The Eternity that Follows (12 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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“Well you found your dream girl didn’t you?” Gabriella said,
tenderly, then kissing him on the cheek.
“Sure have. But have you found your dream man?”
“I sure have.”
“For eternity?” Joey questioned, still having his thought for a
tattoo in mind.
“For eternity, and the eternity that follows that.” Gabriella said.

Joey then stole a small kiss to seal their vow of eternity.
“So you’re turn, tell me more about you.”
“Well, okay.” Gabriella said, and then she went on to tell Joey all
about her and Mark’s relationship.

It was then that they realized that Joey’s ex girlfriend,
Samantha, the one who wanted to see what sex with someone else
would be life, had cheated on him with Mark while Gabriella was
in a relationship with him. It was an epiphany for the both to feel
even closer then they did before. They shared a somber kiss,
letting go of all the heartbreak past loves had caused, quickly
moving the conversation, to their childhoods, and their families,
until Joey looked at the clock.
“I wonder if your friends are still here.” Joey said, after glancing
at the time, and reporting to Gabriella it was five thirty in the
morning, and then reminding her the club would be closing at
“Wow we talked the night away.”
“Let’s not even look for your friends, lets just go the two of us.”
“All right. I’d like that.”

Joey rushed Gabriella down the top floor of the club,
through the second floor of the club, down the stairs to the first
floor, and then out the entrance. The last thing he wanted was to
run into her friends, and have them ruin his plan to end the night
with the perfect vision he had.

Joey and Gabriella walked to a diner just a few blocks
away from the club. They shared a couple cups of coffee while
waiting at the dinner for the tattoo shop to open up. They sat their
telling funny stories of things they had experienced in life, until
Joey happily announced it was time to go.

On the walk to the tattoo shop, Joey informed Gabriella, he
would be drawing out their tattoo’s. ‘He was an artist after all’ he
told her in reference to his blueprints. When they arrived at the
tattoo shop, Joey was relieved they were open early on a Sunday.
Joey walked in, sat Gabriella down on one of the chair’s in front,
and then went in the back of the shop with the tattoo artist to draw
up their tattoo's.

Gabriella waited, sitting in the front of the tattoo parlor
going though their samples of tattoos while contemplating why she
hadn’t branded herself with one sooner. Twenty minutes later,
Joey came out of the back, and cleared his throat, causing
Gabriella to turn around as she was standing up looking through
one of the tattoo books. Gabriella turned around to face Joey, he
got down on one knee, showed her the tattoo he had gotten, and
then asked Gabriella,
“will you marry me?” in a dead serious tone.

Joey had a ring tattoo around his left ring finger. Gabriella
got a warm feeling so strong, she no idea what had overcame her.
“You can’t be serious.” Gabriella said.

Joey didn’t respond in words, instead he looked at his tattoo
to show her how serious he was. Gabriella finally got up the
courage to speak.
“Of course I’ll marry you Joey. I love you.” She said, low and
“I love you too.” Joey said, almost in tears at this point of fear she
wasn't going to accept his proposal, but the tears that had fallen
were of pure joy, as he then stood up and kissed Gabriella.

Gabriella took a look at the tattoo on Joey’s finger that was
soon to be on hers. Joey had designed a green outlined ban with
vines in the middle. Gabriella loved the tattoo he had drawn up.
Joey led Gabriella into the back, and held her hand as the tattoo
artist printed in permanence, a band of matrimony.

Chapter Nine

“What are your parents going to say?” Joey asked Gabriella, on
the train ride back to his car.
“I hadn’t yet thought of that. I hope my mom would want to plan a
wedding with me, and I hope my dad will approve.”
“A wedding?” Joey asked, questionably. He had figured they
would just go to the justice of peace and make it official come
Monday morning. Joey grew fond of the idea of a wedding. Joey
didn’t want to deprive his dream girl of her dream wedding, if she
indeed had one.
“Yeah. My parents would want me to marry in a church. Are you
confirmed Joey?”
“Yeah, my mom made me.”
“Your mom? Do I get to meet her?”
“Gabriella. I haven’t talked to my mom since I was fifteen.”
“Oh, right” Gabriella said, not wanting to push. It was almost
eleven in the morning, and neither of them had slept yet.

“Well you are cute, I guess I can talk more about it.” Joey said,
not wanting to leave Gabriella in the dark about his family.

Joey ten reminded Gabriella about his brother, and how the
two of them stayed close over the years. He continued on by
telling her about his asshole step father, and how he ended up in
junvenile detention. Gabriella already knew he was just defending
himself physically, from the strike of his step father, but Joey
carried the story further on, letting her in. Joey went on to speak
about his mother, how she had no interest in him after his father
left, and how she didn’t care much of what he did. Joey then went
on to conclude his story to Gabriella, by telling her his mother took
his step father’s side in her statement to the cops.
“Oh Joey. Baby, I’m sorry.” Gabriella said, fussing over Joey by
rustling her fingers through his hair trying to comfort him.
“It’s not your fault babe.”
“Well I know.” Gabriella said, and then paused for a moment. She
placed her pointer finger on Joey’s cheek, and brushed the side of
his face for a few moments with love. Her gentle touch got Joey to
turn his head as he looked into Gabriella’ eyes. “Forever, baby?”
Gabriella asked Joey, showing him that everything was all right,
she was now all the family he ever needed.

Joey was lost in Gabriella’s eyes, and he swore he could see
down to her soul. He saw a light-blue crystal color, then he figured
he was becoming delusional from lack of sleep.
“Forever, baby.” He replied.

Gabriella kissed Joey on the lips as their tongues
momentarily touched, and then their lips met each other both
ending the kiss with a wet peck. Gabriella then got comfortable in
Joey’s arms as he warped his arm around her shoulder, and let her
get comfortable in his chest. Gabriella pulled her feet up, and
bended her legs to the side of the seat she was in. She inched
closer to Joey, and found the perfect spot to nestle the side of her
face into his chest. She then closed her eyes to take a nap till the
train ride ended.

Joey stayed awake holding Gabriella as she slept on him for
the first time since they had met. He didn’t want them to miss
their train stop, and vowed to himself that he would love her for
eternity, as he looked at the tattoo on his ring finger. Gabriella was
the first person to bring joy to Joey’s life. 'True joy', Joey thought
to himself as he realized how unselfish he had become in her

Joey woke Gabriella up at the stop before there’s.
“Sleep peacefully my darling?” Joey asked ,while kissing her
forehead gently while gently nudging to wake her up.
“Oh Joey I had the best dream.” Gabriella said, stretching out her
arms and yawing. Her yawn was contiguous, and Joey too
“Really baby? What was it about?”
“Well you and I were on a deserted island with pure white sand,
and crystal clear water.” Gabriella said, looking away from the
stare she had with Joey’s eyes. “And well, we were making love
on the sand.”
“That’s all?”
“Yeah. That’s what I remember.”
“I can make love to you on a beach.”
“Then my dream shall come true.”
“I’ll see to it that it does.”
“Thank you my, my . . .”
“Your husband?”
“Not yet.”
“Oh. Why not?” .
“We haven’t taken vows yet.”
“We haven’t? Then I guess we can’t make love.”
“I guess our hearts have taken a vow.”
“And our souls.”
“Do you believe in soul mate’s Joey?”
“Yeah. I do Gabriella.” Joey said, then kissing Gabriella gently on
the lips.
“Me too.”
“Up this is our stop, soul mate.”

After they walked off the train, Gabriella wanted to finish
up their conversation.
“Joey do you really believe in soul mates? Cause it sounded like
you were making fun of me in our last conversation.”
“With all my heart.” Joey said, stopping their walk.

Joey turned to Gabriella and kissed her. “See my soul was
just mating with yours.” He said, after the kiss. Gabriella had a
light airy moment.
“You know you give me this feeling, I can’t really. . .”
“Describe it?” Joey asked, raising one eyebrow. “I get the feeling
too.” Joey said, then kissing Gabriella for a few sweet moments.
“I love you Gab.”

Smitten by how sweetly a kiss Joey had just given her
Gabriella replied restless,
“I love you too.”

Once in the car, Gabriella wanted to take Joey to her house
to sleep the day away, cuddled in his arms. Joey didn’t want to go
to her parent’s house because he didn’t see it as the right time to
show her parents their new tattoos. He wanted to be well rested for
that talk as his mind mentally prepared him for the worst case
scenario. Gabriella agreed to go back to Joey’s apartment instead.
She then protested to Joey, when he said, they could go talk to her
parents tomorrow evening while she packed her things to move
into his apartment.
“Maybe we should live with my parents for a while, to save
money?” Gabriella said.
“I’ll have to think about that.” Joey said, knowing the thought
would be a long hard decision for him. He hadn’t lived under the
supervision of parents since he was fifteen, and didn’t want to
regress in life.

“Well maybe we should just wait till were officially married until
we live together.”

Joey was cranky and her comment had upset him. He
wanted to be with her every night for the rest of his life, starting
tonight. Joey ignored Gabriella’s suggestion of waiting to live
together. He would get what he wanted, and Gabriella was going to
be happy with the decision he made, that they were indeed going to
live together from tonight on.
“What’s your idea of a dream wedding?” Joey asked, hiding his

Joey and Gabriella had just arrived in Joey’s driveway.
“I don’t have one. I’m not one of those girls who dreamed of a
dream wedding, just a dream husband.” Gabriella said, fussing
over Joey again, playing with his hair.”

Her words had managed to calm Joey down.
“Oh really now?” Joey asked. He then started to be playful,
tickling Gabriella’s tummy. Gabriella was laughing and giggling.

“Joey stop that, I have to pee.”

Joey listened to his girls request, and quickly got out of the
car, not wanting to make her wait longer to use the bathroom.
Gabriella followed behind him while they walked inside.
“We’re home.” Joey said, wanting to carry Gabriella to his
bedroom, like a husband would be his wife on the night of their
honeymoon. Considering they weren’t officially married, and
becasue Gabriella had to use the bathroom, he decided he’d save
his thought of the romantic gesture for the right night.
“I guess we are.” Gabriella said, not wanting to deny Joey, she
would be living with him. He was too excited when he said ‘where
home,’ for her to refuse his request.

Gabriella used the bathroom, and then she and Joey went
straight to sleep. Joey undressed Gabriella out of her dress she had
been in for more than twelve hours.
“You must be so uncomfortable in that dress by now.” Joey said,
tenderly as he undid the front lace.
“I’m fine Joey.” Gabriella said, while Joey undressed her till she
was in nothing but her panties.
“You have a beautiful body Gabriella.” Joey complimented,
handing her one of his clean work shirts to wear to bed.
“Thank you.”

Joey got himself undressed, leaving only his boxers on. He
then turned down the covers, and asked Gabriella to hop into bed.
Unsure what side to venture to, Gabriella, laid smack middle in the
bed. Joey wanted to make love to her badly, expressing everything
inside of him that had grown much deeper since the last time they
made love. Joey was too tired for that now though. He got in on
the left side of the bed, and said to Gabriella,
“let’s not have sides in bed, in our marriage.”

Gabriella cuddled up to Joey on the side of the bed he had
taken. She found her cheek nestled in his chest again, in that
perfect spot where she felt peace earlier on the train.
“Let’s promise to hold each other each and every night all through
the night, and toss and turn together.” Gabriella announced.
“Mmm I’d love that.” Joey said, then kissing Gabriella on the
forehead. “Good night my princess, sweet dreams.”
“Good night my prince charming. Sweet dreams of me.”

Gabriella fell fast asleep in Joey’s arms. Joey fell asleep
just seconds later. Joey and Gabriella slept the day away, waking
up to make love, laying in bed cuddling, making love again.
Gabriella made a box of macaroni and cheese for them when they
woke up in the evening, being, Joey didn’t keep much food in the
house. Joey had insisted on going out and bringing home take out
for dinner, but Gabriella herself, had insisted he stay right where he

When they were through eating dinner, Joey and Gabriella
watched a movie, and then made more love. They both were
exhausted from getting home as late as they had, and having made
as much love as they did. The loving couple were both back to
sleep early at nine at night.

Chapter Ten

Joey and Gabriella woke up to the sound of Joey’s alarm at
five in the morning. He had the time on the alarm clock set early.
He wanted to make sure he had enough time to drop Gabriella off
at her parent’s house in Mandala, make it back to Candlewood, so
he could go to work on his blueprint on Lake Romantica.

Both Joey and Gabriella woke up feeling refreshed. Joey
got out of bed after giving Gabriella a morning kiss on the
forehead. Gabriella stretched out across the bed thinking, ‘I could
get use to that.’ She then watched Joey pick out his clothes for
work. Gabriella took a good look around the room.
“Joey where are all my clothes going to go?”
“I don’t really know. Would your parents allow you to take your
furniture with you? I can get rid of that old chair over there, and
you can put your vanity there. Your long short dresser would go
perfect on that empty wall.” Joey said, pointing to the wall on the
right. “And we can put your tall dresser where mine is, I’ll get rid
of that one. We have enough room for your night tables on both
sides of my bed.” Joey said, remodeling his room with her
furniture. “Oh and we have room in the living for your computer
“Well would they let you take your furniture?”
“I don’t see why not. It is my furniture.” Gabriella said, Joey
“Well if they have a problem, we can just pile all your clothes on
the empty wall.”
“Why my clothes?”
“I’m only kidding my dear, I promise that you come first around
here.” Joey said, picking Gabriella up out of the bed.
“Hey where are we going silly?”
“To shower my dear.” Joey said, as he placed her down in the
bathroom. “Neither of us has showered since Saturday.” Joey
reminded Gabriella while he started to run the water so it would be
warm when they got in. “And I for one definitely need a shower
before work if I’m coming straight over after.” Joey said, lifting
off his work shirt off of Gabriella.

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