The One Addicted (27 page)

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Authors: Alexandra North

BOOK: The One Addicted
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I smile up at his perfect features and feel the need to pinch myself once more. I feel well and truly pampered. “I’m fine - I’ve just not felt 100% but sometimes that happens when you go to a hot country.”

“It does, but maybe I need to be less demanding of your hot little body and step up in the boyfriend department.”

I like the sound of it but I don’t want him to stop our sex marathon, so answer quickly, “I’m fine.”

He takes a sip of his water and grins, showcasing his perfect teeth, “That may be, but tonight you and I can enjoy each other in different ways. As long as I’m with you - I’m happy.”

Deep breaths.
He was making such an effort. To be honest I’d be happy to finish our meal, and go for a stroll on the beach, then cosy up in the cinema room with a pay-per-view movie and say as much when Mohammed comes to clear our plates, he discusses our plans with him, requesting things to be readied for us in an hour.


I shake my head and pat my slightly swollen tummy. “I’m replete.”

His eyes twinkle in the dark. “You always were good with words. Come.”

I accept the hand he holds out to me, and rise from the table, before, he pulls me into his arms. One hand dropping to my waist, the other holding my arm out, our fingers entwined. Are we about to dance?

Then the light strains of Nina Simone’s ‘Don’t let me be misunderstood’, echoes into the night and I feel his feet begin to move, encouraging me to move with him. “Dance with me, baby.”

His hand tightens around my waist, drawing me to him and we sway to the beat, Nina singing ‘I’m just a fool who’s intentions are good… please don’t let me be misunderstood’, her deep raspy voice, like liquid chocolate and words so appropriate I wonder if he planned that specific track on the playlist. It was one of my favourites and entirely appropriate. This gorgeous, frustrating stubborn man was trying to tell me something with this song, the swaying of our bodies, his touch, his hot breath at my nape, his thumb stroking my inner wrist.

“Can you feel me, Lu?” His cock nudges against my tummy and I smile into his shoulder. “It’s always alert. You do this to me. I can’t get enough of you but it’s not just about the sex.”

We continue moving around in a circle, and I allow myself to be led by him, the moment so surreal, the stars above us and candles at our feet, the waves whispering along the shoreline. “Look at me, Lu.”

And I do - do as I’m told because I want to, I want to see the adoration for me flickering in his liquorice blacks, I want him to see my eyes change colour as my lust for him increases. “I’m like this because I want to be connected to you always. In mind and body.”

“I feel it too, Seb. I crave you.”

“You have me, Lu.” His hands release mine and cup my face and we stand staring, our eyes searching deep into our souls and my stomach lurches. I love him so much.

I reach up on tip toes and press my lips to his, feeling his arms enfold me, drawing me closer to his body. A finger trails down my spine and I shiver as our tongues mate and I lose myself in the most romantic kiss.

“Come, let’s go for a walk on the beach. Mohammed has set up a fire pit and blankets where we can get you warm and take in this magnificent night.

We spend the next hour cosied up on the beach, chatting and laughing and generally enjoying being connected. I was in heaven. I listen to him talking about work, love hearing his enthusiasm, which has never faltered in ten years of graft. His vision is clear - work hard, take risks, always appreciate your client, but your own point of view too. Your honour is your ticket and a man’s reputation is built upon his work and his word. Never ask a man to complete a menial task you have not done yourself and importantly, remember that it can all be taken away with one mistake and in one minute. I’ve always respected his work ethic but listening to him now, my belly tightens and I feel immense pride in his morality codes.

I can tell that The Jannah project has been the challenge of his career; both exciting and draining, simultaneously. He’d given it his all, taken a huge risk but it had paid off. He was now a multimillionaire and a big name in his industry. Silver meant quality. I could attest for that.

“So is this it for Silver Con and Dubai - is your relationship at an end?”

I look up at his gorgeous face, deep in thought as he studies the waves hitting the beach not far from our position on the white sands. The tide would be in soon and as the fire pit crackles next to us, and I snuggle further into Seb’s warmth, I’m saddened that we only have one more night in The Maldives. Thursday we fly to Dubai. Thursday we’d be with people again - our exotic bubble popped and invaded.

It’s got windy in the past half an hour and dark so quickly and I wrap my throw around me for protection against the light chill. Seb is quiet, considering my words.

“I bought a Dubai based construction company.”


“It’s been in negotiations for some time but the deal went through last week.”

“Well, that’s good news isn’t it?” I push myself away from him to assess his body language and his hand clasps mine tightly, not letting me move too far from him.

“It is… it will be. There’s a lot of money to be made out in the Middle East and Silver Con should be part of it, I feel it but…”

“But what?”

“I don’t want to leave you again. Be away for such long periods.”

I smile happily in the darkness, as the bright midnight blues, and tangerines bleed through the sky and the stars shine brightly, winking at me.
He didn’t want to let me go.

“I don’t want that either.”

“I’m serious, Lu, I can’t stand the thought that I could be based thousands of miles away from you for months on end. It would kill me; it would kill us. It wouldn’t work. We don’t work apart.”

Is he trying to tell me something here?
My heart squeezes tightly in my chest and goosebumps raise all over my skin. I feel sick. “Are you trying to tell me something, Seb?”

“Not at all. I’ve just got some thinking to do. The quiet of this place has helped me put things into perspective. You and I are what matter now, baby, and Finn.”

I can feel that cold water sensation trickling all over me, in abundance. Fuck he is so sexy and intense and all mine and he wants me and he wants my son. He pulls me up and kisses me, my hair blowing wildly around us, the water soothing in the background and we walk towards it, our feet padding silently in the soft cool sand. It’s then I realise just
dark it’s become in the last twenty minutes. How long had we been sitting here? I look up at the sea, and notice that the tide and all its froth is lit up like a neon blue pool; like a bright blue disney firework display underwater.

“Oh, Seb, look - it’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you are, Lucia.”

“Did you know? What is it? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Why do you think we’ve been sitting here in the wind for so long?” His chuckle is warming in the cool night. “They are marine microbes that emanate a blue glow when they are stressed, usually due to the windy weather. I was informed that tonight we were pretty much guaranteed the chance of catching this view.”

“It’s out of this world!”

“One of a kind - like something else I know of.”

His arms envelope me and we hold one another, mesmerised by the water which appears like a mirror that reflects the sky, showcasing hundreds of neon blue glittering stars that glow all along the coast line like fireflies. It looked magical and the most romantic thing I’d ever encountered.

“Just look up to the Villa for a minute of two so I can arrange something, I won’t be long. No peeking?”

“What? I hate surprises - you know that.” I laugh, but do as I’m told and turn away from the sea, covering my eyes for good measure.

“Good girl.”

“Can I look yet?”


I hear him pad back to me but remain statuesque not wanting to spoil his playful mood. His arms are wrapped around my waist a second later and I lean into him, inhaling his lemony vanilla masculine scent. “Can I turn around now?”

“In a minute. Just let me hold you like this.” His lips find my neck, delicately pressing against my pulse which begins to throb faster at his touch, his tongue trails to my lobe, licking seductively before sucking it in unison with the kneading on my breast. My moan to the stars echoes in the sky. I am in sheer bliss.

“I can’t get enough of you Lucia. I can’t fight my feelings anymore. I’ve done it for too long.”

“I know, baby, just relax and take…me. I’m… yours!” I don’t recognise my voice, all sexy and sultry.

“I adore you, Lu.”

I moan as he hugs me to him, squeezing me so tight I find it hard to breathe.

“I lust you, lady.”

Please say it to me. If you were ever to say it, now would be the moment.

“Keep your eyes covered and turn towards the sea, I’ll help you, but go by the sounds of the waves.”

I’m spinning but his big hands at my waist are guiding me until I’m steadied and I lean against him again, enfolded within his arms, his heart beating against my back. “Can I peek now?”


The first thing I notice is the day-glow edging of the sea, again so beautiful and like something out of the film Avatar, before my eyes adjust again to the darkness and drift back up towards us, focusing on the letters written in the sand that are boldly luminescent and glaring at me like a neon blue bar sign. They very clearly spelled, “I love you, Lucia Myers!”

Tears well up in my eyes and I cover my mouth with fingers, biting my lip to stop the floodgates.

He’d said it. He loved me. He fucking loves me.

“I do. I love you, baby.”

“You do?”

“I love you so much. You are my past, present and future. You are my life!”

“Oh God, Seb.” I launch myself into his arms and feel the breeze hit my feet as I’m lifted off the sand. “I love you too. This is so romantic. I love it. I love you.”

“You deserve only the best and this is as unique as you are.”

“How did you do it?”

“You stand on the phytoplankton, tiny little microbes and it embeds them in the sand with a glow.”

“It’s magnificent.Take a picture, please. I want to remember this moment forever.”

He clicks several with his iPhone before storing it safely back inside his shorts pocket. “Now, let’s go inside and let me warm you up, baby and finish what we started. I want to make sweet love to the woman I’m madly in love with. Prepare to be exhausted tomorrow - we’ve a long night ahead, do you think you’re up for it? I’d be happy to forgo a night of passion if you’re too tired, for a movie night.”

I shake my head. There was no way I wanted to watch a movie now. Right now I wanted to show my gorgeous God how much I loved him in every way. “Let’s go to bed.”

“I love you, you know that.” He rolls the words of his tongue so easily, he smiles at his comment. “I like saying it.”

I like hearing it.

“What does this mean? About us?”

“I don’t know, baby. But I love you and we always knew that one night would never be enough, let alone one month, so let’s see how things go, ok?”


Sebastian Silver is my future and now that I know he loves me too, I can begin to trust in that; like I trust in him.



I am the most blessed woman on the planet. I have a man who loves me, is the most magnificent lover in the universe and makes me laugh everyday. I’ve never felt more beautiful - nor more at ease.

Warmth fills me as my memory filters pictures of last night in flashes of eroticism.
God, the man was insatiable!
I’d had to sneak out of bed at 7am this morning so I could have a shower and get dressed; alone. I’d needed to gain some clarity. We also needed to explore. I hadn’t left the villa since arriving on Sunday and I know its not that type of holiday, but I’m keen to go to what
couples do.

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