Read The Highlander's Warrior Bride Online
Authors: Eliza Knight
Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Medieval, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance
“We’ll be at the village in a few minutes. How do ye propose we go about finding out if Ross has been there or still is?”
Ronan looked her over. “His men will recognize ye. Even with your plain gown.”
Julianna frowned. “Aye. And ye broke into their camp. Will they not recognize ye, too?”
“The men I came across all died. But even still, if Ross and his men have been staying in Kinterloch, they’ve most likely made friends. His cousin holds the town. Either of us asking questions will get back to them.”
“What do ye suggest? We wait for a drunkard to stumble across our path and ply him with questions?” Julianna peered through the forest. They’d been lucky not to come across anyone. Almost too lucky.
Without making it look too obvious, she started to study the trees. She wasn’t the only one that could hide up a tree.
“The idea has merit.”
Julianna laughed softly. “Aye, but who’s to say he tells us the truth?”
“’Haps he’s only looking for a few extra coins for his next flagon of
whisky,” Ronan added.
“Exactly.” However sarcastic their conversation, it was amazing how much they fed off each other.
“Here’s what I think,” Ronan started. “I say we smudge our faces with a bit of dirt, head into town looking for a meal or a place to bed down. We’ll not ask any direct questions, simply see how it plays out. Listen in on a few conversations.”
A glint of silver in one of the trees caught her attention. Just as she’d suspected.
“I dinna think that will be necessary,” she said in a whisper.
Ronan jerked his gaze her way. “What?”
“Remember where ye found me yesterday?”
“Aye,” he said slowly, his gaze leaving her to look subtly into the trees.
“I think we’ll find our answer there.” Julianna kept her voice low.
“Agreed,” Ronan murmured
, and then a little louder said, “I have to take a piss.”
All right. Let us stop a moment.” Julianna kept her voice raised as well.
The flash of silver she’d spied earlier moved, and with it she saw at least four others.
Five against two. Numbers she could handle. A challenge to be sure, and she’d probably mess her hose, but she’d been itching for a good fight.
They stilled their horses and dismounted. Julianna held up one hand, showing that she’d seen five in the trees, and Ronan nodded his agreement.
“Well, get on with your piss, then,” she said, trying to keep the laughter from her voice. At the same time, she felt her wrists to make sure both her daggers were in place. Two long needles held her hair in place. Her sword was easily within reach on the horse and she was determined to stay where she was so she could grab it. Ronan’s sword was strapped to his back and she suspected he was equally outfitted in weapons on his body.
“Och, still your mouth, wench,” he said.
Julianna’s lips itched to smile, but she kept them in a frown and answered him with, “Better hurry else your goose’s neck gets chewed up by a wildcat.”
Ronan raised a dubious brow and Julianna had to look away for fear of laughing. He made a big, loud, clumsy show of walking toward the nearest tree, whipping up his plaid,
and lord help her, he actually started to relieve himself. She turned away, not wanting to witness such an act, and was glad she did. The men who’d been hiding were all coming down the trees, their backs to her.
Pulling a needle from her hair she took
aim and whipped it through the air toward the closest fiend. There was no sound, other than his shriek and the heavy thud as his body hit the ground.
“What in
blazes was that?” she called out, pretending to jump in a circle, frightened.
Ronan whirled around, claymore in hand, the rage on his face no longer a joke. He was furious in truth and looked just as deadly. Glad she was to have him on her side. The four other men jumped the remainder of the way from their respective trees and swaggered toward them, swords drawn.
The clear leader stepped forward. “Evening.”
Ronan did not respond and neither did Julianna.
Lil Lass growled, her ears perked up and hair on end. Ronan waved his hand using the signal Wallace had shown him, meaning stand down. The dog obediently sat on her haunches, but did not take her eyes off the men.
“What are ye
folks doing in the woods when ’tis dark?”
Again Ronan did not answer and Julianna followed his lead. She didn’t want to show the men she knew anything about fighting. The longer they thought her to be a w
eak link the better chances she and Ronan had of taking them all out. She studied each one of them, observing the state of their dress, physical forms, weapons. They all looked healthy enough, clean enough to show they took care of themselves, had a camp at least if they didn’t live in the village. Their clothes too looked halfway decent. Each held a sword and she was sure they had as many concealed weapons as she and Ronan.
“Are ye mute?” the leader asked.
Ronan only sneered.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
“Take it for whatever ye want. We want no trouble,” Ronan said evenly. He stabbed the tip of his sword into the ground and held both his hands out to the side. “Let us be on our way.”
“What way is that?”
Ronan nodded his head toward the village, whose lights could be seen just beyond the trees.
Kinterloch? There’s nothing for ye there.” The leader did not surrender his weapon, but continued to hold it out, as if warding off Ronan’s approach.
“Why’s that?” Ronan asked. “We only seek food and shelter. We’ll move on in the morning.”
“Is that your wife?”
Ronan nodded.
Julianna bristled. The man was changing the subject and she didn’t like the path he was taking. Imagining herself as Ronan’s wife was a fantasy she could not indulge in.
“Why dinna ye go ahead to the village then and find some food and shelter, we’ll keep your wife here until ye get back.”
Her stomach flipped and she crossed her arms over her chest, putting each hand inside her sleeves to feel her daggers.
“Not going to happen.” Ronan gri
pped the handle of his claymore and pulled it from the ground.
Chapter Twelve
f these whoresons wanted a fight, then by God, Ronan would give them one. He’d say the four of them had heavy ballocks to try and pick a fight, but unfortunately for the idiots, they had no idea who Ronan or Julianna were.
Poor bastards.
“Well, if ye willna leave her here, then I’m afraid we’re at an impasse.” The leader twirled his sword in his hand, obviously confident in his skills.
Ronan stole a glance at Julianna. A mask of indifference covered her face. Her hair had fallen on one side, giving her normally tightly wound knot a lopsided look. He had an idea if he looked at the man lying prone on the ground that there would be sharp object protruding from his body.
“I suppose we are,” Ronan said, keeping his voice even and not edged with the anger he felt.
“Do ye know what I like to do when I come to a stalemate with another?” The leader turned his head and smiled at first one of his men and the
n the other two who stood on the opposite side.
Ronan did not give the man a response. He took the time the man used to stroke his own ego as an opportunity to assess their weapons and their weak points.
Each had a sword and knife, and from several bulges in their sleeves, hidden weapons as well.
“I like
to take down the man.” He walked forward a step, trying for menacing, but it wouldn’t work. “Then I like to take his woman down—have the man watch me work my sword on her.” With the word
, he grabbed his crotch and jiggled it.
Ronan raise
d a brow, expecting Julianna to put the fool out of his misery, but she seemed just as equally preoccupied with assessing the situation.
Enough was enough, however
, Ronan was growing bored. “Get on with it then. My belly growls and I’m in need of a pint or two of ale.”
The leader stopped his speech and gave Ronan an odd look. Obviously he was surprised by Ronan’s lack of concern, but it was too late to back out now. The man had stated his threats in plain view of his men. If he were to back down they’d think him a weakling.
“Jonas, get the lass. Mattie and Birch, ye’re with me.”
Ronan did grin then. Only one man for Julianna to put out of his misery. Perfect. He raised his claymore and steadied his feet. These bastards wouldn’t live long. His only regret was that he’d be concentrating on his own battle and would miss seeing Julianna skewer Jonas.
“Aye, boss,” Jonas said, taking his sweet time to saunter toward her.
Ronan wanted to encourage him to speed up, or at least to wait until he was done taking care of Boss, Mattie and Birch. Och, well…
Boss held back while Mattie and Birch lunged at him. Ronan easily side-stepped, turned halfway and sliced through the back of Birch’s thigh. The man went down with a howl and clutched at his bleeding leg. Instead of running at him full force again, Mattie turned in a circle. Boss continued to hang back, watching. Would probably run as soon as Mattie was done for, or maybe enlist the help of Jonas.
Nope. The sound of the other man grunting behind him, and Boss’ shout of dismay gave Ronan the added push to lunge toward Mattie. The man froze, and Ronan didn’t have the heart to kill him, so instead he knocked him hard on the head and the man fell beside a still screaming Birch. With the hilt of his claymore he put Birch into a deep sleep.
“Who are ye?” Boss said, backing away.
“Just a couple of travelers in need of food and shelter,” Ronan said with a sneer on his face.
Boss shook his head. “Nay.”
“I dinna believe ye. Dinna come any closer.” He held his sword out, waved it, slicing it through the air. Ronan continued forward.
“I thought ye wanted to play?” Ronan
said with a mock pout.
“Now, if ye just let me go… I… I can take ye to a powerful man. He’ll give ye coin. Food. Whatever ye want.”
“Who is this powerful man?”
“He’s a laird. A powerful one.”
“Ye mentioned that already. But how do I know ye’re telling the truth. We heard tell that the village was held by a vassal. That wouldna be the laird ye speak of.”
Boss shook his head. “Ye’re right, but he is housing my laird.”
“Housing?” Poor maggot had no idea the information he was spewing out.
“Aye. Laird Ross.”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, a whistling sound sliced past Ronan’s ear. A knife sunk into the man’s chest and he fell to the ground his eyes wide, face going pale. Within seconds, foam pooled on his lips and he fell flat.
“What did ye go and do t
hat for?” Ronan asked. Frowning, he turned toward Julianna with his hands on his hips.
She shrugged. “He gave us the information we want
ed. Canna have him going back to the village and telling Ross of our approach.”
“Did ye not realize I left those two alive?”
“Really?” she said, annoyed. “Couldna handle it?”
see the point,” he answered.
Have it your way. I was taught to leave no witnesses. We’ll hide the dead and tie these two to a tree. They willna be able to escape and tell Ross about us and it will give us time to get into the village to find him.”
Ronan nodded, liking how she took the lead. A strong woman was hard to come by, especially one who could fight like she did. His cock tightened in response. Damn if she didn’t have a way of making him want her, even in the midst of the carnage they’d created.
He snorted with disgust for himself, wiped off his claymore and sheathed it. Julianna had ripped a strip of fabric off of Birch’s linen shirt and wrapped it tight around his wound.
“If ye can get the three dead ones hidden, I can tie these two to a tree.”
“Think ye can haul them? They are nay slight men.”
Julianna only smiled at him as though indulging a small child. “Ye have no need to worry about me, Ronan.”
“All right.” If she wanted to play that she could maneuver those two men, he would humor her. He’d hide the dead and then come back to help her. The lady sure was confident. Cocky even.
When Ronan returned, she’d sheathed her weapons, fixed her hair and…tied the two men to the same tree. Both were still knocked out and she didn’t look any worse for wear.
“Are ye ready?” she asked, mounting her horse. Julianna glanced back at him, worry crinkling her eyes. “Ye look like ye’ve seen a ghost. Are ye all right?”
“I should give ye more credit, my lady. I didna think ye could do it.”
She smiled and clucked her tongue. “I know. Most men dinna think a woman can do the same things. I try not to tread on boots too often, but there are times when even your manly ego must get over it.”
Ronan laughed. “Your tongue is ever sharp.”
And he wanted nothing more than to grab her off that horse and kiss her fiercely. How could he arrange that?
“Get on your horse. We’ve made it past Ross’ scouts, but there is still a village to be breached.”
“Spoken like a true commander.”
She batted her lashes and held her hand to her chest.
“Would ye like it better if I said it like a lady? Oh, kind warrior, would ye please oblige me and mount that well-built, noble stead, so we might—”
“That’ll do,” Ronan said with a roar of laughter. “I dare say, ye are lucky to be traveling with me, else ye might have been among the dead.”
“For more reasons than one,” she said softly.
Without thinking Ronan reached out and touched her leg, giving her a gentle squeeze. His eyes widened at the same time hers did, and he moved quickly to pull away, but Julianna stilled his hand, gripped it tight, holding it place upon her muscled thigh.
“Thank ye, Ronan,” she said.
“For what?” Damn if his voice didn’t croak like a lad of fourteen.
“For coming with me.”
“I’d never have let ye go alone.”
She reached out and stroked his cheek, her thumb brushing tenderly back and forth.
“Julianna,” he managed to say, but his words were cut off when she leaned down and swept her lips over his.
“Dinna say anything,” she murmured against his mouth. “Just kiss me back.”
No sweeter words had ever been uttered from a female’s lips. Ronan wasted no time in taking possession of her mouth. He licked greedily at her lips until she opened for his entry. They both let out sighs of satisfaction as their tongues touched. An urgency took hold of Ronan. He slid his hand up
her thigh, gripped her hip, grabbed the other one and lifted her from the horse. He held her in the air, pulled tight to him so he could feel every lush curve and supple muscle against him. Julianna was a goddess to be sure.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and went a step forward by wrapping one leg around his hip.
He was going to come undone. He slid his hands beneath her bottom, pulled the other leg around his hip and held her like that. The heat of her sex seeped through both their clothes making his already fiery blood burn hotter. Just this one kiss, this one indulgence. They both needed it. Needed this sense of being desired by another. A sense of intimacy. Battle-rush coursed through their veins and it was obligatory for them to find a way to let it out. After one faced death, one wanted to feel alive.
Her breasts were crushed to his chest, nipples hard.
He grunted at the impact of her body, a sudden aching pang whizzing through his shoulder. Gripping her weight in one hand, he slid his other up her ribs to cup a plush swell. They were soft, round, warm. God what he wouldn’t do to feel their silky weight, naked in his palm. Ronan thumbed over her nipple, reveled in her indrawn breath.
Julianna scraped her nails along his scalp and the back of his neck, massaged deep into his
uninjured shoulders. Her thighs were clenched tight around him, making him shake with need. Cock hard, his turgid flesh pulsed, begged, to sink within the heated channel she teased him with.
He had to stop now if he was going to. While he still had a thread of control left. He was very close
to coming unraveled completely, thrusting her against a tree while he took what she offered. Ronan tried to pull away, to take his lips from Julianna’s but she only leaned in closer.
“Not yet,” she said, her breathy tones stroking so enticingly along his nerves.
How could he say no? How could he deny her what she wanted? What he’d craved for months. Ronan didn’t want to answer that question, because at some point in the next three minutes he would have to do just that, or end up with Julianna pinned to an aged oak, her skirts yanked up and himself buried deep inside her.
Just the image he’d
embedded in his mind was too much to bear. He yanked on her skirts, planted his hand firmly beneath a smooth thigh. And groaned. It was perfection. Hell, he’d known that when she’d dropped her plaid in the croft. Her backside and legs were firmly formed, but with a feminine curve that made his mouth water. Touching them only made what he’d seen come alive more vividly in his mind.
Her skin was warm, silky and trembling. Was it fear or desire that made her quiver? Unsure of which and not willing to risk it being fear, once again he pulled away. Their eyes locked in the dark. The moon shone
, making the whites of her eyes glow, the centers dark.
“Ronan,” she whispered, her teeth also gleaming in the moonlight.
Their hot breath puffed between them.
“We have to stop,” he said, his voice gruff.
“I know we should.” She kissed the corner of his mouth lightly.
“Aye.” Ronan couldn’t help himself, he slid his lips along her chin to her ear, tugged gently at her earlobe. “We must.”
Julianna tilted her head to the side and moaned. “Must we?”
That got his attention. “My lady, dinna ye know what happens between a man and a woman?”
Julianna let out a throaty laugh. “Why, Ronan, ye are trying to be a gentleman.”
“Now is not the time for laughter.”
“But ’twas funny.” Her fingers curled through his hair and tugged.
e make my blood fill with fire,” he growled, nibbling on her lower lip.