The Perfect Woman (20 page)

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Authors: Jesse Abundis

BOOK: The Perfect Woman
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              Klecko toppled over to the pavement like a lover who just climaxed, he reached down to feel the bulge poking from under his pants. He never expected himself to be this excited.

              He looked at his watch, it was 11:15 PM. He knew every second mattered, this was no time to enjoy his first kill, there was still much work to do. He dragged the dead lifeless body with a smile, feeling so alive in this hour of blood. He tossed her  in the back of the car, letting a few droplets of blood splattered onto the floor. In a city like this, that would be overlooked without a second thought and he knew once the body was wiped clean and dumped, this city would never mourn her death. People like Denise always came with an added incentive, they were the city’s forgotten children, what was one life, when there were so many.

              He climbed back into the car and wasted no time speeding away, he needed to be as far as possible from the crime scene. 
burn it, burn it , burn it ,
He turned his head back to the dead body, hearing that prayer escape the dead lips of Denise Hillshire. He kept his eyes on the body for a few seconds, until he forced himself to  shake  such silly notions away from his head. He took a deep breath and stared at the dark highway, knowing his path had change, his life as he knew it, was no more. Klecko smiled as he drove deeper into the darkness. Where it would take him, was anyone’s guess.










Chapter 37

Speak Prophet Speak!

Three Years Ago


“ We're all lost wolves. Searching for a purpose in this world, trying to silence that demon lurking within us. The one banging at the walls. We will give it what it wants just to have a moment to think, a moment to breathe. How fools we are, cause the drink will never satisfied the beast, it will demand  more, it will keep you hunting till you've reach the end of your rope. But fear not, brother, you see, I know a way to free you from such demon, I know a way to make you the man you were before you walked down this path of blood. But you need to prove to me, you really want salvation.”

              “ I do. I want salvation.”



Chapter 38




For a man that had just committed cold blooded murder, Detective Brian Klecko slept peacefully. He spent the night wiping his prints and the late Denise Hillshire off the truck, broke the windows out, letting the blood stain glass trickle to the pavement, where it would be crushed and destroyed with time. The truck was left at a gang infested street, letting the vermin of Harlem pick the car clean, thus washing away every piece of evidence that could link him.

              The body was tossed at a run down alley, where a lot of working girls ended up dead and abandoned, he was sure they wouldn't mourn or look into it, it was just part of life in the big city. Klecko didn’t return back to his apartment until Four in the morning. He listened to his police scanner, for a good two hours, seeing if anyone called in the dead girl, only to past out in his bed. Awaking to the sound of a clock radio that was set to go off at the stroke of noon, which puzzled him, he didn’t remember setting the alarm, seeing how he was using his time off to recoup himself before going back to work.

              “ What the fuck?” He cleaned the drool from his mouth, he looked around his room, trying to get a sense of things. He was still dressed in the black camo jacket and jeans. He knew he would have to burn the clothes, he couldn’t risk keeping them, the past needed to disappear, for good.

              Still trying to collect himself, he reached for his handgun that was in his drawer beside his bed, something in the back of his mind told him to be on guard. Suddenly a chirping sound began to echo from inside of his pocket, his heart froze for a second, seeing as his own cell phone was on the nightstand and not in the pocket of his pants. He dug his hand in, wrapping his fingers around the vibrating item, retrieving a hello kitty cell phone. “ Who the hell ? “ He saw the text message on the phone, that laid one simple message.


              Klecko dug his nails into his skull, he pounded his fist onto his bed, he could hear and feel everything crumble around him. Someone had seen him kill Denise Hillshire. A second later another message appeared.


              He pulled back the trigger of the gun, and stormed into his living room, ready to put a bullet to any poor sap who was standing. Only to be welcomed with the view of balloons, confetti, pictures scattered on the floor and a banner that read, “ Happy 1ST
“ Klecko lowered his aim, and bent to the floor to pick up one of the photos. “ Holy shit.” It was a snap shot of him holding the knife, that was coming down onto the chest of Denise Hillshire, every photo seemed to match one another, telling the whole story. “ Fuck, this can’t be happening.” Klecko ripped the banner down in anger cursing as he did it. In that instant another text came through.




Klecko looked at the open curtains to his apartment, putting together what the context meant, the person who set this up was watching from one of the other buildings across of him. He quickly ran to close the curtains, give his would be stalker his last view of things.

              Everything around him seem to run in slow motion as each blind closed, he could only imagine how his stalker might be laughing their ass off at the panic detective that thrived his entire life on putting away the demented, here he was caught in the same situation they had once been, when the world around them was falling apart. With each passing second his breathing became more erratic, he could feel his heart trying to burst from his chest, thumping harder with each passing moment, it wasn‘t until the entire room was in darkness he could breathe again.

              He looked at the cell phone, staring at the text message for a few more minutes, scared out of his wits, fear of what would happen if the people found out, his name would be drag into the mud, his family back in Boston would have to bare the weight of his shame and heinous acts. But who did this, why him, why was this person watching. “ This isn’t a fucking random act, they’ve been watching for awhile. Who the fuck is it!?” Klecko spoke to himself trying to put everything together. The sweat poured down his forehead and it had nothing to do with the heat.


              The new text message read. Klecko replied with a  message of his own. “ Who are you? “


              He sighed as he put the cell back into his pocket and walked into the kitchen, were he was surprised to find a gift wrapped box, with a nice pink bow tied around it, placed so elegantly at the center of the table. He aimed his weapon at the box as though waiting for the thing to come alive and attack him. He poked the box with his foot, but nothing came flying out. He slowly undid the bow, which he could feel was made out of silk. Such an expense taste of his would be blackmailer. He hesitated in whether to open the box, what could be inside it, a bomb, a snake, an empty gift to single his last seconds of life? He shook away the fear, and took a deep breath, before pulling the box open, “ Jesus, Christ!” He jumped back, his face turning whiter than it was, as the sever head of Denise Hillshire stared at him,  her eyes wide open, the same look she gave him as the knife pierced into her heart.

              The cell phone inside of his pocket began to ring, the caller ID read “Unknown Caller.” Klecko cleaned the sweat running down his lip with his sleeve before answering the call. “ Hello?” He quivered.

              “ I never thought you’d go through with it, Detective, ” The voice on the other line was distorted, done on purpose, to keep Klecko guessing who his blackmailer could be. “ but you proved me wrong. So, how does it feel ?”

              “ What do you want!” Klecko screamed at his blackmailer. “ Do you want money, is that it?”

              “ Don’t belittle me, Detective, you should be thanking me, after all, I just saved your ass.” Klecko scoffed at him. “ You spit on the poor girl before you killed her. Your spit got into her mouth, last I looked, D.N.A could be traced back that way, besides her little kick made a small gash on your lower lip.” Klecko ran his hand on his lip, the proof was there, that was one part he had overlooked, he was caught in the heat of the moment, his emotions got the better of him. “ Some of your blood was on the toe nails of that poor girl.”

              “ Who cares, no one was going to look into it!” Klecko fired back. “ She was a good damn useless whore, no one would shed a tear!” He screamed into the phone

              “ Detective, you still have a lot to learn.” His blackmailer said. “ You’ll thank me, you truly will.”

              “ And tell me why you would help me, what makes us such good buddies?”

              “ Detective, you’re hurting my feelings. You helped me, nay, saved me. The way I look at it, I have your back, you have mines. Our paths have intertwined with one another. Your actions affect me and my actions affect you.” How haunting those words sounded coming from the blackmailer, so real, so passionate, you’d think they were blood related.

              Klecko pressed the gun into his eye socket, feeling the need to pull the trigger. “ Not if I kill myself right now.” He told his blackmailer.

              “ True, but you won’t do it.” He laughed at Klecko.

              “ How would you know!?” Klecko pulled the trigger back.

              “ You‘re a creature of habit, my friend.” He chuckled. “ You won’t stop until you fully understand it.”

              “ How long have you been watching me?” Klecko asked.

              Only to receive a cryptic message.“ It all goes back to those sleepless nights, detective.”

              “ What does that have to do with any of this?” Klecko wonder.

              “ How damage you are.” He chuckled. “ But we’ll save this chitchat for another time, I’ll be watching you, detective

              “ Wait, God damn it.” Klecko wanted to keep him on the line, but before he knew it, his blackmailer was gone.“ What have I gotten myself into.” Muttered Klecko, as he drop the phone on the floor.



Chapter 39

Who's The Killer?


The cries of an infant engulfed the hallway, the windows of Karen’s apartment complex gave view to an oak tree and a white burring house in the distance. A barefooted Karen chase a black hooded man, whose footsteps left a pool of blood in his wake. He mocked Karen each time she failed to keep pace with him, taunting her to keep up or lose him forever. The tears ran down her face as she was running, out of breath with each thunderous  movement, giving the hooded man a greater length of distance. How it tear her soul apart.

              Each passing door she saw the missing girl’s in the case files, each one eying her, wondering if she can catch their killer. “ Don’t let us down, You have to stop it all, before time runs out.” Each one echoing a heave of warning to her. “ You can catch him.” the door in front of each victim slamming shut on sequence.

              “ You’ll never catch me. “ Her killer told her. “ You wouldn’t know what to do with me if you caught me. It‘s not as simple as you think. A dog chasing cars, that‘s what you are, you just run and run, but you have no clue what to do.”

              Karen eyes raged with hate. “ I’d fucking kill you, make you pay for what you did, you took those people's lives!” She yelled at him.

              The black hooded man stopped running and turned to face her. “ Could you really kill me?” He asked a speeding Karen that was seconds of colliding into him.

              “ Yes!” She screamed at him with all her might as she leap towards him,  out of the corner of her eye, she could see Scott standing beside her. “ What are you doing here?” She said to him, as her body floated towards the killer.

              “ You still don‘t get it do you,” He shook his head in disgust. “ Everything pouring back  is the truth,” With each word he spoke, his body began to crumble like dirt. “ it’s crushing you, it’s killing who you were, you can’t fight it, you just have to embrace it.”

              “ Shut up!” She screamed, the words thunder down the hallway peeling off the paint from the walls.

              “ Just open your eyes and see the real you.” Scott whispered into her ear as she floated to the killer. “ See who you really are.” The killer pulled the hood back slowly, revealing to Karen,  that she was chasing none other than herself. Her eyes widen with shock, she didn’t want to believe it, she wanted that smirking face to vanish into thin air. “ You know it was you from the start, don’t deny it.”

              Karen tried to stop her momentum from crashing into her other self, but she was no longer in control of her body, she was being lunged by a higher power, something beyond her own control. All she could do was scream at the top of her lungs as she collided, shattering both of them, sending buckets of blood spraying into the air, the pain was unbearable, but she could see both of them merging together. “ This is how it has to be, this is how it will be.” Scott words echoed from every angle.

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