The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (125 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Loving being in each one of them, what Mr. Dehning and Mrs. Dehning and Julia Hersland and Alfred Hersland and Hortense Dehning and George Dehning each one felt toward every other one of them just after the marrying of Julia Dehning with Alfred Hersland is what I am now beginning to be a little describing. Some loving feeling then in each one of them I have said again and again was in them each one of them. I said Julia had really not sense for living, she was completely resisting any changing by learning of being in her being in her as attacking, she was then really not learning anything in living, she was then not doing anything any one was needing, she was really then not having any one really doing anything she was needing, she was then always she was really living in her being and really she was not failing in living and really some liked very much the being in her in her living, and really some liked and did not like being in her, and some really did not like being in her, and to herself and every one and really then she had courage in being one going on being one living. So then she had really not sense for living, she had really loving feeling in her in all of her living. Some can have resisting to any changing in any attacking being in them and can have from that being in them sense for living, really courage for winning in attacking being. Julia as I was saying had it to have quite completely active all her living needing to be learning anything, to be learning everything, she had it in her needing to have as somewhere in her that some one would keep it from coming to her the last end of any bad thing. And so then she not learning anything in living from not having any not resisting any changing in attacking being in her had not any sense at all really for living in her in her living. Now I will tell something about loving being.


     Some are sweet ones to some, some are sweet ones to hardly any one, some are quite sweet ones to mostly every one, some are somewhat sweet ones in living, some are not sweet ones in any living they are doing. Some having resisting being are very sweet ones, some, having attacking being are very sweet ones. Some are, some are not sweet ones, each one of these I am now beginning to be describing as having some loving feeling Mrs. Dehning and Mr. Dehning and Julia Hersland and Alfred Hersland and George Dehning and Hortense Dehning had some sweetness in them. Many having attacking being have sweetness in them, many having resisting being have sweetness in them.


     I would like to be sometime some in love with every one. I will not be sometime some in love with every one. I would like certainly to be sometime in love some with every one, to have every one sometime in love with me and then I would be certain what way each one had loving being being in them. I really would like then some to have each one, every one, any one having loving being to my feeling and then I could have it in me to be certain what way any one, in which way each one having loving in them have loving feeling in them and coming out from them. Not every one will ever be loving this one, that is certain and so this one and I am this one will not be completely certain of loving being in each one. I will be quite certain about loving being in some, I will be completely certain about loving being in some, I will be somewhat certain about loving being in mostly every one. There are some who are not telling, showing, meaning anything about loving being in them to me as I look long at them, some kinds in men and women. I do very much regret this thing. I would like very well to have loving being from some one of each kind of them to me, to some one I am completely knowing. I regret that I do not know completely loving being in every kind there is in men and women. I see some kinds of men and women, I look long at some of these kinds in men and women and I see nothing of the way they do their loving. And then I am very much regretting I do not yet know everything.


     Julia Hersland was of the attacking kind in men and women having emotion when having emotion poignantly like a sensation. She had very considerable excitement in being one going on with living, she had very much nervous being in being one needing to be learning everything, she had some dependent being in being one having right Dehning family living in her as being, she had stupidity in being one resisting really learning in living, she was one having some passion in needing having some loving relation, she was one having some worn out feeling in not having completed passional loving, she was one having much courage in being one being honest for winning all living, she was one being sweet to some by being needing that some one had been keeping her from having the last end of a bad thing happening, she was courageous to many in having it as being that she was really going to be going on living, she was a harsh thing to the feeling of some in being one not remembering having tired, disturbed, not well feeling, she was a hard thing to some from having it as being that she was not attacking for winning, that she was attacking to be going on with being one living in the being that had been all her living from the beginning. This is then quite a full description of being in her.


     I know all loving being in her, I will now describe this thing. I know all loving being in all the Dehning family each one and in Alfred Hersland who was married to Julia Dehning and I will now begin a description of all the loving being in each one of them, ever in any one of them. Alfred Hersland and Julia Dehning were married. Each one of the two of them had some loving feeling in them then, each one of the Dehning family had some loving feeling in them then. This will be now some description of loving feeling in each one of them then.


     They were married then. Married living was then beginning to be in them in each one of them Julia Hersland and Alfred Hersland and for them in Mr. Dehning and Mrs. Dehning and George and Hortense Dehning. Every one of them had then for them, every one of Dehning family living, feeling of married living in them. Julia was having then married living, married loving. Julia knew she certainly was learning then anything. Alfred Hersland came then to be of Dehning family living. Mr. Dehning could commence then to have some pride in him in the married living of Alfred and Julia Hersland, he could then have in him beginning to be listening when Alfred Hersland could begin to be talking about doing anything in his living. Mrs. Dehning had then come to have feeling for married living in Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hersland. She could then fondle him some, Alfred Hersland, and make of him a son-in-law in Dehning family living. She could be then in Dehning family living as she always had been and Julia having married living was a part of her but apart from her. Mrs. Dehning then was completely then feeling their married living nicely and with a good deal of active contented feeling which was just then just beginning to he a little commencing in Mr. Dehning. She was not at all then helping Mr. Dehning to this thing, each one then of the two of them had in them their own individual feeling in feeling married living in Julia and Alfred Hersland. Hortense Dehning then was always needing loving Julia in all of her living, she Hortense was then a really young girl in her feeling and this in her then could not be at all a thing to be ever then noticed in her by any one. George Dehning was then in Dehning family living, that was all that was in him then in feeling married living in Julia and Alfred Hersland then.


     There are some who have not in them enough to last out not being a moral one, not feeling moral conviction throughout their living. There are some who have not in them enough power to learn anything in living, although needing to be learning anything for being living, so that they can go on without having it in them a moral conviction that some one is teaching some one something in all living. There are some not having in them enough needing to be learning anything, although they are completely always needing to be learning anything, to be not bothered with being certain that they have honest being for daily living. Not any one having really in them moral feeling is really believing any other one is really liking frivolous living, is really believing that they are not really needing learning anything. This then is a description of Julia Hersland having been just then a married one. As I was saying she was in her feeling needing learning anything for everything to her feeling could be food to her for her to be one really living in going on being living. This was then not enough in her as I was saying so that she did not come then to be completely certain that she was honest for daily living, that Dehning family living was honest enough for any daily living, that Alfred Hersland was not honest for daily living. So then she was one having moral conviction that she was honest for daily living, that there was teaching existing in living. This then is moral conviction, this is not religion this is moral conviction. Religion in such a one is being certain that the last end of a bad thing will net come to such a one. Moral conviction in such a one is being certain of honest being for daily living, of teaching being always going on being existing. Julia Hersland then was a married one, she had completely feeling in her needing to be learning anything, this was in her but was not really filling her to keep her from being certain about honest being for daily living, about teaching being really always everywhere somewhere existing. This then was Julia Hersland having become a married one.


     Mr. Dehning as I was saying was a little coming to be having it in him that he was to begin inside him listening to what Alfred Hersland could be telling him about what Alfred Hersland really was needing to be one completely being in living. This was then just a little then beginning to be in Mr. Dehning when Alfred and Julia Hersland had become quite entirely then married and living so then. Mrs. Dehning was then completely in her in their married living being beginning. She was completely in herself then inside her then, Mrs. Dehning, she was then of married living in them, she was then completely then again all of herself inside her to make her herself again then. This was then married living beginning in them in her then. She had completely in her then inside her the beginning married living in them, she had completely in her then inside her the being of her. This was beginning married living then of Alfred Hersland and Julia Hersland in her.


     Hortense Dehning as I was saying was in her for herself then really quite nicely living any living in Julia then, and so then Hortense then was living inside her beginning married living of Julia and Alfred Hersland and this was not then an important thing to any one and only to Hortense for remembering. As I was saying George Dehning was living in Dehning family living, certainly he was living in that living then and so he was living in Dehning family living in the beginning married living in Alfred and Julia Hersland and that is enough then about him. To go on then.


     As I was saying once, Alfred Hersland was needing something to make him completely be then one being really living. This is then to be some description of his coming not to be having, to be having this thing.


     Mr. Dehning had all he could be needing to be successful in living. As I was saying more and more it was important being in him really to be listening to any one wanting to be doing anything.


     Each one has their own way of telling some other one what they are needing for being succeeding in living. Some are stammering some when they are telling this thing of their needing something to be then a successful one, to some one. Some tell this quite quickly to any one, some tell it quite quickly but not to any one, some almost do not tell this thing to any one, some seem to be one not telling this thing to any one some of such of them then tell this thing quite completely to some. Each one is himself is herself inside her inside him in telling this thing, in telling of needing something to he making that one a successful one in living. Some are very convincing in telling this thing, some are not at all convincing in telling this thing, some are more some are less convincing in telling this thing, some are convincing to some in telling this thing, some are not really convincing to any one in telling this thing, some are convincing to mostly every one in telling this thing. As I was saying it was coming to be always more important being in Mr. Dehning to be listening to any one wanting to be doing anything. Mr. Dehning was everything he was needing for his successful living. This is certain. Mr. Dehning was one being quite successful in all of his living. Alfred Hersland came to be a little convincing to him, not really to the completeness of being convincing to him in telling what he would be needing to be one quite successful in living but then Alfred Hersland was then being of Dehning family living. Mr. Dehning was certainly living then being in Dehning family living, he was one having it always more in him as important being listening to any one wanting to be doing anything, he was one having quite altogether everything he was using for quite completely successful living, he was certainly one certain that not any one should be not having something in living they were not then using, certainly he had feeling that Alfred Hersland to be succeeding would have to be using everything he had for living and so he Alfred Hersland was a little never really convincing in being one going to be succeeding to Mr. Dehning but then Mr. Dehning was in Dehning family living, Alfred Hersland was in Dehning family living, listening to any one wanting to be doing anything was always more and more important being in Mr. Dehning, Mr. Dehning came then to enough then for completely listening came then to be convinced by Alfred Hersland's telling what Alfred Hersland was needing for succeeding in living.


     Mr. Dehning liked very well then hearing any one telling again and again what any one was needing for succeeding in living. As I am saying always more and more it was important being in Mr. Dehning being one listening to any one telling about what they were needing to be doing to be really living in their living. As I am saying Mr. Dehning liked very well then some repeating, Alfred Hersland then was really then repeating with pretty steady aspiration that he was needing something to be succeeding in being one living.

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