The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (129 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     f certainly pretty nearly like being in each one. I do not like listening too many days one after the other to some. I am now doing this thing. I will then know something. Each one always is repeating. This is certain that each one always is repeating all the being in that one. This sometimes is quite a dull thing for me when I am listening, not that each one is repeating all the being in them that is never to me a dull thing but the thing they are repeating can be to me quite a dull thing.


     I am still not telling all I know about sense for living. Perhaps I am not yet quite ready to be telling everything about this thing. This then is going to commence again being the history of every one and among them of the Herslands and the Dehnings.


     Sense for succeeding in living, sense for feeling being in living, sense for being one going to be going on being living, these three are different things, quite entirely different things and some having one have the others, some have almost none of any of them, some have some of one of them, I am thinking just now of one having some sense for succeeding in living, some sense for feeling being one being living, not any sense for being one going to be going on being living. This is one and I am feeling this one. Some will be remembering this one, some will not be remembering this one. I am feeling this one. This one is one certainly having some sense for succeeding in living, is one having certainly really sense for being one feeling being living, is one having certainly having certainly never been having any not any sense for being one going to be going on being living. Mrs. Hersland, Mrs. Alfred Hersland was one having as I was saying sense for being one going to be going on being living. Mrs. Hersland, Mrs. Alfred Hersland, Julia Hersland was one then quite different from this one I am just now describing.


     This one I am just now describing, this one I am just now really feeling is one then really having sense for really succeeding in living, is one having sense for really feeling that that one is really being in living, is one being really in living, is one not ever having been being one going on being living. As I am saying any one will not then when this one is not any longer being in living, will not be remembering really this one having been being in living. This description then is a description of this one. This one then is one really feeling being in living, really this one is really being this, this thing, being one really feeling being in living, really feeling all the being this one was being in being living, this one then really was quite entirely in the living this one had in being one being living, feeling of all being this one was in being living. Am I really then saying this thing that I am now feeling in the being being in this one, that this one was and in a way it was sometimes quite a completely bubbling thing that this one had sense for some succeeding in being one being living, it was sometimes quite very often entirely a thing that any one really could be remembering that this one was really perhaps having quite sense enough for succeeding in living and this one certainly was then feeling all the being this one was in being one being living. This one was then as I was saying not really at all like, quite different then from the being in Julia Hersland. I will tell now more about both of them.


     This one is then one I am now knowing completely in being one, I am being that one, completely realising the being in this one. I really did not think I would be so soon doing this thing, realising being in this one, and then I was, I am realising the being in this one and I like realising the being in this one, and I will be remembering this one although I am not sure that I can be certain to be really realising remembering this one. I will though certainty be remembering this one, yes I will be remembering this one, really I am certain of this thing, I certainly will be remembering this one, I am certain of this thing.


     I am feeling now in every one the sense for being one being in living that each one has in them and the way each one has that sense in them and the way each one is beginning being one being one succeeding being one not succeeding in everything, being one beginning and going on and ending in being one being living.


     I am feeling very much sense for living in men and in women, in every one I am seeing doing being in living, being one going on being living, I am feeling very much this thing when I am seeing one being a young one, when I am seeing some one being not a very young one, when I am seeing somebody who is quite certainly not a young one, when I am seeing any one.


     Very many have been here living and talking and some of them have been very much loving some one, and all of them have it in them to have some sense in being one being living. Some of them are not very interesting to very many knowing them in being in the way that one is one having some sense in being one being living. Very many have then been here and are living and are having each one some sense for living and some of them are quite successful ones in being living and very many of them are quite enough successful in being living to be going on being those being living in being living. Very many then are here and have it in them very many of them to have some sense in being one being living and very many of them are succeeding in living so that until their ending they are those being those going on being living. There are then very many here and mostly each one of them of these that are here have it in them to have in them some sense in being one being living and very many of them are succeeding in being living, are succeeding in living so that each one of them of these are those going on being living until there is naturally a complete end to being in them. There were a number here, some of them have been loving some one quite a good deal in being one having some sense in being living, in being one being living, in being one succeeding well enough in being living to be going on being one being living. There are then often very many here and each one of them, that is certainly quite a number of them, some perhaps not and I am not just now telling about them, mostly then very many of them have it in them to have some sense in them in being one being living, some of them as I was saying quite a good deal sometimes are loving some one, quite a number of them as I am saying are succeeding well enough in being living to be of them and there are very many of them always living a very great many of them always being living who have it to be succeeding enough in being living to be of them those who are going to go on being in living until they are not any longer being living. This is then sense in being living in very many who are here very often, this is the way they have sense in being living in them. As I was saying Julia Hersland and Alfred Hersland were not such a man and such a woman. No they were not really of such of them, they were really of such of them they did go on being living, they were not of such of them, in a way they did not go on being living, they were as I was saying a little differently in them each one of them from the other one of them as to sense for living. As I was saying Julia Hersland had not really sense for being one being living, as I was saying she had strength for being one going on being living, as I was saying Alfred Hersland was one having some little sense for being one being living, as I was saying he was not ever really very much living in this thing in the sense for being one being living that there was a little in him. As I was saying they were both of them nearly succeeding, nearly altogether failing in being those being in living. I am not yet certain that I am finished with general telling about sense for being in living in men and women. I am almost certain that I am now really interested in this thing. There are then very many here, who have it in them to have some sense in them in being one being living, some of such of them quite often are really loving some one, very many of them are succeeding in being one being living well enough to be one going on in being one being living.


     There were to-night eight of them and each one of them had in them some ways of not having any sense for living at all in them. There were eight of them and each of them have very much of not any of some kind of sense for living in them. I was telling one of them this thing in telling this one how he had sense for living so that he would be completely succeeding in being one being living. This one had sense for living in being one being quite certain from experiencing that in being living he could be one succeeding in living, be one having some feeling for being one being living. He is then one having certainly in him from experience in being one being living a realisation that in being one being living one can be one succeeding in living. This one has not been in living very penetratingly making any other one feel this thing, this one has certainly quite entirely learnt to be realising that he could be succeeding in being one being in living. This one is then one having really sense for being living. This one is one having it in him to certainly be succeeding quite some in living. This is one then having it in him to be realising that he can be, that he will very likely be succeeding some in living. He is one as I am saying having other people knowing this thing with him but then it is not an exciting thing, really not to him, really not to any one, he has been learning this thing, he has always been quite certain that he is working, he is certainly one always having been quite liking to be where he would be when he could be learning to be really realising that he was certainly to be one succeeding some in being living. I was telling this one then that this one really had sense for living in him. It was not at all an exciting thing telling this to him. I told it to him and always then I was certain that that he had some sense for living was not at all a thing to give to him to give to any one enough excitement so that any one could go on telling him this thing, telling him that he had sense really for living.


     As I was saying there were eight of them and each one of them had it in them to have in them in a way not any sense for living, and I have told about one of these eight of them that she had not any sense for being one going to be going on being one being living. This one then was a dead one and then this one was moving a little then but then that was not really a disturbing thing, no not to me even, now when I am not any longer a quite young one.


     There were then eight of them and one of them had really not really at all any sense for being one being living, not any sense at all really for being one ever having, ever being, ever going to be living. This one then certainly never had been having, never would have been having, never should have been having any sense at all in being one being living. This one was one really in a way not failing in living, this one was one to whom in a way one would be listening and then this one was a completely one not having ever been having any sense in being one being living and then not any one was listening to this one. It would have been an astonishing thing that any one could be having not any sense for living as this one was having this thing, it would have been an astonishing thing if so many had not been coming so nearly to listening to this one so that they did not really realise that not any one could listen to this one. This one really is an astonishing one, this one really has not any sense in being one being living. I will tell very much about such a one. This one was not certain that this one was one really being living and really this one was not such a one and this one was a beautifully astonishing one in being one really being one to whom very many were almost listening and being one being so completely one not having anything of having any sense in being one being living. This one really was one being beautifully astonishing. I know this one.


     There were then eight of them. One was one having sense for living in being one not knowing what kind of sense for living very many very like this one are having in being living. This one had really then sense for living in being one not knowing the sense for living some like this one have in them and then too not knowing this thing made of this one quite a foolish one, made of this one a stupid one that was a quite funny thing when one was knowing this one.


     There were as I was saying eight of them having in them each one of them some ways of not having any sense in being living in them. One of them was one having sense for being living in him enough so that he never came to have responsibility which would crush him. He could have been quite certainly a worried one but really in his living he was one who was almost not at all a worried one. He had then sense for living in having been in all living certain to be one who would have been a worried one if he had not been one not becoming a worried one. He was one then having sense for living, in being one feeling being living enough to have sense for living so that he did not in living by trying for all living become a worried one. He was quite entirely a really nice one this one and he had sense for living to the really living everything any one could need from him. He was certainly quite entirely a complete one, a very nice one, a one not having come to be a married one, and he had sense for being one being living not having come to be a married one, he was one not having sense for living in being one not needing to have been coming to be a married one. I cannot help mentioning it again that he was really a very nice one to have been going on and not be a worried one and be a living one, a very nice one with sense for living, with not sense for living.


     There is another one then the sixth one having so much sense for living and so little sense for living that it is a sweet delight in this one this thing to every one, no really not to every one, I cannot really say it is a sweet delight this in this one to every one, it is such a thing certainly to some.


     There is another one having certainly sense in living and certainly this one would be having a good deal of sense for any living if this one in telling about sense for living was not then forgetting to be living in having sense for living. This is enough about this one. There is another one and that one then makes complete the eight of them and this one has sense for living and this one is as big as all the world will be when it is a completed one, in beginning feeling and this one is then completing the world then being all in him and this one then is then really inside him is then having really completely sense in being living and this one then does not then complete the world to make of it a complete one and this one then has still sense for being living, this one then has not sense in being one being living.

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