The Eternity that Follows (10 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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Gabriella then left Joey and got back into the car. Joey was
left in extreme amazement over how loving the kiss had been. It
took him a minute to realize that the pump had stopped pumping.
He tightened the nozzle on the gas tank, and got back into the car.
He started up the car, and placed his hand on Gabriella’s thigh as
he began to drive.

Gabriella and Joey were going to his apartment so he could
grab an outfit for the club that night. They were in Joey’s room,
and Gabriella was excited he let her go through the shirts that hung
in his closet, to pick out what he was going to wear. He laid out a
pair of black carpenter pants, and his black low top timberland
boots, telling her to, ‘match that’.

Gabriella chose a white cotton tee-shirt that had an imprint
of a black dragon, the black dragon was made of softer material
then the shirt itself. The shirt had a shiny silver swirl design,
starting at the top right, and ended at the bottom left, cutting off
where the dragon was. Joey didn’t have much to say about the
shirt Gabriella had picked, ‘just as long as you like it, darling,’ was
all he said when she finally made her selection.

Joey draped his outfit over the recliner in his room, giving
Gabriella room to sit on the bed without wrinkling his clothes.
Joey sat down next to her.
“Joey what do you do for a living?”
Gabriella finally asked.

Joey was happy she had asked, after all she was the dream
girl he envisioned when he sketched his blueprints. Joey told
Gabriella all about the company he had started, and how he had his
blueprint brought to life to fund it. Gabriella was truly impressed
with Joey. She could tell through their conversations all day that
he was intelligent, but she wasn’t expecting news of him being an

Gabriella too told Joey of her career goals, claiming that
she was going to be a CEO of a fortune 500 company by the time
she was thirty. Joey didn’t mind she wasn’t working now, as long
as she planned to go back to school. He worried some over his
money situation, and having to care for her as soon as he talked her
into leaving her fathers home to live with him. Which he planed to
do as soon as she would take one of his proposal or suggestions
“Tie’s the one whose father took on your blueprint?” Gabriella
asked, after Joey informed her he would be coming to the club
with them. He wanted a friend with him so he wouldn’t get left
alone standing, while Gabriella ditched him for her friends. Which
he hoped in his heart, she wouldn’t do to him.

Gabriella didn’t mind Tie coming along, she actually
thought it was a good idea. She and Jemma were both bringing
boyfriends, as she glowed at the thought of having a boyfriend.
That left Sara and Josephine to have each other to cling to at the
club. With Tie along, that meant Gabriella could leave Joey from
time to time so she would be able to spend some time with her
friends. She knew she would be pulled away from Joey all night,
while her friends tried for her attention. Not because she hadn’t
talked or hung out with them in a week, but because she was
usually their center of attention.
“Yeah that’s him.” Joey said, finding the perfect time to tell
Gabriella all about his past relationship with girls. By the time he
got to Diana, Gabriella had heard enough.
“Joey, you don’t have to tell me your whole life story in one shot.”
“Oh, sorry. I just want you to know everything about me.” .
“And I want to know everything about you. I just can’t handle to
hear any more past relationships for one night.”
“You jealous girl?” Joey asked, standing over his bed they were
sitting talking on. Gabriella followed, standing up, and Joey
grabbed her hand, taking it into his own.
“Well no it’s just that, that . . .” Gabriella didn’t know what to say.
“Maybe I am a bit jealous.” Gabriella said, with a puzzled face.

Joey, with her hand already in his, brought it to his lips and
kissed it.


“You’re all I want Gabriella.”

Gabriella sighed speechlessly over the words Joey had
nestled into her heart. Knowing that, Joey didn’t leave time for
words, he laid her down on the bed, and began to kiss her. He
kissed her with sheer passion and romance. Gabriella was lost in
his kiss as he kept his eyes closed. She opened hers slightly, only
for a moment, to see if his eyes were closed, and they were. Her
heart fell at peace as he began to undress her to make love.
“Joey we don’t have enough time for this. We got to go back to
my house to get me ready.” Gabriella said, as it was it was six
forty five. They were meeting her friends and Tie at the train
station at nine to catch the nine fifteen train into the city.
“But I’ll make love.”

Gabriella was lost in Joey’s words again, and let him
proceed to finish undressing her. He took off his own clothes, and
made deep slow love to her. He was so gentle with Gabriella, she
felt she was an angel with the care his touch tended her body with.
Joey grew out of his gentle state that had placed a magical spell on
Gabriella, and finished with rough love making, bringing them
both to their climax at the same time. Gabriella was still
speechless, but had to find something to say, considering Joey had
gotten up out of the bed right after, and began to dress himself,
before handing Gabriella her clothes suggesting she do the same.

Gabriella was in a cuddly mood, and still couldn't catch any
words. She wanted to suggest skipping the club to stay there for
the night cuddling, and making more love. Joey realized that
Gabriella wasn’t getting dressed yet, she hadn’t even sat up yet on
Joey’s unmade bed. She was just laying there naked. Joey went,
and sat down next to her on the bed, with only his boxers on.

When Joey sat down Gabriella, sat up and sat behind him,
placing her bear breasts on Joey’s muscular back. She wrapped her
arms around his stomach, and kissed his right shoulder.
“I love you Joey.” .
“I love you too.” Joey replied, taking her tight hold around his
waist off as he got up off the bed. “Come on girl. Get dressed. I
can have you at your house by seven thirty. Is that enough time to
get ready?”
“Yeah, I get ready quick.”
“You’re beautiful Gabriella. I’d take you out right now looking the
way you do.” Joey said, seriously.

Gabriella laughed, realizing her hair must have dried wavy,
and by now must look like a mess, plus she still hadn’t done her
makeup since she got out of the shower.
“Oh would you?”
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Is that how I got so lucky, being with such a handsome man and
all?” Gabriella asked, standing up to start dressing herself.

Joey Instinctually gave Gabriella a kiss, he couldn’t help
himself, he thought her words to be sweet.
He was used to being
called handsome by women, and often fussed about it because he
thought it to be a grown up word. Coming from Gabriella, it was
different, it was romantic.
“Appears so.” Joey said finally.

With both of them dressed, standing facing each other Joey
grabbed Gabriella's left hand, and played with her ring finger,
rubbing the spot where a ring would go. Gabriella blushed and
grabbed her hand from Joey.
“Don’t be getting any ideas mister.” She said.
“I already have them.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Only about you.”
“Come on let’s go.” Gabriella said, placing on her shoes and
walking out his bedroom door.

Joey and Gabriella were quickly back at Gabriella’s house.
She was straightening her hair in her vanity while Joey was sitting
on her desk chair watching her. He put on a slow song that she had
stored in the memory of her computer. He walked over to her and
asked she,
“may I have this dance?” Then he took Gabriella out of her vanity
chair, and pulled her into his arms.

Though Joey wasn’t much of a dancer, he was capable of
holding his girl tight as he swayed her back and forth, with her
arms around his neck, and his wrapped around her waist.
“Joey we really don’t have time for this.”
“Sure we do.”

Joey pulled Gabriella closer, and continued on to danced
for a few minutes. Joey wanted to get down on one knee and
propose to her, noting in his head that he would have to make it to
the jewelry store soon. He saw no time in waiting to see how the
relationship went before they were to be married. Gabriella was
definitely the one. Besides her meeting his dream girl in looks, she
also met his intellectual side. He liked her personality, and how
they responded to each other. Also, she was his perfect lover in
bed, as no girl had ever brought him more sexual pleasure. As they
danced, Joey pulled Gabriella close to his bottom half, and let her
feel his slight excretion.
“You better watch that mister. We have to leave here in half an
hour, and I still haven’t done my make-up yet.” With Gabriella's
words, Joey let go of his tight grip around her waist, letting her get
back to fxing her hair.

Joey walked into Gabriella's bathroom, and immediately
started laughing, the bathroom was painted hot pink, just as her
room was. Gabriella’s bathroom even had a hot pink hot tub in it.
He didn’t know a hot pink hot tub even existed. He walked over to
her mirror above her sink, and began to wet his hair. He then
styled his hair nicely for Gabriella, using her hair gel he had found
in one her bathroom drawers. Joey had no problem going through
her bathroom draws. After all, Gabriella had informed him she had
hair gel at her house, when he had asked if he should bring his with

Joey came out of the bathroom, and laid on his stomach on
Gabriella’s bed, while Gabriella was doing her makeup.
“Joey stop watching me, your going to make me mess up.”
“You are so beautiful, you don’t need makeup.”
“Thanks.” Gabriella said, trying to believe his words.

Joey stood up, and sat himself down at Gabriella's desk
chair, waiting to watch Gabriella undress herself, and put on her
outfit for the night. “Joey why are you always watching me?”
Gabriella asked, as she began to undress herself from the clothes
she had thrown on after her shower.
“It’s fun.” Was all Joey replied.

Gabriella put on a black dress, the dress was rather reliving,
as Joey had remarked earlier when she tried it on for him.
Gabriella was tying the lace to the top of the dress when Joey
walked over to her.
“You better not be dancing with any boys tonight or letting them
buy you drinks.” He said.
“I would never, your mine.” Gabriella said. She then kissed his
“I mean it.”
“Okay.” Gabriella said, while putting on her shoes on, and then
she announced, “I’m ready to go.”

Joey took her in for a moment. With her hair straightened,
and her makeup done, she looked out of sight, gorgeous.
“Your gorgeous” Joey said, placing his hands around her back.
“Joey, can you keep your hands off of me for one minute?”
“No and don’t expect me to.” Joey said, thinking about how he
was going to stick to her all night at the club.

Gabriella gave him a light kiss on the lips and said,
“Let’s go.”
Joey grabbed her from behind, taking in the scent of
perfume she had sprayed on herself just moments before. Joey just
couldn’t keep his hands off of Gabriella. Joey started to kiss
Gabriella’s neck.
“Quit it Joey. It’s almost nine and we have to make the train by
nine-fifteen.” Gabriella said, though she enjoyed that Joey
couldn’t help keep his hands off of her, and enjoyed pushing him
off even more.
“All right lets go.” Joey said, not wanting to let go, or stop kissing
her neck, so he grabbed her hand instead, led her out of her
bedroom, down the stairs, and out the front door.
Joey opened the car door for Gabriella.
“I’m capable of opening up my own door Joey. You don’t have to
do that every time.” Gabriella said, unsure how much she liked
being fussed over.
“Ok then.” Joey said, closing the door so Gabriella would have to
open it again. Gabriella simply laughed. “You didn’t have to do
“Oh but I did.” Joey said, as he smirked

Chapter Eight

Joey and Gabriella met Tie at the train station, and then
quickly found Gabriella’s friends. There was an awkward greeting
between Jemma and Joey, but Sara and Josephine were delighted
to meet him. Joey took time acquainting himself with Jemma’s
boyfriend, Bruce to be polite. On the train ride down, Sara and
Josephine both fought hard for the seat next to Tie, leaving Joey to
wonder what would have happened if he had brought alongside a
better looking friend. Gabriella informed him, once they got to the
club, they would be checking out guys, and be waiting to get hit on
so he shouldn't bother himself with worriement. Joey and
Gabriella spent the train ride holding hands, and getting to know
each other better. They arrived at Grand Central Station minutes
after ten-thirty, and then headed to club Temptation.

Club Temptation was a considerably large club in New
York City. The club had three floors, playing different genres of
music on each. Once inside the club, Joey grabbed Gabriella’s
hand and said,
“remember your mine.” .
“You’re a jealous man, aren’t you Joey?”
“No.” Joey corrected her. “I’m with the sexiest girl alive, and I’m
afraid I’m going to be fighting guys off of you all night.”
“I won’t leave your side all night, promise, except when I have to
go to the bathroom.”
“Okay and when you do, I’ll be right outside.”
“You’re too much.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“I think good.”
“Oh my gosh, I love this song! Come on Gabriella lets go dance.”
Sara insisted. Gabriella was torn. She knew that she couldn’t
leave Joey’s side and plus, she didn’t want to.
“Okay, but Joey and I want to get a drink first.” Gabriella said.
Joey sighed relief, his girl was holding up to the promise she had
made him.
“Okay” Sara said, grabbing both Josephine and Tie, bringing them
to the dance floor.

Jemma and Bruce were already off to the bar when they
first walked in. Gabriella noticed them walking to the second floor
as she and Joey were walking over to the bar on the first floor.
Gabriella and Joey both ordered a bottle of beer.
“Let’s do a shot too.” Gabriella insisted, wanting to spend money
on Joey being they had a mild protest on the train about him
picking up the tab on her ticket.
“What do you want to do a shot of?”
“Anything you’d like. You pick but I only do girly shots though.
Oh, maybe we should both order something different.” Gabriella
sighed, Joey laughed at his girlfriend.
“And what exactly is a girly shot?”
“A shot with juice in it.”
“I don’t know any girly shot’s Gabriella, your just going to have to
decide for us” Joey said, giving off an innocent stare. Gabriella
decided to order them a shot of Swedish fish. Joey laughed while
Gabriella ordered asking what a Swedish fish was. Gabriella
informed him it was just like the candy. After they took their girly
shot Joey remarked, “wow it tasted just like a red Swedish fish.”
“You see! Come on, come on the dance floor with me.” Gabriella
said, shaking her hips. Gabriella looked so sexy, Joey was scared
to refuse her.
“I don’t really dance.”
“You danced with me in my room earlier.”
“That was different.”
“Oh come on, just come out on the floor with me and watch me
dance! All you have to do is hold my hips.”
“You love to dance?” Joey asked, raising one eyebrow.
“One of my favorite things to do.”
“All right then, let’s go dance.”

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