The Eternity that Follows

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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The Eternity
that Follows


Diane Marie
Chapter One

Gabriella grew up in a small town north of New York City.
She was cute and funny growing up as a child, pretty and girly in
her adolescent times, smart and athletic in her teen years, and now
in her early twenties, hot and dangerous. In a town filled with
beautiful people, Gabriella stood remote from the crowd.

She was five foot four with long brown hair, dazzled with
red highlights in the winter months, turning golden blonde with the
summer sun. Her face was of sheer beauty. She had voluptuous
lips that yet could not be declared big, a soft velvety smile, pretty,
slanted, golden brown eyes, fair cheekbones. And a personality,
for anyone who came across, would brighten up their day.

Some had said she had it all. Though not blessed with
model height, her thighs were long and thick, her knees attractive,
and her calves sexy with lean muscle. She was curvy. She had the
kind of curve that could gain merit on Marilyn Monroe, redefining
the standard measurements of a perfect figure. She was a medium
C cup, and no small girl weighing in at 142 lbs.

The boys loved Gabriella’s figure. She was curvy,
vivacious, and having the summer of her life; a life she hadn’t yet
done much with.

Gabriella held an associates degree in business
administration, and was going into her senior year of college, two
years behind schedule for her bachelor’s degree in Business
Management. For the time being, she had no intention of finding
work. Her father was more than content in funding her cheap
lifestyle. She didn’t ask for much, shopping at the cheap trendy
stores, receiving expensive desinger bags and jeans for
Christmases and birthdays. Besides food, and the car her parents
funded, she had everything she needed. She had water, shelter and
was granted sixty dollars a week for spending money.

Gabriella’s social life since she hit twenty-one didn’t
extend much further then the bars in her hometown. She enjoyed
going out as much as she could. Gabriella went out around town
with the girls from her high school group. Her drinks, usually paid
for by random men. That allowed Gabriella to go out more then
the sixty dollars her father gave her weekly allowed.

Gabriella wasn’t greedy though, nor snooty. She was the
sweetest girl around, very genuine and always a friend. She was
caring, loving, and never made fun or partook in the fun of others.
She simply just didn’t find the act funny. In high school she had
always stuck up for the underdog and snugged the class clown.

Gabriella had broken up with her high school boyfriend of
five years a little over a year ago. His name was Mark, and he was
just a couple of years older than she. He was the man she was to
marry. The man who spoiled her in ways her dad wasn’t willing to
spend. Mark gave her jewelry, took her out on fancy dinners and
bought her random expensive gifts. Mark was the reason Gabriella
never felt pressure to finish school. He often kept her from going
to classes when he was off from work on rainy days, wanting to
spend the day with her instead, promising to always care for her.

Mark was everything Gabriella thought she could want in a
man. He was loyal, compassionate, and good looking. Mark had
green eyes, a strong jaw line, and a face that made all the girls feel
silly, because they knew, he knew they thought he was good
looking. Gabriella was forced to realize that this wasn’t the man
God had intended for her.

Though they didn’t fight much, and Gabriella truly
believed he was loyal through the years, there were too many
rumors surrounding their lives. The rumors started in high school,
through their party years, continuing on when they hit the night
scene. The rumors became too much for Gabriella to handle.
Countless girls had claimed that Mark had slept with them, which
was something Gabriella could no longer justify. Gabriella wanted
to trust Mark, she really did, but one found some truth to the
rumors when Gabriella saw pictures of him close to a girl at a party
on Facebook.

Though devastated, Gabriella knew that romances starting
in high school rarely lasted. Gabriella’s virginity was something
she held specially to her heart. Promising her virginity at an early
age to her husband, having done the deed with mark, and him
proving not to be the one. Gabriella was crushed Mark turned out
to be a cheater after she had shared her most intimate offering in
life with him. Gabriella always dreamed of a lifelong faithful
romance, which she thought she had. When she found out
otherwise, she was more then crushed. Gabriella recovered from
their breakup fairly quickly, knowing one day, she’d find her
dream man.

When Gabriella first broke up with Mark, she was reluctant
to sleep with any, and all men who approached her. She was
cautious, and on the weary side. She wasn’t looking for love, and
she wanted to wait to get to know a man before she became
intimate with them. What Gabriella found single at the bar,
reconnected with her high school friends, was that all boys wanted
to do was hookup. No boys asked her on dates to get to know her,
and if they had, Gabriella probably wouldn’t have accepted.
Mark’s good looks were a lot for other boys to live up to.
Gabriella expected nothing less in the look’s department of her
next romance.

Gabriella found herself under peer pressure at a young
woman’s age, an age where peer pressure never should have
bestowed upon her. She hadn’t realized it, but she had fallen back
into the wrong crowd of girls. They were wild, fun, and crazy.
Gabriella loved that about them, and loved hanging around with
them. Their wild side would always catch the best of them though.
Gabriella’s friends would go home with one or two boys a week
for a causal one night stand. They would carry a boyfriend for a
month or two, just for the sex, and then throw them away.
Gabriella tried not to judge their lifestyles, she was different to
them, deeming her the innocent prude girl, and she was often made
fun of for believing in being meant to be, love and the mumble
jumble of a soul mate.

Last summer, the summer Gabriella turned twenty-two, her
friends caught the best of her. Gabriella had slept with six guys in
six nights, and wound up pregnant. Against her values and morals,
her friends talked her into an abortion. Gabriella agreed,
considering the embarrassment and guilt that would come along to
everyone in her life; her family, the community, the boys and girls
in town. The reality of getting six guys tested to find the father of
your child was a deed Gabriella couldn’t face to live. It wasn’t as
though she would likely marry any of the boys that may have been
a match to her baby. They were after all just mutually using each
other for one’s own sexual pleasure.

Gabriella’s regret didn’t lay in her abortion itself, but in the
act of sleeping with so many boys in a dim amount of time. She
swore off one night stands forever, and took to a vow of celibacy.
To get through the lonely periods of waiting for Mr. Right,
Gabriella fantasized of a life long faithful romance. One that
would last a lifetime, and the eternity she swore followed.
Gabriella believed strongly in the proverb that ‘good things come
to those that wait.' As for her friends, they now understood her
viewpoint, sex should be an act of love making between one soul,
and another that is eternity bound. Not in those words, but they
understood that Gabriella simply wasn’t into sleeping around, and
they loved her all the more for being that way, sometimes.

It was another Friday night, and although she was out the
Thursday night before, Gabriella and her girls were up to do it
again. They were to hit up the same bars in Gabriella’s hometown,
Mandala, they had the night before. Mandala, was a small town
filled with many lakes, and one huge, beautiful lake, Lake
Mandala. Lake Mandala held summer homes to many celebrities
and was the richest area in town. For such a small town in
diameter, Mandala had several bars. There was Hamlets Crossing,
Cascades, Mackenzie’s, and Starfall. When Gabriella and her
friends went out to the bars in her hometown, they were sure to
come across the paths of many people they knew.

As Gabriella was getting ready for her Friday night out in
Mandala, she wondered what another night out would be like. She
had fun the night before, and was having the summer of her life.
Spending most of her time during the days of the week at the city
beaches getting a tan and lightening up her hair. Her evenings
spent outside sitting on the deck enjoying a cold drink, watching
the sunset, and then gazing at the stars. She would usually go out
to the bars most nights during the week too. Going to the bars
were the main highlight and enjoyment of her summer, She loved
to parade around, getting checked out but an array of boys.

Gabriella had many local fans, and a loaded amount of guy
friends that adored her as well. She was a tease indeed, and she
loved it. Everyone who didn’t know her got the wrong impression
of her. Considering the way she dressed and acted, they must have
thought her to be a loose girl, but she wasn’t, and she couldn’t care
what other people thought.

Gabriella and her two girl friends, Sara and Jemma made
plans to go to Mackenzie’s. Sara, Jemma and Gabriella were
friends since high school. Sara had short dyed red hair and green
eyes. She had an exotic look that had guys stumbling at their feet.
She was tall, five foot seven, and had a lean muscular figure. She
was just as athletic as Gabriella, but Gabriella had the curves and
plump to go with it. Gabriella often thought to lose a little of the
meat she had on her bones, but with the attention she gathered
from the boys, and eating as healthy and heartily as she did, she
was satisfied with the way she looked.

Jemma was five foot three with silky blonde hair, with the
option of styling it curly or straight, as she pleased. She had
beautiful blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. She was a cute girl, with
sought after features, though the men around town preferred the
light browned haired, light browned eyed Gabriella. Jemma had
her fair share of advances nightly, but Gabriella fought hard to
keep the boys away. Jemma was slightly slimmer then Gabriella
and wasn’t all that curvy, but her figure was appealing, and she
was gifted with a bigger bust size then most girls.

When walking into Mackenzie’s, Gabriella received her
first compliment of the night from the bouncer who was carding
the door.
“Your legs are looking sexy as usual Gabriella.” The familiar
bouncer said.
“Oh thanks.” Gabriella replied, embarrassed.

The girls then walked straight for the bar and ordered their
bud lights, their choice of drinks when they were paying for
“Oh my. He is so hot, I’d totally give in to him” Jemma chimed,
looking over at the Dee Jay.
“Ah he’s all right. Not my type” Gabriella replied.
“Oh yeah tall dark and handsome, I forgot that’s all you’re
attracted to” Jemma said, giddily as the Dee Jay waved to her.
“Well now all my boys from last summer weren’t tall dark and
handsome, that’s not all I’m attracted to, that’s just what I wish to
have.” Gabriella said, proudly remembering her past sexual
encounters, and how all those boys would wish to have a night
with her again, but couldn’t.
“True” Jemma said, ending it with that.
“Now I could go for a tall dark and handsome man myself” Sara
said, adding to the conversation.
“Laughing my ass off, if we see one he’s mine.” Gabriella replied.
“Whatever he’d probably want you first anyway.” Sara
“That’s not true.” Gabriella blushed.
“Oh there are so many tall and dark boys, Gabriella just has a
fixation on movie theater hot.
Sara you’re much more prone to
walking away with an average good-looking guy, so if something
extraordinary walks in he’s Gabriella’s, if not, then Sara he’s
yours! Got it girls? Lets go dance.” Jemma said, concluding the
bashful conversation and going to flirt with the Dee Jay by using
her body on the dance floor.

Jemma was a sexy dancer as were Sara and Gabriella so
they often enjoyed dancing with each other, while pushing off the
boys. Gabriella grabbed the most attention on the dance floor,
using her hips to dance. Gabriella's signature move was dropping
low with a sexy poise and shooting straight back up. She often
used it as a weapon to attract the attention of the boys that weren’t
yet watching her while she danced.
Dancing just the three of
them, and not taking advances from any of the males that
approached, the girls danced the night away.

The Dee Jay packed up and left with his girlfriend when his
shift ended, making Jemma out to crave a wild night. The girls
ended the night wild and crazy as usual. They were always off to
an after party, staying out later and drinking longer, as they never
wanted the night to come to an end.
Jemma ran into a group of
boys who had a dock, and boat just a few streets away, the girls
just couldn’t refuse. Tonight was a little special, they went
swimming off a boat in the towns largest lake, Lake Mandala. The
girls got down to their bra and underwear, and went swimming in
the warm lake.

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