The Eternity that Follows (25 page)

BOOK: The Eternity that Follows
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“You okay?”
“Good.” Joey said, continuing to drive on, the rest of the path that
was straight with a few more humps set up.
When they reached the end of the path, Joey turned the
quad around and did doughnuts and circles for Gabriella.
Gabriella held on tight, at times screaming for Joey to stop or at
least slow down. When Joey was done doing his circles, he
stopped and hopped off the quad. Gabriella sat for a moment,
catching her breath. “Having fun?” Joey asked, standing next to
Gabriella who was sitting on the quad still.
“Yea, I guess it’s kinda of thrilling.”
“Kind of?” Joey asked, hopping back on the quad and pulling the
gas on the quad to start it up again.
On the way back, Joey took the easier path that was cut
more straightforward. He did a few more turns and circles when
they reached a clearing in the woods that was laid out with dirt.
Joey then drove the quad back to the clearing in the woods behind
his brother’s house. They had come back from the opposite side
Joey had started from. Joey drove the quad to the end of the grass
on the side of the house, turned the quad off, and hopped off.
Gabriella hopped off too, feeling wobbly in the knees. Joey
noticed her fumble to her feet, and held her up until she was
“You okay?”
“I’m good.”
“So you’ll come again?”
Joey put his quad back in the garage, closing the garage
door behind him. Joey and Gabriella then hopped back onto Joey’s
bike, and took the ride back into Mandala. Joey decided to take
Gabriella for a ride around Lake Mandala, being he knew how
much she adored the lake. Joey himself loved the twists and turns
surrounding the roads, mirroring the bends of the lake. Gabriella
loved the wind, enjoying what she could see of the scenery. When
they were done, Joey rode to the gas station. Gabriella hoped off
the bike, going inside with Joey.
“Just seeing if they have whipped cream.” Joey said, when he
realized Gabriella was at his side.
“Kiss.” Joey said, leaning into Gabriella.
“Awe.” Gabriella said, kissing Joey, who was all dirty from the
trails. “You have dirt on your face.”
“And you think you don’t?” Joey asked, whipping her face with
his hand.
“Joey, did you just smear dirt all over my face?”
“I was just being helpful.” Joey said, smirking.
Gabriella took a look at her own hands, they were also
dirty. She put both of her hands up to Joey’s face, and ran them
down the sides of his cheeks.
“Hey.” Joey said, just as he found a can of whipped cream.
“Yummy.” Gabriella said, when Joey picked up the can.
“We’re going to have to get all clean before we use this.”
“And then get clean again?”
“Yes. I will be cleaning you off with my tongue like a cat.”
“Ewe. I’m going to need a bath after that.”
“We’ll see.”
When Joey and Gabriella got back to the house, Joey ran
the whipped cream up to Gabriella’s bedroom so no one in her
family would notice. Gabriella waited for him at the bottom of the
stairs, and they hen went outside to see Gabriella’s parents again.
“Where were you two off to?” George asked.
“Riding.” Gabriella said, happily.
“I can see that.” Linda said, noticing that they both had dirt
smeared on their faces.
“Why don’t you two go wash up? I’m about to put some
hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill.” George suggested.
“All right, we’ll be right down.” Joey said, pleased, riding had
made him hungry again.
Joey and Gabriella went up to Gabriella’s bathroom to
wash their faces and hands. They then went down to eat again
with her family. When they were done eating, they quickly
excused themselves to go back up to the bedroom.
When Gabriella made it into the bathroom, she was quick
to notice, Joey had lit all the candles surrounding the hot tub. She
also noticed he had found the bubbles.
“It’s looks so romantic in here.” Gabriella complimented. “You
found my bubbles?”
“Our bubbles.”
Joey was already in the tub, waiting for Gabriella to get
back to him. He watched as she undressed herself. Gabriella
turned on the music to the stereo she kept in the bathroom, and
gave Joey a sexy strip tease. She then hopped into the hot tub,
finding a comfortable spot for her in between Joey’s legs. She
rested her back on Joey’s chest, while they both relaxed from their
day of riding.
“Are you sore from today?” Joey asked.
“Not really, am I supposed to be?”
“Nah, maybe a little.” Joey said, pushing Gabriella outward from
his body, to begin massaging her back.
“Oh that feels good.” Gabriella said, with pleasure.
Joey continued to massage Gabriella’s back for a few more
minutes. When he got down to the lower sides of her back, she
giggled. “You’re so ticklish.” Joey said, giggling too.
Joey continued on, massaging Gabriella’s lower back. He
was soon to notice, Gabriella was making a funny face trying to
avoid giggling from the way Joey’s hands had tickled her back
before, while he massaged. Joey laughed at the face she was
making. “What are you making that face for?”
“I’m trying for it not to tickle.”
“You’re cute.” Joey said, scooping up a handful of bubbles and
then placing them on Gabriella's nose.
“Hey. What did you do that for?” Gabriella asked, as she tried
wiping them off with her hands that were covered in bubbles
“Payback.” Joey said, in regards to the whipped cream event
earlier. “You have so many bubbles all over you.” Joey said,
Gabriella had a mountain of bubbles extending from her
nose to her hand that she was holding out away from her face.
“Here you have some.” Gabriella joked, taking the mountain of
bubbles extending in her hand, smacking her hands together, and
then smearing them on Joey’s cheeks.
“Will you ever learn your lesson?” Joey questioned, as he gently
dunked Gabriella under the water. He shot her right back up.
“Yes princess?” Joey asked, looking her in the eye to gather if she
was mad at him.
“You're mean.”
“Oh stop it. At least the bubbles are cleared off your face.”
“Whatever.” Gabriella said.
She then sat opposite of Joey in the hot tub while playing
with the bubbles with her hands and toes.
“What are you doing way over there?”
“I’m mad at you.” Gabriella said, making her lips pout.
“You’re too cute to be mad. Come back over here.” Joey said,
taking another look at Gabriella who had turned her pouting face
into a more serious face. “You look so beautiful under
candlelight.” Joey said, trying to get Gabriella to forgive him.
“I’m just going to have to kiss you.” Joey said, having the urge to
do so since Gabriella made her lips pout.
Joey pulled Gabriella into him as he pushed himself out of
the seat he was seating in. He held Gabriella in his arms as she
wrapped her feet around him. “You mad?” Joey asked Gabriella.
“Good.” Joey said, kissing Gabriella.
Joey and Gabriella stayed in that position for a long time
as Joey kissed her tenderly. Joey’s kissing started to rev up with
passion until Gabriella pushed him off.
“I’m going in the shower for 'two' seconds to rinse these bubbles
off.” Gabriella said, as she emphasized the word two so Joey
would hopefully think not to follow.
“Fine I’ll wait here.” Joey said, relaxing back in his spot.
Gabriella went into the shower, and washed the bubbles off
her body. When she came out, she drained the water in the hot tub,
revealing to Joey, it was time to go rinse off. Joey groaned for a
moment, insisting he’d rather relax awhile longer. Gabriella won
when she told Joey his fingers and toes were starting to wrinkle.
Joey hopped into the shower for a quick moment, and then met
Gabriella in their room. Gabriella was on the phone with her
cousin Becky, asking her to be one of her brides maids, since her
mother had reminded her today, it was something she had to do.
She then called Josephine back, being she promised her she would
When Gabriella had gotten off the phone, she saw Joey
laying on his stomach with his head at the edge of the bed playing
a video game. Gabriella went straight over to him, and sat on his
back to return the massage Joey had given her while they were in
the hot tub. Joey dropped the remote control to the video game on
the floor, deciding to enjoy the back massage instead. When
Gabriella was finished, she remembered the whipped cream.
“Didn’t you buy us, some whipped cream?” Gabriella whispered
in Joey’s ear, arousing Joey.
“Let me get it.” Joey said, eager to play around with the whipped
cream. Joey flung Gabriella off of him as she fell to her butt on the
bed. “Take that off.” Joey said, with whipped cream in hand.
“You’re silly.”
“This is going to feel good.”
“Oh past experience?”
“I’ll take your maybe as a yes.” Gabriella said, soon shrugging off
Joey had done this before with another girl.
Joey swirled whipped cream on Gabriella’s breasts,
covering her nipple. He then traced a line down her stomach, and
when he got to her special spot, he had no inquiries to swirl it there
too. Joey then placed a line of whipped cream down Gabriella’s
inner thighs. Joey began to eat the whipped cream off of Gabriella,
starting with her inner thighs. Joey licked up Gabriella’s right
inner thigh first as she giggled, showing Joey how it tickled.
“You’re so ticklish.” Joey said, while licking the whipped cream
off Gabriella’s left thigh. Then he was in between her legs as he
licked the whipped cream clean off of her. He then stayed down
there awhile until he gave Gabriella an orgasm with his tongue,
causing Gabriella to moan in pleasure. Joey then licked up
Gabriella’s stomach, while he looked up into her eyes with
intimacy. When Joey got to lick the whipped cream off her boobs,
Gabriella was in pleasure again.
“Oh that feels so good.” She said, staying relaxed and enjoying the
slow, tender care Joey used to lick the whipped cream off.
“Doesn’t it?” Joey replied, showing he couldn’t wait for his turn.
When Joey was finished, he lay on his side next to
Gabriella. “Your turn.” He announced, giving Gabriella the can of
whipped cream.
Gabriella took the can of whipped cream with pleasure, as
Joey moved into the middle of the bed to get more comfortable.
Gabriella placed two swirls of whipped cream on both sides of
Joey’s neck, finding out once before it was one of his pleasure
spots. She then placed a line of whipped cream down his chest,
and a swirled vertical swirled line over his stomach. In the middle
of the swirled line she placed a line of whipped cream going down
to Joey’s slight erection. Gabriella skipped over Joey’s erection,
instead swirling whipped cream on his balls. Joey made a sound
when she did that.
“Wow that was cold.” He said, being the whipped cream was still
chilly from the refrigerator section of the gas station.
Gabriella heard Joey’s complaint, and started there. She
licked the whipped cream off of Joey’s testicles as Joey moaned,
“that feels good,”
Gabriella continued to lick Joey’s balls, finding out how
much he enjoyed it. When she was through, she traced the line up
his stomach, giving him light sweet kisses after the whipped cream
was gone. She then licked the swirled line she made on Joey’s
stomach, finding he was ticklish too as he started laughing.
Gabriella then traced the line up Joey’s chest, again giving sweet
kisses after the whipped cream was licked away. When Gabriella
got to Joey’s pleasure spots on his neck, she saw Joey prepare as he
made an ‘I’m going to love this.’ face.
Gabriella sucked off the whipped cream swirled on Joey’s
right neck first. Joey moaned with pleasure as Gabriella felt his
erection get harder. She stayed on the spot a few moments longer,
aware Joey was enjoying it. Gabriella went over to the left side,
pleasing Joey again. When she was done, she kissed down his
chest, down his stomach and went down on Joey. Returning the
act of intimacy he had done on her earlier. Joey was shocked at
Gabriella’s actions, being he wasn’t expecting her to do that.
When Joey and Gabriella were done with their whipped
cream tasting event, they hopped back into the shower. Their
shower together was more intimate then the shower they took
earlier today. Gabriella paid much attention to washing Joey’s
body, while being sweet, loving and caring to his needs. Joey
grabbed Gabriella into his arms as they made deep, intimate love in
the shower.
When they were done in the shower, Gabriella made sure
the alarm was set for Joey to wake up for the gym and work in the
morning. Gabriella then found her favorite spot in Joey’s chest,
but he flipped her over.
“Get comfortable on this side.” Joey said, recalling to Gabriella’s
mind, he didn’t want to have set sides in their marriage.
Gabriella did just as Joey had said, and found a different
comfortable spot on Joey’s chest. Joey cuddled himself up to
Gabriella, holding her tight, wishing her sweet dreams, and telling
her he already couldn’t wait to get home from work tomorrow.
Joey and Gabriella fell asleep both in pure happiness while they
were both thankful to have each other.

Chapter Seventeen

When the alarm went off in Monday morning, Joey hopped
right out of bed.
“Sleep well?” Gabriella asked, rubbing her eyes.
“I sure did.” Joey announced.

He then leaned down to Gabriella who was still laying in
bed, to give her a morning kiss on the forehead.
“Well you’re in a good mood.” Gabriella said, walking over to
Joey and giving him a proper morning kiss, right on the lips.

Joey was in the middle of dressing in his gym clothes and
packing a bag with his work clothes, and was delighted by her kiss.
Gabriella then left Joey behind in the room, retreating downstairs
to fix Joey and she breakfast.

Gabriella poured two cups of coffee and fixed them to each
of their liking. She was then greeted in the kitchen by Joey, while
she was preparing his lunch for him.
“Maybe some whipped cream would go nice on top of this coffee.”
Joey said, grabbing Gabriella from behind for a moment to hold
“You’re silly. Would you like some?” Gabriella asked, taking
Joey’s hold off of her to walk to the refrigerator.

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