The One Addicted (28 page)

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Authors: Alexandra North

BOOK: The One Addicted
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I sip my tea by the pool, and take a nibble from the exotic fruit platter Mohammed had delivered only minutes earlier, enjoying the sounds of the sea. Something catches my eye and I turn in the direction of the glass patio doors, where my tanned God is now leaning casually, against them, in nothing but a pair of faded khaki shorts,which ride low on his hips; I’m drawn to the dark line of hair that travels down his ripped stomach and disappears under his waistband. My insides buzz at his gorgeousness. My hand itches to follow the path to the treasure at his groin. I lick my lips.

“What are you thinking about, Princess?”

You. Always you.

“Bullshit. Don’t lie to me, Lu.”

I watch him swagger towards me, lift my lips for a long lingering kiss and smile, as he collapses in the seat in front of me. His eyes are sherry coloured this morning with light crinkles at the corners - amazing what a bit of sun can do to an already perfect face and body. He looked like a movie-star, smiling sexily across the table at me, now tucking into a slice of melon, his tongue licking a stray bit of juice. Ahh, God. Liquid pools between my thighs. That is all it takes, a flash of his tongue, the thought of it on my own juices.

“So, I’m waiting…What are you thinking about?”


We stare at one another, intensity building, as the sea whooshes in the background, the sun beginning to make it’s real entrance for the day, dropping a layer of heat across my skin.

“Why did you escape me this morning?” he pops a grape into his mouth provocatively and I squeeze my thighs together.

“I needed to think.”

“That’s the last thing you need to do Lu. You need to just relax and go with the flow.”

A piece of pineapple follows and I bite my lip hard as my nipples harden.

“You tend to over-think things.” He breaks our eye contact and enjoys the view. “I woke and you were gone. I didn’t like it.”

“You were fast asleep. I wanted to let you rest.”

wanted to wake up with my cock buried deep inside your hot little pussy, but instead, I got an empty bed.”

“Don’t be mad; now you know how I felt the other morning. Let’s do something today - we’ve not done anything together other than
you know what
and eat since we arrived!”

“And your point is?”

God he’s sexy and now I’m all tongue-tied and I’ve forgotten what I was trying to say. Ah yes.
“My point
that I want to experience something together on this beautiful island - away from the villa -
today. It’s our last day together in The Maldives. Any ideas?”

One corner of his mouth lifts in a sulky smile. “As a matter of fact I do and it involves getting you very very wet.”

I throw a piece of
kiwi at him which he catches in his kissable mouth -
of course he does. He was bloody perfect.


I could hear the thundering clap of the rapids as we neared the clearing, that our guide swore to us housed the most beautiful waterfall in the Maldives. It had taken us a 15minute speedboat ride to another island, but already I sensed it was worth the journey. Sebastian had paid the little man to ensure that we would have the place to ourselves for the afternoon and we are left to explore - alone. Excited, I run on ahead.

I feel a little like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when she came out of the black and white world and into full glorified Technicolor. It was absolutely beautiful, magical.

I spin, walking backwards to see what is keeping him and I can see he is battling with the large picnic basket. “Come on slow coach!” I bellow cheekily.

“You’re so going to pay for that, lady - there’s nothing slow about all this…” His free hand showcases his body, a huge grin on his sun-kissed face. “Why do you think they call me Quicksilver at school?”

I roll my eyes, hands on hips. “Come on you’re dying to tell me - why?”

‘For my lightening quick speed of course in the running team, footie team, cross country, rugby…”

“Ok, Ok I get it you, were amazing.”

“No, baby, no past tense about it - I am amazing.” He winks as he passes me, and puts the picnic box under the shaded area near a tree.
Problem was, he was right - he was bloody fantastic!

“That was the reason for my nickname in first school. Once I hit secondary school, name held a totally different meaning.”

I raise my brows in question.

“No one was faster than Quicksilver at getting into a girl’s pants.” He shrugs his shoulders without apology. “I passed the name down to Nathan and we will for generation of Silver’s to come.”

I throw my baseball cap at him, which he catches deftly. “See lightning
reaction.” His big laugh echoes through the privacy of our haven and I smile. I was too busy considering the words that came before his last…
‘for generations of Silver’s to come’
, I liked the sound of that.

“So you see yourself having a big family then? Two, three, maybe four - football team?” I squint, smiling openly, as the sun shines down through the trees and I step towards him, my arms encircle his waist. Sensing his sudden coldness, I look up into those sexy brown eyes, usually so full of mirth when we tease one another, but right now they’ve gone vacant.

“I’m not sure about kids, to be honest, Lu?”

I get the same feeling, I had yesterday on the beach wash over me, a feeling of bad news imminent and I step back to compose myself. Where does that leave Finn? Where does that leave us? We’d never really talked about kids together, even as friends. I’d just expected he’d want them.

“How so?”

“Finn is a superstar - I love that little dude - you know that and what you and I have is special - seriously good, Lu and I respect that you and he come as a package but more children?…” He shakes his head, rubbing a hand over it, his tell when his is majorly stressed.

Crap! I take a deep breath to calm myself, this doesn’t mean anything, I mean we’re just early days anyway - why are you rushing things?

Please don’t say what I think you’re going to. Please….

“…I honestly don’t think that’s in the cards for me. I mean, I can’t see myself having a child, not with anyone, not just with you. Finn is enough, I just hope he is for you?”

“But why?”

want more?”

It comes out as a throwaway comment and immediately irks me. “I don’t know - I suppose I never really thought about it until now, but…”
Yes, with you I would. A girl with your eyes and your smile.
“…I’d like to have the option.”

“I’m sorry, I should never have brought it up. It was a turn of phrase and just slipped out. I’d just rather leave kids to Nathan - he can provide extra grand-babies for my parents. Finn will always be number 1 if we take this to the next level?”

I thought we were? I’ve got complete headfuck.

We’d had an amazing night last night and today had been wonderful but this revelation had floored me. Who’d have thought? Seb had always been so amazing with children. We’d been friends for over a decade and how had this conversation never come up?
Because the outcome wouldn’t have really affected you would it? You were never romantically inclined until recently

There was always a catch in any relationship - always something that wasn’t quite perfect and if this was it, I had to just deal with it. I love him and in every other way he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, apart from my son. I can’t let my disappointment at potentially not having more children, or a child with him create a dampener on our last day in paradise. I wasn’t like we were going to consider getting pregnant anytime soon - it was far too early and Jeez until this afternoon I’d never considered having his baby - now all I can think about is that famous 1980’s black and white Athena poster, l’enfant, with Sebastian as the male model, stripped naked to the waist, in battered jeans, looking down in adoration on a beautiful baby with his eyes - our baby. Perhaps he’d change his mind in time as our relationship developed?

I need to get a grip!

I set up the picnic blanket and then proceed to strip down to my bikini, a simple cupped number with a belt to the hipster bottoms, which reminded of the one Ursula had worn in Dr NO - My mum had convinced me to buy it and now that I had a tan, I was glad I had.

Seb’s low whistle is enough of a boost. I watch him pull his vest top over his head and hand in hand we walk down towards the water. It really was absolutely beautiful - untouched even. I felt like Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and as we near the edge of the rocks, Seb hops in, crying out as the temperature hits him.

“Is it cold?”

“What gave that away?” His white teeth flash, as he beams at me, holding out a hand for me to drop down the bank, a little slower than his own hasty entrance.

I test it with my big toe first, then kick a spray in his direction. “Liar! It’s bloody freezing!”

The next few seconds go by in a blur, as I feel the air whip under my feet, his hands around my thighs, gripping me to his chest, and then he dips me. Cool water explodes all around my body in one unified moment and I scream at his audacity. “Oh, you are
going to get it!”

He laughs at me and wades deeper in towards the waterfall, which cascades over the huge 40 foot rocks that shroud us from the outside world and over into our pool. “Seb, don’t go!”

I feel a moment of panic - I’m not a huge fan of water and now that he is moving away from me, I can feel my heart begin to pound, ten to the dozen.

“Oi, what happened to your
going to get it?” He turns and sees me, my tense face and concentration evident. I’m frozen, my feet firmly embedded in the wet sand beneath my toes - deep breaths.

“Hey, hey, baby - I’m here. I’m sorry - I forgot. It’s the same depth the whole of this rock pool - that’s why we came - I promise. I’m right here. You’re safe now.”

I allow myself to be drawn into his arms and feel his fingers begin to massage my back, my shoulders, stroke my arms and I begin to relax. “I’m sorry. I just don’t like the sea.”

“I know, I should have remembered but here, we’ll take it slow and look…” he points down to our feet, which can be seen as though we’re viewing them through a crystal clear glass of water. He does a little dance for added measure and it brings a smile to my face. “There you go. There’s my Angel.”

He shows me his back and taps his shoulder. “Come on - jump on board, Princess and I’ll carry you across to the waterfall - you won’t get that offer everyday.”

I don’t wait for him to ask again and piggyback onto him, sliding my legs around his waist, and my arms over his shoulders, flattening my palms across his chest. He cups his arms underneath my bottom to support me and I wiggle as his finger brushes my perineum through my bikini bottoms.

Tapping his chest he laughs. “Sorry, couldn’t resist - bet you’re a fabulous sight from behind.”

We head further towards the crashing sounds of the water, white sheets of ribbons sprinkling over a huge misshapen rock. As we get closer, the water around us begins to ripple but surprisingly, it has become shallower and I slip off Seb’s back to touch my feet to the bottom. We both swim leisurely around the froth being created by the downpour and I look up into the hidden rock pool we are lucky enough to have found. The rock is a mustard brown but clean and the water a strong azure but underwater the combination of the two colours is electric, creating emeralds and dark blues in a tie die blend. “It’s beautiful.”

“I’ve been here once.”

I’m surprised how disappointed I am to hear that. “This time it feels like I’m seeing it for the first time, this time I get to share it with the woman I love.”

I’m weightless in the water and he pulls me to him, his hands settling at my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. His fingers move the wet strands of my hair off my face and he deepens the kiss, our mouths desperate, tongues teasing. The slickness of our bodies pressed against one another is sexy as hell - that and the combination of his hands gripping me to him so tightly, his nails grazing my sides, makes me bold.

I step forward, forcing him backwards towards the gushing water and he looks at me in surprise. “Are you sure?”

“I’m fine, as long as I can see the sea bed, besides, I’m partial to sharing a shower or two with you, Mr. Silver.”

His mouth is on me, stopping further words, and I’m lifted and spun so my back is against the rapids, the water bouncing off my head and onto my breasts, where his greedy eyes spot my white bikini top turning transparent. My nipples pebble, erect and ruched under the cool assault on my skin and dipping my head back to embrace the water, my hair is drenched in seconds.

“You’ve no idea how hot you look right now.” His hand tilts my jaw to his eye level, and I wrap my legs tighter around his waist, feeling his cock rubbing against me and our lips meet. One peck and our eyes lock, mirth in them, as I dip and nip his bottom lip with my teeth. Another kiss, this one longer, the feeling of weightlessness is so freeing and he cradles me and then I offer him my tongue. He captures it with his own like his life depends upon it, one hand fisting my hair, the other pressing my bottom in towards his groin. I lose myself in a kiss that takes my breath away with its intensity and my desire for him is too much. I can’t breathe, yet I can’t draw away. I’m addicted to his mouth, his lips; that talented tongue.

I can feel us moving and I open my eyes and pull away as we disappear under the curtain of water and under a gap in the waterfall rock. He looks predatory as he releases me and I instinctively back away and lift myself up onto the flat rock behind me; my bottom balancing on the edge.

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