The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (126 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     I am beginning to like conversation, I am beginning to like reading some thing about some that I never before found at all interesting. I am beginning to like conversation, I used not to like conversing at all, and social living, and so going on and on I am needing always I am needing something to give to me completely successful diversion to give me enough stimulation to keep me completely going on being one going on living. That is a description of some being in me, this is then some history of me. So then I am beginning now to like conversation.


     As I was saying Alfred Hersland was telling then after he was a married one with a reasonable steadiness in aspiration, with quite a really complete enthusiasm, with eagerness but not with insistence in telling, with quite sufficient pleasure in repeating, with quite a great deal of honesty in hoping, he was telling then what he was needing to be one really succeeding quite well in living. He was then in Dehning family living. He was then just married to Julia Dehning.


     I was saying that I was coming to now be interested in conversing and this is to me now completeness in diversion which is what I am having to make of me one going to be going on living. I have been having all my living completeness in diversion and so I have been one all my living been one going to be going on being living. Each one then who is not stopping being going on living is one having it in them in some way to be one going on going on being living.


     Mr. Dehning as I was saying was one quite completely succeeding in living, he was one going to be going on in being one being living and always it was more and more important in him in his being that he was listening when some one was telling what that one was going to be doing in living, was going to be needing to be doing what that one was going to be doing in living. So then it was always in Mr. Dehning that he was listening to some one telling what they were going to be doing in living, what they were going to be needing to be going to be doing something. As I am saying Mr. Dehning had in him to be really listening to some one telling such a thing to him. As I was saying he was not really listening to Alfred Hersland until Alfred Hersland was really in Dehning family living, then sooner than it was right to him by listening he was doing more than listening and this is to be now some history of this thing.


     Anybody can understand that Mr. Dehning was one really listening to any one wanting to be doing anything, really listening to any one. Anybody can understand that this always was in Mr. Dehning and always was more and more important being in him. Any one can understand that really with Alfred Hersland he came not to be so really listening as it was in him to be doing really in his living. Alfred was in Dehning family living and Mr. Dehning always was listening to any one in Dehning family living wanting to be doing anything and Alfred was in Dehning family daily living, he was in Dehning family living and not born to be this thing and he was one really earnest in aspiring, really honest in hoping, really enthusiastic in believing, really thorough in repeating. Alfred Hersland came then to be beginning.


     Alfred Hersland came then to be beginning succeeding in living. This is to be now some history of this thing.


     Julia was one not really attacking for winning, she was one not needing to be really living, she was really doing what she was feeling she was needing to be doing if she were to be one really being living in going on living. She was really then all her living keeping on being in family living although she was attacking to be going on being living by learning anything. That is a history of her. She was certain then after she was a married one that she was an honest one in daily living, that Dehning family living was honest enough for living, she was then always then and always in Dehning family living. She was always then attacking to be learning as if she could be one going to be really living in being one going to be going on as living. Really then she was all her living in Dehning family living. Really then as I have been saying quite often she was not attacking to be winning, any one can now understand this thing. To very many she was one attacking to be winning, really then she was in a way like Mrs. Dehning who too was stupid in being one attacking and not for any real winning of anything.


     Any one can then now be understanding being in Julia Hersland and can be understanding then Dehning family living, and can begin again now to be getting ready to be understanding being in Mr. Dehning and in Alfred Hersland and how they came to be doing with themselves and each other what they came to be doing. This is a way of saying I could be such a very happy one if every one really was certain that I was really a very wise one. I like it that I am feeling that I could be a very happy one if every one were certain I was a completely wise one. Really I like it very well that I am not really certain, that mostly not any one is really certain. It is a nicely disturbing feeling, this thing. I am now completely realising being in Mr. Dehning and Alfred Hersland.


     That thing that I was saying that some have not ambition as emotion in them and these then are to mostly every one not ambitious ones in living and some of these have very much ambition as really being in them and some have it as intention and not emotion in them and some really do not have it as emotion, as intention, as being in the being in them is really very interesting. I can understand this thing from having been knowing some who are ones older ones are very much liking, really these have it in them sometimes to be very much needing to be succeeding in living for the being in them and yet not having ambition as emotion, as intention in them really not having at all ambition as emotion, as intention in them, makes of them then those being very sweet in living, being full of sweetness then and light and life to very many knowing them. Some not having any ambition as intention, as emotion in them have not any ambition in them but these are just being in living, they are really not actually succeeding in living. Some of such of them are being very completely well in being living, this is another thing. Now I am thinking of Julia Hersland and Alfred Hersland, now I am thinking of one having really not ambition as emotion, almost not ambition as intention, quite completely ambition as being, now I am thinking of one having completely ambition as aspiration, considerably and hopefully and even enthusiastically and eagerly, ambition as intention, not really ambition as being. This is to be a history of Alfred and Julia Hersland.


     Mr. Dehning had come then as I was saying to be doing differently than listening to Alfred Hersland. He gave him a good deal of money as a loan for Alfred to be really then beginning to be succeeding in living.


     Alfred certainly did have a very little real sense for living, else with being one aspiring in emotion, and ambitious in emotion and intention and not ambitious in being and not really succeeding in being one resisting and not really succeeding in being one engulfing he would not have been one ending living with not being then one having been really completely failing. He was not ever really succeeding in living. He was one not really learning anything very much by having been in living. He was not well in the beginning of his middle living believing he was beginning to be one going to be really going on succeeding in living. Now I am going on. Now go on.


     Succeeding is to me just now very interesting. Some are certainly succeeding in living, some are certainly not succeeding in living, some are in between. I have been coming just lately to be understanding more and more the being in each one and the way being in each one makes of each one one succeeding, one not succeeding, one in between succeeding and not succeeding in living, one succeeding some, one succeeding sometime, one succeeding sometimes, one not succeeding at all in living, one not succeeding quite often in living, one beginning with succeeding, one succeeding and then not with any more succeeding just keeping on going. I have come more and more to understanding the being in men and women in relation to their succeeding and failing in living. I have been making groups of them groups of men and women and grouping the being in them in relation to ambition, to succeeding, to failing in them. I have been explaining some men to some and it is certainly an interesting thing to be doing this thing. I am hoping sometime to write a complete history of men and women, I am beginning to be hoping this thing again, I am filled up now so much with learning so much about men and women and feel so much wisdom in me now inside me completely organising that I am coming again to be almost certain that I can sometime be writing the complete history of every one who ever was or is or will be living. I will sometime be writing complete histories of pairs of people who are connected in living. I am now telling about some succeeding, some failing in living.


     It is very difficult in quarrelling for either one to be certain what the other one has then in him that is making him then do quarrelling. This is often quite astonishing This is sometimes quite entirely astonishing that not one quarrelling is certain of what the other one has in her, in him for quarrelling. This can be really astonishing when any one later is learning at all what was then in another one. And then it is such a very difficult thing ever to believe the other one when the other one is telling what was in him for quarrelling.


     It is certainly a difficult thing to believe another one about quarrelling in that other one with one. Very often then it is not a thing any one can be doing believing then the other one. Sometimes it is a thing some one can be doing believing the other one. Mostly then every one comes sometime more or less in them to quarrel with some other one, with mostly every other one sometime. A little quite a little, quite a good deal, quite some, quite almost not at all, quite often, quite seldom, quite certainly, quite slowly, quite suddenly, quite gradually, certainly there is quite a good deal in every one of some quarrelling with some one, with quite a number of them that sometime for that one are being living with that one in the living that one can have in that one. This then is to be now much description of Dehning and Hersland quarrelling. They certainly did quarrel some.


     They certainly did quarrel some all of them. They certainly did quarrel completely, some of them. This is to be now some history of all of them.


     Now I am writing of being successful in living, of quarrelling in being living. Now I am writing of having loving feeling in them some men and some women of being ones succeeding in living some men and some women, of being doing some quarrelling some of these men and some of these women. This is to be now more history of each one of them.


     Quarrelling is to me very interesting. Beginning and ending is to me very interesting.


     Mostly every one does some quarrelling. Quarrelling is to me very interesting. Beginning is to me very interesting. Ending is to me very interesting. Every one is beginning and ending in their living.


     Mostly every one is sometimes quarrelling with some one. Quarrelling as I am saying is to me very interesting. Beginning is interesting, ending is interesting to me as I have been again saying. Mostly every one is sometimes quarrelling with some one, mostly every one is beginning sometime ending with some one. This that I am now writing is a history of Dehning and Hersland living and quarrelling.


     Quarrelling is not letting those having attacking be winning by attacking, those having resisting being be winning by resisting, those having dependent being be winning by dependent being, those having engulfing being be winning by engulfing being. This is quarreling in living, not letting each one by some one be winning by the being in them. This is certainly quarrelling in living. There is a great deal of quarrelling in living, that is reasonably certain and that is a very natural thing as certainly very many are not winning with the being in them.


     Quarrelling is then this thing. Sometimes it is like not writing only for one's sell and those not knowing one. Quarrelling is then certainly mostly that each one is not winning, to some one, with the being in them, quarrelling is then certainly then mostly that some one is not winning then, for some one, with the being in them. That certainly is quarrelling. That certainly is continually happening in living in any living by every one, by any one.


     Quarrelling then is some one not winning by the being in them for some one, to some one. This is now to be some history of some quarrelling.


     Now any one can be understanding how Julia and Alfred Hersland, how Mr. Dehning and Alfred Hersland how Mrs. Dehning, how each one came to be quarrelling, how Mr. Dehning and Julia Hersland and Mrs. Dehning then came to be quarrelling with Alfred Hersland. Surely any one can now understand this thing. Surely now every one can now understand this thing.


     Mr. Dehning was helping Alfred Hersland as Alfred Hersland had wanted Mr. Dehning to help him. I was saying that Mr. Dehning came to help Alfred Hersland in the way Alfred Hersland had been wanting Mr. Dehning to help him. I told something about this thing.


     Julia and Alfred Hersland were still living a married living when Mr. Dehning was not going into any house where Alfred Hersland was staying and Mrs. Dehning was still going to see Julia where she was living. Alfred Hersland was then not beginning to be succeeding. He was really not altogether failing.


     Mr. Dehning had come to be certain that he could be explaining to any one that Alfred Hersland was not honest enough for daily living, that he could really convince any one of this thing.


     He certainly had good reason for convincing every one, he certainly could have convinced mostly every one. He could convince almost any one of this thing. He was quite certain and he had good reason for being quite certain that any one could convince any one of this thing.


     As I was saying Julia Hersland very soon after commencing having married living was certain that Alfred Hersland was not an honest one for living, she was certain of this thing, she came at that time then to be to herself completely knowing it as certain that she was an honest one in living an honest one for living, she had always been knowing that Dehning family living was honest enough for any daily living, in daily living.

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