The One You Love (31 page)

Read The One You Love Online

Authors: Paul Pilkington

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: The One You Love
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The freaky thing was that whenever she did look over, he seemed to be focussing solely on her. It made her feel uncomfortable, and when she saw him rise from the seat and head down the aisle she hoped he wouldn’t come back.

He didn’t return, but she was still unnerved as she returned to the dressing room after the performance. She was also annoyed that she couldn’t remember who the man had reminded her of.

She spent most of the hurried journey back to the flat looking over her shoulder, trying to pick out the man in the crowds. But she didn’t see him. She was nearing the flat when she suddenly remembered who the man had resembled.

It couldn’t be, could it?

She picked up the pace – there was something she needed to check out. Then she would call Emma with the news.







Edward had just knocked back his second whiskey when the doorbell rang. At first he let it go, but remembering Miranda was out he made his way to answer it.

‘Hi, you must be Edward,’ said the man at the door, holding out his hand and smiling. ‘Is Miranda there?’ He lowered his hand, while Edward’s hands remained clasped around the doorframe.

‘She’s out,’ Edward replied, trying to think who this guy could be. He didn’t look familiar.

‘It’s just that we arranged to meet.’

‘Who are you?’ Edward checked himself. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. You’re a friend of Miranda?’

‘Uncle.’ He smiled. ‘She forgot to tell you I was coming?’

‘She hasn’t mentioned anything.’

‘Same old Miranda, never was the best at remembering things. I imagine the pregnancy is playing havoc with her memory too.’

‘It is,’ said Edward, relaxing a little. ‘So you’re her…’

‘Dad’s brother.’

‘Right,’ Edward said.

Miranda had never spoken much of her family. It wasn’t surprising, seeing as though her parents had as good as disowned her for moving in with him.

‘I’ll give Miranda a call sometime,’ said the man, backing away from the door. ‘Let her know that I was here, will you?’

‘Hang on,’ Edward said. ‘She’ll be back in a minute – she’s only gone to the shops. You can wait in here if you like.’




‘It’s good to finally meet you,’ the man said, stretching back on the sofa. ‘Miranda has told me a lot about you.’

‘She has?’ Edward said, sitting in the opposite chair.

‘You seem surprised.’

‘I am,’ Edward admitted. ‘I didn’t realise she spoke to her family about me.’

‘Oh, I know more about you than you’d imagine,’ the man said, now glancing around the room in a way that set Edward’s suspicions on alert.

‘You sure you don’t want a drink?’ Edward asked. ‘I can do alcohol – beer, wine, spirits?’

‘Better not,’ replied the man, still looking around the room. ‘I’m driving.’

‘Miranda should be back any minute.’ Edward looked at his watch. Or at least he hoped she would be back soon – he didn’t think he could take much more of being in this guy’s company.

‘Sorry to hear about your recent troubles,’ the man said, his attention suddenly switching back to Edward.


‘It must be very hard for Emma.’

‘What are you talking about?’ Edward replied, feeling more uncomfortable by the second.

‘Emma. It must be difficult dealing with all those troubles – her fiancé disappearing like that, just before they were due to get married.’

‘Miranda told you about that, did she?’

‘And now her ex-boyfriend has committed suicide hasn’t he – Stuart,’ said the man, evading the question. ‘Must be really hard for her to deal with.’

‘How do you know about Stuart?’

‘Haven’t you seen today’s newspapers?’ said the man incredulously. ‘The story is in a few of them.’

‘Emma will be okay.’ Edward wondered what exactly the newspapers had said and whether Emma had seen them herself. ‘We’ll look after her.’

‘It’s lucky she’s got her family around her for support.’ The man smiled strangely.

‘What is it?’ Edward asked, his anger growing. ‘I fail to see what’s so funny about all this. My daughter has been to hell and back these past few weeks, and those scumbags in the media treat it like some form of cheap entertainment.’

‘I know. I’m sorry; I wasn’t smiling at what Emma has been through. I was smiling at what you are going through, Edward.’

‘What? I don’t understand,’ Edward said, facing the man out.

‘You will,’ he replied.

‘What’s that supposed to mean? Who the hell are you?’

‘How’s Will? I hear that he’s not been very well recently.’

‘Who are you?’ Edward repeated.

‘Think about it,’ the man replied, tapping a finger to the side of his head. ‘Think carefully, Edward.’

Edward stood up. ‘You’d better go.’

‘I thought you might want to hear the rest of what I’ve got to say,’ the man replied.

‘I don’t want to hear anything,’ Edward responded. ‘Get out,’ he shouted, pointing towards the door.

‘Do you know how I felt when I heard that Stuart Harris was dead?’ the man asked, getting up from the chair.

‘Go,’ demanded Edward.

‘I felt as though all this had been worth it,’ continued the man, moving close to Edward’s face until there was barely air between them. ‘It felt good, really good. I couldn’t believe my luck when I broke into the flat and found him dying on the floor. I was tempted to finish him off myself, just to make sure, but I wasn’t there for that – I had a present to leave him on his computer. A photo gift. It’s amazing how much you can learn from a photo, Edward. I learnt so much from what I found last month. They’d been waiting for me to find them, for all these years. It set me on the road to the truth.’

He smiled and Edward flinched.

‘You know, it seemed fitting that Stuart Harris ended his own pitiful life. That’s what you’ve turned me into, Edward – someone who delights in another person’s death.’

‘I don’t know who you are. Please leave me and my family alone.’

‘Soon,’ the man said, heading for the exit.

Edward followed him to the door, longing to strike down hard on the back of his neck. But he simply opened the door and watched the man step out onto the driveway, where he then paused.

‘Do you know what it’s like to really hurt?’ the man said, turning around and walking back towards Edward. ‘To hurt so much that it takes all your energy just to get out of bed in the morning.’

‘Leave,’ Edward said.

‘This is your fault.’

‘I don’t even know you,’ Edward insisted. ‘I think you need to get help.’

The man laughed to himself, as if remembering a private joke. ‘Soon you’ll know what it’s like to really hurt, to lose the one you love.’

Edward was chilled by the threat. ‘What the hell is that supposed to mean?’

But the man didn’t reply; he just turned and walked away.









Emma stayed for another hour, watching Richard sleep. The answers to what had happened that night were locked up there in his head, but would he ever be able to retrieve them? She had just left the hospital when her mobile rang.

‘Emma, it’s Guy Roberts here.’

‘Hi,’ Emma said, caught by surprise. All the business with the film now seemed a world away, dropping right off the list of her priorities.

‘Can we meet up?’ he asked. ‘I need to speak with you.’

‘It’s not really a good time,’ Emma said. ‘There’s a lot going on. I can’t really deal with anything at the moment.’

‘I heard about Stuart. It’s terrible news.’

‘Yes. I’m sorry; I should have remembered that you were friends.’

‘It’s fine. Well, you know what I mean.’

‘I think so.’

‘I’d really like to talk. It’s about what has happened. There’s something that you need to know.’




‘Thanks for coming over,’ said Guy, as he ushered Emma inside. ‘Come in, take a seat.’

Emma followed him through into the lounge and sat down.

‘Drink?’ he asked.

‘I’m okay,’ Emma said.

‘How are you doing?’ Guy sat down opposite her. ‘I know it’s a terrible time for you.’

‘I’m dealing with it.’

‘Still no news on your fiancé?’

‘No. The police are looking, but I haven’t heard anything yet.’

‘It’s terrible.’

‘You said you wanted to tell me something. Is it about Stuart?’

Guy nodded, appearing to steel himself for the conversation to come. ‘The police think Stuart had something to do with your fiancé disappearing, don’t they?’

‘Yes,’ Emma said.

‘He didn’t,’ Guy replied. ‘I’m sure he didn’t have anything to do with it.’

‘What makes you so sure?’

Guy looked down towards his right, in thought. ‘Because I asked him, and he swore to me that he had nothing to do with it.’

‘You asked him whether he had kidnapped Dan?’ Emma said, shocked at the revelation. ‘What made you even ask him? When did you ask him?’

‘I asked him two weeks ago,’ Guy admitted. ‘I just wanted to be sure – to hear him say that he didn’t have anything to do with it.’

‘Two weeks ago? That would be about the time Dan disappeared.’

Guy nodded.

‘I don’t understand,’ Emma said. ‘Why would you even think of asking Stuart that question at that time?’

Guy blew out his cheeks and ran a hand through his hair. ‘I’m afraid I’ve not been straight with you, Emma. I’m sorry – but hopefully I can start to make amends now.’

‘What is it?’ she pressed.

‘I always knew that Stuart wanted you back. That day, when you asked who had recommended you for the part and I didn’t want to tell you, it was an act. Stuart wanted me to tell you. He was hoping you would ask.’

Emma shook her head. ‘So everything to do with the film role – the initial recommendation, the auditions, your compliments – was all just a way for Stuart to try and win me back?’

‘Initially,’ Guy admitted. ‘But I swear that once I saw you at the reading, then that wasn’t an act. I did want you for the movie – and I still do.’

‘But Stuart still planned this, with your help.’


Emma thought about that for a moment. ‘What I don’t understand is why you would help Stuart out. What made you do this?’

‘Because I felt I owed him something.’

‘Owed him something?’ Emma echoed. ‘How do you mean?’

‘This is difficult,’ he said, rubbing his chin. ‘Stuart and I have been through a lot together. You know we knew each other, but he never told you where we met, did he?’

‘No. I assumed it was through television contacts, or maybe he’d auditioned for a part in a movie you were casting.’

‘No,’ Guy said. ‘It wasn’t anything to do with the industry. We met at a support group. A mental health support group.’



‘A few years ago, I was going through a really bad time,’ Guy said, now clutching a drink. ‘I was depressed – not for any particular reason, which I guess makes it all the more depressing. I’d been seeing a shrink for a while. He helped a bit, but I was getting pretty lonely. Then one day I saw a leaflet for a local mental health support group, so I thought, what the hell, what had I got to lose?’

‘And Stuart was also in that group?’ Emma asked.

‘His psychiatrist recommended it to him,’ Guy said.

‘Psychiatrist? I know things weren’t right, that he was having a tough time mentally, but I never imagined he’d have sought professional help. He never mentioned anything to me. So that was how long ago?’

‘About three years ago,’ he replied.

‘It must have been right after he walked out on me.’

‘It was,’ he replied, surprising Emma at his certainly of that fact.

‘How do you know that?’ she asked.

‘Because he spoke about you at the group,’ he explained. ‘He told us all how much he regretted walking out on you – how much he loved you.’

‘Then why walk out?’

‘He’d been forced to leave you.’

‘Forced? By what?’

‘He never told us the full details,’ Guy replied. ‘As a group, it was always made clear that we should never push people. As far as the group were concerned, Stuart had a right to tell as little or as much as he wanted. And anyway, I expect most of the group were also keeping big secrets. I know I was.’

‘You said you owed him something,’ Emma said.

‘We became friends,’ Guy continued. ‘He really helped me through a pretty bad time – a time when I considered suicide. If it hadn’t been for Stuart, I really believe that I would be dead by now.’

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