The Eternity that Follows (14 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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Joey wanted to say goodbye, but figured ‘I love you’
When Joey hung up the phone, he joined his workers who
were outside on their lunch break. Joey had instructed, food was
only allowed in the house on rainy days, and only in the kitchen.
He didn’t need crumbs and garbage around his prize creation. One
of his workers offered him the sandwich his wife had made him.
Joey was unable to hide his feelings, as Gabriella had done it to
him again.
“You know, I’m going to have a little lady to be making me lunch
for me from now on so you can tell your wife thank you, but I
won’t be needing the sandwich anymore.” Joey said, when he took
the sandwich showing his workers his new tattoo. They were all
shocked. Joey was congratulated, but told everyone it wasn’t time
for congratulations just yet. They weren’t officially married but
they would be living together. His workers instead congratulated
him on his engagement. Joey was feeling good about himself, as
the rest of the day flew on by. Joey let the workers off at six thirty
instead of the usual time of seven. Joey had calculated in his
funding, money paid for over time, so he offered anyone that
would like to stay later may, but if not to clock out and go home.
He called Gabriella up, and told her he was going to be stopping by
his apartment for some of his clothes as he didn’t feel it was time
to pack up just yet, because he still had two weeks left on his paid
rent. He had decided, hopefully tomorrow he would be informing
his landlord, he wouldn’t be paying next months rent and was
moving out. First he had to see how things went with Gabriella’s
Gabriella had occupied the rest of her day on the phone
with her friends. Being filled in on what they all did after the club.
Gabriella couldn’t wait to share with Joey the tales that had been
told to her. It was a wild night for everyone, not just she and Joey.
Gabriella waited to hear all their nights before she told Sara,
Josephine and Jemma the story of how she had agreed to get a
tattoo with Joey. Going on to say how they went to the dinner
drinking coffee in the city until the tattoo parlor opened. She went
on, telling them how he had just gotten the tattoo and proposed to
her, as simple as that. They all thought he was insane, and had
insisted at first that she felt obligated to get the tattoo. Gabriella
informed them that it wasn’t like that at all. She told them how
many proposals and comment’s Joey had made about them getting
married before hand. They all had different takes on the situation.
Josephine yelled at her for not being invited to the
wedding. Gabriella corrected her and told her they weren’t yet
married, and she would indeed be invited to the wedding.
Sara was delighted and asked if she could be the god
mother of their baby she insisted Gabriella was pregnant with.
Gabriella laughed off her comment, seeing the humor in Sara
thinking they were getting married because she was pregnant.
Jemma on the other hand was mad at Gabriella. ‘I can’t
believe your marrying such a creep, let alone got a ring tattoo with
him.’ She told Gabriella. Gabriella was offended, Jemma would
call Joey a creep to her face and hung the phone up on her. Jemma
called back apologizing, admitting she was having a bad day and
then congratulated her. Gabriella didn’t believe a word she had
said, but accepted the apology anyway.
Lastly, Gabriella called Danielle to inform her of the joyous
news. Danielle’s reaction was different then all her other friends.
Gabriella and Danielle were on the phone for a long time.
Gabriella told the whole story, starting from the night of the party.
she didn’t leave out any details, gushing to her friend of how many
times Joey had remarked of them being married, and having
babies. Danielle replied at the end of the tattoo story, ‘so he just
did it just like that?’ Gabriella was cheerful her friend found the
sweetness in his gesture as she herself had. Danielle also
remarked, ‘well one knows true love when you find it,’ putting
Gabriella’s mind at ease, she had some support from one of her
friends toward her engagement.
Danielle said she absolutely must meet Joey, and the two
made plans to go to Hamlets Crossing for dinner the upcoming
Friday night. Danielle went a step further, suggesting they make a
night of it, considering Frank and her weren't able to get out very
much together without the baby. Gabriella adored idea and liked
the thought of it very much. Gabriella was in a good mood after
she got off the phone with Danielle, mostly because she was
excited for Joey to meet her less wilder, married friend and her
Gabriella’s mother had called her at five thirty just around
the time her parents usually arrived home, to inform her, she and
her father would be going out for diner with their friends, and then
out for drinks. She wished Gabriella a good dinner with her
boyfriend, and apologized she didn’t see the need to be there.
Gabriella was relived, when her parents went out for dinner and
drinks with their friends during the week, they usually didn’t get
home till ten. That gave her and Joey the house to themselves, and
hopefully also put off her secret another night.
After Gabriella got off the phone with Joey, telling her he
would be home around seven fifteen, she pre heated the oven for
her lasagna she made earlier in the day. She figured
mathematically in her head, Joey called with perfect timing. Her
lasagna would be done just around the time Joey would be getting
home to her. Gabriella then tossed up a salad, cutting up tomatoes
and cucumbers, wondering if Joey even like tomatoes and
cucumbers. She covered her salad and put it in the fridge. She
waited until the oven was preheated to put her lasagna in, before
she went upstairs to doll up for her almost husband.
Gabriella was all dressed and ready by the time Joey had
arrived. He rang the bell, and Gabriella ecstatically opened the
“Oh we got to get you a key my darling.” She said, holding out her
hand for him to come in.
Joey gave Gabriella a kiss on the lips as he walked into his
new home.
“So you talked to your parents?”
“Well no. Actually my parents went out for dinner and drinks with
some of their friends. They probably won’t be home till ten and
Mary is at her boyfriend house.” Gabriella said, and then ruffled
Joey’s hair, she was so glad to see him.
“Mary? That’s your sister’s name?”
“Yes. Come, come sit down.” Gabriella said, grabbing Joey’s
hand and leading him into the kitchen. “How was work?”
“Smells good in here.” Joey noted. “Work was fine, missed you
“Thanks. I made my special spinach lasagna for you. And I
missed you too.”
“Yum, I love Italian. My favorite.”
Gabriella sat Joey down, and couldn't help herself from
straddling his lap. Gabriella began to kiss him the passion
brewing inside her, that went along with missing him all day. Joey
enjoyed the attention and passion Gabriella was offering. They
were deep in a kiss, but out of thought, when the timer on the stove
went off. Gabriella got up off of Joey quickly as she was startled
by the dinging. Joey didn’t mind, he had all night to spend with
Gabriella, he had his whole life.
“The lasagna will be ready to cut in a few minutes. Do you like
tomatoes and cucumbers?” Gabriella asked, while getting lost
Joey’s eyes for a moment.
“Love them”
“Me too.”
Gabriella said, giddly. She then called Joey over to the
fridge and offered him an array of salad dressing.
“Whatever you’re having is fine.” Joey said.
Gabriella realized quickly, Joey wasn’t a picky eater.
Gabriella picked a light Italian salad dressing.
They ate their salads first, while waiting for the lasagna to
cool. They didn’t talk much during it, instead Joey watched
Gabriella eat, and Gabriella gave him a show using her food to
“Can you tie a cherry sting with your tongue?” Joey asked.
“The last time I tired I could.”
Gabriella replied, innocently.
Joey still couldn’t get over how sexy she was.
When they began to eat, Gabriella let Joey take the first
bite. Joey was just as in love with Gabriella’s lasagna, her sauce,
as he was with her. He had a heaping second helping, and asked if
he could bring some with him for lunch tomorrow. Gabriella was
thrilled with the idea. While Gabriella was doing the dishes, Joey
noticed Gabriella had a birthmark on her right shoulder.
“You know you have a birthmark right here.” Joey asked. He then
kissed Gabriella’s birthmark softly.
“Oh do I?”
“Yes, lets see if I can find more.” Joey said, grabbing Gabriella
into his arms and carrying her to her bedroom.
Joey placed Gabriella gently onto her bed. He used the
same gentleness while he took off her pants, paying attention to her
skin as he really was checking to find all her birthmarks. “You
have one right here, and here.” Joey said, kissing the birth marks
on Gabriella’s legs, “and right here.” Joey said kissing Gabriella’s
left inner left thigh.
“Really that many?”
“Yeah lets see if I can find more.” Joey said, and then went to lift
up Gabriella’s shirt.
“But your so dirty Joey, you can at lest get out of your clothes if
your going to be laying down on my bed.” .
“You mean our bed.”
“Our bed.”
Joey stood up out of the bed and took all of his clothes off,
till he was completely naked.
“Get naked.” Joey demanded of Gabriella. “I’ll have to find all
your birthmarks another time.” Joey said, no longer having the
desire to undress Gabriella slowly, while searching her skin
“Okay baby” Gabriella said, complaint.
Laying down on the bed, Gabriella slipped off her panties
that Joey didn't have the patience to take off himself. She then sat
up to take off her shirt as Joey was over to her in seconds to undue
her bra. Joey was rough with Gabriella at first, when they first
started making love. He was after all horny for her all day. Joey
slowed down his pace, and sweetly asked Gabriella to turn around.
Gabriella turned over, putting herself into an animal position on
her hands and knees. Joey placed his hardness gently into
Gabriella as his love making turned rough and firm, causing
Gabriella to climax twice before he himself climaxed.
“Oh Gabriella, the way you make me feel.” Joey said, when he
was climaxing.
Gabriella rested from the position she was in and laid down
on her stomach while Joey got up and out of bed. Gabriella herself
got cuddly in the bed. “I’m going to hop in the shower.” Joey
“Okay. I’ll be waiting here for you.”
Joey took a quick, warm shower, and when he came out,
Gabriella watched him dry himself and put on his pajamas.
Gabriella thought it was cute that Joey had pajamas. She hadn’t
thought much about what guys wore to bed. She figured most of
them just slept in their boxers or naked. Joey noticed Gabriella
watching him as he was putting on his pajama shirt.
“What are you staring at?” Joey asked, with confidence. Gabriella
was silent and just gave Joey a, ‘you know what’ look. Joey
understood the look, and went over to the bed where Gabriella
was still cutely cuddled. Joey gave Gabriella a big wet kiss on the
mouth. “You think I’m hot or something?” He asked.
“Maybe a little.”
“Just a little?” .
“Well maybe a little more then that.”
“I hope so Gabriella. You better not cheat on me.”
Gabriella gasped,
“I would never.”
“Really?” .
“Nope. I’m going to love you forever and ever, and always be
faithful.” Gabriella said. She was so innocent Joey didn't heistate
to believe her words. “And you better not cheat on me either.”
Gabriella said, sternly. Then, she reminded him what she had once
said to him in regards to cheating, “It’s over between us if you
“Oh you wouldn’t find it in your heart to forgive me?”
“I certainly will not.”
“Even if I make this face?” Joey asked, making his most adorable,
irresistible face.
“Well.” Gabriella was lost for words. Joey was too cute. “Well,
why would you cheat on me anyway?” Gabriella asked, making
her own cute irresistible face.
“I wouldn’t. In fact I already planned that if you cheat on me, I’ll
murder you and then kill myself.”
“Okay, the same here.”
“Should I give you the combination to my safe then? So you will
be able to hold up to your words?”
Joey asked, while knowing
Gabriella was loving this conversation. Joey was just as attached
to her that she was to him. He was still holding true to being her
faithful dream man.
“I wouldn’t mind.”
“Good, because I’m serious. Your mine, it’s final now.” Joey said,
rubbing Gabriella’s tattoo. “You’re my last take at love and I’m
afraid I’ll have nothing left in life after you.” Joey confirmed.
A naked Gabriella pulled Joey into the bed, and cuddled up
in his arms.
“You smell so good nice and clean.” She said.
“I used your body wash.”
“I know, but it smells different on you.”
“When are you telling your parents about me, about us?” Joey
asked, with his hands on Gabriella’s back as he tickled.
“When I get the chance.” .
“Can we tell them tonight?” .
“Sure we can, hopefully their drunk when they get home.”
“Gabriella be serious. I want to be officially married as soon as
“As long as where together.”
“Forever?” Joey asked.
“And the eternity that follows.” Gabriella concluded.
“Get dressed please.” Joey asked of Gabriella. He didn’t want
them to get use to falling asleep at nine o’clock every night.
Gabriella put her pajamas on, at Joey's request. While she was
doing so, Joey checked his cell phone, and saw he had a missed
call from Gavin.
“Gavin called. He’s probably wondering why I didn’t meet him at
the gym tonight.” In the excitement of having Gabriella in his life
Joey had forgotten all about his friends.
Joey called Gavin back and informed him he wouldn’t be
making it to the gym anymore on week nights. Joey told Gavin
about his new tattoo, he persuaded Gabriella to get with him.
Gavin called up all of Joey’s friends. Joey’s phone was ringing
constantly as everyone wanted to confirm with him what they had
heard. Joey then spent a half hour on the phone with all of his
friends who had gotten word of his and Gabriella’s engagement.
Speaking for only a few minutes to each, saying he had to go as his
call waiting kept beeping. Gabriella sat on the bed, half watching
the television, while half listening to Joey’s conversations. Joey
was still on the phone when Gabriella’s parents knocked on the
door. Gabriella called for them to come in.

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