Read The Girl Most Likely To... Online

Authors: Susan Donovan

Tags: #love_contemporary

The Girl Most Likely To... (30 page)

BOOK: The Girl Most Likely To...
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Kat was about to climb down when it dawned on her that she didn't have a key, and Riley might not be in the most gracious of moods after their argument, throwing open the front door to welcome her. She was almost there anyway.
Kat took a deep breath, steadied herself, then remembered the loose tiles. Sure, they'd probably been fixed at some point in the last twenty years, but she did her best to steer clear anyway, just to be safe. She was crawling along on her hands and knees when the tile she'd chosen to hold her weight gave way. She started to slide, and in a panic, she reached out and prayed that her fingers found the edge of something sturdy. Her foot hit the gutter and the slide stopped.
Kat closed her eyes for a second, steadied herself, and slowly, so slowly, climbed her way back up the carport roof.
She said a silent prayer of thanks as she reached the window, then, as quietly as she could, raised the wooden sash, feeling inside to see if a screen or storm window blocked her way. She found neither, and silently balanced her rear end on the window ledge, then swung her legs around.
She was in. Quickly she closed the window and tiptoed toward the bed.
She'd never really asked Riley if he still slept in his childhood bedroom, but there was most certainly a man sprawled out on the bed in the darkness, breathing deeply, and since Riley was the only current resident of the Bohland House, she figured it was mission accomplished.
As soon as she took off her shoes and slipped out of her coat and pajamas, she realized how cold she was. With a shiver, she pulled away the comforter and slipped her naked body into Riley's private cocoon. It made her smile to see that he still slept on his right side, and she curled up against his back and pressed close. He was warm. His body hair tickled her. She nuzzled her nose into the nape of his neck and breathed deep.
Hey there, said a sleepy voice. Riley flipped over to face her. What took you so long?
Kat giggled, noticing right away that he was naked, toogloriously, fabulously naked. I'm middle-aged. I don't run as fast as I used to, and scaling the roof was a bit dicey, she said.
With his fingertips, Riley began to stroke her cheek. Middle age looks real good on you, in case I haven't mentioned that, but I did leave the front door unlocked for you. Kat could see his wicked grin.
What? She smacked his biceps and laughed. You mean I didn't have to risk life and limb to get to you?
Nope. He left little kisses all over her face and neck. But you got to admitit's pretty damn hot that you did.
He was right. It was damn hot. Kat grabbed his head and brought her mouth hard against his. She wanted to inhale him, eat him alive, melt into his flesh.
Riley groaned in pleasure, extending the kiss down to her throat. You do know that this has been my primary sexual fantasy for the last twenty yearsKat Cavanaugh coming through my window, curling up against me, begging me to make crazed, unrestrained love to herright?
She giggled. How about having a crazed, unrestrained heart-to-heart talk with her?
Riley stopped kissing her throat. That was always a close second.
I want another chance with you, Kat said suddenly, before she lost the nerve.
I want to get to know you againas the complex grown man you are, not the kid of my memories. I want you to know me, too, all of me, including my darkest mistakes and my brightest hopes.
I want that, too, Riley said, his voice warm and gentle.
I want to see if there's a future for us. I'm so sick of wondering and guessing and fantasizing about you and meI just want there to /be/ a you and me. Kat's eyes began to fill with tears. Riley, I know I was stupid and selfish yesterday and You sure were.
She laughed in surprise. Yeah? Well, you were stupid and selfish, too.
My God, I certainly was.
I'm sorry, Riley.
I'm sorry, too.
The tears streamed down the sides of Kat's face. Riley wiped them away.
Kat, there's something I want to say. I need to get it out there.
Let me go first. Can I go first?
Riley kissed her gently, smiling at her childlike enthusiasm. Sure.
Kat took a giant breath. She wanted to get through this without too much blubbering. I ask that you forgive me for keeping Aidan from you all this time out of spite. You were rightthat's exactly what it wasand I'm so ashamed to admit that. Kat squeezed her eyes tight; then, when Riley tried to speak, she shook her head to convey that she wasn't done.
Forgive me… oh God, Riley, please forgive me for taking away your right to be a father.
Kat opened her eyes again and stared at him expectantly, swallowing hard as she waited for his answer.
I forgive you, Kat. I truly do.
She mouthed a silent, /Thank you./ When she closed her eyes in relief, a whole flood of tears was released.
Please forgive me for sending you away like I did. The words broke from Riley's throat in a scratchy whisper. Kat, forgive me for not even giving you a chance to tell me you were going to have my baby. I understand now how much you loved and needed me, and I know it must have killed you when I told you I didn't want you anymore.
She nodded quickly. It did. But I forgive you, Riley. From the bottom of my heart, I forgive you.
Riley placed a gentle kiss of thanks on her trembling lips and breathed in the relief of the words they'd spoken to each other. He'd always heard that forgiveness was just as healing to the person doing the forgiving as the person being forgiven. Now, as they both basked in a double shot of forgiveness, he knew how right that was.
Riley gently cupped her face in his hands. Here's my promise to youwe will be able to handle anything the world throws at us, as long as we face it together.
She smiled. I like that.
Who do you love, Kat? he asked, his eyes on fire in the darkness.
That's an easy one, she said. I love Riley James Bohland, forever and ever, the way I've always loved him.
And who does Riley Bohland love?
Katharine Ann Cavanaugh, forever and ever.
What kind of car do you want?
A loaded Jaguar that I drive right off the lot, paid for in cash. She started giggling.
His hand landed on her bare butt. And what's the first house you want to buy?
A run-down row house in Baltimore.
Riley laughed. How about the one after that?
Maybe a beach house. Or a ski chalet. Or maybe we can find an old Victorian rat-trap to get out of hock.
Ugh, he said. Moving along… how many kids do you want?
One is goodand I already got him. His name is Aidan.
Yes, it most certainly is. Riley paused and lifted Kat's chin so he could look intently into her eyes.
Thank you for my son. Thank you for loving him so much and keeping him safe.
Thank you for accepting him into your life the way you have. Kat stroked his solid biceps, his hard chest. He's a lucky kid. And he talked to me yesterday! I didn't even have a chance to tell you! He answered my call!
Riley gathered her in his arms and held her tight, his hands caressing her from her shoulder blades to her upper thighs. It felt so good to her, she groaned out loud.
I knew he'd come around, Riley said, smiling. And now I have a little favor to ask.
Would you be willing to give me one more?
It took Kat a moment to realize what he'd asked for, but when she did, she broke out in a smile. I can't think of a single reason why we shouldn't.
Me, either, Scout.
I think we should start trying right away.
You do? He gulped.
I'm ready for a Cherry Hill repeat.
Oh, thank God. Riley said it half-laughing and half-serious.
He kissed her, then let his lips slide down to her full breasts. All the while he moved his hands along her sides, across her rounded belly, to the crux of her smooth thighs. With his fingers, he read her, listened to her, heard exactly what she wanted and needed.
I need you to fuck me, she said.
I'm getting there, he said, smiling to himself at her greedy request.
Don't tease me, Riley, she panted.
I'm trying to please you, so just lay back and enjoy.
With the gentlest pressure, he sank his fingers into her wet slit, then moved them up and down the length of her opening until she was writhing on his hand. He rubbed the swollen head of her clitoris, feeling it plump up further under his fingers, knowing he was bringing her close to coming.
This is the rest of my fantasy, just so you know.
Kat's laugh immediately turned into a gasp of surprise when he introduced two fingers all the way inside her. He found her ready for him, as usual, but she felt particularly hot and swollen. The feel of her inner flesh on his fingers made him crazy with need. I'm going to take you now, sweetheart. I'm going to come deep inside you and give you a baby. Will that be all right?
She came on his hand, a strangled squeak of pleasure all the answer he needed.
Riley jumped up from his position on his side and kneeled in front of Kat. He put his hands on her ankles and widened her legs, then pushed her knees back toward her chest. She looked up at him with pure longing.
She knew this was the way it was supposed to be for them.
He positioned himself before her and was about to push himself in when she wrapped her little pink hand around his cock and whispered, I want to do it.
Riley saw a mischievous glint in her eye, like she was egging him on. He didn't need egging. That was the last thing he needed. When she placed the head of his cock at her entrance, Riley shut his eyes and submitted to the pleasure of the slow, tight slide into heaven. When he opened them again, he saw Kat already halfway gone again, her eyelids heavy, her chest splotchy with the deep pink of arousal.
He didn't know which was hotterthe look of abandon on her face or the way his cock went in and out of her pussyso he went from one insanely hot vision to the other, back and forth, in and out, suddenly aware that he could see all this beautiful vision because the sun was rising.
The light spilled in the window onto Kat's body. His woman. His love.
She began to pant, then her eyes flew wide, and she said, Oh, Riley.
This is just right. You feel so right.
Immediately, he felt her flesh contract and shudder as she orgasmed, and he waited it out, went for the ride, until the moment came when his own gates flew open and everything he was and everything he ever wanted to be poured out of him and into her. He called out her name as his being went rigid, peaked, then came crashing back to earth, to Kat.
Riley told himself that if they were blessed to have fifty years to make love together it would never get old, that it would always be a destination for his soul, the glue that held his life together. It would always feel just like this.
Kat sat at the dining room table with her laptop, phone, pens, paper, calculator, and three large poster boards. She had four projects going simultaneously, and the strain of organizing everything had given her a dull headache.
But she had no complaints. She had Riley. She had Aidan. She had everything.
Looking at what was spread before her, Kat realized that the simplest of the projects was working with Cliff to create a charitable foundation in Phyllis' name to contribute to the clinic. It took no persuadinghe'd loved the idea from the start, and he and Kat had had a long and enjoyable chat.
Her second project was figuring out a way to halt foreclosure proceedings on the Bohland House. It turned out the loan officer was happy to restructure the mortgage, admitting to Kat that the bank would be relieved not to continue with legal actiontaking on the Bohlands was publicity they didn't need. Over dinner the night before, Riley said he'd tell Matt everything that very week.
Next on the agenda was Thanksgiving dinner for twelve, and so far everything was moving along smoothly. Kat was planning the traditional menu of turkey and dressing, along with a ham, all the usual sides, and three kinds of piespumpkin, apple, and pecan.
Her guest list included herself, Riley, Nola and Matt, her uncle Cliff and his wife and two granddaughters, who would be traveling from Cumberland, Maryland, Aidan and his girlfriend, Rachel, and Jeff the duct specialist from Connecticut and his out-in-the-open partner, Richard. The idea of having so many people in her new home filled Kat with joy, and only the smallest twinge of nervousness.
The last project was considerably more complicated, but once she'd gotten Riley's OK to hold a volunteer extravaganza at the clinic the day after Thanksgiving, things had quickly fallen into place. Kat took that as a sign that she'd hit on an idea that was meant to be. It also helped that she'd enlisted anyone and everyone she could think of to help her pull it off.
The printing shop had whipped up flyers and delivered them all over town. Nola was reading one, tapping her foot in agitation:
Work off that turkey by pitching in at the *GIVIN' THANKS BENEFIT* for the PERSUASION RURAL HEALTH CLINIC!
Bring your tools, paintbrushes, your know-how, your elbow grease, and your checkbooks and credit cardsour hometown state-of-the-art medical facility will open by Christmas only if YOU do YOUR part!
Friday, November 23, 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.


Nola's foot-tapping escalated. OK, she said, placing the flyer on the table and looking at Kat expectantly. Explain to me again why this shouldn't bother me.
It's for charity.
But it's a date! Matt's selling himself for a date! It's like he's a gigolo or something!
It's not a real date, Kat said, then went back to answering e-mails.
BOOK: The Girl Most Likely To...
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