The Eternity that Follows (27 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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Chapter Eighteen

While Joey was at work on Tuesday morning, he took a
moment in time to have a look in the dining room of the blueprint
he was bringing to life. He remembered how much fun he had last
night, scanning everything with Gabriella. While in the dinning
room, he pictured the vision he had of their china cabinet on the
back wall. He had a smile on his face, while thinking of
Gabriella’s dream china set.

Joey then couldn't help himself from looking at the
bedroom closest to the stairs leading up to the master bedroom.
Joey pictured baby furniture, unable to help himself from growing
excited. He pictured his and Gabriella’s future children running
rampant around the house. He planned to have many children with
Gabriella, and judged they would have a hard time keeping track
of their whereabouts in such a big house.

When Joey got home from work, Gabriella wasn’t nearly
through preparing dinner yet. She instructed Joey to take a
shower, promising dinner would be ready as soon as he was

When they were through with dinner, they were off in
Joey’s mustang to the mall again. Joey was gleaming with
excitement, while thinking of their house, and the material stuff
they were on their way to pick to suit it.
“What are you so happy about?” Gabriella asked Joey, leaning
over her seat and fussing with his hair.
“That I have you.”
“Oh.” Gabriella said, not too sure what to say. “Are you so happy
to be picking things out again?” Gabriella’s questioned Joey,
making him feel like a little boy again.
“I am. That’s not all I’m happy about though.”
“Oh, and what else are you so happy about?”
“Having babies.”
“Yes. I want at least six.” Joey said, turning to Gabriella and
giving her his bedroom eyes.
“Six?” Gabriella said, insinuating Joey was talking crazy.
“Yes. Six.”
“And where are all these babies coming from?” Gabriella asked,
as the thought of being pregnant and giving birth six times didn’t
appeal to her.
“Your tummy.” Joey said, wondering if Gabriella needed to have
the sex talk.
“You’re cute.” Gabriella said, unable to deny Joey’s dream of
having six children.
“So you agree? You want a big family too?”
“I suppose. I do want to finish school though, and one day,
eventually have a career.”
“You can have babies and go to school.” Joey said, although he
would prefer Gabriella to be a stay at home mom.
“Well cross the bridge when we get there.”
“We’re almost there.”
“Almost where?”
“Making babies. We’ll be married in less then two months.”

Gabriella didn't respond, instead she let the conversation
die out. It wasn’t ideal for her to get pregnant as soon as she and
Joey were to be wed. Joey was unreasonable at times, and being
he was excited over the thought of having children, Gabriella felt it
best to let the conversation go for now.

Joey had as much fun registering again as he did the night
before. He wasn’t as quick to add things onto the registry as he
had the night before, wishing not to get on Gabriella's nerves.
Gabriella, aware Joey wanted to keep the house he was building a
suprise for her, and not knowing the color of the tiles in the kitchen
or the applicanes, let Joey pick out the colors to the mini
applicances they were registering for, and she was the one to pick
out the makes and models. Gabriella also selected her pots and
pans, choosing Teflon and letting Joey choose between dark gray
or the black for the color. Joey chose the black, matching to the
other appliances he had already selected. Gabriella hoped the
kitchen wasn’t a black and white kitchen, she would prefer a
lighter color kitchen, and anxiousness started to brew inside of her
in regards to the details of the home, Joey wished to keep for her.

When they were all through selecting items for their soon
to be home, they went home and again went straight to bed.
Gabriella knew Joey was beat from his day, but that didn't stop
himself from wanting to have her again. He absolutely wanted her
each and every night for the rest of his life. Gabriella took control
in the bedroom, to show Joey a new side of her that was growing
with their love. As Gabriella made love to Joey, he became so lost
in their love making, he felt his soul slide into paradise.

Chapter Nineteen

When they woke up the next morning, Joey decided to
bypass the gym. He wanted to make love to Gabriella the way she
had to him the night before. Joey’s kisses lead them both back to
the magical state they had experienced the night before. When
they were done, Joey made a said face.
“What’s wrong, peachypoo?” Gabriella asked him, in respect to
the face he had made.
“You got your period.” Joey said, showing Gabriella his hand
covered in her blood.

Gabriella was comforted because she didn’t want to get
pregnant before her wedding. It wasn’t about the likelihood of
starting to show, but rather more about the tradition of not wanting
children out of wedlock.
“And your upset?” Gabriella asked, thinking back to their
conversation last night.
“Well we do use condoms, what did you expect?”
“I was hoping I got your pregnant while we were in the shower.”
“We’ll have babies, when the time is right.”
“I know.” Joey said, standing out of bed, and then using the sink
in the bathroom to wash his hands.

Gabriella got up too, wanting to make sure there wasn’t
blood on the bed sheets. She then met Joey in the bathroom, and
stepped into the shower to wash her own blood from her. Joey
hopped into the shower with her.
“I’m only rising off.” Gabriella said, in reference to Joey joining
her in the shower.
“I was already naked.”
“Oh, ok.” Gabriella said, able to sense Joey was upset.
“It’s just that our love making is so deep and intimate, I was
hoping for a consistent reminder of it.” Joey said, without even
being asked why he was so upset.
“We’re not ready for a baby, Joey.”
“Sure we are.”
“Our love making will always be special and intimate, I promise,
as soon as we’re ready, we’ll have a baby.”
“You promise?” Joey asked, cleaning the blood from his dick,
while the rest of him was dry.

He then hopped out of the shower with Gabriella.
“I promise. I want your babies.” Gabriella said, and then gave
Joey an assuring kiss on the cheek.
“You do?”
“Of course! I’m marrying you, aren’t I?”

One of the reason’s, Gabriella had said yes to marrying
Joey, was because she thought they would make beautiful children
“So we can start tonight?” Joey asked, giving Gabriella his
bedroom eyes again.
“On our wedding night?”
“We’ll see.” Gabriella said, after she placed a tampon inside of her
to stop the blood.
“Hey that’s mine.”
“What’s yours?”
“This.” Joey said, pulling slightly on the tampon string proposing
he didn’t want anything other then him inside of Gabriella.
“Can we share it?”
“Fine. I guess so.”
“Thanks.” Gabriella said, sarcastically.

She then gave Joey a kiss on the lips, he went in for a
deeper kiss, and then she lightly pushed him off. “Get ready for
work. I’ll go make you something to eat.”
“Oh fine.” Joey said, as he would rather be making babies.

Joey was in a bad mood when he got to work. Expect for
the three workers he had been working with on the master
bedroom with him, his workers mostly latched away from him. His
mood absorbed happier when he suddenly received a call from the
jewelry shop where he had Gabriella’s engagement ring made.
They asked for him to come in and sign a contract in regards to
selling his design. He told them he would be there on his lunch
hour tomorrow, not knowing how Gabriella would adhere to the
news and incorporated he better tell her about it over dinner
tonight before he witnessed and signed the contract

Gabriella spent her day thinking how nice it would be to
have a baby to care for. She had been obliquely finding it hard to
occupy her time latterly. Gabriella thought long and hard about
every aspect of the situation. She didn’t want to have children
until Joey’s business picked up and his hours lessened. Ideally, she
would like to complete school first, but knew she would never be
able to hold Joey off for two years. Gabriella got to thinking about
her dreams of being a CEO, one dream she could perchance let go
from her life for Joey.
She did after all enjoy the idea of having a
man to care for her, but she thought if Joey wanted such a big
family, she wouldn’t have the time to be a big shot chief executive
officer, while also giving her children the time and attention they
deserved. She wouldn’t want her children in daycare, and knew
Joey would never approve the idea. Gabriella got used to the idea
of being a stay at home mom, and started to grow happy, Joey
would one day be able to care for her and their family, and she
wouldn’t even have to work. Besides, Joey had already had his
own company, and she knew he would have no problem if she
wanted to step in and help it grow.

When Joey got home from work, Gabriella was in a good
mood, singing and dancing in the kitchen.
“What are you in such a good mood for?” Joey asked, noticing
Gabriella dancinh.
“That I have you.” Gabriella said, still lost in her thoughts from
today and their one day family.
“Oh?” Joey said, raising one eyebrow thinking Gabriella had sex
on her mind.
“How come?” Joey asked, wanting more information.
“Sit down and I'll tell you.” Gabriella said, sitting Joey down to

While Joey and Gabriella ate, she told him her new dreams,
she too wanted a big, loving family. She professed she still wanted
to compelete her bachelors degree, but figured she would use the
knowledge to help Joey manage his company. Joey was delighted
after Gabriella shared her new dreams of their future with him. In
the sum of what Gabriella had told him, in his mind, she was
arranging in agreement to be a stay at home mom.

Joey found the time to tell Gabriella how the jeweler
wanted to carry his ring design at all six of his jewelry shops. She
was charmed at the news and was even proud of Joey. Joey
insisted Gabriella was one of a kind and everyone else would be a
copycat of the original, causing her to feel special being he hadn’t
just meant the ring.

After dinner, Gabriella and Joey cuddled tightly in bed.
Gabriella refused to have sex with Joey since she had her period.
Joey insisted and Gabriella told him they could make love
tomorrow, when her period wasn’t as heavy. That wasn’t enough
for Joey, ushering Gabriella out of bed to lay down a towel so the
sheets wouldn’t get dirty. Gabriella couldn’t deny Joey sex, after
all, they were both in their sexual primes. To Joey, love making
brought them closer, and he knew sex gave Gabriella a piece of
attachement to him. He couldn't ask for anything more from life,
then for Gabriella to be attached to him for as long as they lived.

Incited, worked up and bothered, Joey placed himself
above Gabriella. He held tightly to Gabriella’s back, inside her,
pleased, and not caring too much about the rest of her body, feeling
an aroma of ecstatic for simply being inside of her. He centered
himself, in perfect position to be in center of her vagina. He
wanted to hit it hard, but knew if he did, he would cum instantly
from the pleasure. He started slowed and became gentle, but
Gabriella could sense what she really wanted, asking him, ‘please
faster.’ Joey adhered her request, hitting her hard and fast till he

Gabriella giggled afterward, she too had came, though their
love making had been brief. Gabriella couldn't help but realize,
Joey was her perfect lover. Gabriella retorted before falling asleep,
she would be faithful, for the eternity that follows. Joey too, felt
feelings of forever.

Chapter Twenty

Over breakfast the next morning, Gabriella showed Joey
the kitchen dish set she wanted in her mother's catalog. Gabriella
didn’t do so to ask for his admiration on the design, which he
adored anyway, she had shown him just in case he wanted to
register for more then what she had marked off. Joey marked off
the salt and pepper shakers, stunned Gabriella hadn’t seen them as
a necessity to have being they matched their same print. Joey also
marked off a few serving dishes Gabriella had missed. Joey
thought about how big the kitchen was and the amount of cabinets
so he added on from Gabriella’s idea of twelve dishes to twentyfour. Joey’s cognition for so many dishes was, he wanted them to
have enough for when they hosted holidays, which Gabriella
already enlightened him, this was the set they would be using.
Gabriella told him, she was ordering the bare necessities and
reckoned they would order more as they grew. Joey asked ‘as
what grew?’ and Gabriella smiled replying, ‘us silly.’

Joey left for the gym in a good mood., and when he pulled
into the gym parking lot, he noticed that Gavin was there again this
morning. When Joey got inside the gym, he threw his bag with his
work clothes into a locker, locking it with his combination lock he
bought for the purpose of going to the gym. He then walked over
to Gavin with the bottle of water Gabriella had thoughtfully packed
for him. Joey had a smile on his face when he reached Gavin.
Gavin was in the middle of doing a set on the bench press and
didn’t have a spotter. Joey stood behind him and started spotting
“Oh you’re here. I was wondering about you.” Gavin said, laying
the bench press down in its holder. He then stood up to spot Joey
on the bench press.

Joey laid down at the bench press.
“Yeah man. I need to keep in shape for Gabriella or she won’t be
all over me any more.”
“You’re crazy Joey.”
“Only about Gabriella.”
“That’s what I meant. You know the novelty of things being new
wears off, the sex lessens, and then you’re stuck.”
“Things aren’t going well with Sadie?”
“Nah, things are wonderful, but there’s nothing like the first few
“Well I plan for me and Gabriella to keep things going in bed.”
Joey said, placing the bar back in its holder.

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