The One Addicted (30 page)

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Authors: Alexandra North

BOOK: The One Addicted
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Snapping out of his daydream, he rubs a hand across his light stubble and considers how much more he can take of Sebastian Silver openly pawing at
woman. His patience was practically transparent. Then remembering why he is there, he sets about locating the best places to plant a camera. He only had two, so he had to use them wisely - they cost a bloody fortune but she would be worth it. It wasn’t made of money like that flash wanker! One was secured in the top of the light-shade, which hung from the ceiling at the bottom of the bed. Unless you looked right up into the bulb, no one would know it was there it was so minute - he’d just have to remember to pop back and change the bulbs to stop anyone locating them.
The second was placed in the smoke detector within the lounge ceiling. He liked the fact that he could listen to her when she was on her own at night; once the kid was in bed and she was working downstairs - now he’d be able to see her too. It’d be like Googlebox, but hopefully more Goggle-at-her-box, if he was lucky. He laughs to himself at his childish joke but the thought of Lucia naked and on show for him is too much and he can feel himself growing harder by the second. She’d be the death of me that bitch - I’m permanently rock hard - I shouldn’t have to be suffering in silence like this!
Not for much longer now though, he smiles as he locates the roses in the vase on the console table - many now dead or dying but the crystal pins are firmly embedded within and a quick test on his scanner and iPad to see that they are in full working order, pleases him no end. Only a couple, have been water damaged but the rest combined are enough to give him continued audio in that room. My work is done… for now…well, almost.
A quick glance at his watch tells him he has another ten minutes before he should make his exit; any longer and it would be a definite risk that a neighbour may hear him - at present they were all out at work. That meant he had time to visit her bedroom one last time and pleasure himself, whilst visualising her mouth around his throbbing cock. It would make for good viewing at a later date and test the equipment he’d installed there, thoroughly. He heads for the stairs taking them two at a time and enters the master bedroom once again, his pants unbuttoned en-route. As he lies back onto the covers and rests his head against the full pillows at his back, he allows his cock to spring free, into his palm, ready to be worshipped. This was the closet he had ever been to Lucia whilst coming and he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt more fucking horny.
“God, Lucia, after this, I’m going to want more and this will not be enough. You are so going to get it and trust me, you’re going to love it.”


We land in Dubai as the sky is taking on an electric purple hue; its beautiful shade the perfect backdrop against the glittering bright yellow and orange lights of this cosmopolitan metropolis. I can literally feel the energy buzzing around me, under my feet, eager and full of high spirits - the magic of the Middle East and an entrepreneur’s dream. I can see why Sebastian had been bitten by the bug, albeit initially. The heat is oppressive however, but we journey in style to The Jannah, in a white stretch limousine, courtesy of the hotel. Sebastian is as attentive as ever, our hands clasped, even as he peruses some paperwork, pointing out the odd building here and there as I watch out of the window like an excited child.

As we pull up to the entrance I’m reluctant, to leave the delicate bubble we’ve formed around us, the past few days. The moment I step from the car, our selfish-time is over. I’d have to share him with all and sundry. I have to store my thoughts for later, as we exit and make our way towards the most recently completed Silver Construction project. I stop dead in my tracks and as though in slow-motion, my eyes are drawn to the roots of the masterpiece, following the sleek lines and metallic glow of the building standing proud and majestic. Working my way up it’s feminine form, which is so tall I have to crick my neck to view its top, I close my open mouth and smile. It is truly magnificent - like something from a Sci-Fi film.

“Beautiful isn’t she?”

I hear the pride in his voice and smile happily at his excitement. “Wow - this is incredible.”

“I know, right - she takes my breath away, each time I see her. I feel the same when I look at you, lady.”

I hold his gaze, black staring into strong lime - a silent message passes between us that we are leaving the bubble behind and passing into everyday life again but that we can do this -

Making our way through the foyer - my focus is taken up entirely with the beauty of its design. It was everything that Sebastian had promised; Glamorous, elite and out of this world. I’d heard that Dubai hotels were some of the best in the world and they weren’t wrong. I feel like a celebrity!

Seb checks us in with the Manager and I take a minute to absorb my surroundings. The coolness of the white glittered marble floor and walls, combined with high-spec air conditioning was a welcome luxury - even at 7pm the air was a thick wall of humidity.

This place was seriously stylish and it made me proud of Sebastian to think he and his team had been part of it’s creation and now he would be reaping the benefits of it’s sale to the highest bidder. I glance across to him, cool as a cucumber, in a pale blue shirt and linen pants. He commands attention and was already receiving it from several female admirers milling throughout the reception. Then he turns, and looks right at me. His gaze full of heat, a look that tells me exactly what he wants to do to me when we reach our bedroom and I relax.

He is all mine.

Something bright flashes to my right and I move to see the psychedelic commotion, before beaming at the familiar face, dressed in a rainbow kaftan and denim hot pants.


“Oh. My. God! Yay! You’re here - about bloody time!”

“Hi my lovely. We made it!”

“Where’s Seb?”

I throw a hitchhiker thumb in his direction and see that his brother Na has joined him at the desk.

We embrace and I squeeze my best friend tightly. “All good?” she draws back and peers inquisitively at my face.

“Fabulous - just what we needed. It was amazing, Abs.”

“I’m so glad Hun. We’ll talk tomorrow - in privacy. I want full details whilst we shop till we drop!”

“Oh yeah, I need to find something to wear for this party - oh to have Suzie and Dolly’s Boutique in the Middle East now.”

“Yep - but do not fear - the malls here are
to die for
and the shops in the hotels alone would put the one in the movie Indecent Proposal to shame. We’ll find a little something to make Seb’s jaw drop - I promise.”

I hug her again - I’ve missed her loads. “Have you and Nathan seen much of Dubai?”

Her eyebrows reach her hairline in utter disdain. “We did take afternoon tea at the Burj Al Arab hotel - that was divine and sooo elegant and I visited some fabulous Art Galleries but to be honest, babe, we’ve hardly left the hotel bedroom - wait until you see it - fuck me it’s gorgeous. The men have organised the best of the best for us. I could live in the bathroom alone - seriously.”

Our giggles can be heard as we head over to the lifts, like a couple of schoolgirls. “I need a shower and change - it’s so hot here - it was hot in the Maldives but there was a breeze there at least - here it’s just….”

“Sweaty bollocks!”

I laugh openly. “Yes - sweaty! God, I’ve missed you, babe.”

“Tell me about it. You’ll love it here, chick honestly, but it is a total pain as we have to cover up a bit outside the hotel, well more than I normally would but that’s not saying much!”

“I know Seb mentioned. I’ll just be glad to shower, change and we can meet for dinner tonight - sound good?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Sebastian’s husky voice interrupts us, placing a palm at my back. “Abby - looking lovely as ever.”

She preens under his compliment and I focus upon Nathan, who’s narrowed eyes and furrowed brow, are a surprise. He looks pissed and something tells me it’s at Seb and his casual flirting. Me-thinks Mr. Nathan Silver likes Abs more than he realises.

I laugh as he gets his revenge, leaning into me and leisurely placing a kiss on each cheek, before whispering in my ear, “Just play along.”

“Lu, darling - how was The Maldives?”

I glance across at Seb and see the exact same furrowed worry line, indented across his forehead - ha ha, men are so funny. It gives me a little buzz to think he’s not keen on any man touching me, even his brother.

“Na - great to see you. Maldives was magical - I’ll never forget it. You must go.”

He hits the button for the top floor and winks. “Good good. Glad you two recuperated, now it’s time to party. Meet back in a hour for drinks and then we’ll go grab a bite to eat?”

We all agree, as the door dings open and jovially head off in the direction of our suites, which are located just a few doors away from one another.


Holy crap!
“This place is unbelievable.”

“Good huh!”

“Oh, what I’d have given to work on a place like this.”

I wander around the luxury suite with my mouth open in awe, checking out each nook and cranny, cupboard, lounge, his and hers bathrooms with twin sinks and walk-in wardrobe. Blinking back at him over my shoulder I repeat, this time out loud, “Holy Crap!” before launching myself on the monstrous silver bed. My beautiful man joins me, straddling me, tickling and pulling uncontrollable laughter from me until I can’t take anymore and then with one locked gaze, he stops. Swooping in, the mood changes entirely to one of pure dominance. His kisses are hard and crushing and so fucking good I can’t breathe, think or concentrate on anything but the sensations rippling through me and pooling between my thighs.

“Only the best for you, baby.”

“Release me, Mr. Silver, I need to get ready if you want to go out in an hour.”

“How about we shower together? That would speed things up.”

“Not. A. Chance! Every time you and I go anywhere near a shower or water for that matter we get very very dirty.”

“Sounds great to me.”

“Not tonight. I’ll have a quick shower, as I take longer, if that’s Ok and then you can jump in after me?”

“I’d rather just skip all that and jump you but I won’t be seen to be getting in the way of a girl and her pampering routine.”

I peck him on the lips and head into the bathroom on a smile, then make a huge kerfuffle of locking the door. Not that that would hold him if he changed his mind and decided to be less accommodating.

Ten minutes later and I return to the bedroom, feeling refreshed and revived. Sebastian takes one look at my turban’d hair and towel-clad body, grits his teeth and heads straight into the bathroom. I hear the lock click loudly in place and laugh out loud at his petulance. I suppose two could play at that game.

I quickly dry my hair and wind my velcro rollers in, hoping they’d be able to do something with the frizz that has become my hair in the humidity then settle down to put the finishing touches to my make-up, grey silk dressing gown covering my modesty. It’s whilst I apply my Urban Decay eyeshadow in smoky navy and greys, I consider my outfit options, now hanging in the wardrobe. I return to the bed with a simple, slightly sheer navy camisole and silver mini and drop them, before heading back and grabbing a silver pashmina that would cover my bare arms, décolletage and thighs. Throwing it on the bed I halt in my tracks as I pass the low black rococo coffee table in the sitting area. I’d not seen it on our entry. Now all I can focus on are the huge array of beautiful fresh flowers filling the silver domed vase, a mixture of lilies and palest pink peonies; they are gorgeous. I head over to see if there is a note and notice that in their centre is a single deep red rose with a diamante in its depth. In the midst of them a small card sits with a typed message.

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