The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe) (5 page)

Read The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe) Online

Authors: Jennifer Denys,Susan Laine

BOOK: The Last Werewolf (The Weres of Europe)
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He sighed, and decided to make a joke instead. “You just want an easy escape route in case I do turn into that mass murderer.”

“Yup, got it in one.” They both laughed, and he went to get the sheets.

As he said goodnight, leaving her in the living room, he had to force himself to move out of the room. He had a growing urge to take her in his arms and lick her face. He grimaced. He guessed it was something to do with his wolf side, but for the life of him he couldn’t think why. It hadn’t happened with any other girl, or guy, come to that, other than Leevi.

Sleep did not come easily. Actually it didn’t come at all. He kept listening for sounds of her movement in the other room, amazed at how clear all the night sounds were. He would normally hear the usual sound of city traffic and voices, but now he heard the ticking of the clock, something he had never really been aware of before. The noises kept coming, the hum of the fridge in the kitchen, the wind blowing through the trees in the nearby park, a neighbor on the floor above going to the toilet. He scowled. That was one image he really didn’t want to think about.

Fading out all those cluttered sounds from his mind, he concentrated on the one he really wanted to experience, and smiled. Summer clearly couldn’t sleep either. He listened as she turned over on the sofa. And back again. Now plumping the cushion. Oh, she was getting frustrated as the cushion was flung to the floor.

When he heard her stand and pad across the floor to open a window, Rik made a decision and, swiftly pushing his bedclothes aside, he stood. Ignoring the fact that he was naked, and his cock was partially erect, he left his bed and went into the living room. He didn’t turn the light on as he could see perfectly well without it.

As he entered the room he saw her turn around from where she was standing at the window, the slight breeze ruffling her hair. She was just wearing a bra and panties, white but lacy, thin and downright sexy. Now he could see the lovely curve of her figure that had only been hinted at under her jeans and T-shirt earlier. She didn’t have an ample bosom, but she did have nice perky breasts perfectly in proportion with the rest of her long, slender frame. He could see evidence of her profession, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her, in the shape of compact athletic muscles. A tight, nicely rounded butt and long, nimble legs completed his contemplation of her form.

He asked softly, “Couldn’t you sleep either?”

“I’m too hot. What’s your excuse?” she joked, chuckling a bit.

“You shouldn’t be. This is a colder country than
. We Finns are supposed to huddle together in our log cabins with snow piled as high up as the roof, wearing fur coats and drinking mulled wine in front of roaring fires or something, aren’t we?”

She laughed uproariously. “You’ve been reading too many Viking stories.”

Rik moved slowly forward not wanting to frighten her, but at the same time needing to be closer. She stayed where she was, although he did notice her eyes dip down to his ever-lengthening cock as he walked. He stood before her and gazed into her eyes, trying to ascertain her feelings. She smiled coyly back, so he reached up a hand to cup her head, his thumb caressing her cheek gently. Her skin was so soft.

“Make love with me?” He held his breath, not knowing what he would do if she said no. He wanted her badly.

Summer didn’t answer, just turned her head to rub her nose in his palm. He nearly pulled his hand away in surprise. It was the sort of thing he had done with Leevi during hunt nights when they were both in their wolf bodies, rubbing his nose into Leevi’s fur, wanting to feel the softness on his face. That was when being a wolf was still new, and in some ways exciting. Before he found out the truth. He wondered if it was the wolf in him noticing these things now, or if his wolf brought these things out in others.

He didn’t have time to consider that further when she suddenly moved back, a playful look on her face. “If you want me, you’ll have to catch me.” And she darted away. Momentarily surprised, he barked a laugh, and then frowned at himself, hoping she didn’t notice it was more of a bark than a laugh, and, resisting the urge to drop to all fours, he lunged after her.

Her sporting background gave her some speed, and he missed her as she scampered in between the furniture. Instinctively he growled, baring his teeth, and she giggled. “Oooo. Trying to play big bad wolf, are we?”

Choking at her comment, he composed himself. “There is no way you are Little Red Riding Hood, despite the hair.” Seeing that she wasn’t put off by his behavior, but actually enjoyed it, he let out a little of his wolf, narrowing his eyes, tensing his body, and continuing to growl as he stalked her around the sofa in the direction of his bedroom. She just laughed and backed away, turning to wiggle her luscious backside to him while peering over her shoulder.

His heart leaped in his chest as she did this. It was so like what he and Leevi had done. Only back then he had been the one making that particular gesture.

Finally she was up against the bed and stood there waiting for him, biting her lip in what looked almost like uncertainty. He moved forward slowly, letting his hackles subside and gently clasping her head in his hands as he nuzzled her face, giving in to the earlier urge to lick her cheek as she stroked his hair and pushed her hips against his.

Taking hold of her on both sides of her waist, Rik found he could easily lift her, despite the fact that she was nearly as tall as he was, and threw her onto the bed. She laughed as she landed on her back and started to scramble away again.

He wasn’t having any of it, and, grabbing her ankles, he swiftly pulled her toward him as he knelt on the bed. She squealed as her legs were spread to either side of him, and he pushed his face into her lace-covered pussy. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his nose into her as much as he could.
God, she smells good.
It was the smell of arousal, of woman, of primeval need.

When he snuffled her, taking in several quick sniffs, she pushed at his head, laughing. “Hey.” Hell, he had let out more of his wolf than he realized, and abruptly he reined himself in. Ever since the time he had left Leevi he had refused to let his wolf out again, but he did have to fight hard to keep it at bay, particularly during the three nights of the full moon, and times of strong emotion. But it had never happened when he had been in bed with anyone, just when he was angry or upset.
. He needed to calm down.

The problem was Summer wasn’t making it easy as she scooted out from under him quickly pulling off her underwear as she ducked her head to take his cock in her mouth. Her lips, wrapped around his erect silky cockhead, protruding past his foreskin, were blissful. “Christ, Summer. Hell and damnation, that feels good.”

She giggled around him, causing vibrations to rake all over his skin and her teeth to rub against him before she sucked deeply, drawing her mouth down his length until he was nearly out before returning, her forehead resting on his pubes.

He shuddered and gritted his teeth, fighting the need to come then and there. He pulled out of her with a wet pop. “Enough, girl. I’ll come if you do that.”

Propping herself on an elbow she caressed his chest. “That’s the idea, lover.”

“You are an evil English woman. My mother told me to beware strange women, particularly foreign ones.”

Chortling at this, Summer responded, “But I’m half-Finnish, remember?”

“And that’s the only reason why I’m allowing you to stay. I’m hoping your Fin
nish genes will remember that the man is the dominant one here.”

Her taunt was teasingly mocking. “Huh! Is that right? I know from my Viking research that the woman was actually in charge of the household. Did you know that the word ‛husband’ comes from th
at era because on marriage the woman would get control of the keys of the household, and she could lock him in, and he would become ‛house-bound’.”

Rik rolled his eyes. “Rubbish.”

Innocently, she argued, “It’s true. At least that’s what I’ve read.”

“You d
o realize that the Vikings never actually had much of a presence here.”

She laughed. “And I had envisaged modern-day Finnish men to be the descendants of those hunky Vikings. Of course, if you can demonstrate your superior strength, I’ll submit. But do remember that with my sporting background I could probably outrun you any day.”

. That was a battle cry if he ever heard one, or at least a provocation.
The little she-wolf is goading me
. Well, two could play that game. Before she got the chance to ascertain his intentions, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back to his front as he rose to his knees. Her arms flailed in the air, and her knees scrambled for purchase on the bed, but he held her tightly, his time in the gym proving its worth as he pushed her onto all fours, pressing her firmly down. Her body was tense as she struggled to get away, so he nudged her head with his. “Submit, Summer.” His arm was still locked around her, his other hand on the bed holding himself up. He growled against the soft shell of her ear, “Come on, Summer. Give yourself to me.” His voice was deep and husky. It brought back unbidden memories of Leevi saying the same thing to him.

When she relaxed beneath him, he trembled and licked her nape. She giggled. “That tickles.”

He continued to suck and lick her, but unlocked his arm around her waist and widened his knees, pushing her legs further apart. She leaned down onto her elbows, and pushed her butt into his crotch. His kisses moved across her shoulders until he came to an intriguing mark on her right shoulder that he had noticed earlier. Looking at it now, he could see it was a tattoo, and he started.

“Um, Summer. What’s this?”

“A tattoo. Duh.”

“Okay, so I know what it is, but why do you have one, and why a wolf’s head?”

“Oh.” He could tell she was a little nervous. “Well, I got it on my first holiday with a girlfriend from uni when I turned twenty-one. We were at the seaside, and there was a tattoo parlor on the promenade. My friend dared me to have one. Of course, I couldn’t resist. This was one of those I could choose from the tattooist’s book, and I liked it the best.”

Still drawn to the rather lovely picture of a black wolf, he sucked the skin at the nape of her neck between his teeth. Rik swiftly pulled away when he realized he had nearly bitten her.
He had to be careful. He didn’t mean to do to her what Leevi had inadvertently done to him.

Lifting his head he said, “Sorry, you’re going to have a hell of a bruise.”

Summer laughed. “What, that hickey? Don’t worry. I’ve had worse marks from the sports field.”

Thank God she thought it was just that, and he rubbed her shoulder over the bruise, running his fingers down her spine and around her body to cup a breast, the outline of her tight, hot nipple pushing into his palm. She arched her back down, pressing into his hand, inadvertently pushing her butt up. As she did so, his very hard, and throbbing, cock slipped to the entrance of her pussy.

Wanting to make sure she was ready, he released her breast and reached down to press his fingers into her curls. Oh, she was ready all right if her flowing juices were anything to go by. “Hell, Summer. You are so wet.”

She chuckled. “I hope you have more spare sheets. These are going to be sodden by the time we’re finished.”

He laughed back and pushed a finger inside her.

Summer gasped breathlessly. “Rik, for God’s sake. Just get inside me.”

Pulling out of her, he gave her beautiful backside a swift spank. “I’m the one on top here. We’ll do it my way.”

She peered over her shoulder, her eyes narrowing. “Or else what?”

“Or else I’ll drive you back to the airport and deport you myself,” Rik replied, lifting his chin defiantly.

Summer shrugged. “As long as you do it afterwards, that’s fine by me.”

Laughing loudly, Rik couldn’t wait any longer, and, quickly grabbing a condom from his bedside drawer, he donned it before easing himself into her dripping vagina. He slipped in effortlessly and she groaned when he bumped her cervix. One thing he knew for certain, he was very long in the male member department. Gripping her hips, he eased himself away from her. He trembled as he did, and the muscles in her sheath contracted, wanting to keep him in there. He thrust back in, relishing her tightness and heat as she pushed against him. Her moans beneath him were a delicious sound, urging him on.

It didn’t take much and he started plunging in, slowly at first, letting her body adjust to his size, getting faster as her juices enabled the fluency of his movements. After a few moments the action was working so well he let go of one of her hips to run a hand up and down her spine. She shivered, almost violently.

“Ohh, Rik. That’s wonderful.”

He chuckled. “Like that, do you?”

“Yessssss. Oh God, Rik, do that again.”

Smiling, he repeated the action she particularly liked, him caressing her lower back, continuing all the while to move in and out of her slick, wet pussy. When she started quivering, he let his head fall back and groaned his own enjoyment.
God, this is bliss.

His strokes got faster, and his own body shook in reaction as he felt sweat pouring down his back.

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