The Eternity that Follows (31 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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Knowing Joey’s eyes were on her, Gabriella slowly lifted
her shirt over her head, throwing it sexily to the ground. She then
slipped down her shorts and panties as though she was
embarrassed for someone to see her naked. As soon as Gabriella
put her foot into the hot tub, Joey grabbed her foot and slipped her
“Joey, calm down you're going to get me hurt.”
“I’m sorry Gabriella. My sexual passion for you is on fire right
now.” Joey said, placing Gabriella’s hand on his erection.
“I see that.” Gabriella said, stroking Joey gently.

Gabriella followed Joey’s demand. After a minute or two,
Joey turned Gabriella around, placing her knees on one of the hot
tub seats. He then lifted her arms up, resting them on the tile that
surrounded the hot tub. Joey got Gabriella in the perfect position
for him to make love from behind as he was able to stand in the
hot tub. Joey was rough, just needing the sexual release from how
teasing Gabriella had been throughout the movie. Gabriella
claimed she wasn’t doing anything other then sitting and watching
a movie, but just her sitting next to Joey made him crave her. Joey
pulled his climax out into the water. He wanted Gabriella to know,
last night he wasn’t intentionally trying to get her pregnant. After
Joey had pulled himself out, Gabriella was lifeless.
“Oh my goodness.” Gabriella said, as she had been moaning her
sexual delight throughout Joey’s rough session of sex.

Joey helped Gabriella out of the position she seemed
permanently placed in. Gabriella wasn’t much in the mood for
cuddling after being sexually released.
“Thanks for pulling out babe.” Gabriella said, kissing Joey’s nose.

Joey wished he didn’t have to, he really wanted a baby.
“I told you last night it wasn’t my fault.”
“I know. And tonight was just pure pleasure.”

“Thanks, I think.” Joey said, with slight confusion.

Joey then started playing Footsie with Gabriella. He wasn’t
too sure why, but Gabriella wasn’t all over him like she usually
was after sex. He thought maybe she was mad at him for being so
rough. He thought it through, brushing off his thought after he
realized how much she seemed to enjoy it.
“Joey that tickles, stop it.”
“I just want our feet to be as close as the rest of us are.”
“Aww. Okay then.” Gabriella said, and then played Footsie back
with Joey.

After a few moments of playing Footsie, Joey was dying to
hold Gabriella.
“Come over here.” Joey said.
“Okay.” Gabriella said, ushering her body over to where Joey was.

Gabriella sat next to Joey and he put his arm around her.
Gabriella didn’t cuddle up next to Joey like he had hoped. Instead,
Gabriella was having fun making ice-cream cone bubbles. “You
want one?” Gabriella asked, holding out a display of bubbles in
her hand she had formed to make look like an ice-cream cone.
“No thanks.”
“What’s wrong, smoshiepoo?”
“Are you thinking about dinner with your mom tomorrow?”
“Then what is it?”
“You’re not cuddling.” Joey said, giving a sad puppy dog face.
“Aww snuggles.” Gabriella said, and then she cuddled up in Joey’s
arms. “How about we take a quick shower and go lay down in
“I’d like that.”

Joey and Gabriella took a quick shower together, when they
were done Joey dried, them both off with a towel. Gabriella
decided to give her hair a quick blow dry, so her hair wouldn’t get
the pillows all wet, while Joey was in bed waiting for her.

When Gabriella got in bed, Joey positioned Gabriella so
she would be lying on her back over his chest. He wrapped one
arm around her as she fell asleep falling to his side. He laid awake
in bed, wondering about tomorrow. He hadn’t given much thought
about seeing his mother since his brother had called him earlier in
the week. His brother had said, ‘mom is more then happy to have
the chance to see you again.’ The conversation was quick, as Joey
rushed his brother off the phone to get back to work. If Gabriella
hadn’t mentioned tomorrow with his mother, he would have
forgotten to go. Joey fell asleep feeling grateful to have Gabriella.
He was most grateful, she was his family, and the closet thing to

Chapter Twenty-Three

Joey and Gabriella were all ready to leave for brunch with
Joey’s family at ten-thirty the next morning. Joey was dressed in
light khaki shorts, a plain white polo tee shirt, and his white
sneakers. His hair was styled nicely with gel, but instead of
spiking the tips up, Joey flatten them on top of his forehead giving
himself tiny bangs.
“How cute!” Gabriella said, astonished over how handsome Joey
looked. “You look very handsome.”
“Thanks.” Joey said. He couldn’t wait to style his hair this way
for her again. He thought perhaps on their wedding day.

Gabriella was dressed in a white cotton dress with thin
straps, with little flowers printed into the fabric. Joey had
remarked her shirt reminded him of a Doyle, Gabirella laughed
over the idea of Joey even knowing what a Doyle was. Gabriella
was wearing a pair of white sandals with a half inch heel to match
her dress. Joey thought they made a beautiful couple as they got
into his mustang to meet his family at the country club in

Though, Gabriella had a rough time getting Joey to leave
the house. He was nervous to see his mother again, and only
agreed to for Gabriella, because he could tell how important it was
to her, to have the chance to meet his mother. Joey was unable to
say no when Gabriella played the baby card. Gabriella knew that
would get Joey to agree to leave the house. Gabriella said to Joey,
‘please come. I want the chance to meet my future children’s
grandmother.’ Joey was halfway out the door after Gabriella made
that comment.

When Joey pulled into the parking lot, he turned to
“I don’t think I can do this.”
“I’ll be right there with you.” Gabriella said, going to hold his
hand in the car.
“I don’t want to do this.” Joey corrected himself.
“Well your doing it.”

Gabriella then got out of the car, but Joey didn’t move.
Gabriella walked over to Joey’s door and opened it. “Come on
baby.” Gabriella said, holding out her hand.
“Fine. Let’s just get this over with. You know I still don’t forgive
her. I hate her in fact. I haven’t spoken to her in over ten years.”
Joey said, while they started walking toward the door.
“Your brother will be there and you should forgive your mother.”
Gabriella said, though she had no idea what juvenile detention was
like for a fifteen-year-old boy.
“You’re taking her side?” Joey said, with anger.
“No. I’m just trying to met your mom.” Gabriella said, realizing
Joey was angry with her.
“Whatever.” Joey said, plainly.

Gabriella stopped Joey just before they reached the door.
“You’re the one that’s so into Jesus and his teachings. Jesus taught
to forgive. He did for our sins, Joe. The least you can do is
practice what you preach.”
“My mother should rot in hell.”
“What?” Joey said, giving Gabriella a look of guilt.
“Don’t say those things.” Gabriella said, as she started walking
toward the door again. “Just be nice, please.” Gabriella pleaded.
“I planned on it.”

Joey gave his name and the names of their party to the
hostess, while Gabriella thought and wondered for a minute. She
wondered how Joey’s mom had been toward him while he was
growing up, if she was attentive to him after his father left.
Gabriella’s main question was, why hadn’t Joey missed her
throughout the years. Gabriella thought of Joey as a fifteen-yearold boy, just out of juvenile detention. She saw his reasoning for
not wanting to go home to live with his mother again. What
Gabriella couldn’t figure out was, if Joey had grown into such a
wonderful man, how come he hadn’t sought to reconnect with his
mother sooner in life. Gabriella was taken from her thoughts as
the hostess spoke up.
“Right this way.”

Gabriella followed the hostess first, being Joey wouldn’t
budge when the hostess spoke. She had to drag Joey at first, but he
straightened his walk as he saw people were looking at them while
they were heading over to the table.

When Gabriella and Joey arrived at the table, Joey’s brother
and his wife were seated down, and so was Joey’s mother. Joey’s
brother stood up just as Joey came to Gabriella’s side.
“Hey Joe.”
Joey’s brother, Anthony said, holding out his hand for
a shake.
“Hey Ant.” Joey said, shaking his brother’s hand.

Anthony then sat down. Joey started to feel nervous as he
looked at his mother, not knowing what to say. His mother didn’t
look ten years older to him, she appeared the same she did the day
the cops were at his house to take him away. Joey could tell that
his mother was shaking and thought he would be the man she half
raised and speak up first. Anthony was about to introduce himself
to Gabriella, seeing his mother and Joey were both frozen.
Anthony cleared his throat to speak just as Joey spoke up.
“Mother.” Joey said, politely. “This is my finance, Gabriella.”

Joey wanted his mother to know, she was the only reason
they were seeing each other again. Joey’s mother stopped shaken,
and felt like herself again, after Joey had finally spoken.
“Hello Gabriella. I’m Alice and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Alice

Gabriella sat down in the seat next to Alice, after Joey had
pulled the chair out for her. Gabriella quickly held out her hand to
meet Alice.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Gabriella said, getting comfy
in the seat Joey had pushed in for her.

Joey settled himself in his seat between Gabriella and his
brother’s wife. Anthony introduced himself and his wife, Shannon
to Gabriella. Gabriella was glowing with delight as she was
excited to finally be meeting Joey’s family.

Anthony and Joey didn’t look much alike. Anthony was
taller then Joey at six foot three. He had green eyes, dirty blonde
hair and his skin was a fairer color then Joey’s was.

Shannon was a beautiful woman, Gabriella thought. She
had long brown hair similar to Gabriella’s, and green eyes.
Gabriella couldn’t tell how tall Shannon was, from the height of
Anthony. and the way she stood in the chair, Gabriella guessed she
had to be at least five foot seven.

Anthony knew he had to be the family glue throughout
brunch, sensing and even knowing before hand, it was an
uncomfortable situation for both Joey and Alice.
“Mom, did you know that Joey has his own company now?”
Anthony asked.
“Yes, Anthony you told me.” Alice said, smiling proud over Joey
starting his own company.

Alice didn’t say anything after that, and Joey offered no
detailed information. Gabriella told Joey she would be by his side
today, and walk through this with him, so she was unhesitant to
speak up.
“Joey has a great talent for architecture. He took me to see his first
blueprint that was all built up. The house was simply gorgeous.”
“Gabriella, stop it.” Joey said, he didn’t want Gabriella to get
chummy with his mother.
“Now let her speak.” Alice said, “she was complimenting you.”

Alice felt, no years had passed between her and Joey. Alice
felt she had a say over her son and his actions still. Joey bit his
tongue, literally, and didn’t say anything. Gabriella assumed she
should speak again.
“He’s building another house right here in Candlewood. Joey, why
don’t you tell her where it is.” Gabriella said, figuring she would
order Joey around, wanting the table to know who had full control
over him now.

Gabriella’s instructions hit Joey hard as he realized,
Gabriella cared for him. As twisted as her comment was, forcing
Joey to speak to his mother, it had worked.
“It’s on Lake Romantica mom.” Joey said, as he briefly looked
over at his mother.
“Oh how wonderful Joey. That’s very impressive. It’s such a
beautiful lake.” Alice said, truly proud of her son.

Joey forgot how pleasant of a woman his mother could be
“Thanks mom. I plan on keeping the house for Gabriella and me.
It’s my dream house.” Joey said, feeling forced to continue on in
the conversation. He was glad to tell his mother how he was
building the house for Gabriella, because it gave him the chance to
gloat over how good his life turned out to be.
“Well, what a lucky lady you are.” Alice said, brushing Gabriella’s

Gabriella only smiled, thinking Alice’s comment was sweet
as Alice had implied that she was lucky to have her son.
“So your keeping the house?” Anthony questioned, as this was
new news to him.
“I have to.” Joey said.
“And why’s that?” Shannon asked, delighted Joey had found
someone to share his life with.
“Dream girl. Dream house. Can’t really give it up.” Joey said,

Shannon started laughing,
“that’s wonderful news Joey.”
The conversation continued on as Anthony asked how Joey
was going to afford to keep the house. Joey was reluctant to
discuss his finances with anyone other then Gabriella, though he
felt forced to do so. Joey mentioned how he received a fat royalty
check from Tie’s father from his first blueprint, making sure to
leave out the dollar amount. He declared how he had a new side
job of designing rings, while a proud feeling overcome him while
he showed off the engagement ring he designed for Gabriella to his
family. When Joey did, the family noticed their ring tattoos,’ and
everyone at the table was in shock, Joey and Gabriella would do
such a thing.
Gabriella led the conversation off from Joey and their ring
tattoo’s onto Anthony and Shannon. She asked about their kids,
their names and how old they were. Gabriella was delighted they
had a six-year-old son. They also had a four-year-old daughter.
Gabriella wanted to request for their son to be in their wedding
party, but thought best to wait to speak with Joey first.
As everyone was finishing up their dessert and coffee,
Joey’s step father came up in conversation.
“That hag. How is he doing anyway, did he croak yet?” Joey
asked, not being able to help hide his feelings over how much he
hated his stepfather.
Alice was afraid to speak, and so was everyone at the table.
They all knew Joey’s account of the story, as well as Alice’s tale of
the story. Joey insisted she lied to the police and Alice stipulated
she hadn’t chosen sides, only articulated of what she saw. Joey
knew she was a liar, and he knew the words he had just enunciated
hit his mother hard. Joey hoped his mother would feel the guilt of
lying, and how it led to her not seeing her son for ten years. When
Joey thought more about it, he grabbed Gabriella’s hand and
squeezed it tight. Gabriella turned to look at him, assuming
someone had to say something, it had been at least a minute since
Joey’s outburst on his step father.
“I love you.” Gabriella said, low, so no one at the table could hear.
“I love you too.” Joey said, and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Joey then turned to look at the rest of his family. The check
had come and went since Joey’s brusque words about his step
father. Anthony had no problem paying for brunch for everyone,
he just wanted to get him and Shannon out of the country club after
Joey’s comment. Anthony wanted nothing to do with the
conversation boiling inside of Joey and Alice all these years, over
what had really happened.
“Well, Shannon and I need to get home to the sitter. Gabriella, it
was a pleasure to meet yo . . . ” Anthony said
“Yes it was a pleasure to meet you.” Shannon said, cutting off her
“And I’ll be in touch with Joey so you can come over and meet the
kids soon.” Anthony said.
“I’d love that.” Gabriella said, she had taken a liking over the
meal toward Anthony and Shannon.
“Mom, you ready?” Anthony asked his mother, before he stood
“Yes.” Alice said, quickly.
Alice knew she and Joey had a conversation left between
them. For the moment, she didn’t want to ruin her chances at
seeing her son again nor ruin her chances of being able to be
present for his wedding. She felt it best to let Joey’s comment
about her husband slid and exit with her eldest son.
“It was a pleasure to meet you.” Gabriella said to Joey’s mother.
“I do hope we can get together again.”
Gabriella had come to adore Joey’s mother throughout the
“Yeah Mom, we should get together again.” Joey said, standing up
behind Gabriella’s chair to push it out for her.
Joey was unsure if actually did want to get together with his
mother again. He had only said so because he loved Gabriella so
much, and remembered her comment earlier about his mother
being the future grandmother to his children.
As Joey started to push Gabriella’s chair back, motioning
for her to lift her butt to stand, Alice placed her hand on
“Thank you.” Alice said.
Gabriella smiled a sweet, you’re welcome.

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