The Perfect Woman (17 page)

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Authors: Jesse Abundis

BOOK: The Perfect Woman
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              Scott cleared his throat once more to proceed. “ As I was saying, I need you to relax, don’t think of anything, forget the past, forget the future, forget the now, let yourself drift away, just slowly drift away.” Karen felt the urge to punch them both in the neck for making her go through this, what was the point, see a few fancy psychedelic colors as she closed her eyes, she could do the same with a bit of acid. “ Just listen to my voice, let my voice be your guide, we’re going to count backwards from ten, alright.” Every instinct in her body told her to get off this couch and just go home, they had a case to follow up on, they had dinner, they were free to leave. “ ten, nine, eight, feel yourself  drift away, seven, six, feel every thing around..” She wanted to hate herself for being here, this was no time for kid games…





She could hear Scott’s voice as a distant echo, no longer here or now, but lost somewhere in the next world, her eyes opened to darkness, nothing around her or under, but she could feel the cold sensation of wet grass between her toes, the breeze of the cold night air brushing her neck.




From within the darkness she could see a shiny little light glowing from afar.




“ It’s a light.” She smiled, walking closer to the glow, every step forward the small glow of light began to soar in size. The grass underneath her feet began to come into focus, the glen of green was starting to appear from the shadows. She felt so free in this place, somewhere out there home was calling out to her.

              She raced to catch the beautiful light, but the closer she got, the more she knew this light was far from beautiful, it was a raging fire that consumed a white two story house in the middle of nowhere, with an oak tree, yards from the carnage. “ I don’t want to be here.” Karen muttered.




She inched her way closer to the oak tree that had a view of the entire mayhem, doing so she could see a large shadowy figure standing beside it, laughing as it watched the fire, the grass under her began to stick to the souls of her feet. “ What’s going on!?” Karen began to panic. “ Help!” She called out to the dark figure.

              “ Why should I?” The dark figured spoke in a demonic voice, turning it’s head slightly, letting the fire cast it’s shadow over it. Karen was lost for words as two animal like ears  soar from it’s head. “You were never very nice to me to begin with.” Karen tried to walk closer to it, but the grass held her down, she glance to see what was happening, only to find the green grass turn into a murky pool of blood. She screamed as loud as she could, hoping for someone to wake her from this nightmare. “ I miss that scream, how long has it been?” The dark figured began to approach her, it’s arms wide open ready to embrace in a hug, all she could do was cry and try to yank her foot from the pool of blood that was sinking her to the bottom.

              “ Stay away, stay away!’ Karen tugged harder and harder. “ Wake up!” She cried.




              “ There’s no waking up, dear.” Karen could see it’s dark hollow eyes concealed behind a rabbit mask. “ You’re meant to be here with me.”

              “ No, for the love of God, wake me up!” She begged, thrashing back and forth.



              She could feel it’s breath on her.



              She could hear screams calling out from the distance


              She jumped up from the couch  shoving poor Scott down to the floor, she gasped for air as she ran towards the door. “ Karen, stop!” Peewee tried to calm her down, but she bolted out from the apartment with the image of the pool of blood that sunk her deeper and deeper into the unknown. She ran down the stairwell still feeling that mask figure behind her, she could still hear it‘s giggles, it’s breath behind her neck, mocking her, warning her that it was still there. She ran out of the apartment complex stumbling on the asphalt, but still not enough to stop her from taking off into the night, she needed to get away from everything, Peewee, the apartment, herself. “ Karen, where are you!” Peewee voice echoed through the streets, looking for her like a frantic parent, wondering where she had gone.               After a few blocks from her home, she allowed herself to slow down her pace, and take a moment to collect herself. “ What the hell was that?” She muttered to herself before hailing down a cab.

              “ Where you're going, lady? “ The driver asked.

              “ Somewhere far away.” She said to him.



Chapter 29



“ I feel closer to you, more than I ever had in my life, I want us to be together.” A faceless woman spoke to her reflection in the mirror, brushing back her hair that fell in clomps on the floor. “ Papa, I want you to be with me.” Soon she would be bald, scraping the skin off her skull, never once screaming as the blood flung from the brush, peeling away until she hit bone, Klecko could only stare in shock at the image as he stood outside this woman’s bedroom.

Why are you so scared of this?” He could hear a dark hollow voice whisper into his ear. “ Isn’t this your thing?”
              “ No, stop it.” He pleaded as he held his eyelids shut, but still in the darkness he could see everything.

              “ Why are you scared, you think you might like it too much?” It giggled, mocking his fear. “ Why deny, just embrace it.”

              “ I’m not a monster, I’m not a monster.” He repeated over again, trying to make those words sound truthful as possible.

              “ Are you certain of that?” The voice scratched the inside of his fragile mind.

              “ Stop it, just stop it!” He screamed compressing his hands to his ears, trying to keep the whisper from seeping in.

              “ Are you so scared of yourself, that you’ll hide who you are?”

              The image of the young woman was gone, he was no longer standing outside her bedroom, now he was stuck in his own. The windows were painted black,  as to keep the day out, the sunlight fought to break through the darkness, but failed to make a dent. The entrance had been barricaded shut, to keep people out, or to keep something in. Everything in his bedroom was stripped clean, even the carpet was ripped off the floor, only leaving the wood underneath. He paced back and fourth, unaware how he got here. This should have made him feel uneasy, scared, frightened for his life, but it wasn’t. He enjoyed the isolation. He was free to think, hear his own voice, something that neglected him since coming to this city.

              He rubbed his head against the painted windows, feeling the warmth fighting it’s way in, hoping to shed the paint and light his darken room. But it was a losing battle.

              He  could hear faint mumbles coming from behind him, moans of agony and despair. He slowly turned around to see a young naked woman strapped down to a chair, her eyes blindfolded, her mouth duck taped. He approached her carefully, studying her from head to toe, he walked around, letting his fingers touch her skin, the young woman mumbled more. He looked around the dark room, making sure no one was hidden within the corners, as he took his time to molest her. It was as if he had no control over what he was doing, his mind was telling him to stop, but his body wanted him to continue. He enjoyed the weakness of this helpless woman, she had no chance of fighting back or call for help. She belonged to him, and only him.

              “ Enjoying yourself.” A dark unfamiliar voice spoke out to him, chuckling as Klecko flinched  back like a scared child caught in a dirty deed. “ You were having fun a minute ago, why stop because of me?”

              Klecko's eyes focused at the darkness, but he couldn’t see anyone, the sweat from the excitement was drenching down his back. “ Stay away, she’s mine!” He barked at the intruder.

              “ Like a dog fighting for a bone.” A loud thundering clap echoed the room. “ I’m proud of you.”

              Klecko forced his fingers into the young woman's crotch, she bucked in her chair, enjoying the sensation. “ I’ll do what I want with her and no one is going to stop me.” He gnawed on her face, like a rabid animal eating the flesh off a weakened pray. The young woman moaned of pleasure as Klecko ripped the flesh from her bones, she wanted his belly to be filled with her flesh and blood, she wanted him to digest every ounce of her.

              “ You need to be set free, stop fighting your true nature, it’s nothing you should be scared of. It’s pure natural instinct !” Screamed the voice over and over as Klecko feasted on the young woman. “ Open the doors and let yourself out!”

              He slowly awakened from his deep sleep, perching himself up to reflect on everything. “ That isn't me, just stop, just stop.” He shivered in his bed, trying to reject such a crazy lust to bloom in his head. He fought for hours trying to it push back, keep it away, but it wasn‘t happening, the longer it prolonged in his mind, it became like a cancer spreading like wild fire. Taking fear away and leaving a smile on his face. “ I know what I am.”



Chapter 30

Finding The Right Match


The first couldn’t just be any random person, it needed to be done right, it needed to be perfect, no mistakes, no chance of coming back to bite him in the ass. Klecko knew where to find such a victim.

              He came prowling before sunrise into the precinct, a couple of odd and shock expressions were thrown at Klecko’s way, he was never around this early, last time he roamed these halls this early was with the Miller case, after that he was a ghost. “ Good morning.” He said to them with his fake plastered smile, as he headed towards his office, keeping his eyes to the floor, knowing the shame of what he was here to do.

              The moment he set foot in his office, he closed the door behind and hurried over to his computer.  He entered his password, waited for a few seconds for the program to start, once it popped on the screen he was free to start probing through the latest list of people they had hauled in from last night, looking for his prey. “ What am I doing?” He muttered to himself as he started scrolling through the names, feeling all like a bad dream, he could see the craze man scrolling the names, he was just on the outside looking in.

              He knew finding the right match was crucial, pick the wrong one and you could have the whole police force after you. This is why Klecko made sure to come early to work, it meant a quieter work place and the less he had to look over his shoulder. He pulled every file they had on the latest detainees that were locked behind their bars. First was Omar Rodrick , black male, forty-five, car mechanic from the Bronx, owns a car shop on Park Avenue, brought in for drunken disorderly. Klecko eyes were on this man, but he couldn't see a possible way of taking him on, without trying to stalk him through the night, it was too much of a risk, the man was nearing six feet-six inches, someone who could hold his own. Off to another.

              “ Let’s see what’s behind door number two.” He muttered to himself.

              He waved to passing colleagues through the window, as they had just come in to start their day. He was on the look out for Harkness, he had the habit of sticking his nose into others people’s business, an annoyance  when it came to questions, Klecko wasn’t in the right state to deal with him at the moment, one wrong word and he might have to snap Harkness's neck. That would definitely bring a halt to his plans.

              “ Still time to turn back.” He could hear the voice in his head say to him. But he continued on.

              Second on his list was a seventy year old woman, he wasn’t in the mood in seeing her rap sheet. She reminded him of his own grandmother back in Ireland. “ Lucky you.” He said to the photo.

              “ I want everything on my fucking desk!” He could hear Harkness voice in the distances, barking orders on some poor desk jockey. No doubt having a bad day at home with the family. Though in the past month or so, it seemed Harkness was in a worst foul mood than usual. Klecko wasn’t sure why, but if he knew Harkness, he was a creature of habit, a routine was how he planned out his days and life. Something must have disrupt that. Klecko couldn’t help but chuckle, it was refreshing to see him in such anguish.

              The third file pulled up was , Denise Hillshire, a small time hooker/call girl, was picked up last night for possession of cocaine and heroine. This was the third time she had been arrested for drug possession, she was forcefully instated into a drug rehab institution when she was sixteen, ran away, and now it looked like she was in the streets selling her body just to support her habit. She was being let go in twenty-four hours, she was a small fish that was wasting tax payers money, they just wanted her to kick the drugs out of her system before she was released back into society. He could feel the tear run down his face, she was perfect in every way. “ Thank you, Jesus.” But perhaps he was thanking the wrong God.

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