The Hawk and the Jewel (Kensington Chronicles 1) (31 page)

Read The Hawk and the Jewel (Kensington Chronicles 1) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Regency, #Christian, #Survival After Airplane Accidents; Shipwrecks; Etc, #Fiction, #Romance, #Arab Countries, #Historical, #INSPIRATIONAL ROMANCE, #England, #General, #Religious, #Captivity, #Love Stories

BOOK: The Hawk and the Jewel (Kensington Chronicles 1)
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Rand turned back, and his eyes traveled to her shoddy gloves and old scuffed boots. He was afraid to ask where she'd gotten everything.


"Please, Rand," Sunny spoke into his silence. "I
hoping to go all week, but please just let me go this one last day."

"When is this going to stop, Sunny?" The question came softly.WI feel as though I've encouraged you to keep running and searching when I know I have the answer for you."

Sunny looked away, not wanting to face the meaning of his words.

"Do you understand the problems I would face if you were discovered?"

"I won't be, and what if I told you this would be the last escapade?"

"I think you've said that before."

Sunny thought she might have too, so she fell quiet.

"All right,** Rand said after a moment. "You can go, but I'll be around today, all day. And I'll hear no more of this Sunny, ever. You are to stay away from the mills from now on. We won't speak of this or mention it to anyone. I'll sit down with Johnson tomorrow and try to explain why you're not coming back."

Sunny threw her arms around Rand. He hugged her back, but his heart wasn't in it. When was it going to stop?

Thirteen hours later, in order to protect her disguise, Sunny walked back home from her day at the mill. Satisfied she had worked hard, Sunny found herself mentally thanking Rand for saying she could not return. How did they do it? How did the women from the village work those looms day in and day out?

Sunny's thoughts caused her attention to wander, and without warning, her foot caught in a hole and she fell. She wasn't hurt really, just too weary to rise. It was growing quite dark and the temptation to lie there and go to sleep was almost more than she could take.

She did fight the feeling, however, and just as she stumbled to her feet, a rider came down the road, headed away from Willows' End. He pulled alongside her and dismounted before she could move on. Even in the darkening gloom she recognized Brandon.

"Are you all right, miss?"

"I thought you were in London." Sunny spoke without thought and immediately knew her mistake. She took a step back and turned


to run, but Brandon's hand captured her wrist. Sunny struggled, but it was like fighting against a padded manacle.

"What are you doing dressed like this?" Brandon's voice was furious.

"Let me go."

"Does Rand know where you are?"

"Yes! Now let me go." She tugged harder, but Brandon was not about to release her. He was still trying to puzzle together why she was out here when Rand's carriage came up the road.

Understanding the scene in a moment as he alighted from the carriage, Rand spoke softly.

"You can let her go, Hawk."

Brandon was swift to comply.

"Get in the carriage, Sunny."

Brandon waited until she'd taken a few steps toward the rig before turning back to the older man. "So you did know about this?"

"Yes, she worked at the mill, but now it's all over. She assured me no one would recognize her, and they didn't. We're not speaking of it to anyone else, and I've told her there will be no repeat performance."

Brandon had a few more questions, and Rand found himself telling him most of the story. The younger man left as soon as Rand was finished, and Rand could see that he had been dissatisfied. Rand hoped that he had handled it well and that Brandon would be accepting of something over which he had no control. He also wondered if maybe he should take over Sunny's finances himself. Perhaps it was too much of a burden for Brandon. Rand knew he had made mistakes as a parent, but he also knew that Brandon could be much too hard on Sunny.

"What could he be thinking?" Brandon stormed at his mother and his fiancee that evening. Hours had passed, and he was still upset.

"You should have seen her. Anything could have happened." "I'm sure Rand was aware of the possible dangers, Brandon." His mother's voice was calm. "You did say his coach was right


behind her, and he is an experienced parent. I think he's handled Sunny very well." Andrea could see that her son wasn't listening, and she fell silent. She had never seen him like this and wasn't quite sure what to think. Her gaze flicked to Dinah, and Andrea was concerned over the look she saw on her face.

Andrea didn't know that Dinah
seen Brandon like this before. She had seen it nearly every time Sunny's name was mentioned.

holly sat by sunny's bed, staring at her flushed face and listening to her slightly labored breathing. Feeling totally responsible for her illness, Rand had sat by the bed continuously, until he'd fallen into exhausted sleep in his chair. Chelsea had urged him to bed, and Holly had taken his place. She had been motionless since early that morning, silently praying for Sunny.

Sunny had contracted a cold at the mill that had worsened as each day passed. By the week's end, her chest heaved for air, and her body burned with fever. The doctor was summoned at once, and his prompt diagnosis had been pneumonia. It had peaked a few days ago, and the doctor said the worst had passed, but Sunny was still very weak, sleeping 18 of each 24 hours, and not able to sit up or feed herself.

Holly thought she looked like a pale skeleton, and fresh tears sprang to her eyes when she remembered how frightened she had been that Sunny might be slipping into eternity before her very eyes. Holly had begged God to spare Sunny and to give her a chance to speak with Sunny about Christ.

It had taken this painful time for Holly to see that she had been very timid where Sunny and Christ were concerned. She knew that her parents had talked to Sunny about God's Son, and Sunny always listened when her father read from his Bible, but Holly knew well that she had been remiss in her own efforts and prayers to introduce Sunny to the Savior.


Now Holly's reserve was at an end. God had indeed spared Sunny, and when her aunt was once again in full health, Holly would no longer be silent about her Lord. She knew that most people thought her mind was filled with little except piano lessons and the latest fashions, but she knew exactly from whom her salvation came, and worked daily to trust the God who saved her. She knew she wasn't perfect, but she also knew she wasn't frantic, as her aunt seemed to be much of the time.

"How is she?"

Chelsea had come in quietly and gently slipped her arm around her weary daughter. Each had taken her turn at Sunny's bedside, but Rand and Holly were by far the more emotionally upset over her illness.

Mother and daughter exchanged a few words in which Chelsea convinced Holly to eat and get some rest. The older woman saw her daughter to the door and then took up her chair, praying as she did that the lively Sunny they loved so well would soon return to their lives.

Ten days later, Sunny sat on the edge of the bed, knowing she was not supposed to be up at all. The day before, she had finally talked Mrs. Boots into allowing her a bath. She would have liked another Jong soak today, but she knew she would have to be content with a covert walk around the room while everyone thought she was napping.

She had been at the window, enjoying the sunny view of the outdoors, when the door opened and closed quietly. Since she did not want to appear as guilty as she was, Sunny did not turn from the window. She stood waiting to hear Mrs. Boots scold her or Holly ask whether she wanted to listen to her read.

Her ploy worked. Thinking he would find her asleep, Brandon thought Sunny looked quite healthy. Her robe settled nicely around her, and her hair fell to her waist in dark waves.

"I'd been led to believe that you were still sick in bed; it's good to see you up and around." His voice was light and friendly, and Sunny felt a mix of emotions: She was delighted to see him, but not pleased that he should see her in such a weakened condition.


She had already begun to tremble a little from her exertion, but managed to turn with some grace and smile at him. Brandon smiled in return and started toward her. The smile, however, abruptly died as he crossed the large expanse of room and saw just how pale and thin she had become. He also swiftly took in the fact that she was balancing herself with a hand to the wall.

"Sunny," Brandon's voice was full of concern. "Are you supposed to be out of bed?"

"No," she admitted, looking much younger than he'd ever seen her.

"Can you make it back?" Brandon wasn't sure why he asked. In the past he would have kept silent and taken her back.

"Of course." She decided not to tell him how weak she was really feeling. "Why don't you give me a minute and then come back in? I'll get settled back on the bed, and we can visit then."

Tempted to argue since she looked quite frail, Brandon kept still for a moment and then turned to leave. Long before he reached the door, however, he turned back to check on her once again.

Sunny, who had closed her eyes the moment Brandon turned away, knew that any moment now her legs were going to give way. She was surprised that they had held her as long as they had. With all that was in her, she fought to stay upright, but there was now a rushing sound in her head, and she groped for the wall with her other hand.

"Brandon," she called weakly, suddenly hoping that he was still in the room. "Please-"

He was immediately there, his arms around her. She was lifted carefully and borne easily to the bed. Brandon's stomach clenched at how gaunt she looked and light she felt. He knew that after such an illness, even her skin would be tender, so with the greatest of attention he placed her on the bed. When the bed covers were tucked gently around her, Brandon moved a chair close, sat down, and leaned near to her face.

"I wanted to see out the window," Sunny admitted softly. "Now I'm so tired, I don't care."

"You could have asked someone for help."

Sunny's head moved restlessly on the pillow. "They all would have said no and scolded me about wanting to be up. Fm so weary of this bed." Her eyes closed with these words, and Brandon smiled gently into her sleeping fece, a smile that changed to a frown of concern over



the way she had tried to send him away.

"You're as proud as the day I met you," he whispered. "Will you ever let go of that pride, Sunny?"

Sunny's slumber did not allow her to hear his question, but then Brandon remembered that Sunny had called to him.

Maybe there is hope.
This time Brandon spoke in his heart to the Lord.
Maybe she is starting to see her need for help.

Brandon stayed for another ten minutes, praying for Sunny's physical well-being. He also confessed his own sin of pushing her away in the past, of making her feel that she must meet his standard in order to be loved by him.

The sudden image of her on the road in a peasant dress kindled anew his anger with her and her endless restlessness. Brandon found himself having to stay where he was, continuing his talk with the Lord until finally he had confessed all his anger and sin and totally surrendered Sunny to God.

ttMy, but that's a serious look," Sunny commented to her niece as she joined her under the trees that lined the courtyard at Willows' End.

It was a beautiful June day, and Sunny was completely back on her feet. She slept longer than before the illness, but her color was back, and she had nicely filled out again to look like her old self.

She and Holly had become closer than ever during her recovery, but Holly had never once talked to Sunny about what was burdening her heart. Today was the day.

**I do feel serious today, Sunny, and I hope you'll hear me out."

The younger girl looked rather taken aback, but stayed silent. Holly settled herself down before Sunny and opened a book. Sunny instantly saw it was Holly's Bible.

"I was really frightened when you were sick," Holly began softly. "You were so pale and weak, and I was scared when I watched you struggle for breath. I was afraid you would die, and when I felt like that I prayed. I asked God to spare you because I realized something awful-I'd never talked to you about my Lord.**

Sunny shifted uncomfortably, not sure she liked the direction of this conversation. "You believe like your folks do, right?" Sunny said this hoping that Holly would simply agree and drop the whole discussion.

"Yes, but I don't base my belief on my parents' convictions; I base it on the Bible." Holly lifted the book and read.uThis is from 1 John 2, verses 1 and 2. *My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole world.'

"I've heard you tell Mummy that Jesus Christ isn't God, but it says here that He's righteous, and I know He couldn't be righteous, utterly sinless, unless He is God." Holly became a little excited, and anything Sunny might have said was put aside in the light of a rather adamant Holly.

**He died to save us, a horrid death on the cross," she went on passionately. "And your unbelief is like a slap in the face to Him. You run all over trying to hide from what you know must be true but are too full of pride to accept.**

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