The First American Army (61 page)

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Authors: Bruce Chadwick

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Springfield, 341, 343

army discipline, 19, 24, 96, 173, 182, 211, 246–48

drinking, 21, 46, 127

gambling, 21

Arnold, Gen. Benedict, 61

camp at Chambly, 113–14

Canadian expedition, 86, 88.
See also
Canadian expedition

difficulties of, 63, 66–68, 100

evacuation of Montreal, 89–90, 92

leg wound during, 74, 76

ordering smallpox inoculations, 106

plan for, 62

Quebec City, 70, 74

controversy over expenses, 61, 89, 91, 328

court-martial, 328

defection, 345

Indian mutiny, 192

letter to Schuyler, 70

navy defeat, 130

physical appearance, 61

popularity of, 70–71, 201

rumors about, 22, 80


first battle, 196

disagreements with

Gates, 195, 197–98

second battle, 200–201

with Cornwallis, 347

Attucks, Crispus, 281

Avery, Rev. David, 96, 105, 108


Ball, Mrs. Stephen, 273.
See also
Seely, Capt. Sylvanus

Bartlett, Josiah, 31, 287

Beebe, Dr. Lewis, 54, 97, 108, 111, 116, 123–25, 365

life before war, 104

meeting Robbins, 105

on officers, 127

on Robbins’s sermon, 120

opinion of Arnold, 113, 117

returning home, 133

studying medicine, 106

treating Gen. Thomas, 107, 110

African Americans

Bliss, Capt. T. T., 6–8, 14, 86

Bostwick, Sgt. Elisha, 54, 138, 159

Boudinot, Elias, 222, 235

bounties, 253, 286

Breed’s Hill.
Bunker Hill

Brown, John, 105

Bunker Hill, 1–7, 15

Burgoyne, Gen. John “Gentleman Johnny,” 83, 185, 190

Albany plan, 191

letter to Lord Germain, 191

on the Bunker Hill retreat, 6

playwright, 36


first battle, 193–97, 199

second battle, 200, 202–3

surrender, 204


Cadwalader, Gen. John, 142, 149

Canadian expedition, 59, 83, 85, 132

ambush at the Cedars, 86

Arnold’s plan, 62

attack against Indians, 88

attack on Quebec City, 74, 76

capture of Montreal, 63

congressional support, 60, 71, 91

difficulties of, 63–70, 91–92, 109

illness, 65, 100, 102, 105.
See also

loss of food, 65

evacuation of Montreal, 89–90

retreat, 92

siege of Quebec City, 73

Washington’s initial plan, 62

Carleton, Gov. Guy, 63, 79, 83–84, 101, 132, 191

Clinton, Gen. Sir Henry, 192, 199, 202, 239, 325, 337, 346, 348

Bunker Hill, 5, 6

Monmouth, 266, 269–70

Springfield, 340

Cornwallis, Lord, 28, 133, 148, 153–54, 156, 160, 230, 346, 347

Yorktown, 352–53, 358–59

surrender, 360–61

Crosby, Dr. Ebenezer, 222


d’Estaing, Adm. Charles, 295, 297, 319

de Grasse, Adm. Comte, 348, 350, 353

de Kalb, Gen. Baron Johann.
Kalb, Gen. Baron Johann


desertion, 30, 139, 166–67, 171–72, 278

Enos’s inquiry, 68

punishment for, 24, 173, 247

Washington’s efforts against, 173

army discipline

Dunmore, Earl of, 283


Enos, Col. Roger, 67


Finney, Capt. Walter, 180–81, 188, 324

First Rhode Island, 293–99

Fisher, Sgt. Elijah, 14, 23, 37, 215–16, 364

dispute over pay, 252, 254

improving reading and

writing, 251

in Washington’s life guard, 243–46, 249

leaving army, 250

Saratoga, 217

Valley Forge, 219, 226

working at supply office, 255

France, military assistance of, 161, 206, 240, 296, 320, 346–47, 350

Franklin, Benjamin, 53–54, 91

Fraser, Gen. Simon, 195, 201

furloughs, 167, 173, 177


Gage, Gen. Thomas, 1, 34, 41

approval for evacuation of

Boston, 13

Gates, Gen. Horatio, 125, 133, 186, 346

physical appearance, 186


first battle, 193, 196

disagreements with

Arnold, 195, 197–98

implications of victory, 206

second battle, 201, 203

scheming, 186

George III, King, 44, 321

Germain, Lord George, 161, 190

Gimat, Col. Jean Joseph, 355–56

Granger, Pvt. Dan, 49, 54, 189, 197

on Burgoyne’s surrender, 204–205

Grasse, Adm. Comte de.

Grasse, Adm. Comte

Great Awakening, 51, 96

Greene, Gen. Nathanael, 56, 173, 230, 236, 326, 329, 332, 347

Newport, 295, 298, 300

Springfield, 340, 343

Greenman, Sgt. Jeremiah, 367

Canadian expedition, 64, 67–68

Quebec City, 75

taken prisoner, 76

joining army, 54, 60

Monmouth, 268–69

Morristown 1779–80 winter, 322, 325, 329

prisoner of war, 76–84

escape plan, 81–82

Springfield, 340–42

Staten Island, 331

with First Rhode Island, 279, 293–94, 296–99

Greenwood, Pvt. John, 12, 85, 128, 150, 303

Bunker Hill, 6–8

Canadian expedition, 86, 89

evacuation of Montreal, 90, 92

scouting for Indians, 87–88

crossing the Delaware, 136, 140–41

driving British from

Boston, 36

during siege of Boston, 15–17

friend Samuel Maverick, 10–11

joining army, 14, 54

learning fife, 10

privateer, 307–15

reunited with mother, 33–34

schooner captain, 316–18

Trenton, 142–48

Washington’s dentist, 366


Hamilton, Alexander, 159, 355

Hancock, John, 30, 295

Henry, Patrick, 41, 277

Herrick, John, 249–250

Herring, John, 249–250

Holland, trade with, 304

Howe, Gen. William, 133, 135, 149, 165, 209, 230–31

Bunker Hill, 2–5

departing Boston, 37

physical appearance, 2

Howe, Lord Richard, 28, 296


Jones, John Paul, 289, 306–7, 321


Kalb, Gen. Baron Johann de, 325, 328, 332

Kellog, Margaret, 124, 133

kidnappings, 272

Knox, Gen. Henry, 35, 140, 145, 148, 150, 156, 272

wife Lucy, 362

Knyphausen, Gen. Wilhelm, 230, 337

Springfield, 338–39, 343

Kollock, Shepard, 262, 272–73, 365


Lafayette, Marquis de, 230, 295, 348

Monmouth, 267

Laurens, Col. John, 56, 288

Laurens, Henry, 227, 236, 272, 300

Lee, Gen. Charles, 26, 265, 272, 306

Monmouth, 266, 268

Lee, Richard Henry, 300, 304

life guard.
Washington, life guard

Lincoln, Gen., 198, 360

Livingston, Gov. William, 236, 272–73, 327, 334, 340

Louis XVI, King, 240


Martin, Pvt. Joseph Plumb, 54, 179, 265, 326, 335–36, 356, 361

Maverick, Samuel, 10–11

McCarty, Sgt. Thomas, 137–38

McMichael, Lt. James, 53, 137, 157, 178, 188, 241, 366

Brandywine Creek, 230

Germantown, 232

Long Island, 165

Morristown 1776–77 winter, 164

poetry of, 168, 171, 174–76, 237–39, 242

Valley Forge, 229, 232, 237

wife Susanna, 167–70, 174, 176, 183

Mercer, Gen. Hugh, 157–58

Monmouth, 264–70

Monroe, Lt. James, 49, 145

Montgomery, Gen. Richard, 63, 73–74, 100

Canadian expedition

Morgan’s riflemen, 75, 195–97

Morgan, Daniel, 75, 201

Morison, Pvt. George, 53, 65, 69, 75


1776–77 winter, 163

1779–80 winter, 322–35

January 1781 mutiny, 345

Murray, John (Earl of Dunmore), 283


North, Lord, 362–63


O’Hara, Gen. Charles, 360

Olney, Capt. Stephen, 155–56, 349, 355–57, 365

Monmouth, 269


Paine, Thomas, 41, 139, 183

Pigot, Gen. Robert, 294, 296, 298–99

Potts, Dr. Jonathan, 123, 127, 132

Prescott, Col. William, 2, 5

prisoners, 77

parole, 78

prison exchanges, 78

prison ships, 78, 307

privateering, 304–6

prostitutes, 181–82

Washington’s ban, 183

Putnam, Gen. Israel, 2, 5, 16, 138


Canadian expedition


Rall, Col. Johann, 139, 143–44, 146

Reed, Col. James, 109–10, 122

Revere, Paul, 41

Riedesel, Baron Friederich von.
von Riedesel, Baron


Robbins, Rev. Ammi, 95, 99, 102–3, 107, 119–32, 365

early sermon style, 98

meeting Beebe, 105

reenlisting, 120, 127

returning home, 119, 124, 132

Rochambeau, Lt. Gen. Donatien Marie, 347–48, 352–55, 360

Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 221, 223–25


Saratoga, 190, 192–94, 232

first battle, 195–200

second battle, 200–206

Schuyler, Gen. Philip, 62, 186, 195

Canadian expedition, 62–63

on black soldiers, 282

Seely, Capt. Sylvanus, 257–63, 272, 322–23, 331–32, 365

affair with Mrs. Ball, 273–76

court-martial, 332–34

Monmouth, 264–68, 270

Springfield, 339–40

wife Jane, 259, 271, 274–75, 365

Senter, Dr. Isaac, 65, 76, 100

Shaw, Maj. Samuel (Sam), 54, 155, 158, 231, 366

Sherburne, Maj. Henry, 86, 107, 146

African Americans

smallpox, 24, 79, 100–111, 114, 125, 164, 226, 260, 284–85

at Valley Forge, 226–27

death tolls, 100–101, 115

effect on recruitment, 115

inoculation procedure, 101

secret inoculations, 106–7

symptoms, 101

Springfield, 337–44

St. Leger, Col. Barry, 191–92, 199

Stark, Gen. John, 3, 191, 259

Steuben, Gen. Baron Friedrich

Wilhelm von.
von Steuben,

Gen. Baron Friedrich Wilhelm

Stirling, Gen. Lord, 172, 330–32

Stocking, Pvt. Abner, 69, 71, 75

substitution system, 287

Sullivan, Gen. John, 114, 137, 159, 189, 230, 295, 320

Newport, 295–96, 298–300

Three Rivers, 91

Trenton, 143


taxes on colonists, 39–40

Thacher, Dr. James, 3, 6, 324, 328–29, 342, 354

on Burgoyne’s surrender, 206

on Cornwallis’s surrender, 361

Thomas, Gen. John, 35, 83, 100, 103

halting smallpox inoculations, 106

ill with smallpox, 107–8, 110

Thompson, Gen. William, 91, 114, 156


Valley Forge, 209–10, 218–28, 232–42

congressional committee, 221

construction, 210, 213

disease, 221–27

political reasons for choice

of location, 210

supply problems, 218, 224, 232–33, 235, 237

weather, 219

Vetnoy, Susanna (Mrs. McMichael), 167.
See also
McMichael, Lt. James

von Riedesel, Gen. Baron

Friederich, 191, 195–96, 202–3

von Steuben, Gen. Baron

Friedrich Wilhelm, 240, 327, 340

Vose, Col. Joseph, 186–87, 193, 203, 349


Waldo, Dr. Albigence, 219, 222, 224, 227

Washington, Gen. George

agreement with Howe, 37

army discipline, 19, 26, 180, 183, 246–50, 288, 328

Brandywine Creek, 230–31

Canadian expedition, 60–62

Delaware, crossing of the, 135–36, 139–42

Delaware, second crossing, 148–49

desire for pro-army newspaper, 272–73

efforts against desertion, 173, 278

Germantown, 231

life guard, 243–45

meeting Sgt. White, 29

Monmouth, 264–70

Morristown 1776–77 winter, 164

Morristown 1779–80 winter, 322–23, 325–30

mutiny, 335–36, 346

need for militia, 258

Newport, 294–95

on black soldiers, 278–80, 285, 288

on chaplains, 96

on officers, 25

on slavery, 280

on sports, 21

physical appearance, 29

plea to troops, 149–50

Princeton, 154–56, 158, 161

servant Billy Lee, 244

sightings of, 54

size of army, 45, 231

Springfield, 337–40, 343

spy network, 321

Staten Island, 330

Trenton, 143–47

Valley Forge, 209–10, 218, 221, 223–28, 236–38, 240–41

wife Martha, 244, 362

Yorktown, 347–48, 350, 352–55, 358

Cornwallis’s surrender, 359–61

Wayne, Gen. Anthony, 237, 267, 269–70, 281, 319, 348–49

Webb, Samuel, 4–5

White, Sgt. Joseph, 137–38, 141, 145, 147–48, 150, 154–55, 162

in charge of artillery, 156 57

meeting Washington, 29

playfulness of, 160

Wild, Lt. Ebenezer, 192–93, 364

Monmouth, 267–68

promoted to lieutenant, 348–49

Saratoga, 186–87

first battle, 194–95, 199–200

second battle, 203–4, 206

Valley Forge, 210–13

Yorktown, 348–50, 352–54, 357–58, 360

Wilkinson, Maj. James, 141, 157, 198

Wooster, Gen. David, 100, 119–20


Yorktown, 348–62

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