The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (169 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     He was often alone. He was often going on with this thing going on being often alone. He was being one being living. He was not completely needing being certain of this thing, certain of being one being living. He was naturally thinking clearly about this thing about being living. He was completely clearly thinking about this thing about being living.


     He was being living. He was using this thing then when he was beginning the beginning of middle living, he was using then being one being living. He was then almost completely using that thing then, he was not completely using that thing then not completely using then being one being living.


     He was not one commencing again and again being one being living. He was completely clearly thinking about something. He was interested in any one's being one being thinking about something. He was not completely interested in that thing in any one's being one being thinking about something. He was completely clearly thinking. He was almost completely clearly feeling. He was not commencing again and again being one being living. He was almost understanding every day being one being living. He was almost needing understanding every day being being one being living. He was needing understanding that being living is existing. He was needing understanding that being living is existing. He was not completely needing to be certain that being living is existing. He was almost understanding every day being living that day. He was not commencing again and again being one being living. He was not commencing being one being living.


     He was expressing something, he was completely clearly expressing something. He was not mentioning this thing again and again that he was completely clearly expressing something. He was telling something. He was quite often telling something. He was not quite completely telling something. He was certainly almost completely interested in completely telling something. He was completely clearly thinking. He was almost completely clearly feeling. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was completely clearly telling something. He was interested completely interested, almost completely interested in expressing, completely expressing something.


     He was telling something. He was not mentioning again and again that he was telling something. He was telling something. He was completely clearly telling something. He was almost completely interested in any one's telling anything. He was not completely interested in any one's telling anything. He was expressing something, he was completely clearly expressing something and he was not completely telling that thing, completely telling that he was clearly expressing something. He was clearly expressing something and he was certainly completely interested in that thing in clearly expressing something. He was completely expressing something, he was almost completely clearly expressing everything. He was not completely clearly expressing everything. He was not completely expressing anything. He was almost completely expressing something. He was not beginning again and again being one being living.


     He was going on being living. He was being living and he was understanding this thing understanding being living is being existing. He was going on being living, he was needing understanding this thing to be one completely understanding something, to be completely expressing something. He was needing being one understanding that going on being living is something being existing. He was not needing understanding going on being living. He was not understanding going on being living. He was understanding being living and he was not commencing again and again being living. He was understanding being living. He was being living. He was going on being living and he was not completely clearly thinking about going on being living, he was almost completely clearly feeling going on being living. He was not needing being one being going on being living.


     He was not commencing again and again being one being living. He was being living. He was completely clearly thinking. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was going on being living. He was not needing that thing, not needing going on being living. He was completely understanding being living. He was needing every day to be understanding being living. He was not needing to be certain that any being living is existing. He was almost completely clearly feeling. He was feeling something. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was needing to be one clearly expressing complete thinking. He was going on being living. He was not commencing again and again being living. He was not commencing being living. He was not needing in his thinking being one going on being living. He was not needing in his feeling being completely certain that being living is existing. He was not commencing again and again being living. He was needing to be understanding something, to be understanding every day being living every day. He was understanding thinking. He was completely clearly expressing something. He was not commencing being living. He was not completely interested in completely expressing something. He was being living. He was not mentioning anything again and again. He was expressing something again and again, almost completely clearly expressing something again and again. He was clearly expressing something. He was not completely needing going on being living.


     David Hersland was one not really needing something. Julia Hersland was one not really needing something. George Dehning was one not really needing something, Alfred Hersland was one not really needing something. Each one of them was one not really needing something. Each one of them was a very different one in being such a one in being one not really needing something.


     David Hersland was one not really needing something. He was not needing being one succeeding in living.. He was not needing being one needing another one. He was not needing being certain that being living is existing. He was not needing being one going on being living. He was not needing something.


     He was not needing giving Julia Hersland anything. He was giving Julia Hersland something. He was giving it to her to be understanding that he was being one who was understanding every day being one being living. He was not needing to be giving her this thing. She was not needing to be having this thing. He was giving her advice strongly enough about her being one being living. He was not needing to be one doing this thing giving her advice strongly enough about her being one being living. She was using the advice he was giving strongly enough, she was not needing this thing not needing to be using the advice he was giving to her strongly enough. She was not really needing this thing not needing to be using the advice he was giving to her strongly enough. She was not really needing this thing needing the advice he was giving to her strongly enough. She was using this thing, she was using, could be using the advice he was giving to her strongly enough. He was not needing being one giving her advice strongly enough about being one being living. He was not needing being one bringing her to be understanding that he was understanding every day that he was being living.


     He was not one really needing something. He was one not really needing something. Julia Hersland was one not really needing something. They were quite different the two of them in being such a one, one not really needing something.


     George Dehning was one not really needing something. He was one succeeding in living. He was one completely admiring David Hersland. He was one being one completely in Dehning living. He was not one needing being such a one being one being completely in Dehning living, being one succeeding in living, being one entirely admiring David Hersland. David Hersland was telling him many things and David Hersland was not needing that thing was not needing being one telling him many things.


     Alfred Hersland was not one needing something. Alfred Hersland was one not succeeding in living, Alfred Hersland was one not going on loving Julia Hersland, Alfred Hersland was one coming to know very many who came to know him and he was then almost succeeding in living. Alfred Hersland was one being proud enough in being one having David Hersland liking well enough being a brother to him. Alfred Hersland was not needing something. He was not needing being not going on loving Julia Hersland. He was not needing coming to know very many who came to know him. He was not needing not succeeding in living. He was not needing almost succeeding in living. He was not needing marrying again. He was not needing something. He was not needing having David Hersland being a brother to him. David Hersland was not needing something. He was not needing being a brother liking well enough having Alfred Hersland as a brother.


     David Hersland was not being one needing something. He was one knowing completely well then and more and more then Julia Hersland and George Dehning and some who knew them and who came to know him.


     Certainly he was not one needing anything. David Hersland was not one needing anything. He might have been one succeeding in living. He might not have been one succeeding in living. Certainly he was not really needing anything. He was not needing anything. He was not needing something. He was beginning succeeding in living. He was beginning not succeeding in living.


     He was not needing something. He might have been one needing something if he had been one being one needing going on being living. He was not one needing going on being living and he might have been one needing going on being living if he had been one needing something, if he had been one needing being one succeeding in living. He was not one not needing succeeding in living. He was one not needing going on being living. He was one who might have been one needing going on being living if he had been one needing succeeding in living. He was not beginning being living. He was not beginning again and again being living. He was giving advice strongly enough to some. He was completely not eating somethings. He was understanding being one being living. He was wanting to be needing being certain that any one was completely a beautiful one. He was not completely wanting needing this thing. He was almost completely clearly feeling. He was strongly enough giving advice to some. He was completely not eating something. He was being one being living. He was not needing being certain that there is being existing being living. He was strongly enough giving advice to some. He was certain of this thing of being one then giving advice strongly enough to some. He was completely not eating somethings.


     He was not one really needing something. He was one being interesting. He was one knowing that he was keeping a mind open. He was doing something of this thing, he was keeping a mind open. He was doing something of this thing and Julia Hersland was needing feeling being one having something of this thing having a mind which was keeping open. He was knowing something of this thing of keeping a mind open and having then something more come in to make that one have it to be understanding something. He was knowing this thing, knowing that he was doing something in being one keeping some mind open. He was one completely clearly thinking. He was one completely not eating something. He was almost completely interested in being one keeping some mind open. He was beginning this thing beginning keeping some mind open. He was knowing this thing knowing that he was beginning this thing beginning keeping some mind open. He was almost completely interested in this thing, interested in keeping a mind open.


     He was not succeeding in living in being one not being living after the ending of the beginning of middle living. He was being interesting. He was completely clearly thinking. He was completely not eating something. He was completely giving advice strongly enough. He was beginning being one keeping a mind open. He was clearly expressing something. He was completely clearly understanding any one expressing that thing.


     Each one of the Dehning family came to know David Hersland and each one of them were sometimes telling him something of this thing, were telling him something of knowing him. Each one of the Dehning family came to tell him something of that one knowing him. Mr. Dehning and Mrs. Dehning and Julia Hersland and George Dehning and Hortense Dehning each one of the Dehning family came to know David Hersland and told him something of this thing, told him something of their knowing him, of each one of them knowing him.


     Mr. Dehning came to know him and he told him of this thing of knowing him. He told him that he liked it well enough knowing him, that he liked it very well knowing him and that he David Hersland was a man to understand something of such a thing of Mr. Dehning knowing him. Mr. Dehning told him something of being one knowing David Hersland and recognising David Hersland's in a way understanding that he was being one being living. Mr. Dehning was knowing David Hersland and knowing that he David Hersland could understand this thing and could not then be completely succeeding in living in being one not beginning again and again in being living, in being one not beginning in being living. Mr. Dehning was telling this thing to David Hersland and telling him that if there was any of way succeeding in living in being one not beginning being living, in being one not beginning again and again in being living, David Hersland would be succeeding in being living. Mr. Dehning was knowing David Hersland and telling him again and again something of this thing something of knowing him. Mr. Dehning was not completely certain that David Hersland would not be succeeding in living. Mr. Dehning was quite convincing in telling David Hersland that David Hersland was certainly in some way understanding that he was being living, that David Hersland was in some way understanding that being living is existing.


     Mrs. Dehning was knowing David Hersland and was telling him something of this thing, was telling him something of knowing him. She was knowing him and not liking this thing and very often she was liking this thing and she could tell any one something of this thing and she was telling him of this thing of telling any one something of knowing him. She was knowing him and telling him very often telling him all the same thing about this thing, about knowing him. She was knowing him and knowing he was one having been living in Hersland family living. She was knowing him and knowing he was living in Dehning family living. She was telling him something of this thing, of her knowing him. She was knowing him in his being one completely not eating something and she was telling him that she was then completely knowing him. She was knowing him being one being interesting and she was telling him completely telling him almost everything of her being one knowing him being that thing. She was not needing him being one being certain that being living is existing and she was knowing him as being one she was needing being one knowing that being living is existing and she was telling him often telling him anything of this thing. She was liking this thing, knowing him, and certainly she was not needing this thing not needing liking this thing liking knowing him and she was knowing this thing, knowing that she was not needing liking him and she was knowing him and she was telling him sometimes and the same way something of this thing something of knowing him.

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