The One You Love (25 page)

Read The One You Love Online

Authors: Paul Pilkington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: The One You Love
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‘That’s nice.’

‘It was very nice. She’s beautiful. Alex – that’s my son – has such a wonderful family now. I just wish my husband had been alive to see it.’

‘Sorry about that,’ Will said.

‘That’s okay,’ she said, smiling. ‘Anyway – he might not be around to see anymore, but I can still feel his love. I love him now as much as I ever did, and I know that he loves me back.’

‘It must be great,’ Will said, ‘to feel so close to someone, even though they’re gone.’

‘Isn’t it the same for all those who we love? Just because they’re not here in front of us doesn’t mean they’re gone.’

‘I wish I believed that,’ he lamented. ‘My mum died a few years ago. But I don’t feel like you do. She’s dead and that’s that.’

‘What about the people you love that are still alive?’

‘I don’t really get on with my dad,’ he admitted. ‘But I do love my sister – she’s the person I love the most. We’ve always been really close.’

‘Well, that’s good,’ she said. ‘Isn’t it?’ she added, noticing Will’s solemn expression.

‘Oh, yes, of course,’ he said. ‘It’s just that, well, I don’t know whether… I have to tell her something, and I think that after I do everything will change.’

He stopped, suddenly feeling emotional.

‘It’s okay,’ she said, ‘you don’t need to tell me anything.’

He turned to look out of the window and tried to wipe away a tear as subtly as possible. He hoped he wouldn’t just crack up in this flying tin can, where there was no chance of escape.

‘I’m fine,’ he said.

‘Maybe it would help to talk about it,’ the lady suggested.

He shook his head. ‘You wouldn’t want to know.’

‘Maybe I do,’ she replied. ‘Look, if you’re embarrassed about whatever it is, don’t be. Once we get off this plane you’ll never see me again.’

Will looked around, not quite believing that he was even considering telling a stranger his secret. But the lady was right – they wouldn’t meet again. And he needed to tell someone – to release all the built-up pressure that had been boiling away for years. She didn’t even know his name, and he wouldn’t have to give her the full details. He noted that the passengers in the seats in front and behind were wearing headphones as they watched the in-flight movie. The man on the other side of the lady was asleep. They wouldn’t be overheard.

‘Okay,’ he said. ‘I’ll tell you.’







Emma and Stuart watched as Detective Inspector Gasnier leafed through the set of photographs as if he was reviewing a poker hand.

‘And you had no idea that these photos were being taken?’ he asked, paying particular attention to a photograph of Emma from her apartment window.

‘No,’ Emma replied. ‘Well, except for the couple of photos he took up on Primrose Hill.’

Gasnier maintained his poker face. He then placed the photographs on the coffee table and took a seat across from them, next to his colleague.

‘So who did you say this man was?’ he asked.

‘His name’s Eric,’ Emma said.

‘But no surname?’

‘No,’ Emma replied, infuriated that he had asked that question twice in less than five minutes. ‘And I don’t know where he lives. But he always hangs around up on Primrose Hill.’

‘How did you get these photographs?’

‘We took them from him,’ Stuart interjected. ‘I took them.’


‘I didn’t hurt him,’ Stuart clarified. ‘I just wanted to get the film.’

‘Did you,’ Gasnier mused, rather ominously.

‘We thought that he could have been the person from last night,’ Emma said.

‘But none of these photos match the ones from last night?’ Gasnier asked.

Emma shook her head. ‘No.’

‘Emma,’ he said. ‘I appreciate that this is a really bad time right now. And I know that you’re looking for answers to a lot of things – just like we are. But this just isn’t on. You can’t take the law into your own hands like that. If you think you can do a better job than us, then sign up to join the Met. God knows we’re always after new recruits.’

Emma kept silent.

‘You want to clear Dan’s name. I understand that,’ he continued. ‘But at the moment we haven’t found any evidence to suggest that anyone else but your fiancé attacked Richard Carlton. We might be wrong, but as yet that’s the situation. These photos might be proof that you’ve got an admirer – even a stalker – but they don’t link this Eric guy with anything else.’

‘So you’re not going to talk to him?’ Emma said, feeling utterly deflated.

‘I didn’t say that,’ Gasnier replied. ‘I’d say that on this evidence he certainly deserves a talking to – if we can track him down, that is. But it will just be a warning. In the meantime, if you do have anything else that may help the investigation, let us know.’

‘Tell them about the letter,’ Stuart said.

Emma wanted to clamp his mouth shut, but it was too late.




‘Heavy night last night?’ Caroline, one of the co-stars, asked Lizzy as they waited behind the wings, ready to enter the stage area during rehearsals. ‘Sorry,’ she added, looking apologetic, ‘I couldn’t help notice that you look a bit peaky today – and your notes are a bit off key.’

‘It was a heavy night,’ Lizzy said, ‘but I didn’t drink anything.’

‘Oh, right,’ Caroline replied, looking confused.

‘I’ve got some issues to deal with,’ Lizzy explained, ‘and I can’t concentrate on anything until I sort things out.’

There was no doubt that rehearsals up to now had been a disaster. She couldn’t get the discussion with Emma – and the accusations – out of her mind. What she couldn’t understand was why Dan would have penned that letter in the first place. What would he gain by doing so? It didn’t make any sense.

Lizzy certainly didn’t blame Emma for believing what the letter had said. But what did disappoint her was that Emma seemed to have just shut her out. The way she had just hung up on her that morning without saying a word – without letting her explain – had really hurt.



‘I’m sorry, Em,’ Stuart said, once the police had left the apartment. ‘But they had to know about it. You can’t keep something like that from them – not when there’s so much at stake.’

‘I can’t believe you just did that without discussing it with me first. How dare you.’

‘I know you’ve got your loyalties, but if that letter was from Dan then it’s really important for the investigation.’

‘It wasn’t,’ Emma replied. ‘I know now, it wasn’t from Dan. Lizzy wouldn’t do that to me, and neither would Dan.’

‘But that’s the thing. You don’t know. It’s just what you want to believe.’

Emma turned away.

‘It was my decision to tell the police about the letter,’ she stated. ‘Not yours.’

‘Okay, maybe I was out of order,’ Stuart said, moving up to Emma. ‘But I did it for you, Em. I hate to see you suffering like this. You deserve better. And I still hate myself for everything I put you through.’

Emma turned around, face to face with her one-time fiancé. Stuart placed his hands gently around the top of her shoulders and for a second or two they just looked at one another in silence, inches apart.

Then Stuart moved in for a kiss.







‘No,’ Emma said, pulling back from the kiss. She turned away and touched her lips. ‘This isn’t right.’

‘Maybe it is right,’ Stuart replied. ‘Maybe this is what is supposed to happen.’

‘It’s not.’

‘But why?’

‘Because I love Dan.’ Emma turned around to face Stuart.

‘You loved me,’ Stuart said.

‘I used to love you, but not anymore.’

Stuart stood there silently, looking as if he’d just been slapped in the face.

‘How can you still love him, after what he’s done to you?’ he said finally. ‘How could you still love someone who could do all this – attack his own brother, run out a week before his wedding, have an affair with your best friend?’

‘Because I don’t think he did it,’ Emma replied.

Stuart shook his head. ‘You’re too trusting. Just like…’

‘Go on,’ Emma said. ‘Just like when? When I first met Stephen Myers?’

Stuart pursed his lips.

‘Tell me what you were going to say,’ Emma pressed.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

‘You blame him for us splitting up, don’t you?’

‘It didn’t help,’ he admitted.

‘No,’ Emma said, shaking her head. ‘We’d put that behind us – everything was going to be okay. It was you walking out on me that split us up, Stuart. You can’t blame that one person for your actions.’

‘Yes I can!’ he bawled, losing his cool completely.

Emma flinched.

‘Sorry,’ he said, holding up his hands. ‘Look, Emma, it’s just that this might be our one chance to put things right. We can start again. It’s been good these past few days – you’ve got to admit that. Like old times.’

Emma took a step backwards. ‘Is that what this was all about?’

‘What?’ Stuart replied.
‘I don’t understand.’

‘All this help. Was this all just a way to try and get back together with me?’

‘No,’ he said defensively. ‘You needed help. I thought you appreciated it.’

‘I do. I really appreciated it. But, Stuart, you’ve got to understand that there’s no chance of us getting back together. Even if Dan is guilty of all those things, it doesn’t affect you and me. You’ve just got to accept that what’s gone is gone.’

‘But I love you,’ Stuart said.

‘I’m sorry.’

He just stood there for a moment, gazing at her. ‘I’d better go,’ he said, turning to the door. ‘I need time to think. You know, Em,’ he said, pausing in the doorway. ‘If you knew just how much I love you, you’d give us another try – I’m sure of it.’




Will screwed his eyes shut and tried to control his breathing. He hadn’t seen the woman since she had left her seat, shortly after he had finished his confession. And that was ten minutes ago.

Maybe she was just queuing for the toilet.

He had to find out, so he undid his seatbelt and squeezed past the other passenger, giving his apologies as he moved into the aisle. He was halfway to the toilets when he saw the woman, sitting some ten or so rows in front of her original position. She saw him too, and quickly averted her eyes. The panic rose in his chest.

Why had he told her? Why had he been so stupid?

‘You okay, Sir?’ a steward asked.

‘Fine, fine,’ Will replied, realising he was gripping the back of someone’s headrest. He let go and carried on past the steward.

What if she had told the cabin crew? At this moment, the police might be waiting at the airport, ready to board the plane when it landed.

Fortunately the toilet was free. He locked himself inside and sat down on the seat with his head in his hands. He remembered the advice the woman had given him about using distraction techniques to cure his fear of flying.

He had all the distraction he needed now.




Emma waited for a couple of hours before phoning Lizzy. Stuart had been right in one respect – she couldn’t do this alone. Unfortunately Lizzy’s mobile was off so she left a message, asking her to get in touch as soon as possible.

She then spent a good half hour training on the punch bag, her phone standing upright on the window ledge, hoping that Lizzy would call back soon. Rehearsals would probably be finished by now. She hoped that Lizzy wasn’t deliberately ignoring her calls, though after the accusations she had levelled against her, it would be understandable.

The courier called shortly after she’d showered and dressed.

‘Miss Holden?’ he asked.

‘Yeah, that’s me,’ Emma replied.

‘Package for you,’ he said, bringing out an envelope from the bag tucked by his side. ‘Can you just sign here please?’ He handed over an electronic device. Emma scrawled a signature on the touch screen and exchanged the device for the envelope.

‘Cheers,’ he said, ‘have a good day.’

‘Excuse me,’ Emma shouted, as he headed for the stairs. ‘Can you tell me who it’s from?’

‘Sorry,’ he said, ‘I don’t carry that information. But head office might be able to help.’

‘Thanks,’ said Emma, closing the door.

She stared at the white envelope. She slid her finger under the rim and pulled out a card. It was a wedding card. Her first emotion was one of sadness. Someone hadn’t heard the news and had sent a card in ignorance – maybe one of her distant relations who couldn’t make the wedding itself. It was a lovely and obviously expensive card – beautifully decorated with “Happy Wedding Day” emblazoned on the front. But as she opened the card her stomach turned. The first thing she saw, tucked into the inside of the card, was a photograph of her on the doorstep outside the apartment, looking startled, illuminated against the dark background. Her hands shaking, she lifted up the photograph and read the short and sickening message on the card underneath. It was written in a shaking, baby-like scrawl.

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