The One You Love (28 page)

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Authors: Paul Pilkington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: The One You Love
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‘No.’ Will shook his head. ‘I won’t let him die.’

He headed for the phone and picked up the receiver.

‘Think about it, Will,’ Edward said, putting his hand over the telephone and cutting off the connection. ‘If we call an ambulance, the police will end up getting involved. How will we explain this?’ He held up the gun.

‘I don’t know. We can hide it.’

‘And when they ask us why we’re in his flat, what our relationship is with him, what are we going to say?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Exactly,’ Edward said, ‘you don’t know. Will, no matter what we do, he’s probably going to die anyway. Why should we throw everything away, trying to save a dead man? A man who has made your life hell? Why jeopardise everything for him?’

‘Because I’d never be able to forgive myself, Dad. Haven’t you got any conscience?’

‘How dare you,’ Edward said, rounding on his son. ‘Everything I’ve done – everything I’m doing now – is to protect you. Do you think I really want to be here, in this flat, wondering what to do with him?’ He jabbed a finger at Stuart. ‘I’m only here because of you.’

‘I’m sorry if you resent helping me.’

‘For God’s sake,’ Edward said, throwing his hands up in the air. ‘Will, don’t you see that this could be the end of your nightmare? All you have to do is walk away. You can leave this building and get on with your life. You just have to have the courage to do it.’

‘No. You go if you want to, but I can’t just leave him to die.’

‘Then you’re a bigger fool than I ever gave you credit for,’ Edward spat, turning and walking out of the flat.




‘Do you think Eric was telling the truth, about being threatened?’ Lizzy asked as they sat in Trafalgar Square.

‘He looked like he was,’ Emma said. ‘But if he was telling the truth, then I don’t know how that fits with everything else.’

‘I know,’ Lizzy said, pondering on the implications.

‘I was thinking,’ Emma said. ‘Whoever has Dan must have written that letter, pretending to be from him. The person who has Dan also accused you of having an affair with him. Why would they do that?’

‘I don’t know. I really don’t.’

‘But you know what this means,’ said Emma, realisation suddenly dawning. ‘Whoever has Dan knows us all. It’s probably someone close to us, Lizzy.’

‘What makes you think that?’ Lizzy looked shocked at the suggestion.

‘Well, they must do, otherwise how would they know about you, to include you in the letter? If it was someone that just knew Dan, they probably wouldn’t know anything about you.’

‘Okay,’ Lizzy said, not sounding as convinced. ‘But if it is someone who knows all three of us, then that narrows it down quite a lot. We’d be talking about someone really close, Em. Why would one of our friends kidnap Dan and attack Richard?’

‘I don’t know,’ Emma said, trying to think.

‘And why would they pretend to be Dan and say I was having an affair with him?’

‘No idea.’

‘Em,’ Lizzy said. ‘There could be another explanation.’

‘Go on.’

‘Maybe the person who sent the letters, and the person who threatened Eric, was Dan after all.’




Will replaced the receiver and moved across to Stuart, kneeling next to his head. ‘Don’t worry, mate, you’re going to be okay. The ambulance is on its way.’

He felt completely useless, and just had to hope that the ambulance would arrive quickly. He thought back to how his dad had just walked out. How could he have done that?

Then there was a knock on the outside door.

Will raised himself up and poked his head out of the kitchen, looking down the corridor at the door.

Again a knock – maybe his dad had come back, having had a change of heart. He took a step out and moved closer.

‘Stuart Harris?’ an unfamiliar voice bellowed.

Will froze to the spot.

‘Stuart Harris – this is the police. We’d like a word.’

Hell, Will thought. What would it look like if the police found him in the flat with Stuart dying? Would they think he’d forced him to take those tablets, in some sort of attempt to murder him?

He ducked into the room opposite, which turned out to be Stuart’s bedroom. He closed the door. His heart was pounding and his breath shallow. He just stood in the middle of the room, listening for the police.

But no one else spoke.

Had they gone?

He waited for a few more minutes, taking a look around the room. Stuart had a computer set up in the corner, and Will was surprised to find it on – currently the screensaver was running. Intrigued as to what Stuart had been typing just before his death, he slid into the chair and hit the space bar.

‘What the hell…’ he mouthed as the sickening image appeared on the screen.







The photo had been taken up close. Dan’s head was thrust back, his eyes bulging as if they were about to explode out from his head, and a gag visibly tight around his mouth – Will could make out marks on either side of Dan’s mouth where the gag had rubbed his skin raw. He was tied to a chair – you could just make out its back, and what looked like rope around Dan’s waist.

‘My God.’

Will’s first reaction was to switch the computer off, to get rid of the image. Then he wondered what else the computer might contain. But as he was about to grasp the mouse he suddenly thought of the police. They would be taking this computer as evidence. It was best if he left it alone. He rose from the chair, unable to keep his eyes from the image of Dan. He had been in trouble, all this time.

And it had been Stuart all along – just as he had first suspected. If only he had mustered the courage to tell Emma the truth at the outset.

He prayed it wasn’t too late to save Dan.

That’s when he began to search each room of the flat, just in case. But Dan wasn’t there.

He moved into the kitchen, breathless and panicky. Stuart was still out on the floor.

‘What the hell have you done?’ Will shouted. ‘What have you done?’

He looked towards the phone. The ambulance should be arriving soon. Then he remembered about the police. They might not have gone yet. And the sooner they were told about this, the better chance Dan might have.

‘I should have left you to die,’ Will said, before rushing out of the room. But even as he said those words, heading for the door, he knew he didn’t mean them. Whatever Stuart Harris had done, Will didn’t want any more blood on his hands. He was glad he had called the ambulance. At least then Stuart would face justice.

He would also be able to tell the police where Dan was – and if he was still alive.

How would he ever forgive himself if Dan were already dead? How would he face Emma?

Will caught sight of the car, parked a hundred or so metres away from the flats. There were two suited men standing next to the vehicle, deep in discussion.

‘Hey,’ he shouted, trying to attract their attention.

Gasnier and Davies turned around.

‘Are you the police?’ Will asked, screeching to a stop in front of them and shielding his eyes from the sun.

‘Who are you?’ Gasnier asked, refusing to answer the original question.

‘Will…Will Holden.’

‘Emma Holden’s brother?’ Gasnier was unable to hide his surprise.


‘I’m DI Gasnier. This is my colleague, DS Davies.’

‘Look,’ Will said, ‘you’ve got to come up to the flat. I’ve found something – about Dan.’

‘Tell us here,’ Gasnier demanded in a soft voice. ‘We’re not going anywhere until you explain everything.’

‘There’s an image on Stuart Harris’s computer.’

‘Go on.’

‘It’s a photograph of Dan – tied up. He’s in trouble. Stuart must have taken him.’

‘Do you know where Stuart Harris is?’

‘He’s in the flat. It looks like he tried to commit suicide.’

‘But he’s alive?’

‘I think so,’ Will said.

Just then they heard the sirens and an ambulance swerved in from the main road.

‘You called them?’ Gasnier said, looking back over his shoulder.

Will nodded.

‘Let’s take a look at this then,’ Gasnier said to Davies. ‘And you, Mr Holden, can come with us – I’ve got some questions for you.’



‘How long ago did you find him?’ the paramedic asked Will, as he knelt beside Stuart, carrying out various checks.

‘About twenty minutes ago,’ Will said, aware that Gasnier was looming over his shoulder, listening to every word.

‘But you don’t know how long he’s been out?’ the paramedic continued. ‘How long ago it was that he took the tablets?’

‘No,’ Will said. ‘I found him like this.’

‘If you do know, it would be a really big help,’ the paramedic pressed.

‘I don’t,’ Will protested. ‘I’m telling the truth.’

He might have just been paranoid but it looked as if the guy didn’t believe him – the way he just turned away without further question.

‘We need to talk,’ Gasnier said, almost whispering in his ear.

Will nodded, turning to face the detective.

‘You said you called the ambulance twenty minutes ago,’ Gasnier said, as they stepped out into the corridor.

Will nodded. He knew exactly where this was going. He noticed that the other officer had closed the door to Stuart’s bedroom, and was obviously looking on his computer.

‘And you remained in the flat after that time?’


‘Then you would have heard us knocking on the door ten or so minutes ago.’

Will remained silent. For all his good intentions, he was scared of what he had set in motion by going to the police.

‘You must have heard us knocking, Will,’ Gasnier pressed.

‘I didn’t,’ Will said, searching for a plausible explanation. ‘I was just trying to make sure that Stuart was okay. I can’t even remember what happened – I didn’t hear the knocking.’

‘And you’re sure of that?’ Gasnier said. ‘You didn’t hear us shouting “police”?’ He made imaginary quotation marks that seemed to ridicule Will’s ridiculous claim.

‘No,’ Will said. ‘Please believe me.’

‘You see, the thing is, Will,’ Gasnier said, smiling ruefully, ‘I just don’t believe you.’

‘But why?’

‘Because of this,’ Gasnier said, gesturing at his jacket and trousers.

‘I don’t understand,’ Will said, looking at Gasnier’s clothes for some explanation.

‘What car am I driving?’ Gasnier said.

‘I… I don’t know,’ Will admitted, now not understanding where the conversation was heading.

‘A BMW,’ Gasnier said, answering his own question. ‘An unmarked BMW. DS Davies and I aren’t in uniform. Yet you ran over to us, pretty damn certain that we were the police. How did you know that, Will? And please don’t tell me that it’s because we look like police officers – I don’t want to hear that.’

‘I panicked,’ Will admitted. ‘When I heard you at the door, I just panicked. I thought that it would just look bad – that you might think I had something to do with it.’

‘Why did you come to Stuart’s apartment, Will?’ Gasnier asked.

‘I came to… threaten him,’ Will said. ‘Look, I know this sounds really bad.’ He gripped the back of his neck with both hands. ‘And that’s why I panicked. But I’d already called the ambulance by that stage. I wasn’t going to leave him.’

‘Why were you going to threaten him?’

‘I wanted him to stay away from Emma. He really hurt her when he just walked out a few years ago, and I didn’t want him to do it again. I didn’t want him taking advantage of her when she was so upset about Dan.’

‘You didn’t think he was responsible for Dan’s disappearance?’

‘No. But I know now that he was.’

Gasnier waited a few seconds in quiet contemplation.

‘If there’s something you’re not telling me,’ he said at last, ‘something that could help us locate Dan, then you’re better off telling me now.’

Just then the bedroom door opened, saving Will from having to answer.

‘You’d better come and take a look at this,’ DS Davies said, beckoning Gasnier. Will made to follow him into the bedroom.

‘Not you,’ Gasnier said, placing a palm across his chest. ‘You wait there, and pray that Stuart Harris pulls through.’

Will watched as the door closed. He turned around just as the paramedics carried Stuart past on a stretcher.

‘Will he be okay?’ Will said, following them out of the flat and onto the landing.

‘Touch and go,’ the paramedic answered, ‘but we’ll do our best.’

Will watched helplessly, praying that this affair hadn’t claimed yet another victim.

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