time his actions carefully, play it right, and he could have the Kothians fighting themselves.



Chapter 6.






After riding the remainder of the day, Danton signalled for the small group to veer from the main road. He had considered camping out for the night, but knew it was far too cold for doing that. This had left him something of a quandary. If he rode into any town larger enough to have an inn, then maybe there would be soldiers already alerted to watch for them. With the use of trained birds, messages took just hours to get from one town to the next. Each town then passed it along, and within a day or two most of the larger populated areas were soldiers were garrisoned, would have Maxim's description.


The town ahead of him was Fordham. He would have to go through it eventually to cross the bridge over the River Fyle, but doing so would mean him having to use magic. He had already devised an idea that he hoped should work, providing Maxim was well enough to walk, he could make the pair of them invisible. The rest of the group could ride through, whilst he and Maxim walked through unseen. He just hoped his power lasted long enough to get them over the bridge. Invisibility was a very draining skill, more so when moving.


Instead of risking an Inn, and needing somewhere to stop, Danton instead hoped for an alternative. After leaving the main track, he headed for what he thought looked like a large farmhouse a mile or so off. Perhaps here he could ask the farmer if they could rest the night in one of his barns, although not ideal, it would at least give some protection against the already cold night air.


Maxim was now quite alert, albeit very tired. His ordeal had certainly taken it out of him, and as a result, he still rode on the same horse as Zack, who was seated behind him. "Thank you Zack," he managed to say, lifting his head just a little. "No problem," he replied. "Try not to move, we'll be stopping soon," he added, keeping his new friend encapsulated within his arms.


By the time the small group had reached the farmhouse, it was almost completely dark. The night air was freezing, and the horses were as tired and hungry just as much as they were. Danton hoped the lure of a little money, would at least buy them some small comfort; and if they were really lucky a warm meal.


He dismounted from his horse; the poor beast had certainly had to work hard today. He patted her gently on the neck, and only wished he had some small treat he could give her. He realised that the only person not complaining about the cold, was the one who was probably used to living and surviving in such conditions. Maxim although still drained, had said little anyway, but had been the only one not to complain about how chilly it was.


The farm appeared a small one. Aside from the main house, there were a handful of outbuildings, a barn being one of them. It was now sufficiently dark, that all he could see were the outlines. As he approached, Danton could see a dim light on inside the main farmhouse, before he took a deep breath and rapped at the wooden entrance door. It took a while for anybody to answer, although he could hear the shuffling of feet a short while before they did. Stood in the open doorway was an elderly gent, and Danton guessed a man who had seen more years than most of the group put together. Holding a lamp out in front, the elderly man squinted trying to look up at Danton's face. "What can I do for you, young man?" he eventually asked.


Danton wished the man a good evening, and thanked him for answering the door, before eventually gesturing his hand towards the small group of horses and riders behind him. "I hoped you may let us sleep in a barn or stable perhaps, and if it were possible perhaps a little food. I can pay," he added. The old man looked past him towards the others, "How many are you?" he enquired. "Five in total," Danton replied hopefully, thankful at least the man had not slammed the door in his face.


Another face then appeared in the doorway. It was that of an elderly woman, who enquired who was at the door. "Some travellers my dear," the old man told her, "Wanting to know if they can sleep in our barn for the night." The old woman scoffed, "I will never hear of it. Invite them into the warm. They will all catch their death of cold out here," she told him. "You best all be coming in then," the old man chuckled, "I'll get the lads to see to your horses," he added.


Danton thanked them both and told the others to dismount. Two rather burly looking men, probably around Danton's age came out, and led the horses away around the back. Maxim was able to stand with a helping hand from Zack, and Melia immediately walked over to help. Mikel was his usual self and strutted ahead of them, only to be told to be on best behaviour whilst they were there.


The wall of warmth struck them the second they stepped inside, and the smell of food cooking was enough to make the mouth salivate. The old lady introduced herself as Aileen, and the old man who closed the door when the last of them was inside, was Stanton. The two men outside were farmhands who both had rooms at the house. Aileen shuffled her way around the room, clearing space at a long kitchen table, "Come on, sit yourselves down," she said wiping the surface with a cloth. "I'll put the kettle on for a nice hot drink, Stanton, take their cloaks and swords," she said issuing it more like a military order than a request. Her husband did not argue, and went around the group as each handed them their cloak.


Danton had no qualms about handing over his weapons, as it was clear the old couple would do them no harm. When Maxim removed his cloak, the old lady was shocked, "My, what a lovely colour head of hair you have," she said ruffling the top of his head with her hand. Maxim gave her a tired looking smile, as he sat down beside Zack and Melia at the table; Mikel sat opposite them, and Danton did likewise.


"This is very kind of you both," Danton said as Aileen started placing bowls out before them. Her husband placed a basket filled with bread rolls in the centre of the table, before lifting a big pot from beside the fire, for his wife to serve. "It's nothing special I'm afraid," Aileen said taking Zack's bowl first, and filling it with a thick broth. "It smells delicious," Melia said waiting impatiently for her serving.


As they started eating, Stanton joined them at the table. He filled a big pot with boiling water from the kettle that had just boiled, before adding a few spoons of tea. "Hope you all like tea," he said putting the lid on. One of the two men who had taken the horses to the stable returned in from a back door. "Mind if I have a cup Stanton," he asked, "Linus is finishing the horses. To bloody cold to be out there," he chuckled, sitting down beside the elderly man. "Oh this here is Karl," Aileen said, "He's a good boy...sometimes," she added chuckling to herself.


Karl looked around the table, "Strange group, if you don't mind me saying so," he said. "Man in his twenties, and four teenagers. You're not all family obviously," he gestured towards Maxim to show that could not possibly be the case. Aileen gave him a gentle tap, "What their business is, is none of yours Karl. Now leave them in peace whist they eat and warm up." Danton had already thought that such a question may be asked, and so had an answer already prepared. "Oh I don't mind," he said between two spoons of broth. "I am Danton, this is Zack, Maxim and Melia, and this one is Mikel." Each nodded their head as their name was spoken as a kind of greeting. "I am their escort, and they are all students heading south to Larton. They have all been sent by their families to enrol at the Guild of Knowledge, in hope that they may all one day work in the offices of power."


It was well known that such a place existed, where youngsters from rich privileged families, often sent their children to be educated. From there the pupils often went into politics or even the royal offices, and knowing this was the case, Zack thought to add a little more to the story. "I would prefer to work in the royal offices one day, although I know only a handful are ever selected for such. If not, then maybe local government may have to do." Aileen smiled at him, "Well work hard and you never know."


Danton was uncertain as to whether Karl bought into the story, quite as much as Aileen and Stanton had, but he did not ask further questions. The broth and fresh bread rolls they ate were surprisingly quite filling, and together with the sweetened tea, warmed them all nicely. "Karl, you can sleep in with Linus tonight. Our guests can have your room," Aileen told the farmhand. "I'll get some more blankets and the spare mattress, but you'll have to make do with that," she added almost apologetically. "You have shown us much kindness," Danton said placing a gold coin on the table, "Please accept this as payment for your generosity."


Aileen quickly dismissed the idea of payment, "We do not seek payment. Please keep your money." Karl on the other hand was clearly not thinking along the same line. "You should take it Aileen," the farmhand said. "I am surprised you did not stop at an inn. For the amount you are willing to pay, you could all have had rooms," he added. "It was already dark, and Maxim here was feeling ill," Danton replied trying not to get annoyed by the constant questions from Karl. "Please accept the gold," he added, pushing the coin across the table in their direction.


Danton asked if they could be shown to their room. They had endured a tiring day, and all needed a good night's rest. Aileen shuffled across the room and out of another door, holding a lamp as she went, she showed them up a narrow staircase. At the top of the landing, they were shown a door to the left, "Here you go," she said opening it, "I'll bring those blankets and spare mattress in for you."


Aileen was good to her word, and with the help of Karl, returned just a few minutes later. The farmhand placed the feathered mattress on the floor, whilst Aileen had her arms full of blankets. The elderly lady placed these down upon the bed, and then left them to sort themselves out. "I am not sleeping in the same bed as anyone else," Mikel said the moment the door was closed. Danton picked up a blanket, "Fine, you can sleep on that chair in the corner then," he said pushing the blanket into Mikel's arms. The youngster was clearly not impressed, "Why can't I have the bed?" he asked.


Danton told him that it was the gentlemanly thing to allow Melia, to have the single, and only, bed in the room. The mattress on the floor was large enough for two, "Zack, if you don't mind sharing with Maxim you two can use that."

"I don't mind at all," Zack replied.

Maxim just shrugged, "Fine by me. What about you Danton, where will you sleep?"

"I'll be content on the floor Maxim, thank you for asking."


Once the sleeping arrangements were sorted out and the blankets arranged, they readied themselves for a night of sleep. Once they were all tucked up, Danton blew out the lamp left by Aileen. "Goodnight," Zack said as he settled down to sleep. He realised he still needed to speak to Danton to let him know what he done. Revealing he was a member of the royal family was, in hindsight, not such a clever thing to have done. He hoped the soldiers who had fled had forgotten that part of the ordeal.


Melia lay there with her eyes open, staring into the darkness. She had kept the secret about Zack's royal connection, although the events of the day had left her shaken. Knowing that having magic would always carry the risk of you being discovered, but today had been an eye-opener for her. Maxim had shown her the side of magic that people feared, and although she had not known him long, she actually quite liked him. However, she had to admit for a while in the cottage she had feared for her own life. Zack on the other hand appeared to have instinctively known Maxim would cause neither of them harm. In fact, the two boys had already become close.


At the time of first meeting Mikel, she had thought him quite attractive. Since the arrival of Maxim however, she had seen a side of him she did not like. The constant snidely remarks aimed at the young lad, and the incessant selfish moaning had shown Mikel to be nothing more than brat. She smiled, pity Zack was not a couple of years older, she thought. He was quite attractive for a boy his age, caring and kind, and knowing he was royalty made him all the more appealing.

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