The Perfect Woman (19 page)

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Authors: Jesse Abundis

BOOK: The Perfect Woman
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              “ Sleep well, my angel. You have such an adventure ahead of you.”




Chapter 34

Hold Your Tongue



Caroline could feel warm droplets of water splashing onto her face, the smell of iron in the air, the sound of tools being tossed around. She could feel someone’s finger digging into her mouth, she could hear his mutters and the hint of joy in his voice. She slowly began to open her eyes, finding it a task in itself, but once they were open, she was welcomed to the site of Jacob holding a knife in his hand, with two metal claps pulling out something pink and spongy from her mouth. Caroline tried speaking, only to fail. Soon the realization began to set in and the words he told her as she looked at his deformed creation.
“ I‘m certain you know what part you‘ll be.”
made sense, those claps were pulling out her tongue.

              She tired to pull herself up, but she was tied down to the makeshift operating table. It was for her own well begin as she soon noticed, that her jaw had been pulled open, it seem to hang lose, resting on her clavicle bone. The pain had yet set in, no doubt aided by the sedative that was in the water.

              Jacob snickered as she wiggled around. “ Stop it, you’re just going to damage yourself. This will be over soon.” Jacob needed to have a bigger entry to remove the tongue completely, He was forced to crack open the jaw, to get a better reach inside her mouth, it pained him to cause her this much discomfort, but it would be over soon. “ Once that tongue is out, you’ll get to live the life you really wanted.”

              Caroline sobbed helpless on the table, she looked into his eyes, hoping to find some remorse, but there was none. He used a scalpel to began cutting into her tongue, the first incision was a small blinding pinch, then came the torment of her feeling the knife cut around the back of the mouth, seconds later the blood rushed from inside her mouth, her screams silenced by the blood going down her throat. Jacob’s eyes almost seemed regretful as he continued to saw away her tongue. “ Scream, release the pain.” He instructed her.

              All Caroline could do was contort her body and thrash around the table to relieve the pain and anger.  She tried to scream as Jacob had told her too, only to choke on the blood pouring down her throat, tasting the pain and suffering her body was in.

              Moments later it came to an end, she could hear the clamps drop to the floor, Jacob hid her tongue from sight. He seemed to cradled it in his arms as a new born child. “ You’re beautiful.” He looked over at Caroline who was choking as her mouth over flowed with blood. He place the tongue into an ice box and walked towards Caroline. “ You’re free, you don’t have to suffer with pain anymore.” He undid the straps from her head, placed his hands on each side of her head. “ Be with your sisters.” He whispered into her ear, before snapping her neck.

“ I’m free.”
The last single thought to run into Caroline’s mind before passing on.

              Soon after silence fell over the room. The man name Jacob was left holding the dead body of his once companion, he stood over the body for minutes on in, shivering uncontrollably, as a mix bag of emotions ran through him each second. He let out a cry of pain, then of joy as the minutes passed. This was his time to grieve her passing but celebrate her new beginning. It was a relaxing moment that soothed his inner demon, but this would come to an end as the phone on the ground began to ring. “What now?” He placed Caroline's body to rest and hurried to the phone.

              “ What is it!?” He growled at the caller, the only person who had his number, for ruining his moment. He would rip their heart for this incident, that he was sure of, but the words they utter on the phone ended his rage and sent him in a tailspin. “ Tell me everything.”




Chapter 35



“ How do I know you didn’t do something to me, plant something in my head, make me see something that wasn’t there. For all I know, I could still be asleep.” Karen smoked like a chimney, as she looked outside Scott’s Kitchen window, letting the fumes vent out into the hot musky air. “ Still on your couch, waiting for you to wake me up.”

              “ First, That’s an interesting theory, if we were in a movie or in a book, but we’re not. This is reality.” He said to her, cleaning the sweat off his forehead. “ Second, where do you get off blaming me for what happened two nights ago.” He spat his anger at her.

              Karen flicked her cigarette out the window the moment he rose his voice, she shot him a glance that only a few men have lived to tell about it. Scott nervously pushed himself a few inches away from the table, before uttering another word. “ But third,” He smartly said. “ maybe it’s no one’s fault.”

              Karen rolled her eyes at him. “ What did I see, why am I still seeing them every time I fall to sleep?” She slammed her fist on the table, Scott jumped out of his seat and decide to share his input from the living room. “ You need to help me out.” She pulled out another cigarette to calm her nerves.

              “ I’m trying to, but you can’t go all violent on me!” Scott pleaded. He paced around the living room, regretting his choice of profession, if he had to deal with people like this, maybe he was better off giving blow jobs in back alleys. “ Got that?” He said to her, Karen didn’t respond, she just looked out the window. “ Look, the type of exercise I put you under was meant to help you,” Karen chuckled, he ignored it and continued. “ relax, bring a sense of calm, mellow you out.”

              “ Relax,” She shook her head. “ You did a bang up job on that.”

              Scott threw his hands into the air. “ What the fuck do you want from me, you came to me, not the other way around.”

              “ I want the fucking truth.” She screamed at him.

              “ Fine, you want it.” He stood his ground. “ Let me give you the quick easy version of it. You buried something so deep into that crazy mind of yours, you really thought no one would ever find. But, last night, we made a small crack, and that's all it took to let everything come pouring back in.” He walked closer to her. “ You put up a wall in your own mind, to keep yourself safe, to keep everything in, but we broke it. Now everything  is coming at you like a tsunami.”

              “ How do I stop it?” She said to him.

              “ You don’t, you just pray you survive the outcome.”




Chapter 36

There’s No Going Back


“ It all has to burn, it all has to burn, it all has to burn, just burn it, burn it, burn it!”
A shadowy figured tossed items into a burning fire, mumbling those same words repeatedly as if they were a prayer to save his soul from total damnation.

              “ Hey, daddy, we going to drive around all night,” The driver snapped out of his dazed, washing the image from his head, lost somewhere in some dark lonely highway. “ or are we going to fuck?” Denise Hillshire, or Sarah as she was going by tonight, drank down a bottle of cheap wine  as she was driven around the city for the past hour  in the middle of the night by her client that had paid for her service. He was a tall build man, with dark hair, eyes that seem to take notice of his surroundings , he called himself Billy, she knew that was a fake. All of her clients used alias, all of them married men with the urge to drop their load into another woman's cunt, it gave them a sense of adventure and the freedom to bark orders at them, what they couldn‘t do with their wives. “ I’m not complaining, but I’d never had a client who just wanted to drive around all night. But hey, it‘s your dime. ” She tossed the empty bottle to the back and kicked up her bare feet on the dashboard.

              Denise was just twenty-one, but looked to be in her late thirties, the effect of cocaine, acid, and crystal meth that was poured into her body on a daily basis. A little for fun, a little to numb reality, a little to make the pain of life go away. She knew people saw the worst in her, saw a ruined life, it made her job easier to do. You couldn't be hurt, if you had nothing to give.

              The old beaten up Chevy truck made a stop at the broken down neighborhood of Harlem. Old abandoned buildings from miles on down, no one in sight, the perfect spot to leave a lifeless body without having to watch over your back, which put Billy‘s mind at ease, or as people really called him Brian Klecko.

              He planned everything down to the T. He stole this black worn out Chevy truck from a chop shop in the Bronx, no one was going to call the cops about that. Hidden under the compartment of the trunk was everything he needed to wipe his prints off the car and expose the body. He wore all black clothing as not to stand out like a sore thumb, this way he could blend in with the night. The only thing left in his mind was how he planned to murder Denise, he had a hunters knife hidden under his seat, and a 9MM canceled under his black camo jacket. The knife could make things messy, while the 9MM handgun would surely draw attention to himself, how his heart raced with anticipation, so many ways to kill, each one sounding so promising and exciting. He could easily reach up to her and choke the life out of her thin rotting  body. Just looking  at the disease eating away at her, put Klecko’s mind at ease. This was a mercy kill, he was sparing this lifeless husk out of her misery and sending her to a better place.

              “ This is it.” He said to her. His hands shook nervously, he played with the corner of his camo jacket, trying to soothed his nerves.

              “ You a first timer, baby.” Denise giggled, showing her stain teeth. “ Let your bad little girl fix that.” She reached to unzip his jeans, rubbing her hand down his crotch. “ All better ?” She asked, but Klecko just hung his head down. “ What’s wrong?”

              He leap like a predator the moment an opening was given to him, he slammed Denise's head against the passenger window, causing it to splinter, traces of blood where left in the shards of glass. His heart began to race, He never knew that he could do such a thing, but here he was on his first hunt, trying to kill his first pray. It was revitalizing.

              He reached at the bottom of his seat to retrieve the hunters knife he had brought with him, but it seem to slip further down from the drive. As he fumbled to grab the knife, Denise drove her foot to his face repeatedly, enough force to daze Klecko and send his head bashing to his side window.  He never expected a strung out hooker to pack that much strength into her kicks, he had underestimated her.

              Denise screamed and shoved opened the passenger door. She stumbled to the floor, yelling for help. “ Jesus, someone help me!” She cried out, but there was no one to be seen.

              “ Fuck !” This wasn’t how Klecko have envisioned the hunt, it was meant to be a nice clean kill, he could only curse at himself for wasting so much time like a bumbling idiot. After a few seconds of probing,  he retrieved the knife and dashed out of his car to silence her screams. “ Shut the fuck up,” He tackled her to the wet pavement. Klecko stared frantically to each side, hoping her screams for help didn’t draw any unwanted visitors, but there was no one in sight.

              “ Don’t kill me.” She cried. “ I don’t want to die.”

              “ Look at you! “ He turned her over and sat on top of her chest, pinning her arms down with his legs. “ Your nothing but a wasted piece of skin, I’m doing you a favor by putting you out of your misery.”

              “ No, please. I can change, just let me go.” The tears ran down her face. “ Please, I won’t tell anyone, just let me go.”

              Klecko scoffed at her. “ Will you suck my cock for free?” He dangled the offer jokingly over her.

              “ Anything you want, I like to suck cock.” She licked her lips, telling him whatever he wanted to hear, as long as he allowed her to live. “ I won’t charge you anything.”

              “ Really, can I do you right now ?”

              “ Yeah, I’m all yours.” She smiled, only to have him laugh at her and spit on her face.

              “ You fucking whore.” He wanted her to embarrass herself, to sell out like she had been doing for life, he want to shattered every bit of her soul. “ Man, you’re just a laugh riot.”

              “ Fuck you, you mother fucker! “ She screamed at him, her face turning red with rage, she wanted this person she knew as Billy to rot in hell for eternity. Klecko slapped the knife around her cheeks and her neck, taunting her as where he would stab her.

              “ What was that?” He laughed as she cried, he slipped himself below her stomach and pretend to ride her. “ You like that?”

              “ Stop it, just stop it, you sick fu----”  Before she could finish her sentence, the knife slammed into her chest. Her eyes widen as the cold steel pierced her heart, there was no screams, just acceptance.

              “How does it feel to die?” Klecko salivated from the look in her eyes, he pulled the knife out of her and asked once more. “ How does it feel to die?” before plunging into her chest a second time. The blood dripped from her mouth, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.  The last image of a smiling detective twisting the knife into her chest.

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