The Lost Trucker (The Trucker Saga) (14 page)

BOOK: The Lost Trucker (The Trucker Saga)
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Chapter 21 –

I am going to lay claim to you…


            We pull up to the truck stop and the first thing I see is Layla standing at the bottom of my stairs. “How did she know we were coming home?” I ask Ryder.

           “I called her when we stopped for lunch and told her.” He says out of the corner of his mouth. I just shake my head at him, “What? She had been calling ever since we left wanting to know what we were doing and when we were coming back and she also wants to go to dinner with us since I have to leave tomorrow to go on that run. But after dinner it is going to be just me and you babe.” He winks at me and I just smile back at him. I missed Layla the whole time we were gone also.

            We pull up outside my apartment after Ryder parks his rig in my spot. “Layla!” I say as I climb out of the truck and walk over to her and give her a hug. “I have missed you”

              “Oh, baby cakes I have missed you too. How are your daddy and your brothers?” She asks and wraps her arms around me. I start to tell her everything that is going on with my daddy and I even tell her everything about Beau and Peggy Sue and that we ran into them.

              “You mean to tell me that you slapped your ex and wished good luck to his bitch? And that she is pregnant! Like really pregnant!” She gasps and starts to laugh really loud and hard. “Oh Faith, I love you for so many reasons and you just added another one to the list.  I am so proud of you sweetie.”

            Ryder walks up just at the same moment and closes my apartment door. “Yeah, it was pretty epic and funny as hell. You really missed my babe standing up for herself. I’m gonna go put the bags in your room. Okay?” He asks me.

        “Yeah, that’s fine.” I can see that Layla has figured out that our strange friendship has gone to the next level.

       “I’m happy for you kiddo. Just remember to protect yourself.” She says as she turns to walk into the kitchen to the fridge and pulls out a beer. “So are you kids ready for dinner because I am starving!”

            “Yeah, I am hungry. What about you Ryder?” I ask him as I raise my voice a little bit so he can hear me in the room. 

     “Yeah, I could eat.
Where are we going?” He asks Layla.

     “I was thinking about going to the little bar down the road.” She says as she walks out and down the stairs.

     Ryder walks up behind me and picks me up in a bear hug; he puts me down on my toes and I spin around to face him. He grabs a hold of my face and puts his lips to mine. “I can’t want to get you naked tonight. You’re so damn beautiful. I love you babe.”

Sigh! I will never tie of hearing that!!
I can’t wait to be alone with him later in our own space.

   We go to dinner with Layla and catch up on everything that has happened in the Truck Stop, apparently a ruckus occurred, but Ziggy and Flem sorted it out. It was nice to see Layla I have truly missed her. We return back from an amazing dinner and conversation. Layla gets out the car and gives us both a big hug and a kiss. “Goodnight you guys!” She says gets back in her car and drives away.

       Ryder and I walk into the bedroom after locking up the house and I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. “Don’t bother putting any pj’s on. Come out naked.” He says to me as a command.

     I walk out of the bathroom completely naked and Ryder is sitting on the edge of the bed. He whistles in through his teeth when he sees me standing there in front of him stark ass naked. “God, I am one lucky son of a bitch! Walk over and stand right here in front of me.”

       I walk over and stand in the exact spot that he wants me to stand in. “Spread your legs and keep your arms at your side.” I do as he says. He starts to walk circles around me and it seems like he is checking me out from every angle. “Your body is amazing and I love every part of
you, Faith.” I feel him bring his lips to my shoulder and I shudder. “Come and lay down on the bed please.” He asks this time.

     I walk over to the bed and move my way up to the middle of it. Ryder joins me and lies on his side.

     He leans down and kisses me passionately on the lips. I let out a slight moan and link my fingers behind his head.

   “Ryder, I want you to make love to me. Please, take me as yours.” I look him deep in the eyes and prop my head up a little bit so that I can touch his big sexy lips to mine. I will never get sick of this man, he is everything to me and I can feel it. I have fallen and I have fallen hard. You can only kid yourself so much before you just have to give in. “Ryder, I have fallen in love with you. And I am admitting to you right now that I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul.”

     Ryder positions himself next to me propped up on his elbow. “God, you don’t know how long I have wanted to hear you say that.” He breathes into my ear as he nibbles on it. I let out another slight moan. “All that I have been thinking about is how to make love to you when you told me you love me and now I really want to make love to you, this is going to feel different to any kind of love making we have ever had. I want to feel you cum all over my rock hard cock while I am sliding in and out of you.”

Holy shit! Who knew that talking like that would have my body in a stupor . I am so wet that I know I have a puddle underneath me. “Oh, god. Yes Ryder. Please. Do something, hold me in your strong arms and make love to me, I love you.” I say with no reservations at all.

I grab his hands and bring him to me. He holds me and moves his hand to my warm wet sex. He lets out a little growl and he starts to move his fingers around my clit. My hips start to buck off the blanket a little bit as my bundle of nerves starts to ache and I know that I am going to cum soon. “Oh, Ryder.. You're gonna make me cum now.” I moan into his neck as I pull him closer to me.

    “That’s it babe, just remember that your mine and I am going to take you tonight and claim you.” He says into my ear as he bites my lobe a little bit. Oh, god this man is amazing!

    The way that he is making me feel is amazing, I have never dreamed of feeling this alive. My stomach starts to get the familiar ache that it gets when I am getting ready to cum.

I start bucking my hips up to meet his fingers as he dips two of them inside me and starts to move in a slow but determined manner. He starts to stroke my g spot and I feel my whole body quiver. “That’s it babe. Let yourself go; I love feeling your tight puss around my fingers. I still remember what it tastes like and I have been thinking about it ever since I ate you this morning.” He says with a hitch in his voice. I can hear that his breathing is uneven and he is rock fucking hard against my leg.

     I reach down between us and run my hand over his stretched jeans. He shakes his head No as I try and grab for him. I want to feel that nice hard cock in between my little hands. “This is about you right now babe. I want you to give yourself to me.”

   “Mhhhmmmm…I have been waiting to get my mouth on these.” At the same time he is saying this he leans his head down and takes one of my puckered nipples into his mouth.  

    He is softly flicking at it and making it stand at attention all the while he is still moving his fingers in and out of me slowly; I can feel his thumb against my clit and I let out a low gurgled moan and lock my fingers around his neck again and pull his face towards me. “Ryder, you’re really going to make me cum.”

   “Cum when you want but this is your only free pass on that.” He says, as he looks deep into my eyes. “I am going to lay claim to you Faith. You’re going to become mine. You will be on the back of
bike and in
sleeper. You’re now
woman.” He says and every time he says the word ‘
he punctuates it with kisses on my lips.

   I let out a muffled scream/moan as I am rocked from head to toe with the best orgasm I have ever had. Ryder continues to move his fingers in and out but he is moving faster and harder.

   Just as my body is starting to come off of its high I feel my hips being lifted off the bed and then the familiar full feeling I get when Ryder has his cock inside me I let out a low ohh and moan. “Yeah babe. Stretch that puss around my hard cock. You know this cock is yours, it was made for you.” He leans down and takes my nipple in his mouth and I let out another grunted moan.

      “Oh shit Faith. You feel too amazing I am not going to make it as long as I thought I was going too. Ah FUCK!” He pumps 4 times real hard and fast. He slaps my clit, “Cum with me.
NOW!” Slaps it again and I scream so loud that I feel like I could burst my eardrums.

     “I love you Ryder.” I say as he collapses on my chest.

    “I love you too Faith.” He says and we fall asleep with our bodies entwined together.

Chapter 22 –

Where did he go?? What the hell?





    I am jolted awake by the alarm on Ryder’s cell phone. I look over on the other side of the king size bed and Ryder is lightly snoring. I know that he wanted to leave early, but I am going to make him breakfast before he leaves.

    I walk into the kitchen and look in the fridge to see what I have. Eggs, bacon and toast; I pull out my pan and start to cook up the bacon and put some coffee on to brew.

    I am standing at the counter making the toast when I smell the familiar scent of Ryder’s body wash. I turn around and wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him. “I am going to miss you so much. I can’t believe that you’re going to be gone for a whole week.” I sigh.

     “You're making breakfast. It smells amazing and it’s only a week. It will pass like no time I promise and we will talk every day that I have cell service and everything. We can even Skype if you want too.” He winks at me when he says Skype.

     “You’re a nasty man Ryder.” I say to him jokingly and I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him.




   We eat breakfast and I make sure that Ryder has all of his clothes and that they are clean. He decides that he wants to move all of his clothes and important things out of his truck and into my apartment. I told him that he could put it in the spare room and that I would look after it all.

   We have the truck all loaded and he is fueled up. Layla has been with us the last few moments and is physically shaken to watch her brother leave. I mean I am nervous because he is doing a run for the club, but I also trust my man and know that he will come home to me.

   “Love you brother! Be safe and come home to us!” Layla says as she steps up and gives him a big hug before he turns his attention to me.

   “Thanks sis. I will be home in a week. We will be barbequing the night I get back so start planning that shit.” He says to her. He looks over her shoulder and I look to see what he is looking at and I see Ziggy and Flem. Ziggy is packing the little bags on the side of his bike and I see that Flem is doing the same thing.
They really are bikers.
I think to myself.

“Come here babe. I gotta get ready to grab gears. I will call you this evening and talk you to sleep. And we can maybe Skype even.” He starts to wiggle his eyebrows and flashes a dimple as he pulls me close to him.

    “Ryder, please. Be careful, I am going to worry about you every damn day until you come back to me. I love you and it takes a lot for me to say that. So please, don’t hurt me. Please.” I feel a lone tear run down my cheek and Ryder reaches out to gently wipe it away, our eyes lock.

     “Faith, I have told you before several times now. I love you and I would never hurt you. Just trust me, please. Our lives are entwined now and I want to be a different person because of you. I love the person I am when I am with you. I felt lost before I met you but since then I am no longer lost. I have found my true self because of you. And I want to thank you for
that, I will love you for the rest of your life because of that.” I see him reach into his jean pocket and he pulls out a simple white gold band with a little chunk of diamond on it. “Will you do that, will
the rest of your life? Will you spend the rest of your life with me?”

    I look into his eyes and I see that he is 100% serious in asking me. “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” He nods his head yes.

“Ryder, just like you I was lost. I had lost myself after my world was shattered by my past and my choices. You accepted me for me regardless of how fucked up I am and I have fallen head over heels in love with you.” I stop for a second and cock my eyebrow as I realize something. “Wait a second.” A light bulb has just gone off in my head.

    “I think you are just now realizing why I was up the other night?” I shake my head at him slightly. “I woke up early and had a talk with your brothers and your father. I told them that you’re my soul mate. I would put my life on the line for you; all choices that I make I will keep you foremost in my mind when I make them. You have brought out a Ryder that I thought died a long time ago.” He is super genuine in his emotions right now and it makes my heart melt.

      “YES! Ryder, I will. If that is what will make you even happier than you are right now then yes. I will.” I put my hand forward and he slips the ring on my finger and then kisses it.

“Thank you babe. I love you and I promise to try to give you the life you deserve.” He takes my face in his hands and kisses me passionately.

   “I love you too.” I have tears running down my face. “I will see you when you get home in a week.”

   “Home? That sounds amazing! I have a home again. Love you babe!” He grins and shows me that damn sexy dimple.

   “Love you too. Now go before I change my mind and take you to bed.” I say jokingly to him. He stops in his tracks, turns around and walks towards me and picks me up kissing me hard. I end up with my back up against the side of the shop.
Holy hell! He needs to leave before he can’t!

   I moan a little as he deepens the kiss and our mouths become one. In that split second we are no longer two people with two separate souls. We are two people with joined souls. He is my soul mate.

   “Love you so much. Thank you for blessing me and being in my life and for promising to be my wife. I love you!” And with one last kiss he puts me down then turns to walk towards his truck.

   I stand there and watch the man that I love with all my heart and soul pull out of the dirt lot. He is driving into the lion’s den doing this one last run for the club. I hope after this that he will give up at least part of that life, if not all of it.




     It’s been 3 days since Ryder left and just like he promised he calls me every morning so that his voice is the first I hear in the morning and he calls every night so it’s the last also. We have talked a few times about the wedding but we both decided that it could totally wait; we know that we love each other and would never be with anyone else so we decided to wait.

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