The Lady and Her Monsters (34 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Montillo

BOOK: The Lady and Her Monsters
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childhood of, 13, 15, 29

in Dundee, 111–12

and her father, 30, 110–11, 112–13, 120, 126–27, 148, 154, 248, 261

and her mother, 28, 112–13, 154

and her stepmother, 13, 30, 113

marriage of,
Shelley, Mary Godwin

pregnancy of, 149

waking dreams of, 110, 174

Godwin, Philipp Huel, 196

Godwin, William:

begging letters written by, 196

and Coleridge, 13–14

correspondence with prisoners, 34

and Fanny's death, 192–93

201, 202

and in-laws, 166

intellectual gatherings of, 13, 14, 16, 277–78

and Jane (second wife), 29–31

and Mary (daughter), 30, 110–11, 112–13, 120, 126–27, 148, 151, 154, 196, 248, 251, 260, 261

and Mary (first wife), 21–22, 24–28, 31

Memoirs of the Author of “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman,”

and Percy, 101–2, 119–20, 126, 196

and Percy's death, 261

St. Leon,
29–30, 198

and wife Mary's death in childbirth, 14, 18–21

Godwin, William (son), 31

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,

Going, Sarah, 79

golem tales, 99–100

Graham, James, 66–68,

and Celestial Bed, 67

and Temple of Health, 66–67

grave robbers, 70–72, 173–74

Gray, Ann, 225–26

Greece, Byron in, 263–64

Grimm, brothers, 100

Grimm, Jacob,
Journal for Hermits,

Grove, Charles, 173, 278

Guiccioli, Countess, 170

Guy de Chauliac, 44

Haggerty, Owen, 33

Haller's principle, 62

hallucinogenics, experimentation with, 36

hangings, public, 31–34

and anatomization/dissection, 32, 43, 69, 82, 83, 207, 211, 229, 231

announcements of, 32, 42

in Edinburgh, 228–30,

and galvanism, 86–88

at Newgate Prison, 80, 81, 234

at Old Bailey, 32, 74

in Paris, 47

proceedings of, 83

repeated, 84

souvenirs of, 230, 231

and violent mobs, 31, 33

Hare, Margaret, 217, 218, 228, 232

Hare, William, 217–28

and Burke,
Burke and Hare

as immune from prosecution, 227, 228

in later years, 232

testimony of, 227–28

Harnett, Bill, 72

Harnett, Jack, 72

Hawes, William, 76

heart, restarting, 62, 86

Heine, Heinrich, “The Loreley,” 132

Helmholtz, Hermann, 4

Heseler, Baldasar, 48

Hobart, Jane, 77

Hobhouse, John, 185

Hogg, Jane Williams, 249, 254, 260–61, 284

Hogg, Thomas Jefferson:

and Harriet, 116

and Jane, 260–61

and Mary, 152–53, 261

and Percy, 103–5, 107–8, 114–15, 116, 117, 153

Shelley at Oxford,

Hohenheim, Elsa von, 91, 92

Hohenheim, Philippus,

Hohenheim, Wilhelm, 92

Holcroft, Thomas, 26

Holloway, John, 33

homunculus, 92, 96–97

Hookman, Thomas Jr., 194

Hoppners, 242

horror tales, 14, 16

human bodies:

anatomizations of,
anatomizations; dissections

and body snatchers,
body snatching

buried alive, 76

dismembered and sold, 73

experiments on, 9, 37, 57–59,
, 60–62, 65, 69, 85–88, 105, 209, 214–15

and homunculus, 92, 96–97

reawakening the dead, 93–94

salted and pickled, 73

humors, 46

Hunt, Leigh, 257, 258, 259, 261

Imlay, Fanny, 151, 154, 171

birth of, 22–23, 27

childhood of, 18, 29

and melancholy, 167

as outsider, 113, 165–67, 192

suicide of, 191–94

Imlay, Gilbert, 22–23, 24, 27


Ring of Fire, 146

Tambora eruption in, 145–48

Industrial Revolution, 93

iron, in the blood, 7


Byron in, 251–53, 256, 262

Mary in, 239–40, 246–48, 279–84

Jeffrey, James, 207, 212, 215–16

Jewish tradition, golem in, 99–100

Karloff, Boris, 285

Ketch, Jack (Colcroft), 83

Kincaid, Douglas, 184

Knox, Robert, 217,

and Burke and Hare, 219–20, 222–24, 227, 232

in later years, 232

and Paterson, 223–24

Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor and James, 197

Lamb, Lady Caroline, 155

Lamb, Charles, 14, 30

Lancet, The,

Lanzarini, Fabiano, 61

Lanzarini, Luigi, 59–62

laudanum, 108–10, 192

Leigh, Augusta, 156, 158, 169

Leigh, Medora, 156

Leyden jar, 140


control of, 201

elixir of, 95–96

principle of, 174

spark of, 172

Light, Tom, 72

Lind, James, 105–7

Lockhart, John, 210

Loew, Rabbi, 99–100


Fortune of War pub, 74, 75, 234

medical revolution in, 65–66

Newgate Prison, 79–82,
, 234

Old Bailey courthouse, 32, 74

public hangings in, 31–34, 74, 80, 81, 234

resurrectionist gangs in, 71–72

river Thames in, 23–24,

Royal College of Surgeons, 8–9, 83,
, 86

Spring-Garden Rooms, 151

St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Medical College, 74

St. Pancras Cemetery in, 114, 127–28

Temple of Health, 66–67

London Burkers, 233–34,

London Corresponding Society, 34

Love, Alexander, 205–6

Lully, Raymond,

lunatics, experiments on, 60–62, 86

MacDonald, D. L.,
Poor Polidori,
186, 187

Mackenzie, Peter, 206, 214, 215–16

Massachusetts, body-snatching legislation in, 276

May, James, 233–34,

M'Dougal, Helen, 217, 226, 228, 231–32

Meadowbrook, Lord, 228

Medwin, Thomas, 110, 118, 250, 283

Menninger, Carl, 186

mercury, 98

M'Gregor, John, 210–11

Milbanke, Annabella, 156, 158–59

Milton, John,
Paradise Lost,

Mondino De' Luzzi:

and Aldini's experiments, 59

Anatomia Corposi Humani,
44, 45

dissections performed by, 44–45

Monro, Alexander, 219, 228, 231

Moore, Thomas, 154–55, 157

Morgan Library, New York, 268

mort houses, 208–9

Mount Tambora, volcanic eruption of, 145–48

Mount Vesuvius, 240

Munro, Doctor, 106

Murder Act (1752), 82–83

Murray, John, 163, 177, 187–88, 197

Naples, 246–48

child born in, 240–46

Royal Gardens, 239–40

Naples, Joseph,
The Diary of a Resurrectionist,

natural philosophers, 54

and alchemy, 93, 97

and anatomists, 44

and electrical/medical experiments, 17, 105, 278

and Frankenstein, 199–200, 201

on reanimating the dead, 9, 172

nature, powers of, 17, 18

Newgate Prison,

Dickens's visit to, 79–82

public hangings at, 80, 81, 234

New York Mortuary Services, 273–76

Nietzsche, Friedrich,
Beyond Good and Evil,

Night-mare Life-in-Death tales, 16

nitrous oxide (laughing gas), 35–36

O'Brien, Patricia, 274–75

Old Bailey, London, 32, 74


Coleridge's use of, 14

effect on animal electricity, 5

hallucinogenic, 36, 109

laudanum, 108–10, 127

opium poisoning, 109

Papaver somniferum,

ox, experiment on, 56–59

Paine, Thomas,
The Rights of Man,

Pancaldi, Giuliano, 54

Paracelsus, 92–94,
, 101

and alchemy, 93–94, 95–97, 98, 99, 100, 139

De rerum natura,

and homunculus, 92, 96, 97

and opium, 109

paralysis, cure sought for, 4, 57


Gibbet of Montfaucon, 47

Mary and Percy in, 128

Parisian method, 69

Pass, Mr. (“Beadle”), 84, 86, 88

Passages from Lady Anne Barnard's Private Family Memoirs, The,

Paterson, Mary, 223–24, 227

Patience, Hannah, 77–78

Pattison, Granville Sharp, 213–14

Paul de Philipsthal (Philidor), 151

Peacock, Thomas Love,
Memoirs of Percy Shelley,
118, 119

phantasmagoria, 151

Philidor, Paul, 151

Philips, Owen, 147

Phillips, Charles, 31

philosopher's stone, 137, 138, 140–41

Phlegraean Fields, 240

phrenologists, 231

Pietro (servant), 263–64

Place, Francis, 120

Plath, Sylvia, 133

Pneumatic Institution, Bristol, 35

Poignand, Doctor, 19–20

Polidori, Aloysius, 174

Polidori, Charlotte Lydia, 163–64

Polidori, Gaetano, 162, 185

Polidori, John William, 161–65, 172–77

accident of, 187

biography of, 186

bordello visits of, 163, 169, 187

diary of, 163–64, 172, 179, 183, 186, 190

“Ernestus Berchtold,” 177

and ghost story competition, 163, 176–79

and grave robbing, 173–74

and Mary, 175, 176, 183

medical cases of, 174–75

and mind-body separation, 174

“Oneirodynia,” 174

as outsider, 175–76, 184–87, 190, 252

and somnambulism, 174, 176, 190

suicide of, 189–90, 253, 268

“The Vampyre,” 188–89, 190

writings of, 169, 172, 175, 177, 187, 188–89

Ponce, Charles, 92

Prometheus (myth.), 200

Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, 145, 146–47

reanimation, 9, 36, 172–73

and alchemy, 96–97

and galvanism, 37, 177

moral questions about, 93–94

resurrectionists (body snatchers), 69, 70–74, 75, 114, 173, 233, 235–36

resuscitation, 76, 96–97

Rhine River:

Burg Frankenstein on, 134, 135

Lorelei legends of, 132

Mary and Percy's travels on, 131–35

Richardson, Ruth, 72

Roberts, Capt. Daniel, 252, 259

Robinson, Henry Crabb, 239, 280

Romantic poets, 97

Ross (prisoner), 210, 211–12

Rossetti, Christina, 162

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 162

Rossetti, Gabriele, 162

Rossetti, William Michael, 164

Rowan, Archibald Hamilton, 23

Royal College of Surgeons, London, 8–9, 83,
, 86

Royal Humane Society, 75–77

Royal Institution, London, 36

Royal Society, 105

St. John, Jane Gibson, 284

Salem, Massachusetts, Peabody Essex Museum, 245

Sant-Orsola hospital, 59–61

séances, 151

Shakespeare, William:


The Tempest,

sheep, dissection of,

Shelley, Charles (son), 195, 283

Shelley, Elena Adelaide (adopted baby), 241–43

Shelley, Harriet Westbrook (first wife), 115–20, 125–26, 149, 194–95

Shelley, Ianthe (daughter), 114, 117, 194–95, 283

Shelley, Mary Godwin:

and baby's death, 150–51, 152, 153, 241–42, 243, 248, 266, 268, 281

and Byron's death, 265–66

death of, 284–85

early years of,
Godwin, Mary

and Fanny's death, 192–94

final years in Italy, 279–84

and financial concerns, 278–79

folktales collected by, 130–31, 135–36


and ghost story competition, 163, 176–80

headaches of, 279, 282–84

History of a Six Weeks' Tour,

and Hogg, 152–53, 261

influences on, 94, 98, 100, 199–201, 278

The Last Man,

letters of, 153

and literary interpretation, 10

melancholy of, 167, 193–94, 240, 241, 243, 247–49, 254, 263, 267, 279, 285

in Naples, 239–40, 246–48

and Percy, 28, 100, 110, 112–14, 117, 119, 120–21, 154, 170, 195–96, 247–48, 261

and Percy's death, 257, 260, 262, 266, 268, 278

and Percy's memory, 283

and Percy's writings, 266, 279

and Polidori, 175, 176, 183

Rambles in Germany and Italy,

reputation of, 148, 154, 170

and science, 9–10

and son William, 160–61, 248

in Switzerland, 129–30, 167–80

travels with Jane (Claire) and Percy, 121, 125–34, 149–51, 161, 163–64, 165, 167, 191, 239–42

and waking dreams, 174, 267, 269

Shelley, Percy Bysshe:

“Alastor,” 198–99

biographies of, 283

boats of, 248, 249, 250, 252–56, 259–60


death of, 256–60, 261, 262–63, 268

and Dippel, 137–38

and electrical experiments, 9, 10, 103–5, 107–8, 278

Essays and Letters,

at Eton, 105

and Fanny's death, 192–94

fascination with the dead, 108, 173, 198–99, 237, 261

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