The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (173 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Certainly they may be in family living, they may be in any family living. Certainly they may not be in any family living. They may be in the family living they are then having. They may not be in the family living they are then having. One of the two of them may be in the family living that one is then having. One of the two of them may not be in the family living that one is then having. Any way they may be ones doing something together and one be one then telling the other. They may then not be ones doing something together, they may be ones then not telling anything either one to the other.
     There may be family living and any one may be expecting something to be happening and something is happening. There may be happening what some one is expecting. There may not be happening what some one is expecting. There may be something happening and any one then knowing anything of any such thing will be expecting, will not be expecting something that is then going on happening. Any family living is existing and any one in any family living is one knowing something of family living being existing.
     Any one doing anything is expecting to be one doing or not doing anything. Any one in any family living is one doing or not doing something and is one then expecting to be one then doing or not doing something.
     Some one has been standing up and is then doing something. Some one is doing something standing. Any one will do something standing. Some one has been standing in doing something. Certainly any one is standing in doing something.
     Some one was standing and doing something. He was doing that thing. He was standing and doing something. He was doing something and he was standing. He was one some one was seeing. Some were seeing him doing something and standing.
     Some are doing something. Any one is doing something. Some one is doing something and standing. Some are doing something and standing. Any one is doing something and standing. Some one was doing something and standing.
     Any one doing something and standing is one doing something and standing. Some one was doing something and was standing.
     Any one doing something and standing is one doing something and standing. Any one doing something and standing is one who is standing and doing something. Some one was doing something and was standing. That one was doing something standing.
     Any one doing something standing is doing something standing. Some one is doing something standing. Any one doing something standing is one doing something standing. Any one doing something and standing is one doing something and standing.
     Some one was standing and doing something. That one was one standing and doing something. That one was doing something and was standing and doing that thing. That one was one doing something, that one was one doing something, standing. That one was one standing and doing something, that one was one doing something and standing.
     Every one doing something and standing is one doing something and standing. Any one doing that thing is one doing such a thing. Any one doing such a thing is one doing something and standing.
     Every one doing something and standing is one doing such a thing. Every one doing something and standing are all of them doing that thing. Any one of them do that thing if they do that thing, any one of them, any of them standing and doing something ate standing and are doing something.
     Any one standing and doing something is one standing and doing something. All of them, all standing and doing something are standing and doing something. All of them all who are ones standing and doing something are all of them are all doing something and standing. Any one of them any one of them doing something and standing is one doing something standing. There are many of them, that is a natural thing as every one is one doing something standing. There are many of them, that is a natural thing.
     There are many being living. There are many family livings being existing. There are many being one being living. There are many being one being in family living. Any one of them will do and there are many of them, any one of them will do for being one being existing, for being one being in a family living. Any one of them will do as every one of them is existing, as any one of them is in a family living.
     Every one being in family living when they are no longer living have come to be a dead one. Any one having come to be a dead one is not then being living. Very many have come to be dead ones and are then not any longer living. Any one having come to be a dead one is not then any longer living.
     Every one in any family living when they have come to be dead ones are then not any longer living. There are very many being living. There are very many living in family living.
     Any one in any family living has been one who has been one being living. Any one in any family living who has come to be not any longer living has come to be a dead one.
     There are very many who have been living. There are very many who have come to be dead ones, to be ones not any longer being living.
     Any one in any family living coming to be a dead one is then later a dead one. Any one in any family living is sometime a dead one. There are very many who have come to be dead ones. There are very many who have been in family living who have come to be dead ones. There are very many living in family living.
     Some are living in family living, any one is living in family living and family living is existing and every one is living who is not come to be a dead one.
     Very many are living in family living. Very many have been living in family living. Very many are living. Very many who were living are not living.
     Some living in family living are doing something and are coming again and again to be one doing that thing. Some living in family living have been doing something and have been coming again and again to do that thing.
     How it is done the thing some one is doing in family living is a thing that every one in that family living is knowing. How it is done and how it is done again and again the thing that is done again and again, done by some one in some family living is a thing that every one in that family living is knowing. Some one in a family living does a thing and not any other one in that family living is doing enough of that thing to make it that thing the thing one in that family living is doing. Some one in a family living is doing something, and is doing it and every one in the family living is knowing that that one is the one who is doing that thing.
     Some are doing something and in a way they are doing that thing to every one and there are very many of such of them, of ones doing that thing and each one doing that thing is one doing that thing and every one knows that thing knows that that one is doing the thing that one is doing. Every one can know that that one is doing that thing, that the one doing the thing is doing the thing because the one doing that thing is doing that thing. Any one can know this thing that the one doing the thing is doing the thing. Every one in the family living of the one doing the thing are knowing that that one is doing the thing and they know this thing they know that that one is doing that thing because that one is doing that thing and any one can go on knowing that that one is doing that thing because that one is doing that thing and all in the family living of that one are going on knowing that that one is doing that thing because that one is doing that thing.
     Family living is being existing. There are very many knowing this thing, there are some completely knowing this thing.
     Everywhere something is done. Everywhere where that thing is done it is done by some one. Everywhere where the thing that is done by someone comes to be done it is done and done by some one. Certainly every where where something is done it is done and done by some one. Certainly some are doing something and it is done and done by each one of them.
     Certainly in a family living where something is done by some one it is done and done by that one. Certainly where it is done and done by some one, the thing that is done and done by that one is done by that one in some family living. Every one doing that thing and there are many doing that thing, there are almost quite enough doing that thing, every one doing that thing, any one doing that thing is doing that thing in the way that one, the one doing that thing is naturally doing that thing. It is not always being completely done by that one, the thing that is done and done by that one, it is not completely done by that one in the way it is natural for that one to do that thing. Some doing the thing that is done and done by them in a family living are completely doing that thing in the way it is natural for them to do that thing. Some doing the thing that is done and done by them are not completely doing the thing in the way it is natural for them to do that thing. Some of such of them are completely doing the thing that is done and done by them in a family living, they are not completely doing the thing in the way it is natural for them to do that thing.
     Some are doing the thing they are doing in a family living. It is done and done by them. There are enough of them doing some such thing, certainly not too many, certainly very many, certainly some and each one of them is some one by whom something is done and done. There are enough kinds of them. There are very many kinds of them doing something in a family living that is done and done and done by them.
     Every one in any family living who does not come to be a dead one before coming to be almost an old one, comes to be almost an old one and any one coming to be almost an old one has it then to be as something existing that they are ones going on being living. Any one in any family living who does not come to be a dead one before coming to be an old one comes to be an old one and is then being one having it being as something being existing that they are ones going on being living. Certainly any one coming to be almost an old one is then having it being as something being existing that that one is then going on being living. Certainly any one coming to be an old one is one being one then having it as being something existing that that one is being then one going on being living. Almost any one coming to be almost an old one coming to be an old one is one having it then as being something existing being one going on being living. Almost every one coming to be almost an old one, coming to be an old one is one having it then as being something existing being one going on being living. Almost every one being one coming to be almost an old one is one having been being in some family living. Almost every one coming to be an old one is one having been being in some family living. Almost every one coming to being an old one is one having been being in some family living. Almost every one coming to be almost an old one is being in some family living. Almost every one coming to be an old one is being in some family living.
     Some when they are being quite young ones are being ones doing something that is being done again and again by some one in a family living. Some when they are older ones are being ones doing something that is done and done and done again by some one in a family living. Some when they are almost old ones are being ones doing something that is something that is done and done in a family living. Some when they are being old ones are doing then something that is being something that is being done and done in a family living. Some all their living are doing what is being done and done in a family living.
     When one has come to be one not going on being a living one, mostly every one has been one being in a family living. When any one has come to be one not going on being living, mostly any one is then being one being in a family living. When any one has come to be one not going on being living, any family living can be then being existing.
     Any one can come to be one coming not to be going on being living. Any family living can be then being existing. Any one can come to be one coming not to be going on being living, in a family living, any family living can then have been something being existing. Any one can come to be one not going to be one going on being living. Any family can be one being existing. Any family living can be one having been existing.
     Any family can be one having been existing. Any family living can be one being existing. Any one can come to be one not going on being living.
     Any family living can have been being existing. Any family living can be existing. There are very many family livings being existing. There have been very many family livings being existing.
     Some in any family living are older ones than any other one. Some in any family living are younger ones than any other one. Some in any family living are not so old and not so young as any other one in the family living.
     Any one in a family living is younger than some other one in the family living, has been younger than some other one in the family living. Any one in a family living is older than some other one in the family living. Some in the family living have been older than any other one in the family living.
     Some in the family living have come to be doing something again and again, something that is done and done in that family living. Some of such of them are older than very many then in the family living. Some of such of them are younger than some in the family living. Some in the family living who have come to be doing what is being done again and again in the family living are older than most of them in the family living. Some who have come to be doing what is being done and done in the family living are younger than most of them in that family living. Some who have come to be doing what is being done and done in the family living are older than some and younger than some of them living in that family living.
     The way of doing what is done and done in a family living is a way that a family living is needing being one in a way existing. Sometimes then that family is going on in that way of existing. Sometimes that family living is going on into another way of being existing. Sometimes some one who has done and done what is done by some one in the family living of that one is coming to be an older one and is then going on doing what that one is doing and then it is a very different thing the thing that one is doing in the family living of that one.
     Some in family living are doing what is done and done in family living in family living being existing.

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