The Highlander's Runaway Bride (19 page)

BOOK: The Highlander's Runaway Bride
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How did a lady keep her dignity when everyone around knew what she'd been doing since her hasty departure after supper two nights ago?

Arabella saved her. The lady met her in the corridor outside her chamber and walked with her the rest of the way. Many were already about their business, but those in the hall stopped and watched her enter and sit at the table. Arabella smiled knowingly and nodded her encouragement.

Then, everyone lost interest and Eva moved into the day's tasks as she had this last week or so—visiting the sick and injured with Margaret in the morning and attending Arabella later in the day.

But if she'd thought that two nights and a full day of pleasures of the fleshly sort had satisfied her husband, she quickly discovered how wrong she was in that. He'd sneak up to her and drag her into an alcove, or an empty stable or into the shadows of a thick copse, kissing her senseless and breathless.

By the time she thought to whisper a warning or beg off from such a scandalous place or time, she found herself thoroughly tupped. Sometimes, if a private place, he would strip off her clothing and his and it would take some time. Other times, hidden from view only briefly, he would toss up her gowns and his plaid and take her quickly. No matter how or when, Eva found herself completely satisfied and yet still hungering for another touch, another caress or kiss, another...tupping!

When once he lured her onto his horse and she found herself straddling him in a most shocking manner, she thought she should object. By the time they reached the small clearing next to the stream some distance away from the village, she'd lost all coherent thought...and her garments.

* * *

But a few days later, during a bout of bed play that lasted hours and was filled with soft, slow, gentle caresses and kisses and sighs, she realised the true danger of her situation.

As Eva MacKay watched her husband claim her once again, she knew that she wanted to claim him. Worse, if she did not take care, she could find herself falling in love with the man she'd once run away from.

Chapter Twenty

One month later...

hey will begin arriving within days. I expect everyone to be present within the next seven to eight days.'

Brodie was explaining the plans for visits by the four neighbouring and allied clans—some part of the Chattan Confederation and one, the MacKays, allied by their treaty. Though only a small group from each clan would participate, it would fill the keep to overflowing and tax even the efforts of Fergus, the steward, and the cook.

Rob knew no one would complain, but he knew things would be tense here, balancing between hospitality and the challenges of hosting a large number of visitors. He also knew of Brodie's aspirations for this gathering and the benefits it could bring to them.

‘I will make the arrangements for those not staying here,' Rob offered. ‘And organise some training exercises to keep them busy,' he said.

The talk continued for a while, until Brodie was satisfied with all the preparations and plans. This would be the first time he hosted such a gathering since becoming chief and laird here. Rob understood the importance of it all.

He heard her laugh before he saw her.

Eva entered the hall, arm in arm with Arabella, and looking happy. He let out the breath he did not know he held then.

‘So being married is not as bad as you thought, then?' Brodie asked under his breath. ‘Time has helped?'

‘Aye. 'Twould seem so,' Rob admitted.

The last weeks since she'd accepted his hand and his offer had revealed a woman to him he'd thought might be hidden away under sadness and longing. She had taken her place at his side since then, becoming a helpmate to Arabella and to Margaret, who both sang her praises loudly and often. To Eva's utter embarrassment.

And, her playful side had been exposed. He fulfilled his offer to teach her some wicked words, and she learned and used them well, even if only between the two of them and only in bed. She especially liked to use them as exclamations when he pleasured her, and the memories of her calling out in that breathy, shallow and aroused voice made him hard even now.

The women did not approach them but went off to see to something else, giving Rob a chance to regain his control. Sliding his hand through his hair, he wondered if he would ever be able to stop wanting her.

‘Her father will arrive first, within days,' Brodie said. ‘Tell me more about him.' Holding out a cup, Brodie filled it and his own before nodding at Rob. ‘I have never met the man.'

‘He is a cold-hearted, brutal son of a bitch.' Rob drank deeply of the cup and then continued, ‘He beat Eva...he beat her with his own belt the morning of our wedding.'

Brodie's cup crashed on the table and fell over. His friend could be a son of a bitch when he needed to be, but his strength did not lay in brutality, especially not towards women.

‘Why did you not tell me of his true nature?' Brodie asked, righting the cup and pouring more ale into it. ‘And he yet lives?' Whether in jest or not, Rob appreciated the sentiment.

‘I thought it might interfere with your agreement if I killed him,' Rob said, drily. Not that he had not thought of it many, many times since then. ‘I stopped him.'

‘So, their reunion will not be a happy one when next they meet? Will Eva be...?' Clearly, Brodie could not think of how to ask the question that bothered him so much. Brodie faced Rob and met his stare. ‘Will there be problems?'

‘Oh, my friend, there are always problems at gatherings such as these, but I will make certain she is seen safely through any encounters with him.'

‘And if you are busy with your duties to me?'

‘I will ask Margaret and Magnus if need be to attend her.'

Rob stood then, anxious to see her and warn her about her father's arrival. Or mayhap he just wanted to see her? Or just wanted...her? No matter the reason, he nodded to Brodie and left him there with his steward sorting out details of supplies.

She would be in Arabella's chamber, the room where her women gathered. He stood outside the slightly open door and peered inside. There she stood at Arabella's side as usual. But when she turned, he realised she held wee Joanna in her arms. She did not see him watching her.

The first thing he noticed was the glint of pain in her eyes. It lasted only a moment before disappearing, so quickly that he thought he might have not seen it at all. But he had.

Then, she smiled and cooed to the babe, rubbing the wispy hair on her head. And in that moment, the need to see her body swelling with his child nearly forced him to his knees. The need to glide his hands over her belly and feel the life they made within her became so strong he must have made a sound, for she turned to him then.

‘Robbie, I did not see you there,' she said, walking to him. ‘I was...'

‘I could see—paying attention to the babe,' he finished for her. ‘Arabella,' he said, nodding at the lady.

‘She is getting big so quickly,' his friend said. ‘If she follows her father's bearing, she will tower over me.'

‘Bella, nearly everyone towers over you,' he said, leaning over to run his finger down the babe's cheek. ‘Can I borrow my wife?' Rob asked, glancing first at Eva and then the lady.

‘Rob, you must give her some rest,' Bella argued.

‘Bella!' both he and Eva called out at the same time.

A lovely blush rose in Eva's cheeks. It somehow satisfied him to see her reaction when she thought about his physical demands of her.

Oh, and he was demanding! Everything about her pleased him, but mostly the trust she placed in him. She allowed him any use of her, urged him on and begged for more. Kiss for kiss, swiving for swiving, she matched him in both wanting and doing more together.

When he'd asked her just the other night if he'd made her glad she took him to her bed, she'd laughed and just nodded. He took that as another challenge to show her how much she was gladdened by him there. Neither of them got much sleep that night.

‘I do have a matter to discuss with you, wife,' he said.

Eva glanced at Arabella and then handed the baby to her.

‘I want her returned to me, Rob. We have tasks to see to before Margaret and the others arrive.'

He took Eva's hand and led her out of the chamber, up the stairs instead of down, until they reached the door leading out to the battlements of the keep. Other than the guards always on duty, they would have some measure of privacy. If he took her to their chambers, Bella would not get her back anytime soon and not in any condition to see to whatever tasks needed to be done. Rob walked to one corner and nodded to the guard there. The man walked some paces away, far enough that he would not hear them, and took up a place there.

‘Is something wrong?' she asked, as he let go of her hand.

He hated the fearful expression in her eyes. He'd not seen it for some weeks and knew now exactly how much he hated it. But now he knew it was not about him or her feelings for him, which he was sure she had.

In that moment, Rob understood what had happened—he'd fallen in love with Eva MacKay. He stumbled and she grabbed hold of him.

‘Are you unwell?' she asked, touching the back of her hand to his forehead. ‘I feel no fever but I should summon Margaret.'

He grabbed her hand before she could go.

‘Nay, I am well.' He glanced down and kicked some stones there on the walkway. ‘I only tripped.' Disbelief shone in her eyes, but she did not leave.

He loved her. When it had happened or how, he knew not. He only knew it had.

He loved her courage and her spirit and her willingness to take his hand that day and not look back. He loved the way she sighed when he entered her. He loved the way she moved into his embrace every night when he climbed into bed.

He loved the way he could be only a man to her and with her and not a conduit to anyone or anything else.

He loved her. And he would do whatever was necessary to protect her. Even from her own father.

‘Kiss me, Eva,' he said. Without a moment's hesitation or question, she moved closer and stood on her toes to reach his mouth. He did the rest, holding and lifting her, and possessing her mouth. When he eased her back to her feet, she looked on him with a suspicious glint in her eyes.

‘What is this about?'

‘Brodie just told me that your father arrives in a day or two. I thought you would want to know.'

As he observed her reaction, he recognised the old Eva pushing forward. Her physical demeanour and posture changed as she became more defensive and her face lost its colour. He would not allow it. Taking her by the shoulders, he shook her gently.

‘Do not do that,' he urged. ‘Do not lose what you have become.' She searched his face then. ‘You told me you trust me? Then you must trust that I will protect you from him.'

The haunted expression left her, and she shuddered then. He pulled her into his arms and rubbed his hands over her back. She clutched his shirt and held on to him. ‘All will be well,' he assured her. By the time she left his embrace, she was not shaking.

‘If you would like, you could stay with Margaret and Magnus in the village while he is here.' He would hate not having her at his side, but if she would be at ease there, she could.

‘I am your wife, Rob. To not be here to greet my father would be an insult to you and to Brodie.' Spoken like the lady she'd been raised to be. ‘And with you at my side, I promise not to cower before that piece of shite now.'

He laughed and wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. It was not the coarsest curse or worst words she could say, but her attempt warmed his heart.

‘I love you, Eva MacKay,' he said, kissing her once more. He could not keep those words in now that he knew the truth.

She searched his gaze then, touching his cheek. Then she cupped his face and brought his mouth to hers, kissing him gently. He felt the caring there. He felt her response to his words. Rob suspected fear kept her from speaking of her own feelings. She never had, as though saying the words would make everything good go away. When she lifted her mouth from his, tears tracked down her cheeks.

‘Come. Bella will be cross if I made you cry,' he said, wiping her tears away. ‘Or if I keep you too long,' he said. Reaching up, he pulled some tendrils of her hair free from the elaborate concoction of knots and twists that Nessa used to control her curls. ‘Let her think the worst.'

Saying nothing, she smiled and shook her head at his antics. He did it just to keep touching her. Now that he recognised the feelings coursing through him, he did not wish to relinquish her yet. But, they both had their duties to carry out, so he escorted her back to Arabella, who crossed her arms over her chest and looked exasperated.

‘I will not be at the evening meal,' he whispered to her. ‘Wait for me,' he urged. He walked away quickly and without looking back at her, for if he did, he would forsake his duties and take her to bed.

* * *

And that night, their joining and passion had an edge of desperation to it, in spite of whatever words he spoke. No matter the number of times he assured her of his love. Then when spent, she clung to him, never letting go of him completely. Neither one slept.

He knew it was tied to her father's arrival, but he knew not what it meant. Unfortunately, she had never spoken of the matters between her and the MacKay, nor the true reason for her attempt to run from their marriage. Without the truth, he was going into a battle without weapons.

And Rob Mackintosh did not go into battle unprepared.

* * *

Brodie thought he was in an armed camp instead of his hall welcoming honoured guests. Rob stood on his right, his arms crossed over his chest, ready for a fight. His wife on his right stood stone-faced as her father entered the hall and walked towards them. She'd flinched several times just standing there when someone turned suddenly or approached without warning.

But the most puzzling was his Bella.

Standing on his left, she bristled with anger and fury. Dressed in the finery expected of Lady Mackintosh, she resembled a fairy princess of legend—beautiful, ethereal, breathtaking. And yet, all she needed was a sword in her hand and she could be a Valkyrie of old Norse tales.

Something or someone had raised her hackles, and she stood stiff and ready for a fight. A good thing that weapons were not permitted here. He turned to her as the MacKay came closer.

‘Bella, what is it?'

She shushed him and nodded towards the powerful clan chief of the north, who now stood at the bottom of the dais from where they did, waiting for Brodie's acknowledgement. The look of hatred in her eyes and aimed at the man told him that his wife was privy to much more than even Rob had let on. Another glance told him that she knew more than Rob did, which somehow made him feel better. And yet it did not.

He smiled grimly then and nodded to the man.

‘Laird MacKay,' he said, reaching out his arm in greeting. ‘Welcome to Drumlui Keep and the lands of the Mackintosh Clan.'

‘Mackintosh,' he said, accepting Brodie's arm and clasping it with a nod.

‘May I present my wife, Lady Arabella Cameron?'

Arabella smiled, but it was the one he'd always hated. The MacKay did not notice or know it for the imitation it was, for he bowed to her. When she did not hold out her hand in greeting, Brodie frowned at her and motioned with his head. His wife ignored him and only offered her words.

‘Welcome to Drumlui Keep, Laird MacKay.' She nodded to Fergus, who stepped forward. ‘Our steward Fergus will see to your comfort while you are here. Places have been arranged for your men, and a chamber is ready for you and Lady MacKay.'

Brodie glanced at the group assembled there and saw no other woman of an age or description to match that of Eva's mother. The only woman in the group was younger, almost the same age as Eva. She stood, eyes cast down, until the MacKay spoke her name. Then she walked...nay, that did not describe the way she moved to the laird's side. Every step made her hips sway, and every man watching her noticed it.

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