The One You Love (30 page)

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Authors: Paul Pilkington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: The One You Love
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‘I’m afraid we won’t be able to ask Stuart anything,’ Gasnier said finally. ‘He died an hour ago. I’m sorry.’







‘I just can’t believe that Stuart would have done this,’ Emma said as they entered the flat.

They’d returned shortly after being told the news of Stuart’s death, deciding that there was little else they could do at the hospital. Richard needed to rest, and the police were taking things in hand. Emma had wanted to go and talk with Will, following the revelation that he had been in Stuart’s flat, but Lizzy persuaded her it was best to wait until the morning.

‘I can’t understand what he was thinking of,’ Emma continued, closing the door behind her. ‘What did he think he could gain by doing this?’

‘Maybe he wasn’t thinking,’ Lizzy offered, heading for the kitchen and filling up the kettle. ‘Maybe he was just doing whatever he thought it would take to win you back.’

‘You’re saying he did all this for love?’

‘Maybe. Love is a pretty strong emotion – it can make people do strange things – bad things. Just look at what Stephen Myers did to you – that was all supposedly for love.’

‘It’s not the kind of love that I recognise.’

‘It’s a warped version of love,’ Lizzy said. ‘Some of the worst things are done in the name of love.’

‘I’m the common factor here,’ Emma commented.

‘Don’t be silly,’ Lizzy chastised.

‘Stephen Myers loved me and he died. Stuart loved me and now he’s dead too. We don’t know if Dan is dead or alive…’

‘I’m certain that he’s alive, Em. The police will find him soon, you’ll see.’

‘I hope you’re right. It’s just that I can’t help thinking the worst. If Stuart did do all this to punish me, why would he keep Dan alive? What would he have to gain?’

‘Dan must have been still alive, to make the call to the wedding shop – when he cancelled the dress. You heard his voice, so it was definitely him.’

‘Yes,’ Emma agreed. ‘But maybe that was Stuart’s plan all along – to force Dan to call them, and make it look like he was just running out on me. In his mind, it would have set it up perfectly for us meeting again – I thought Dan had left me, and then Stuart comes back into my life, wanting to get back together.’

‘Sounds plausible.’

‘But what really worries me,’ Emma continued, ‘is what happened after Dan made that call. We know Stuart wrote the letter that was supposed to be from Dan. And he must have been the one using Dan’s mobile to text me.’

‘The note on the flowers,’ Lizzy said, ‘you said it was in Dan’s handwriting.’

‘Stuart could have forged that. But even if Dan was forced to write that, there’s been nothing since. He could have murdered Dan at any time.’

‘Do you really think he would be capable of murder?’

‘Who knows,’ Emma said. ‘Maybe Stuart killed himself because he couldn’t face what he’d done – maybe leaving the image of Dan on the computer screen was his suicide note.’




Emma knocked and waited for Will to answer. She needed answers to the myriad of questions that had kept her awake most of the night.

‘Emma,’ Will said, standing at the door. ‘You’d better come in.’

She followed him through into the lounge. He was still in his sleepwear, even though it was half past ten.

‘Want a drink?’ he asked.

Emma looked over at the messy breakfast bar and shook her head.

‘When did you get back from Canada?’ she asked, not wanting to waste any more time.

‘Yesterday,’ he replied.

‘You came back early,’ she noted, deliberately not sitting down.

‘Yes. I decided I was just running away – best to get back and face reality, like you said.’

He moved over to the kitchen and began clearing the plates, dropping them into the sink. Then he started the water and squeezed in some washing-up liquid.

‘You went to see Stuart,’ Emma said.

Will turned the tap off but didn’t turn around. ‘The police told you,’ he stated.

‘Yes,’ she answered. ‘They also told me what they found at his flat.’

‘I wanted to tell you last night,’ he said, turning around to face her. ‘But the police said they’d speak to you. I’ve just been waiting for you to arrive ever since. Have they found out any more about where Dan is?’

‘No. At least, they hadn’t found anything last night.’

‘And Stuart? Have they talked to him yet?’

‘He died,’ Emma said.

Will closed his eyes.




Will returned from the bathroom, his eyes red and puffy.

‘Sorry,’ he said, taking a seat next to Emma. ‘It’s just a shock,’ he said, pressing into the top of his nose. ‘I thought he was going to be all right.’

‘Will, why were you at Stuart’s flat?’

‘I wanted to warn him not to hurt you again. I was going to tell him to stay away from you.’

‘Okay,’ she said, waiting for more explanation.

‘I wasn’t going to hurt him,’ he pleaded. ‘Just warn him.’

‘What I don’t understand is, how did you know Stuart was back in contact with me?’

‘Dad called me.’

‘Right,’ Emma said, thinking about that. It made sense. The way her dad had flown off the handle when he found out she’d met Stuart again. He must have called Will shortly after that conversation.

‘I did it because I love you, Em,’ said Will. ‘I didn’t want to see you hurt again.’

‘What time did you arrive back in London?’


‘When did your flight land?’

‘Later in the afternoon.’

‘You went straight to Stuart’s from the airport.’

‘No…yes,’ he said. ‘I wanted to get it over with. The sooner we spoke to Stuart, the sooner we could forget about it.’


Will reddened.

‘How did you get from the airport to Stuart’s?’

‘Taxi,’ Will said.

‘You’re lying,’ Emma responded. ‘I know you, Will. I can tell. Please, don’t lie to me now. You went to Stuart’s flat with Dad.’

Will nodded.

‘But the police didn’t say anything about Dad being there,’ Emma pressed. ‘They just mentioned you.’

‘He left me. He did what he’s always done – he could have stayed, but he chose to leave, because the only person who he cares about is himself.’

‘Unfortunately, I can believe that.’

Will lowered his head and gripped his hair. ‘This is all such a mess,’ he said, starting to sob. ‘I’m sorry, Em.’




Richard could hear voices. First they were distant, spiralling around in the darkness like spectres. Then the volume increased, the clarity sharpened, and he could make out two voices: his own, and Dan’s.

You ready for tonight?

Ready as I’ll ever be.

It’s your last night of freedom – better make the most of it, Danny Boy.

The images came next – a strobe-effect sequence of flashes. He was in Dan’s apartment – kitchen, lounge, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, bathroom.

Then a doorbell rang.

Can I help you?

A figure loomed up in front of him.

Richard’s eyes snapped open, his breathing heavy, his sheets wet with sweat. Standing on the outside of the hospital room, looking in with his face pressed up against the glass, was a man. The man’s eyes burned into him, and the sight chilled him to the bone. He blinked and the figure was gone. At first he thought the guy had been really standing there, but it must have been just a hangover from the dream. Things were still hazy, reality blurring with imagination.

But one thing was clear; that was the man.

He was starting to remember.







‘Am I glad to see you,’ Richard said, as Emma walked into the hospital room.

‘Nice to hear it,’ Emma smiled, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. She looked at Richard. He looked better than last night, which wasn’t difficult, but he still appeared drugged-up and groggy.

‘Have the police been in touch?’ Richard asked, closing his eyes briefly as if he had just suffered a blast of pain.

‘No,’ Emma said, ‘no news, I’m afraid.’

‘Right.’ Richard grimaced.

‘Are you okay?’ Emma rose from the chair. ‘I can get a nurse.’

‘It’s fine. The doc said I would get some twinges from time to time. My body’s way of telling me that it’s still functioning.’

‘I guess that’s good news then.’

‘We could do with some good news,’ Richard noted sadly. ‘Em, I don’t know how you’ve coped with these last couple of weeks.’

‘I had no choice.’

Richard broke out into a series of gasping coughs.

‘Are you sure you’re all right?’ Emma said, the panic rising. She couldn’t face losing someone else close to her.

Richard nodded.

‘I’m starting to remember,’ he announced, in between the trailing coughs. ‘About that night.’

‘Really?’ Emma tried desperately not to get her hopes up.

‘It’s all pretty vague. But there was another person in your flat.’


Richard looked vague.

‘Sorry,’ she said, realising her error, ‘you don’t even know who Stuart is. He’s an ex-boyfriend of mine, who the police think might have taken Dan and attacked you.’

‘The police told me about him.’

‘What else can you remember about that night?’

‘I keep dreaming about it. It’s like a nightmare. There are shapes and voices – I’m pretty sure there was a fight. But I don’t know what it was about.’

‘It’s okay,’ Emma said soothingly, noting Richard’s anguished expression. ‘You’ll probably remember more things, given time.’

‘But we haven’t got time.’

Emma couldn’t argue with that.

‘This morning,’ Richard said, ‘when I woke up, I saw the man. He was staring at me through the window. I blinked and he was gone.’

‘It was part of your dream?’

‘I think so. I think it was just my imagination. But it seemed real.’

‘Maybe it was one of the hospital staff?’

‘No,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘It was him – I was really scared, Em.’

‘What did he look like?’

‘Quite old, middle-aged maybe. It’s hard to say. Dark hair, I think. I don’t know, Em. I’m sorry.’

‘It’s okay,’ she said, wondering whether Richard was actually capable of remembering anything accurately. If the person in the flat had been middle-aged, then it would rule out Stuart.

‘Do you think Dan is still alive?’ Tears welled up in Richard’s eyes. ‘I don’t know what I’d do if anything bad has happened to him. He’s not just my brother, he’s my best friend. I really love him, Em. I was looking forward to being his best man.’

‘I know,’ Emma said, bending forward and embracing him, whilst trying to hold back the tears. ‘We’ve just got to pray that he’s okay.’




Edward waited until Miranda had left the house. He watched her from the window, before heading for the study. And even though there was no one else in the house he closed the door behind him before taking the gun out of the desk drawer. He just stared at it as it lay there in the palm of his hand.

When the phone rang he nearly dropped it in his panic.

He placed the gun back in the drawer and reached for the phone. His hands were shaking.

‘Hi, Dad,’ Will said, his voice solemn. ‘Have you heard the news?’

‘No,’ Edward said, closing the drawer. ‘I haven’t heard anything.’

‘Stuart’s dead,’ Will announced.

Edward had to stop himself from saying “good”. He satisfied himself with a smile. ‘Maybe it’s for the best,’ he said.

‘They still haven’t found Dan,’ Will said, ignoring the remark. ‘They don’t even know if he is alive.’

‘Right. Let’s hope things turn out okay.’

‘Things aren’t okay.’

The line went dead.

Edward held on to the receiver. Maybe it was better if Dan was dead. He was a witness, after all. And who knows what Stuart might have told him. Sure, it would be hard for Emma at first, but he would help her get over it. This time he wouldn’t desert her, or Will.

He had a second chance to be a good, loving father.




Lizzy was halfway through the matinee performance when she noticed the man in the audience. He was in an end seat, towards the middle of the stalls. It was really difficult to get a clear view of him – the audience was mostly in darkness, and she had to concentrate on performing – but from the stolen glances he looked familiar. She just couldn’t place where she had seen him before.

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