The King of Vodka (38 page)

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Authors: Linda Himelstein

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10. “Za nedelyu,”
Magazine Iskry,
#25, 1901, 13.

11. Patricia Herlihy,
The Alcoholic Empire: Vodka and Politics in Late Imperial Russia
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 6.

12. Kate Transchel,
Under the Influence: Working-class Drinking, Temperance, and Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1895–1932
(Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), 32.

13. “Russian Liquor Reform,”
New York Times,
Feb. 2, 1902.

14. David Christian,
Living Water: Vodka and Russian Society on the Eve of Emancipation
(New York; Oxford University Press, 1990), 390.

15. William E. Johnson,
The Liquor Problem in Russia
(Westerville, OH: The American Issue Publishing Co., 1915).

Kratkiy ocherk pyatidesyatiletiya aktsiznoy sistemy vzimaniya nalogov s krepkih napitkov i pyatidesyatiletiya deyatelnosti uchrezhdeniy zaveduyuschih neokladnymi sborami
(St. Petersburg: V. Kirschbaum, 1913), 38.

17. K. V. Smirnova, G. V. Chinyaeva, V. O. Smirnov, and M. I. Gogolashvili,
Vodochniy korol Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov i yego potomki
(Moscow: OAO Izdatelstvo “Raduga,” 1999), 198–201.

18. CSAM, Fund 16, Inv. 237, Case 19, 4.

19. Ibid., 1–4.

20. Smirnov Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis
Center Collection in the Fung Library, research by Oleg Smirnov, PSC009272–PSC009274, 136–38.

21. Ibid., PSC009276-PSC009283, 140–47.


1. Central State Archives of Moscow (CSAM), Fund 16, Inv. 237, 24–25, (hereafter cited in text).

Moskovskiy Listok
, July 31, 1903, 3, in CHAM, Fund 131, Inv. 5, Case 926.

3. Theodore Von Laue,
Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1963), 258.


1. Gregory Freeze, ed.,
Russia: A History
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1997), 212.

2. Boris M. Segal,
Russian Drinking: Use and Abuse of Alcohol in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
(New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1987), 104.

3. Stephen White,
Russia Goes Dry: Alcohol, State, and Society
(Cambridge University Press, 1996), 20–21.

4. Transchel,
Under the Influence: Working-class Drinking, Temperance, and Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1895–1932
(Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), 36.

Russkoye Slovo
, Nov. 7, 1905.

6. David Floyd,
Russia in Revolt: 1905: The First Crack in Tsarist Power
(Macdonald & Co., 1969), 61.

7. Maxim Gorkiy [Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov],
Complete Works in Thirty Volumes
, (Moscow: GIKhL, 1949–56), vol. 7,

8. Irving Werstein,
Ten Days in November: The Russian Revolution
(Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Co., 1967), 76.

9. Vladimir Smirnov's memoirs.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Jo Ann Ruckman,
The Moscow Business Elite
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois Press, 1984), 66–67.

Russkoye Slovo
, Nov. 17, 1905,

14. Vladimir Smirnov's memoirs.

15. S. P. Urusov,
Kniga o loshadi
(St. Petersburg: Russkoye knizhnoye tovarischestvo “Deyatel,” 1911), 480,

Spisok chastnyh konskih zavodov v Rossii
(St. Petersburg: Yu. Ya. Rimana, 1904), 374.

17. Central State Archives of Moscow (CSAM), Fund 16, Inv. 237, Case 19, 56.

18. CHAM, Fund 87, Inv. 2, Case 1037, 27–32 (Oleg Smirnov's research: PSC009083).

19. Ibid. (Oleg Smirnov's research: PSC 009084).

20. Ibid. (Oleg Smirnov's research: PSC 009085).

21. Richard Pipes,
A Concise History of the Russian Revolution
(New York: Alfred Knopf, 1995), 43.


1. I. R. Takala,
Veselie Rusi. Istoriya alkogolnoy problemy v Rossii
(St. Petersburg: Zhurnal Neva, 2002), 166.

Kratkiy ocherk pyatidesyatiletiya aktsiznoy sistemy vzimaniya nalogov s krepkih napitkov i pyatidesyatiletiya deyatelnosti uchrezhdeniy zaveduyuschih neokladnymi sborami
(St. Petersburg: V. Kirschbaum, 1913), 38.

3. Kate Transchel,
Under the Influence: Working-class Drinking, Temperance, and Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1895–1932
(Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), 62.

4. “Russian War on Vodka,”
New York Times,
Feb. 16, 1908.

5. Boris M. Segal,
Russian Drinking: Use and Abuse of Alcohol
in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
(New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1987), 334.

Vestnik vinnoy, pivovarennoy promyshlennosti i torgovli
, Moscow, #26, Aug. 20, 1911, 5.

7. Ibid., #32, Feb. 25, 1912, 3.

8. Ibid., #10, May 22, 1910, 5.

9. CHAM, Fund 126, Inv. 2, Case 84, 216–17.

Novosti Utra i Vechera,
Apr. 20, 1907, 3.

11. Russkoye slovo, Nov. 17, 1907, 1.

12. Vladimir Smirnov's Memoirs.

13. Central State Archives of Moscow (CSAM), Fund 16, Inventory 237, Case 19, 67–73.

14. Ibid., 67–68.

15. S. P. Urusov,
Kniga o loshadi
(St. Petersburg: Russkoye knizhnoye tovarischestvo “Deyatel,” 1911), 480,

16. Grigoriy Yaron
O lyubimom zhanre
(Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1960), 29.

17. M. Yankovskiy,
Sovetskiy teatr operetty: Ocherk istorii
(Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1962), 32.

18. Vladimir's Nov. 1, 1910, party menu and entertainment list from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis Center Collection in the Fung Library.

19. P. P. Isheyev,
Oskolki proshlogo, Vospominaniya 1889
(New York, 142).

20. Yaron,
O lyubimom zhanre,

21. A. Mendelson,
Itogi prinuditelnoy trezvosti i noviye formy pyanstva. Doklad Protivoalkogolnomu Soveshchaniyu Obshchestva Russkih Vrachey v pamyat N. I.Pirogova v Moskve
(Petrograd: Gosudarstvennaya tipografiya, 1916), 3.

22. Patricia Herlihy,
The Alcoholic Empire: Vodka and Politics in Late Imperial Russia
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 116.

23. L. N. Tolstoy.
Complete Works,
3rd series, Letters, vol. 80 (Moscow: GIKhL, 1955), 291–92.

24. Transchel,
Under the Influence,


Moscow Gazette,
Apr. 27, 1910. Article and translation obtained from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis Center Collection in the Fung Library.

Bulletin of Wine, Vodka, Beer, Eating-house Industry and Grocers,
Year 1, #10, May 22, 1910, from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis Center Collection in the Fung Library.

Novoye Vremya,
St. Petersburg, #13124, 1912, 3.

4. Ibid., 13113, 1912, 5.

5. Patricia Herlihy,
The Alcoholic Empire: Vodka and Politics in Late Imperial Russia
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 8.

6. Ibid., 117.

7. Testimony, Boris Aleksandrovich Smirnov, Feb. 12, 1998, 163–64, from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis Center Collection in the Fung Library.

8. Ibid., Feb. 11, 1998, 69.

9. Research compiled by Oleg Smirnov, obtained from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University. Document #PSC009365.

10. L. K. Yezioranskiy,
Fabrichno-zavodskiye predpriyatiya Rossiyskoy Imperii pod nablyudeniyem Redaktsionnogo Komiteta, sostoyashchego iz chlenov Soveta Syezdov Predstaviteley Promyshlennosti i Torgovli,
St. Petersburg, 1909, #7092.

Bulletin of Wine, Vodka, Beer,
Year 11, #28, Oct. 29, 1911.

12. Trading House P. A. Smirnov (Moscow) to Administration of Police, 1st div., Pyatnitskaya district, 1911, from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive, #EC000754.

13. R. Atzhanov, “Povest pro postavshchikov,”
Moscow, #8, Feb. 25, 2002,

Spisok fabrik i zavodov Rossiyskoy Imperii so vklyucheniyem Sibiri, Sredney Azii i Kavkaza. Sostavleno po ofitsialnym svedeniyam otdela Promyshlennosti Ministerstva Torgovli i Promyshlennosti pod red. V. E. Varzara
(St. Petersburg: V. Kirschbaum, 1912), pt. 2, 205.

Moskovskiy Listok
, Sept. 1, 1912, 201, 4.

16. Research compiled by Oleg Smirnov, obtained from Harvard. Document #PSC008996.

17. CSAM, Fund 83, Inv. 2, Case 1037, 78–79.

18. Ibid.

19. D. A. Zasosov and V. I. Pyzin,
Povsednevnaya zhizn Peterburga na rubezhe XIX–XX vekov
(Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 2003).

20. State Archive of the Russian Federation, Fund 102, Inv. 67, Case 42, pt. 1, 51, 54.

Peterburgskaya Gazeta,
Mar. 21, 1912, 4.

Moskovskiy Listok
, Mar. 21, 1912, 3.

23. Boris M. Segal,
Russian Drinking: Use and Abuse of Alcohol in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
(New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1987), 118.

24. William E. Johnson,
The Liquor Problem in Russia
(Westerville, OH: The American Issue Publishing Co., 1915), 191.


1. Irving Werstein,
Ten Days in November: The Russian Revolution
(Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Co., 1967), 114.

2. A. Kokorev and V. Rouga,
Voina i moskvichi. Ocherki gorodskogo byta 1914–1917 gg
(Moscow: Olma Media Grupp, 2008), 142.

New York Times
, July 25, 1915.

4. William E. Johnson,
The Liquor Problem in Russia
(Westerville, OH: The American Issue Publishing Co., 1915), 207.

New York Times
, July 25, 1915.

6. Patricia Herlihy,
The Alcoholic Empire: Vodka and Politics in Late Imperial Russia
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), 67.

Spisok fabrik i zavodov Rossiyskoy Imperii so vklyucheniyem Sibiri, Sredney Azii i Kavkaza. Sostavleno po ofitsialnym svedeniyam otdela Promyshlennosti Ministerstva Torgovil i Promyshlennosti pod red. V. E. Varzara
(St. Petersburg: V. Kirschbaum, 1912), Part 2, 92.

8. Document #EC 000711, from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis Center Collection in the Fung Library.

9. Robert Goldston,
The Russian Revolution
(New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., 1966), 92.

10. Boris M. Segal,
Russian Drinking: Use and Abuse of Alcohol in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
, (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies. 1987), 120.

11. Werstein,
Ten Days in November,

Moskovskiy Listok
, Oct. 30, 1915, 3.

13. Werstein,
Ten Days in November,

14. E. Radzinskiy, Stalin (Moscow: AST, 2006), 99.

15. Werstein,
Ten Days in November,

16. Vladimir Smirnov's memoirs.


1. J. N. Westwood,
Russia 1917–1964: A History of Modern Russia from the 1917 Revolution to the Fall of Krushchev
(New York: Harper & Row, 1966), 51.

2. Testimony, Boris Aleksandrovich Smirnoff, Feb. 12, 1998, 160.

3. Kate Transchel,
Under the Influence: Working-class Drinking,
Temperance, and Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1895–1932
(Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), 75.

4. “Nesvoyevremenniye mysli. Zametki o russkoy revolyutsii i culture,”

5. Testimony, Boris Aleksandrovich Smirnoff, Feb. 11, 1998, 123.

6. K. V. Smirnova, G. V. Chinyaeva, V. O. Smirnov, and M. I. Gogolashvili,
Vodochniy korol Pyotr Arsenievich Smirnov i yego potomki
(Moscow: OAO Izdatelstvo “Raduga,” 1999), 159.

7. Orlando Figes,
Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia
(New York: Henry Holt & Co., 2002), 437.

8. Document #TH001151, translation from the Smirnoff Vodka Archive at Harvard University's Davis Center Collection in the Fung Library.

9. James L. West and Iurri Petrov,
Merchant Moscow: Images of Russia's Vanished Bourgeoisie
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998), 176.

10. Testimony, Boris Aleksandrovich Smirnoff, Feb. 12, 1998, 161–63.

11. Vladimir Smirnov's memoirs.

, Sept. 4, 1918.

13. Vladimir Smirnov's memoirs.

14. Ibid.

15. Orlando Figes, “
A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution
,” (New York: Viking, 1996), 645.

16. State Archives of the Russian Federation, P-470, Inv. 1, Case 1, 19–20.

Krasniy terror v gody grazhdanskoy voiny. Po materialam Osoboy sledstvennoy komissii po rassledovaniyu zlodeyaniy bolshevikov. Delo #1. Osobaya komissiya po rassledovaniyu zlodeyaniy bolshevikov, sostoyaschaya pri glavnokomanduyuschem vooruzhennimy silami na Yuge Rossii. Akt rassledovaniya po delu ob areste i ubiystve zalozhnikov v Pyatigorske v oktyabre 1918
goda. Pod red. Doktorov istoricheskih nauk Yu. G. Feltishinskogo i G.I. Chernyavskogo,
State Archives of the Russian Federation, P-470, Inv. 1, Case 2, 230–32.

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